Out by GSS
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Thanks a lot for that link! I was quite looking forward to this one! Did not think it would be out today. Cheers Ben!
What a kick in the balls after such a happy positive "everyone joining forces to defeat the massive debris field" scene. (btw saving people from getting smushed is all well and good but they still filled the air with billions upon billions of tiny metal fragments which are still going to rain down upon the affected area, I'm sure that won't have any environmental effects....). Anyway, I like working together and I don't particularly care for debris so that stuff was good, Andrei on the other hand...I really hope he dies, preferably painfully both emotionally and physically. He knows the regular army was there surrounding the tower and I strongly doubt that he's been keeping tabs on his dad's postings and he also knows that his dad knew Hercules which could explain his proximity to his suit after this mess so he had no grounds to just start attacking without asking questions first. But noooooo, whiney emo boy just has to have revenge on daddy for mommy doing her fucking job and used the situation as an excuse. It's to bad being in A-LAWS makes him an Above the LAW Soldier or else I bet the HRL would hang his sorry ass for killing one of their best commanders for no good reason.
Marie has just got the perfect excuse to become a Gundam pilot... or at least recover her Mobil Suit from Louise and then go kill Andrei... damn that bastard...
Excellent episode overall.
The thing I took out of this is Sergei's wife is going to show up at some point in the remaining episodes.
Her telling Sergei to watch after Andrei the day before the battle she "died" in and them stating her body was never recover pretty much guarantee's she will show up. Its even possible she will show up as a bad guy to just make Andrei realize how much of a dick he was towards his father.
Andrei just took over as my least favorite character. Yuki said it well, that guy is such a pathetic bastard...
I like that they opened the episode with the flashback to what happened with Sergei's wife. That and the final scene book-ended the episode well.
I can't imagine all of those soldiers are going to just sit quietly after this... but the fact that next episode is another time skip should show us just what kind of backlash this event caused (if any...) 3 ship alliance ending, here we come. I actually laughed when the fat blond A-LAWS commander spat out that insane line about "wiping out years of human wisdom". Where do they find these people?
Ribbons really was more "I am Justice!" than ever in this episode. It was pretty unsightly, and you know he's just pissing Regene off more like that...
So did Bring's twin die? God I hope so. Ribbons, Tieria and Regene aside, all of these Innovators are just wastes of screen time.
Anew isnt a waste of screen time :)Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
It looks like things are getting hot between her and Lockon, that's something to look forward to :DQuote:
Originally Posted by TheBladeChild
I never really picked up on the "never found her body" bit, but that really does open up for adecoy shipHolly comeback. She'll have to explain where she went these past 14 years though.
Otherwise, good action episode, and I echo my hatred for Andrei. Louis too, for believing in him. Justifiable as her misunderstood vengeance is, I feel like slapping her every time I hear "Gundam!!!/Celestial Being!!!".
I'm willing to bet that no matter what the people underneath the African elevator saw, since no one actually survived the trip down the elevator, A-LAWS will spin this against the coup, CB, and Katharon, declaring their forces saved as many people as possible.
It was sad to see the Great Bear go, but on the other hand, it looks like Soma will come back. That dramatically increases the chances that Halleujah will return because no one else can calm her fiery wrath, Alleujah is admittedly too much of a pussy. I'm getting kinda tired of hearing, "Please don't make her fight," "It's not really fighting," etc. Marie may like her side job of delivering food aboard the Ptolemy, but she still has a good 6 years of memories as a soldier. She enjoys helping out, no matter what it is. Al keeping her tucked away where it is "safe," isn't that much different from when she was trapped in a box, unable to see, hear, or touch the rest of the world.
I can't really see why Holly would appear only after 14 years unless she's either a leader in Katharon or had horrible amnesia.
I'm hoping Kati (and Patrick) defect soon. Someone is going to have to sooner or later.
As totally and completely ridiculous as that is, it wouldn't surprise me. After all, the world in this show seems to have a much worse Internet than we do right now. It's like they lived 80's or something, when the information could still be somewhat effectively controlled by the government. If that indeed happens, I guess I will just switch my brain off for the rest of the episodes and watch this for the action alone (and Soma, of course).Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
What comes to Andrei the Idiot, surely he should be facing a court martial. Well, I suppose if nobody mentions him what he's old man was doing there and the A-LAWs will sweep the whole issue from the table (likely since they just killed all those people anyway), then it's a moot point. However, if it is revealed to him by anybody, he looks like the kind of person who would seek punishment for himself. That could be even more satisfying than somebody killing him.
Serguei dead ...
Now, if Ali dies, this show is over.
damn is there anything 00-riser cant do? this is getting ridiculous.
No chance in hell he'll be court martialed. In contrast, he'll probably get a hero's welcome (maybe a promotion) for killing the "leaders of the insurgency." Sergei's commanding officer sold Sergei out for a post as a General in A-LAWS. They knew damn well that Sergei was being eliminated, although they had probably hoped he would die aboard the station.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I think someone will eventually tell him.
Maybe Marie, but knowing Sunrise, it probably will be his mother (gone for how many years?). Maybe he'll have a mental breakdown, and JV Innovator Louise will call him a coward, followed by her savagery going full force until Saji sings her a lullaby or a deep-voiced love ballad through the 00-Riser.
Speaking of the Innovators, one died this episode, and I barely noticed. With him went the prototype for Louise's Empress Mobile Suit. I certainly hope the production model is considerably more capable. It seems like the only ones that really matter anymore are Anew and her twin Revive, Ribbons and Regene (not counting Louise and Tieria).
In my haste to condemn Andgay I totally forgot to address some of the other elements of this ep. I noticed no one has commented on the 00-Shining Finger Sword, now I know it was absurd and all but it still looked pretty awesome. Now that we've seen teleportation, soul linking/newtyping/anisible creation, and infinitely long swords I find myself starting to wonder insanely out of place ability will 00-Raiser demonstrate next.
And then there was the poor Empress prototype, Trans-00 destroyed it like it was a grunt suit. That got quite a laugh out of me especially since I didn't notice an escape pod which would indicate another Innovator pilot has been taken out.
FNLs, obviously.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
A huge sword was a dumb idea. It is not only energy inefficient, it is hard to control and easy to avoid. 2 pinpoint shots of the same magnitude can have a better effect than a slicing motion using 10x the energy (since it is a sustained release of energy).
what I find funny is what took all the gundams to work together and their ship to bring down the 1st Mori, just got totally trashed by one retarded motion of swinging from 00-Riser. Whats the point of team work when you have 00-Riser.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Man I hope Ribbons have a good doomsday gundam laying around somewhere. Please don't let it be Patrick, or Louise's mobile suit.
I excused them for it since they were in space last time, but now that the crew was on the ground, what happened to the Anti Super Orbital Weapon Gun they had?
a.k.a Dynames' Stratosphere Cannon.
wow totally forgot about that Buffalobiian. Sweet point. But I think I would of been even more pissed if they did it that way. I'm still lingering on the notion as to why they didn't use 00-Riser on the 1st one? the ship and the other gundams play decoy as setsuna charges up and attacks. Setsuna could of reached it faster with all the disappearing and reappearing act then the ship could, and probably saved more lives.
I believe this quantization ability allows the 00-riser to dematerialise, rather than teleport. At least not long-range teleport like you're suggesting.
Damn it, i know i wanted more screen time for Sergei but NOT in this manner.
Now that my favorite character is dead, i'm just gonna go and pretend this is G-Gundam #2 and enjoy all of the absurd special abilities.
K, this was a good episode but Andrei completely ruined it for me. Also loled when Marina said "if only our song reached them".
I'll forgive the writers for killing off Sergei if 00 final weapon is a giant heart shape beam of destruction that is fuel by the magic of Marina's song.Quote:
Originally Posted by 6Zabuza9
Nah. The final weapon will be a full Earth 00-field. Marina's song reaches everybody's heart and conflict ceases.Quote:
Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
Now go kill those writers ;)
As much as I agree with you on Marina's uselessness and naivete, it's not actually bad writing as such as long as they really feel compelled to give her screentime (which I assume is only because she will end up with Setsuna). She's just that kind of a person so incredibly stupid lines fit the character perfectly.
I just wish that the lyrics to her song weren't so horribly nauseating. It's sung by children (polling reveals children's chior is a leader as a musical style least liked) and the lyrics are all about eating food, seriously. I don't know how that could ever get people to become peaceful with each other.
I was disgusted with Marina when she said that. It's no surprise she'll be playing surrogate mom for these kids instead of doing anything useful with her influence. I guess she's always been a puppet ruler, no wonder Shirin left her.
I'll forgive the writers for killing Andrei (and even Ali for he can't live even if he is awesome) if they end up killing Mr emo-Bushido (Graham's coolness died last season) AND Marina.Quote:
Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
I can see why they're doing it, trying to link in the whole "politics are talked over dinner" thing. Doesn't make it any less annoying though.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
(I went on Hobbylink yesterday, and I saw an item listed:
1/144 Mr. Bushido's head
Turned out, I couldn't read. It was Mr. Bushido's Ahead. :o)
So it was almost a meter in diameter at that scale?Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
LOL I am so with you on that. I had the exact same reaction when I saw Marina spout that line :DQuote:
Originally Posted by 6Zabuza9
It was a great episode. I was a bit surprised at Sergei being killed off like that. It seemed a bit too forced...meaning it was not very logical. Just because his dad was there did not mean that he was with the terrorists. Ah anyway...
Another thing I noticed, considering how badass of a super soldier Hallelujah is supposed to be it seems to me that all throughout the show they have put him rather on the backburner especially when it comes to action. I mean I realize that his other personality who is more capable is gone...but wtf was that all about the GN particles waking him up....:confused: and not being used anymore...shame. I really like the Arios Gundam.
Well as we saw on last season's finale, Hal X Al pwns. Having his ability unlocked permanently would be like Trans-Am 00-riser at every fight - overpowered.Quote:
Originally Posted by digitalrurouni
GN particles waking him up was all about telling us he's not a complete pansy, but the cool stuff will have to wait.
more like 1mm :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
The head of mr. Bushido at a 1/144 scale would be like really small :D. If they could detail that, I'd be impressed :D. Although painting that would be a pain.
Yeah, though I think Ryll was referring to his blown-up ego.Quote:
Originally Posted by Harima Kenji