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ok, so first he steals the guys dreams, then he steals the girl and after that he steals the body?
Negato was a shitty friend for Yahiko.
So, next chapter is when Yahiko dies. I wonder how Yahiko's body matured even after his death as a kid.
At least there's still One Piece to look forward to.
Well it's pretty obvious that Yahiko will die later and Nagato decide that he will make Yahiko the god he wanted too become even after death and used him as his main body. And in a way he succeeded. Pain is revered as a god by many. And Pain single handedly did all that damage to Konoha, the biggest and strongest military force in the world. I would say they made their dream come true.
BTW was Tiny one of Pains summons? I forgot if I'm confusing Kiba and his dog technique that they used in the Sound four fights, but i seem to recall a dog summon that had the Renningan. So could it be that he made a summon out of Tiny? And that it might have been his first time making something with those chakara rods? But then again he didn't seem to have anything special when Jiraya trained them and from what i can tell that comes after this.
Yahiko is obviously still alive for a good several years past this point, since he's around when they're training with Jiraiya.Quote:
Originally Posted by Rikudo
@poopdeville: I read some one piece spoilers....jesus, you have no idea how awesome the next chapter is.
Well that was kind of a simplistic explanation for his God complex ...
Oh well maybe naruto was getting too awesome for its own good, a couple of slow chapters won't kill me.
Why must dogs die in Anime everytime? Akamaru better watch his back.
Not a bad ep for being all in the past. Didnt mind the slow down - like Archangel said. Next week should be good as well.
Pretty sweet how they came upon the Sannin, watched their fight and decided that they wanted to approach them after. (it goes on for a few pages)Quote:
Originally Posted by TwisT
Hard to say if that (or any of them) is Tiny. But it's plausible -- Pein's creatures were freaky.
@assertn: I saw what you mean.
Don't think this flashback will last too long, might see something of them from after Jiraiya trained them and see how Yahiko becomes a body for Nagato.
Originally Posted by kAi
I hope not. I was looking forward to it originally, but so far its been neither informative nor entertaining.
In fact, so far it has done a disservice to Pein. He had a mysterious aura of badassardry about him before, and thus far this flashback seems to have reduced him to an emo kid, who grew up to start his own trench coat mafia in order to get back at everyone who was mean to him.
Seems like you missed all the parts where Pein was talking about how he wanted to show the world pain. He even explained his goal and plan to Jiraiya.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sidnne
Your glib assessment is stupid anyway. There's a big difference between being bullied by a jock, and seeing your friends and family murdered by warring nations. The Trenchcoat Mafia wasn't even involved in Columbine anyway.
Originally Posted by poopdeville
Do you ever think before you post? Seriously...
You're the one that said it... was your first post supposed to be sarcastic or something? Yahiko was always clear about his motives.
What a worthless chapter.
I'm just waiting to see how Pain transitioned into being just evil as shit. He looks like a sweet kid thus far.
Also seeing Salamander Hanzou again made this chapter worth it. Even if it was just his face once. A character that was taking on Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru at the same time? Maybe they weren't in their prime yet, but that's quite a feat.
The longer this goes on the less I see Natuto putting a rasengan in Nagatos face. I hope the fuck(nagato) at least keels over dead after the story. There is no way he can walk out of this alive.
Yeah, you would think with all the internal bleeding he has going on, he's going to bite the dust anyways, but it doesn't look likehe's out of charka. But Pein speaks of the pain of losing things, and he is teaching that lesson to Naruto he claims, but at the same time it is obvious that he has a deep bond with Konan, perhaps, just perhaps, if Naurto battles with Konan and before the death blow (I'm assuming Naruto wins) he proves to Pain that no matter how much you've lost there's always something left to hold on to, and you should fight to protect it, not destroy it. And Pain realizes the error of his ways and they form a new group called the Holding Hands Posse and they get everyone together in Konoha and fuedal Japan and they all hold hands or else, and there is the peace Jiraya dreamt of.
Well everything except for that holding hands thing....
I don't think there is a chapter next week.Quote:
Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
Nope, since this was a "double issue", whatever that means...Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
Pff, what a rip off. I want my free weekly entertainment, damn it!
:eek: !GAH! I've been trolling all this time for an update this week for nothing? Bloody hell! I suppose thats the life of an anime/manga fan, neh?
Anyone think that Pain/Pein's (?) trump card might be Jiraiya? I mean, shouldn't he have tried to use his body?
And a quick question if anyone knows the answer, what does the rinnegan do? He's essentially controling six puppet bodies or something like that right now, but what exactly are the rinnegan powers? When he killed those guys as a kid, he didn't have any puppet bodies or anything like that.
This came up before. Jiraiya mentioned that Nagato is able to use all six elements, which no one person can do, and that the rinnegan possesses the most powerful doujutsus in the world. On top of that, from everything that was said they make it seem as if Rikudo sennin was omnipotent. However other than chibaku tensei, Pain hasn't shown us anything near that level and he himself said his chibaku tensei is nothing compared to what Rikudo supposedly could do.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sam98034
I mentioned this before but I think at some point something happened to them that resulted in Nagato's body being in the condition we presently see it in and in order to compensate for that weakness, he began using the other six bodies and created Pain. Most people disagreed with me though. Most seem to think that Nagato made his body the way it is in order to gain power which seems to contradict what Jiraiya said. Indeed if all the things that was said about Rikudo and the rinnegan are true then Nagato would have only made himself weaker.
Either way I guess we'll find out what the case is soon.
Yes, I do recall the 6 elements and the best eyes deal...but I don't think we've seen anything like that at all. What powers do the eyes actually have? It seems that whatever powers the rinnegan have, Pain isn't using them. He doesn't even use elemental attacks, unless you wan't to call things like gravity, summoning, and eating chakra, elements. He seems to be using a kind of long-range mind control/puppet technique. Maybe this back story will help us understand what his powers should be and how they ended up doing what they do now.
Oh yeah, I guess he can make it rain.
Bringing back Jiraiya from the dead would be too predictable.
What we need now is a revived Hanzo to fight Naruto!
Originally Posted by Sam98034
- quickly master various jutsus
- use basic forms of nature manipulation
- see chakra
- see through reanimated corpses' visions
I am very sure Pain has used his Rinnegan to his fullest extent. You're forgetting also that complicated jutsu are a combination of two or more different elemental attacks. Besides, the fact that Nagato is using jutsu that he developed surely implies that his jutsu are stronger than ones he has already encountered, which leads to deduced speculation that his jutsu are self-proclaimed "the strongest".
I don't remember "eating chakra" either.
Also, the Sage of Six Paths (the first one with Rinnegan) was also the first one to use ninjutsu. I believe that statement actually means something significant to Nagato's power.
I want to believe that we are about to enter a hand to hand combat phase that would be awsome, if the writer so chose to make it go that way, its the only thing they could do to make this more amazing, basically make him disconnect from his chakra device and regain normal weight and be able to use those 6 elemental abilities. I don't think Pain is at his limits just yet.. But a kid can dream can't he?
That's probably what the case is, but it's still just speculation right now. We don't know if he can master various jutsus quickly, but he probably can. I can't remember what elemental jutsus he's used or when he saw chakra, did I miss that? (Naruto's doesn't count since everyone can see that when he goes kyubi) He can see through reanimated corpses, which probably has something to do with the rinnegan and that machine he uses. And the 'eating chakra' thing, I meant that fat guy that absorbs attacks. I guess all his attacks could be an eye thing, but it seems like the rinnegan are a lot different than the other eye skills that are more pronounced in their abilities then. The sharingan's and byukagan's abilities are pretty obvious when used, you can see exactly what part they play. If he is using his eyes, it's not that obvious what the eyes are actually doing.Quote:
Originally Posted by enkoujin