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Oh damn! Destructo-Kamehameha-Disc!
I hope the Kyuubi breaks loose and gives Naruto some Chakra.
And finally the Rasen-shuriken does honor to his name and flies.
Amazing chapter. Although I am kinda troubled at seeing yet 2 more rasengan variations.
Well, that goes with what Jiraiya said: doesn't matter if a ninja knows one technique or a million, its all in his (shounen) heart that counts.
lol my thoughts exactly. anyways naruto took down 2 pains with 2 rasengans. 4 more rasengans to go!!!Quote:
Originally Posted by Idealistic
Wow...if i hadn't had more experience reading manga...I'd probably be confused about what happened in this chapter.
I also would never have realized that the creepy frame of the frog eyes in the darkness would have been Naruto's.
This is coming from someone who took AP Calculus and Physics back in HS ladies and gentlemen.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
Yeah the only thing I'll give Naruto was his trapping the bodies inside Gambuntas mouth. That's all. The rasen, whatever the fuck it's called who gives a shit, still doesn't impress me. He still has to throw it. And it was done in the last chapter, it's already getting old seeing it done twice. And what was with him doing the double rasengan against Pains bodies again?! Wtf is that all about? I still want Pain to prove his namesake and completely own Naruto.
Decent. 4.4/10
shika's dad: if he's mastered the sage techniques. he's on a whole other level now. the best teamwork we can do right now is to not get in his way.
wasn't there once a message about teamwork and friendship in this story? or does it mean that helping each other is for weaklings, and real tough dudes don't need help from nobody.
but an awesome chapter, no less.
and now that naruto is out of chackra, it'd be easier for him to go kyuubi crazy. which is what I really want to see.
also, I don't think payne knows about the double rasengan, it looks like it blew his body up before being seen.
what a waste of the huge rasengan shuriken to only take out 1 body.
if Naruto simply overpowers Pein, it will be even more unrealistic. I'm surprised how powerful Naruto has become, but in the end, he never learned strategy and support jutsus, he just massed power and learned different variations of rasengan (which is pretty boring imo) I really wished Naruto would reason and talk with Pein, find out why he's destroying the village and what Akatsuki really wants, but Naruto never changes by being a dumbass who rushes into battle.
Hopefully we can see more of what Rinnegan can do, because if its used just to share vision across multiple bodies, it has no right to be called the strongest eye. Even Sharingan without Mangekyu is more useful than that.
Well, it's supposed to be the most powerful eye technique in the series. And be able to use to any technique. Although, I also think the EMS is equally as strong. I mean it lets Madara supposedly live forever and get older and more powerful. He can practically do anything he wants with it now. Teleport, control tailed beasts, control people, anything.Quote:
Originally Posted by February
About the proof for it, here you go:
I would actually like to see him make short work of Naruto copying the rasengan, summons, certain attacks he's seen other ninjas use. He should just run through tons of them in the battle with naruto. It seems to me that Kishi set it up that way with that page I posted up top. Now, with the end of the most reent chapter written like that , I'm guessing he's gong to use that as a push point in the story to get further. I would.
Diversionary tactics, stealth, and use of the environment to his advantage. Those are three things Naruto actually excels at, and has for a long time. And as far as diversionary tactics and use of the environment to his advantage, I don't think I've seen anyone better at those things in this entire series. I really, really don't understand why people keep saying he has no strategic abilities. Now that his sage energy's worn off, you're probably going to get to see yet another example of this.Quote:
Originally Posted by February
Asides from that, awesome chapter. I don't think I understand exactly what the Rasenshiruken did though. It expanded, and seemed to catch the long haired Pain, but he didn't seem to get cut in half, like the mountain tops during his sage training.
No more SSJ mode. What's the bet Sasuke's gonna waltz in any second to save him?
Its the Android saga all over again eh.
What Shikas dad said annoyed me. This entire manga has been about Naruto helping people out and getting them on his side, and now they're saying "Fuck him, we gotta stay away?"
Pains multiple bodies with all the jutsu types in the world is pretty much designed to require teamwork to take him down, they should be right in there kicking ass.
And if anyone was actually surprised about the rasenshuriken being thrown, they should just.. I don't even know...
The reason why Shikamaru dad told him to stay out the fight is because simply they would've got in Naruto way. It's the same with Kakashi fight with pein, even though Choji and his dad came and help Kakashi out in his predictment, Kakashi still had to protect Choji by using his last bit of Chakra.
If the whole village couldn't even take out one Pein body, and the condition everyone is from the explosion and the fights what could hurt ninjas do at a time like this? Even if they would've help out, Naruto would've had to protect them making the odds against Naruto himself even if they helped him out.
Naruto + helpful ninjas - Pein trying to hurt helpful ninjas- narruto protecting - other Peins getting to naruto since he helped the "helpful ninjas" leaving him wide open
Well now we know that Naruto was up at night working on the Rasenshuriken. I am just curious to know how he got around to it not tearing up his arm. He must be using the Sage Chakra somehow to protect himself.
The dual Rasengans were a nice touch, would have been lame to kill someone with one though. From what we saw, looks like he was able to make 2 of them. One in each hand by himself.
I really like Naruto being this strong. He has come a long way and although he might not be the smartest person, he works really hard. And that the message that Shonen wants to send, and I like it!
It was explain, when using sage technique the user gets alot stronger thus making them recover at a faster rate and the fact that Naruto already heals at a faster rate because of the Kyuubi makes him withstand the after math of the rasenshuriken.Quote:
I am just curious to know how he got around to it not tearing up his arm. He must be using the Sage Chakra somehow to protect himself.
What would it take for you to be impressed by it? How would you improve it?Quote:
Originally Posted by Dansetsu
No it wasn`t.Quote:
Originally Posted by Dansetsu
If it works... why fix what`s not broken?Quote:
Originally Posted by Dansetsu
I'm assuming since there are 4 Pain bodies left (I think), Naruto will barely kill 1 more then it will be the old Team 9 (Sasuke + Sakura + Naruto) vs the 3 other Pain bodies, though hopefully I am wrong cause that is just lame as hell..Quote:
Originally Posted by Uberbaka
Good call, I couldnt remember if I had seen that or not before.Quote:
Originally Posted by paper mache
I still want to see Gaara step in and help...
If anybody is going to step in the fight the most likely squad will be Guy's team. Since the fight with Pein, Tenten, Neji, Rocklee and Guy have been training in the woods since the time of Pein onslaught; they were heading to the village a couple of chapters ago, since Guy saw the birds flocking away from the village he assumed something had happen in the midst of training.Quote:
Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
(Most likely since the team is at full strength and it will be good opportunity to see Neji and Lee and Ten Ten too).
The whole "fuck teamwork" motto has already started back when Naruto fought Kakuzu. I was thinking the same thing about how it contradicts the whole series up till now, but technically Naruto's not fighting Pein alone - he's actually been pulling off some good teamwork with the three giant frogs and the elders.
Originally Posted by Assertn
Now thinking about the Kakuzu fight, your right it seems kishi is trying to do what he should've done along time ago which is molding Naruto into a worthy ninja making the fight one on one.
Just thinking about Naruto "sudden" powerup leads me to believe that he can actually withstand a fight with Sasuke and his powerups as well, either way it has to lead to that direction.
aw dang did i pick a gret time to start reading the manga. only caught up to it a couple days ago, and i'm glad i did. this chapter was amazing!
Thought there was only two Pein's left? Why are people saying four?
The Rasenshuriken did cut the Shang Tsung Pain. When it magically expanded, the blades of the jutsu shredded him apart. I don't see how that jutsu is not impressive to people.
Also I always assumed that the reason Naruto got hurt with the Rasenshuriken the first time he did it, was because he had to be at ground zero when it impacted. I don't think that just handling the jutsu is what causes harm, but the split second where Naruto is actually at the zone of impact before he pulls away is where the danger lies. Since he can throw it now, it should be fine.
Because people always have to find something to complain about. It's inscribed in our human nature.Quote:
Originally Posted by FireEmblem
Right. The teamwork with the frogs has been my favorite part of this fight so far. I'm impressed by the way they seem to work together seamlessly and are all on the same page without very much verbal communication.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
Also, I don't get why people are so annoyed about the teamwork thing. Yes, teamwork was emphasized early on in the manga, but a common theme in most manga (including this one) is that the weaker characters tend to stay back when a strong character is fighting a strong enemy so that the strong character can go all out.
Remember that Kishi was a huge DBZ fan and we see many similarities between the two manga; this is no different. Just about every time Goku fought, everyone else stayed back to let him fight so they weren't in his way, he didn't have to worry about protecting them, and he could use his full power without any of them getting hurt. Same situation here, as Naruto himself stated two chapters ago.
Yes, there are only two left. I can understand if people said three, because it was difficult so see what happened to the one who got caught up in the rasen-shuriken. But, it appeared he turned in a bird-creature and died? Perhaps that was its original form?Quote:
Originally Posted by joker-kun
I'm curious, why do you guys keep saying Naruto defeated X bodies and there are only X left. What makes you guys think they won't just get back up? I mean after Jiraiya I thought you guys would know better but then you guys said the same thing about Kakashi but that one got back up too and I see no reason why they won't recover here, especially considering how calm Pain is. Naruto can waste his charka doing whatever the hell he wants until I see otherwise I think its all for naught.
goddammit, can we please stop with the dragon ball z comparisons? holy jews, some people don't know when to let go of an old story.
I'm not surprised that Shikamaru and the rest of the village don't go rushing in to the fight, but the actual dialog was off-tune. it gave off the impression that Naruto is now on a different level and can no longer be bothered with people who are not magical like him.
I agree on the frog business, though, I think that this jutsu is the least developed jutsu naruto has. and this is the jutsu that should most connect him with jiraya's legacy. I hope that in the future, naruto's base jutsu, along with the kage bunshin, will be the frog summoning and not the rasengan.
I think you're giving Pain a bit too much credit of you believe he's even capable of regenerating his lost bodies during battle.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
As for Pain being calm, why wouldn't he be. Worst case scenario, he loses all his bodies and learns every single jutsu naruto is capable of. Next step, get a couple more bodies and absolutely destroy him in their next meeting.
Yes that is my point, although I really don't see it happening, even if Naruto manages to defeat all six Pains its still for nothing.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Well it did take him some time to get 1 body back, so getting all of them online should take a while.
If they're smart they'll figure out his secret and attack the rain country before he has the chance to recover.
We'll know Pain's done for when we get the flashbacks of his painful teenage years, why his friend died, why he became a raving psychopath yada yada yada...
Yeah and an infant could have predicted that he was working on that. That's whats lame. It's just a more nukier version of his old one. I'm sorry that I'm being a douche about Naruto's moves, but this is Kishis fault for waiting so goddamn long to make him decently strong. He made him mess up and bumble through everything up until Jiraiya got a hold of him and that wasn't even that long ago. So he hasn't been that strong. Now all of a sudden with the help of some frogs we're supposed to believe that he's decent? They aren't even ninjas for gods sake. They're fucking frogs.Quote:
Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
And I think I'm much more shallow than you guys. Because I think the main problem I have is that Naruto is dressed so weirdly and gay. I mean a flaming coat and capri's? Give me a break. Give the kid some decent ninja threads. Honestly, as stupid and shallow as it sounds I know, that's why I like Pain and the akatsuki more. Kishi designed them so well that I really don't think about anything else but the coat and battle outfit. I mean even if the rasengan was used by one of Pains bodies, I would actually think it looks cool. I'll give into the rasengan band wagon, because it is strong. I don't know why I just don't like Naruto or the way he looks.
I got neg rep just because I stated facts :rolleyes: anyways moving along, I wonder when they are going to give Naruto the scroll Jiraiya had for him.
Boo-fucking-hoo. The similarities are there, so they are going to get mentioned whether you like or not. God forbid reference to another manga be made. Some people need to chill and not cry like a bloodied vagina every time something they don't like is mentioned.Quote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
Yes, its very possible that they will get back up; we have seen it before. But, at the present time, there are only two bodies left standing and currently in the battle.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Again, it is possible the other bodies will rejoin the fight, but I don't believe they will. I get the feeling Kishi used the other bodies as a way of demonstrating the sage power and Naruto's development, which people have been longing for for quite some time. It is set up perfectly now for an epic battle between Pein and Naruto with only 2 of Pein's bodies still fighting and with Naruto out of sage chakra.
If the other bodies joined the fight at this point, then Naruto is toast, because who is going to be able to help him? Plus, I think I recall Pein saying something about the god realm not being able to resurrect the bodies again just yet? I think he said that after Naruto destroyed the first one a few chapters ago, but I could be mistaken about that.
That's not much of an answer. Tsunade said that rapid cycles of damage and healing would quickly kill him. He has to prevent the damage in the first place.Quote:
Originally Posted by paper mache
Boo-fucking-hoo. The similarities are there, so they are going to get mentioned whether you like or not. God forbid reference to another manga be made. Some people need to chill and not cry like a bloodied vagina every time something they don't like is mentioned.
DBZ references
Fucking stop it, you morons! I'm sick and tired of hearing about how many similarities you found on each episode. Nobody cares and everyone knows that Toriyama is Kishimoto's idol.
Naruto's been decently strong for a long time. His opponents post time skip were Orochimaru, Itachi, Deidara, Kakuzu, and now Pain. All of these guys are either current or former Akatsuki members, essentially the best ninjas this story has to offer. You'll have to excuse Naruto not being able to walk all over them. You'll also have to excuse the fact that he wasn't presented with a whole bunch of nobody ninjas to single handedly slay and maim like, say Sasuke or team Kakuzu got, to establish his badassedness.Quote:
Originally Posted by Dansetsu
As for the episode, while Naruto fought well, i found it strange how the summon suddenly had trouble with pain`s summonings when they seemed to manage just fine seconds ago, can`t wait to see what will happen to the other 2 Pains.
Removed off-topic crap
I thought it was painfully obvious that the reason the Ransenshuriken didn't hurt him (or as much?) was because he threw it. It used to probably hurt him because he held it as he slammed it into his opponent. The Sage Chakra might be a plausible one too, but I thought it was the way he went about using it.
You could be right, because when he was training it didnt hurt him,it seems like it only hurts him on impact. So maybe using the Sage Chakra to keep it spining is the trick?Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
I'm looking forward for the Rain ninjas to appear and stall Pain while Naruto recovers.
Thanks, pal.
Hmm. Why does the sage chakra tire him out? I realize he wont be able to stay in that mode for forever but they said that he is taking in the energy from around him. Whatever good chapter. I wonder if the two remaining pain bodies are still stalling to recharge the "god realm" pain. That seems to be the real one. because that one wasnt with them when jiraiya fought.
His body can't handle all that power for long periods of time
And God Realm is the body with the "force", not the original body.
Unless Naruto goes 4 Tails at least, he is getting captured. (More-or-less since Pein > Jiraiya > 4 Tails)
The Kyuubi is Madara's left eye, which is why he wants it back so damn much.
The climax of this arc will be Sasuke's decision to save or not save Naruto. No matter which he chooses, Kishimoto will rig it up so Sasuke is playing into Madara's hands.
Do you envision a scenario where Naruto gets captured, a party of our usuals go after him, then return to Konoha to find that it's under the control of Roots? Something along those lines?Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
I've been envisioning a Konoha civil war ever since that smiley kid appeared. Unfortunately, Pein kinda destroyed the setting where a civil war could take place =P But internal ninja bickering with Danzo would be pretty cool, as long as that old man dies eventually.
That is definitely a strong possibility. I personally think Konoha is dead as a military power -- with or without Roots in control. But certainly Naruto's immediate need can lead Kakashi (if he survives), Sakura, Shikamaru, maybe Tsunade, or some others to go after him.Quote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
On the other hand, there's still that "Child of the Prophecy" stuff. Naruto is supposed to lead a revolution that will change the world. But that can't happen unless Pein wins.
I can't get too specific about my predictions. I just see potential for Berserk-styled awesomeness. :0)
I dont think that the Kage's ever really leave the village unless it is on business. To do so leaves their village in to much danger. But I could see the rest of it happening. Although since it is a Shonen series, it will probably come down to Team Gai and the Rain Nin stepping in to help at the last minute, and Pein will retreat. Naruto will run around looking at what he caused just for living in Konoha and them he will decide to leave...Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
Sasuke, "Nobody kills Naruto but me!"Quote:
Originally Posted by Raven
But seriously, I want to see Sasuke appear in the middle and have his chidori shield explode and save the day.
In their last fight, Sasuke's biggest advantage was being able to predict Naruto's attacks with his Sharingan and dodge then counter. Now that Naruto has Sage mode, even if you dodge his punch, it still hits.
I really hope they get to fight one another before they become friends again or something.
I also think it will be team Gai that backs Naruto up. I can't see Sasuke coming into play during this battle, it would be too much epicness.
Now that Naruto has expended his Sage mode, it would be awesome if the Naruto that pwned all those Peins was actually a Kage Bunshin and the real Naruto was the one hanging back gathering Sage chakra.
Originally Posted by Spaceaprion
last time, Naruto had that ability. the nine-tails energy went away and attacked on it's own. exactly like the sage chackra.
Sasuke won that fight by somehow beating the bigass kyuubi rasengan motherfucker with a chidori.
Actually he used his sharingan hax to dodge the rasengan while punching the chidori right through naruto's stomachQuote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
Originally Posted by Archangel
Actually, I always wanted to believe that Naruto could have killed him that time, but instead, just wanted to prove to Sasuke that he could in fact put a scrach on his forehead protecter, just like sasuke said he couldn't.
There would be much more symbolism in that.
As for today's thing, someone called that out a long time ago, where they said the first time we saw RasenShiriken we thought it could be thrown and at that time was the ability to wow us, instead we get gayed and when it finally does get thrown its like whatever, who cares now. I salute you on that call way back when the Rshirken came out.
I like how this episode went, but I'm hoping we something way cooler from Naruto before Team Gai shows up or Sasuke. Like 9 tails mode or something...time to wait and see.
Shurikens are meant to be thrown....
I thought this was so painfully obvious that I didn't think it went any other way.Quote:
Originally Posted by Patriot
Sasuke basically said he couldn't touch him. After the epic pounding Sasuke took, I think the forehead protector being scratched was a moot point. I recall Sasuke's chidori connecting with the rasengan, and actually ripping through it. Could be wrong.
Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
First time canceled out really.
And although Sasuke does stab Naruto and Naruto only really has one place to hit Sasuke, I think that he still went after his forehead protector, 1. Because they mentioned it 3 times before, and 2. because the line through your headband means that you are a missing nin, and 3. Had Sasuke not had it on, he would have been scalped! (so it worked on a few different levels)
Everyone that was "whineing" about the part where shikamaru's dad said, that the shoudnt interfere, and what about teamwork, kakashi says the same thing to team 7 in the zabuza arc, when he fights him the first time.. i think its simply coz in this case naruto is so strong and powerful in sage mode that they cant do shit to support him, same in the zauza arc, they are just to weak to be able to fight him, tbh its more clear what he means in the Anime imo
Edit: Episode 7 that is
At that time his back up were genins dude and he was facing a jounin level ninja
Pain may be powerful but i don't think the the power gap is that huge
well i still think the basic is the same, just find it funny how frustrated people get with little twists there and here in diffrent situations in naruto
A whole village of ninja couldn't stop Pain from 1) finding out where Naruto was, and 2) decimating the place. The Hokage was about to die, Kakashi died, countless other ninja who'd be considered capable in most other situations were made to look like...genin vs. Zabuza. I'd say the power gap was that wide. Plus, Naruto has at his disposal some pretty damned destructive techniuqes. He couldn't have used his rasenshiruken at all if there was another ninja engaged in melee confrontation with any of the Pains there. I mean, unless he was willing to kill them.
The manga actually makes it look exactly as everyone mentioned. I don't have the anime archived anymore, but I'm sure the second rasengan vs. chidori did collide, and that black chakra sphere formed from the collision. I think the animation studio had a Sasuke hard on.Quote:
Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
I always thought because of this, right after he attained the third pupil. That's why Naruto had to prove it to him that he in fact could scratch it. But for some reason, I always thought it was accepted by the community because of something I read way back when that Naruto was defeated by Sasuke because Rasengan lost to the Chidori. Which I didn't believe or accept... But I suppose brighter minds have prevailed this time around.
Originally Posted by Rikudo
Wait... you guys lost me there.Quote:
Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
Why would the Rain Nin aid Naruto against Pain?? They think he is their god.
Or maybe you are thinking about the CLOUD nins the Raikage is sending to save/find Killerbee
Sakura: Why weren't you able to save Sasuke, Naruto??!Quote:
Originally Posted by Patriot
Naruto: Well you see, i could have owned him with my last attack but the little bitch kept dissing me saying i couldn't scratch his head, so instead of saving his mortal soul from orochimaru's molestation i just decided to fuck his headband a little bit. Yah know, to show him who's boss.
Sakura: ...
Cloud, yes.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
And come to think of it, whatever happened to the Killerbee? He was there in his village and then nothing!
he was never in his village.
I thought sasuke's wing thing redirected his rasengan?Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Rly? I don't remember that.
I just assumed he used his newly developed sharingan to dodge it
I mean the way he planted the chidori in naruto's stomach while all he got was a scratch on his forehead protector was too fucking epic not to me a sharingan hax
my two cents on the topic
(obviously, hateful towards Sasuke, as we've come to expect)
at the final page of chapter 232, there's a big, massive, ball of chackra forming from the collison of the two attacks, it fits well, as we're led to believe there's a clash between the chidori and the rasengan.
but, on chapter 233, they're both inside the chackra ball, and now it seems that they're both going to hit each other simultaneously.
also note, this looks exactly like dragon ball (first tournament) where roshi beats goku by having a longer reach in his leg than goku.
so it seems like Sasuke wins because he hit first, and that's because he's built more like a 16 years old than naruto (who's built like a 6 years old). not much of the greatest match between chidori and rasengan. more like a cheap insult and putting in a completely different battle system.
moving on, when naruto is laying on the ground, I noticed a lack of evidence to indicate that he just took on a chidori, and in the page where they hit each other, it looks like Sasuke is making a fist, which indicates that he is pulling back his chidori.
so take it as you may.
from here on, is just plain bashing:
a. Sasuke level 2 is portrayed stronger than naruto going 1 tail kyubi.
we've seen 5 people going level two cs at this point, not one of them has managed to kill anyone. heck, the sound four jumped 2 ninjas with their level 2 seal and still couldn't kill them. how is that supposed to work? Naruto going berserk seems strong enough to make Kisame worry, can anyone believe that Kisame or any akatsuki member would give a shit if he saw a level 2 sealed jerk bag transform? the level gap seems a little odd in my eyes. but that's all, just my opinion.
b. Naruto putting a mark on Sasuke's head band? what's the deal with that? i see the symbolizem of making him a missing nin, but a moment later, Sasuke throws of the headband, making the exact same gesture.
c. the entire arc. Naruto, who's now brimming with strength, power, motivation and conviction. can't win a single fight. not only does he get his ass kicked around by kimimaru (whom I could write alot about how much I hated him), he's actually being saved by "got-out-of-surgery-and-sprinted-my-way-here" Lee.
one lousy, deserving victory, was it too much? yes. and that's why I feel bad about the current fight.
I want Naruto to win, but it's just that I'd much rather see him win a small fight before taking on the master-boss.
I couldn't agree with you more. I mentioned this earlier in this thread, but I feel that his strength is where it should be at this point. It's just that while he was getting stronger, we really didn't see worthy opponents that Naruto could beat. We had Gaara, we had Sasuke, and that's it. Between then and now, he really hasn't gotten a chance to face off against opponents of varying levels to allow us to see his power progression in a convincing manner. Also, I think he should've been able to stand up to Kimimaro using the abilities he did at the time. At least, against the amount of power kimimaro was showing. That was just some HORRIBLE bs on the writer's part to satisfy the public's demand for more Rock Lee. One of a couple of mistakes on Kishi's part that took away from the integrity of Naruto's growth.
I agree I wasn't anticipating Naruto from being saved by Rock Lee, but look at the bright side if Rock Lee wasn't involve with the Kimimaru fight Rock lee wouldn't have a fight until the time skip thus making Rock Lee having only one serious fight which was with Gaara.Quote:
That was just some HORRIBLE bs on the writer's part to satisfy the public's demand for more Rock Lee.
everyone thinks narutard is going to be fked up... but noooo, some shit will happen and Pain will leave.... probably Danzo will do something.
btw, wasn't sasgay going to destroy konoha... but Pain pretty much fked up the town.... so.... wtf.
Am I the only one who thinks it was very foolish of Naruto to use the Rasen Shuriken? He himself said that it took a lot of his energy away, and he only managed to get one body with it. His sage mode might have been better used gradually, and it might have earned him one or two more kills before it ran out.
Maybe Naruto was provoked by Paine when he brought up Jiraiya, and that is why Naruto used his most powerful technique. Still, that does not excuse how careless a decision that was.
As per that last picture of the chapter before it, Naruto assumed it would be all that he needed to finish the fight. He didn't except to only get one, he expected to get all of them.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Then he should have closed in on them a little bit more.
Oh, and maybe not shout "Get ready for my super special move!!" -_-
That is exactly my point. He was foolish in thinking that he can get the remaining bodies with one risky, easily visible move. He should have rationed his energy more efficiently. But hey, this is Naruto (I am referring to both the character and the series).Quote:
Originally Posted by Vegechan
Yeah sure. Btw I hate reading the regurgitated garbage in these threads.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Chapter was okay, and I don't know why you guys are ready to christen Naruto as the god of all ninja when Pain has just been standing there and taking it. Thanks to Kishi's genius writing, Naruto's opponents seem to always be at some disadvantage when fighting Naruto and yet you guys still buy into this nonsense. Its like reading the Deidara, the armless ninja, battle all over again.
Then don't read it...Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Yeah that is a brilliant idea, no one has ever thought of that before. Now if only you didn't post that same line every other thread. Maybe you should stop reading Bleach or watching the anime seeing how much you complain about both. Damn Archangel enough with your stupid lines already.
What the fuck are you talking about you moron?
When i said i was going to stop reading the bleach manga because it was so god dam awful i actually did it unlike some other people who claim it every other week and yet always come back to annoy the shit out of everyone else
And i'm watching the anime because i'm waiting for a certain arc to come, then i'll probably leave it for a couple months until things get back on track
What did I tell you about calling other people morons Archangel. Btw I'm glad you think you're so special that you're the only one who can stop reading a manga or watching an anime, because all the rest of us either lack the will power or we have no lives so we've nothing better to do. Btw like this post says I did stop reading the manga and its not the first time either. But just like always you or someone else asks me to come back and then when I do you act like this. You're just as hypocritical as you accuse Animeniax of being.
Anyway this is going off topic enough and I'm sure you of all people don't want to argue with me.
I feel special because i stopped reading the manga? I only got into that because you accused me of being a whining bitch like yourself
Just do the rest of us a favor and either post something meaningful next time that isn't just fucking depressing to read or have a little more willpower and clear out of the forum for good.
And with that this little bitch fest is over. Take it to the flame pit.
Originally Posted by TwisT