post edited due to horrible subs, please refer to the post below for quality subs.
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post edited due to horrible subs, please refer to the post below for quality subs.
The forum told me to post. ;) So I'll say I haven't really been all that entralled by this arc. Just haven't gotten into it yet. Hopefully it will pick up.Quote:
Hello Azonalanthious it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?
btw, Marik - I keep wondering, where is your Avatar image from?
Azu-nyan from K-On!
Juugo just pulled a Big-O move.
This wasn't actually a bad episode. The beginning was quite slow with all the standing still and talking and the fights were the most pitiful ever until Juugo's turn. Those nameless dudes did nothing but stand still and wait to get cut. How exactly does that make Sasuke and the water guy strong? Konohamaru could have beaten them if they did nothing but stand and stare.
Surprisingly enough I enjoyed the scene showing how easily distracted Naruto and Ero-Sennin are. Although that was the only Naruto scene I liked in this ep.
It's quite funny how completely Karin changes every time she's alone with Sasuke. And Sasuke doesn't seem to have a clue... He would have right there a fine opportunity to start to rebuild the Uchiha clan. But I suppose they can't show such a thing in a kids' favorite tv show.
that was funny when suigetsu is it "he actually went to orochimaru of his own free will. must've had a screw loose". and then it showed sasuke xD
ahaha, good call. that scene was awesome. but then uh.. yeah that was the only good one.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I just finished watching the last few episodes that aired after the last filler arc ended and it surprised me just how bad they were. Now I remember why I stopped watching, it wasn't just because of all the filler in every episode. The overall quality of shippuden is terrible. It's hard to believe that this is still Naruto.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
It also amazes me that the directors seem to have forgotten how to properly animate a fight scene. The fights in this episode were terrible and they even managed to mess up the Sasuke vs Orochimaru scene. Which was a very simple fight scene in the manga that took no more than a few pages.
This really bothers me as some of the absolute best fight scenes in all of Naruto are coming up soon and not only does the animation quality suck but the directors have no idea how to do a proper fight scene and if they continue to inject as much filler in each episode as they are currently doing then they will do an even worse job with the upcoming battles than they did during the Hidan and Kakuzu arc.
I'm sure the filler must bother even some of the die hard anime fans. I mean seriously what was with the seagull constantly flying over Sasuke in the last episode. Anyway I'm not going to point out every single terrible filler scene they have added since Shippuden has started.
One other thing that I should mention that has really been bothering me is the dialogue in these episodes. I don't know who to blame for that, I don't know if the studio is just being lazy or if the translators are just doing a terrible job but the dialogue is the thing that annoyed me the most about these episodes. I might be making too much of this but the way they presented Juugo was rather inaccurate.
Oh and speaking of Konohamaru I was looking forward to seeing him again but I see they decided to skip over that as aswell.
The scene was okay but I really didn't like it. It was kinda unnecessary and they seem to be trying to beat it into our heads that Jiraiya is just an older idiotic white haired version of Naruto, he isn't by the way, and if this keeps up it's going to make it really hard to take him seriously later. Anyway.......Quote:
Surprisingly enough I enjoyed the scene showing how easily distracted Naruto and Ero-Sennin are. Although that was the only Naruto scene I liked in this ep.
-It's a real pain when the browser refuses to let me edit my posts:(
wow that sub was terrible. I tried to put up with the subs and then the sound went out of sync. save yourself the effort of linking that group. if they were the only ones subbing naruto I'd stop watching the anime.Quote:
Originally Posted by vizion
Indeed, redcat.
They also left in parts of the commercials, which made it go out of sync even more. If they are going to release anymore episodes, they should invest in a QC.
They actually didn't skip that, they showed it a long time ago in one of the filler episodes for some reason. But they cut out the Sasuke/Sai part of it. Apparently 2 lesbians are ok, but not 2 men.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
As for the animation, you're right it's terrible right now. But I'd be willing to bet money the upcoming fight is going to be animated very well, similar to how good episodes 85-88 were.
I don't think they've forgotten how to do a proper fight scene at all, they just only do it for important canon fights. Shikamaru vs. Akatsuke looked amazing. Sasuke vs. Oro looked like shit, but then, very little actually happened in that fight. There's hasn't been a real important battle since then.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
I totally agree that the filler content jammed into canon episodes has pretty much ruined this series though. I've already made up my mind that I'm not going to buy Shippuuden when it starts coming out on DVD. It's just too hard at this point to separate the good parts from the crap.
Oh really that is just weird, and how could they leave out the Sasuke X Sai part. The whole point of that scene was just to show that Sakura is as much as a pervert as the rest of them.Quote:
Originally Posted by arondruiz
I'm not going to hold my breath. I wasn't all that impressed by the overall quality in that arc because it really lacked consistency. In the beginning when Asuma was fighting Hidan, the quality was average at best then it gradually got better but it peaked right before the real action started. That episode when Shikamaru and the others were gearing up to avenge Asuma was by far the best episode, quality-wise, in that entire arc. Then by the time Naruto showed up the quality was little better than it is right now.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
In my opinion the last really good fight scene there was in Shippuuden was back when Gaara fought Deidara and that was a long time ago.
Originally Posted by redcat
sorry about that. i should have done a quality check before posting it. they were complete garbage.
We'll just have to agree to disagree then because I felt that the second battle between Shikamaru and Akatsuki was easily in the top 3 of all of Naruto in terms of quality.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Kakashi appeared for 3 seconds and stole the best part of the episode. Really, I mean it.
By Shippuuden standards, this episode was alright. I didn't like all the switching back and forth though.
As for the quality of Shippuuden, it certainly doesn't match the old days.
I'm all for shitty animation if that means they're saving their budget for the bigger fights that are soon to come up
But if they manage to even fuck that particular fight up i think i'll delete all my shippuden episodes out of pure spite lol
I'd save episode 82 and 85 if i were you ^^
This is just a difference of opinion, but what about Orochimaru/Sarutobi, Sasuke/Naruto, Gaara/Rock Lee? (Actually not a personal favorite, but it was pretty cool and well liked) Lee/Kimimarou? I even liked the Sakura/Sasori and Naruto/Orochimaru fights better.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
I didn't think the art was so great during Hidan + Kakauzu (pt 2). As far as I remember, the art during the Shikamaru/Hidan fight was the same old animation they regularly use (basically cell shaded stills with joints). The art in the Kakashi/Kakuzu fight was different at times, but I didn't like the direction they went in. Sakura/Sasori did this sometimes too: Sakura and Kakashi looked/moved like the Guren Lagann -- using a particular Gainax-like style of deformation and motion blur to denote "speed".
Yeah, it's the same animation style they used during Sasuke vs. Orochimaru(Chuunin exam), Oro vs. the 3rd, and Naruto vs. Sasuke 2, two of those you listed as your favorites.
That's basically their "go to" animator for their most badass fights. The thing is, they rarely use him for entire fights. He usually just does one entire episode, and since fights like that are rarely ever one episode long, he usually just does the most action intensive episode of the fight.
For the record, I'd say my favorite fights are:
5. Sakura & Chiyo vs. Sasori
4. Lee vs. Kimimaru
3. Team Shikamaru vs. Hidan & Kakuzu
2. Naruto vs. Sasuke 2
1. Lee vs. Gaara
im so glad it's back on track now i gave up on naruto after they went into the latest filler with the crystal lady, i gotta say although the series isnt as good as when it first started.. episodes 112-117 were pretty entertaining (maybe because i watched them in one sitting) too bad there's no episode this week..
I was reading a Japanese blog that is specifically dedicated to posting all the animation info. They think that the animation has dropped because most of the good animation staff is working on the movie, but the movie is done now and things will go back to normal starting with Kakashi Gaiden.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
No horrible sub release yet?
Nope, just get Taka's version. Their releases are better than HS' anyway.
That's a pretty good list, I would put Gaara Vs Kimimaro instead of Lee Vs Kimimaru, children shouldn't drink. Talking about the upcoming fights, they better use their best animators, I wouldn't stand another Gaara Vs Deidara, the pace was too slow and the animation was bad.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
drunk lee rampage on kimimaro is seriously the best 6 minutes of the entire anime.
The animation, the art, the music, and the choreography was all perfect.
I would add Sasuke vs Orochimaru to that list for the animation alone
Way too short for a fight, and I just didn't like the snake Orochimaru... And the winged Sasuke doesn't help either.
I was thinking he meant the one in the Forest of Death, during the Chunin Exams.
Exactly. I was never a sasuke fan but he handled that fight brilliantly, not to mention how impressive it was that a genin was actually able to "harm" a saninQuote:
Originally Posted by Marik
Heh, Naruto is still a genin.
Originally Posted by Archangel
did he actually "harm" him? I just thought Orochimaru was measuring his abilities.
Well he certainly didn't see that sharingan shruiken attack coming so that alone gives sasuke uber points for short lived ownage
And i'd assume he was hurt a little, he did scream didn't he? ( god i hope he was screaming of pain and not something else... )
Sasuke was impressive for even doing damage to Oro, that much is certain. I wouldn't put it past Oro to scream just for show though.
Remember how the Third did an Earth Style landslide attack on him on the rooftop (or was it a fire attack?), and he screamed as went down?
"Quit faking it."
Hard to argue with that. It's just, that ONE little bit after he gets up and the music kicks in, it's just 100% own.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn