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An amazingly epic chapter.
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An amazingly epic chapter.
Wow!, that's freakin' awesome!
Konoha is totally leveled. Now Danzou will really need to start up his own village from the scratch.
I'm guessing Fukusaku and Naruto summon the three strongest frogs possible. You can see the three summoned image in the last page.
And now that Konoha is destroyed, will Sasuke wait until they rebuild and then he'll destroy it again.
The three frogs, Fukusaku, Shima, and the new one, are gonna summon Naruto to Konoha, I believe.
Hilarious more cliches then ever before.
Woah, that was massive. Such power.
I cannot believe Naruto has surpassed everyone by learning just how to use Sage chakra.
been fixed.Quote:
Originally Posted by Idealistic
Was not expecting that. Geez, I can see why people call Pain a god; he's as ruthless as the one in the old testament. Basically, he was like "well, got what I wanted...*blow away Konoha". Looks like Tsunade just became jobless...
Shizuuuneeeeeeeeeeeee~! :(
I can't seem to make out any frogs in the last image though.
I wonder if Madara knew what Pein was going to do. If he knew Konoha was going to be destroyed anyway, why is he taking Sasuke back to Konoha?
I dunno... it kind of looks like the forbidden scroll in the last page.
maybe the frogs figured that the one thing that's worth protecting in the village is the scroll and sent a summon frog to get it.
also, it's a shame that we didn't get to see a detailed look at the village at any chapter before it exploded...
Awesome chapter, and wth did the frogs summon? "The three of us can summon something pretty strong", it didn't look like it was big, but it had a big scroll and a cloak with flames on it... like minato's cept his was white not black. But still perhaps its a human summon of some sorts.
Also in the smoke cloud you can see 3 shapes of the same size.
Can't wait till ch430.
What a way to end the year.
FANTASTIC chapter. Pain is a freaking god.
No chapter next week, thus... we won't get new chapters until next year.
Man, if Oro was around he should have been ashamed of himself. THAT'S how you crush a village, both metaphorically and literally,
And with this, the official transfer of the God title from Itachi to Pain is finally completed.
Seeing that, I don't even think Itachi was in the running. Sure he wiped out the Uchihas, but to destroy a whole village? That's beyond badass.
They're building up the living shit out of Naruto, it better pay off. Also, fucking Sakura...yelling for Naruto? Seriously, while I do like Naruto, what is it about anything she's seen him do that makes her think that he can handle whatever the fuck Pain just did? I'm not understanding where THIS much faith in Naruto is coming from. That annoyed me. Unless Naruto fails to defeat pain decisively, his character development will have been complete and utter crap from the Gaara fight, onwards.
Viewing this chapter outside of the context of everything else, it's pretty good. That really is the end of that village. I'm wondering what's going to happen next. Is pain going to be able to find myobuwhatever? Will Naruto be there if and when he does? I'm ultimately hoping Pain fulfills his desires, even if he's promptly defeated by Naruto afterwards. If they don't meet...that MIGHT be a possibility if he doesn't run into Naruto, and if for whatever reason, he decides getting the last tailed beast isn't necessary.
Something I liked, apart from Pain owning them all, was the fact that a Summon can indeed die if killed on the real world. That means Manda is really dead after Sasuke used it to save his ass from Deidara's blast.
Wow, basically Tsunade letting Pain leave was a huge mistake, plus we don't know if the real pain is among them, they all seem to be individuals with some augmented power. Which means the real one must be some bad ass.
There was a theory that the villiage would be destroyed and Naruto would come back and be a villiageless nin, and would wander around hunting Atasuki. Something from that occured to me.
We could have another time lapse here of another year to three. Basically the destruction, the counter battle and then the aftermath, all without the real pain present. After the destruction, we get a side story or two, like how Asuma met Kirnai or something gay and then boom, naruto as an adult chasing atasuki in the new world order. How the 5 great villiages have fallen and Atasuki reigns supreme. And what was once done to them, now Naruto will return the favor.
On the Itachi Vs Pein issue:
Even if Pein used Shinra Tensei on Itachi alone, if Itachi used Susano in response Pein would have been screwed.
I see the scroll, but other than that I dunno wtf you're talking about.Quote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
I think it's gonna be Naruto in a black version of the 4th's outfit, standing on top of a giant toad.
Well, if you look in the very center of the crater left behind by Pain, there is a white summons cloud that appears, it has some characters over it and kind of swirls outward a little. In the middle is 3 shaded out figures.
There's no way to tell if they are frogs or what, but I guess its safe to assume so.
As far as this Naruto in Minato's outfit stuff? I don't know where people are coming up with that. Unless they are looking at Pain up in the air above Konoha and not realizing its Pain.
And the "flame cloak" appeared to just be the ribbon that was tied around the scroll.
It looks like that to me, because of the panel before it. Pain is looking down with an exclamation mark above his head. Like something appeared in the smoke and surprised him. What I think he saw was, Naruto. That's just how it looks to me.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sidnne
You know unless its a frog, the only other character we have seen with a scroll like that is Jiraiya. Now unless Jiraiya has been brought back from the dead (may explain the shocked look on Pain's face) it can only be a frog.
Edit: After looking at that last panel closely, it seems the centre ones looks like Katsuyu, the one on the right is GamaBunta and the one on the left looks like some sort of chameleon.
Originally Posted by Marik
That's just an assumption. I'm not saying its wrong, because it fits with Sakura screaming for Naruto to come back and then at that moment something appears. But Fukasaku saying that they were going to summon something pretty strong, to Naruto, would lead one to believe that whatever appeared was that "something pretty strong" and not Naruto. (although its possible that Naruto is there in addition.)
Do you have access to some sort of HD version of the chapter that I haven't looked at yet? It's 3 black dots in a cloud of smoke. They are relatively shapeless and don't look like anything.Quote:
Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
Just zoom in on the picture with your manga viewer.
C = Chameleon
K = Katsuyu
GB = Gamabunta
Katsuyu seems to be the clearest one out of the the three. The chameleon type thing looks like its wearing sunglasses. I'm having second thoughts over the one which I said looks like Gamabunta. It looks like a Gamabunta sized toad but seems to have quite a few weapons on it.
I don't see shit.
Originally Posted by Patriot
Called it, big time.Quote:
Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by fahoumh
Are you people even clicking on the link and then zooming in?
Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
I see spoiler from One Piece, Voldo from Soul Edge, and Hermes from Futurama. If you end up being right then you have some type of superhuman optic nerve and I bow to your powers.
Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
What do you see here?
I don't see shit.
I can only laugh as poopy's poopy drawing is about as good as it is going to get.
How and where are you seeing Gamabunta holding weapons in that hazy cloud of nothing?
And, a chameleon type summon with sunglasses?
Fuck, man. You're cracking me up. Post more zoomed up images.
I see it, the BG looks like hes wearing samurai armor, and the chameloin does look like hes wearing sunglesses cant make out k tho
You assholes...
The one on the left is not a chameleon, its some sort of squid-type creature or maybe a hermit crab. With sunglasses, and he's pissed.
The middle one is a bear or a raccoon.
The one on the right is kneeling, showing us his ass and has a bunch of swords and is wearing armor and a mask.
They all have a top-knot haircut. And I think Obito is with them, but he is hidden under a boulder.
I can't help but laugh at poopyman's picture. Awesome.
Oh man, that didn't even show up for me before. Hilarious!Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
It reminds me of the original 80's Transformers when the Autobots kept getting kicked around by Devastator so they built the Dinobots to counter him.
the one on the left is clearly wearing a flame-embroidered mantle how could you not see this?
In all honesty though, how accurate would kishimoto have to be to draw shadowy figures in a shot of a dense smoke cloud that's about the diameter of a finger. If I were him, I would've just made it look like 3 splotches, and save the effort for the next chapter.
Probably the best first post of member in the history of GW.Quote:
Originally Posted by poopyman
You blind gits
Lawl that was great. Should do some more.Quote:
Originally Posted by poopyman
Originally Posted by poopyman
Originally Posted by Munsu
I concur, I gave up figuring out what the figures really look like after seeing the DINOSAURS.
Did Negato kill all his other bodies except Pain (Yahiko) and the girl (forget her name, but she's not part of him anyway)? It's funny how Kishi has set it up so that Naruto will only have to fight Yahiko Pain...
Even if there's only one Pain body when Naruto appears, it doesn't mean that this fight would be the end of Pain. He'll probably have 6 more bodies ready for the next arc.
Including "Jiraiya Pain" who will replace "Yahiko Pain" after Naruto kills him.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
Wow. My guess whats gonna happen next is that since Pain's technique apparently shortens his life span it will probably weaken him too as it it probably consumes a lot of chakra then comes naruto with super power up and kills a weaken pain
Naruto still has yet to reveal his Itachi power up. I think that's going to more interesting than whatever he gains from the frog training.
I don't think he'll reveal that, until he has to stop, Sasuke.
Probably. As a matter of speculation, it could be some sort of seal or controlling mechanism that Naruto could use to harness the Kyuubi's power better. I mean it's not exactly as if Naruto could get the Sharingan, and something like that would be more practical than giving Naruto a new jutsu.
did anyone care that Pein was called Nagato in this chapter? so we finally realize the identity of Pein?
I know I didn't care.
(as if this came as a surprise for anybody)
Perhaps if we hadn't been told that like 100 chapters ago...?Quote:
Originally Posted by February
I really like the fact that Konoha was destroyed. It makes the story a lot more interesting and allows for more things to happen.
But, I have a bad feeling that Kishi just might pull some kind of lame trick where Konoha was summoned away just before Pein's explosion. I really hope that isn't the case, but half of me is expecting it.
Edit: I should say, rather, it wouldn't surprise me. Not necessarily expecting it.
Going back to my zoomed up image for a minute, I now think that the forg on the right is not GamaBunta but GamaKen.
The real secret of the magnekyou sharingan is that you need to kill your best friend to activate it fully. The more epic the battle is, the more awesomest the sharingan becomes. Madara engineered a situation where Sasuke is going to have to fight to kill Naruto. But it turns out that Sasuke has been on a super secret ANBU mission since the Chuunin exam. This, of course, is why Sasuke was allowed to leave Konoha so easily.
Having completed his primary mission objective of spying on/containing Orochimaru, Sasuke pursued his secondary mission: infiltrating Akatsuki. Itachi and the Hokage hoped to expose the cause of the Kyuubi attack, and realized that the Akatsuki leadership would be interested in anybody capable of killing Itachi, so they staged his death at Sasuke's hands. Now Konoha has three magnekyou sharingan. (Well, 5, I guess) Indeed, the Konoha team didn't find Itachi's body.
Seriously, Itachi = Snape, Sandaime = Dumbledore.
Spiky hair...check
Way too many piercings or accessories......check
Using Anima from FFX to hold the tailed beasts.....check
and now we have a special attack developed by Shinra.
I'm seeing a Shonen/Squenix crossover coming soon
Sasuke wasnt allowed to leave easily, dont you remember Naruto, Kiba, Choji, Neji and Shika going after him? Not to mention if that was the case then why would Danzou send Sai to kill Sasuke?Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
Yeah, Tsunade sent a squad of Genin (and a Chuunin) after the holder of one of Konoha's biggest secrets.
Why wouldn't Danzou try to kill off Sasuke? From his perspective -- and that of most of Konoha -- Sasuke is a missing-nin. Danzou isn't ANBU, and wouldn't know about Super-Secret ANBU missions. He could potentially have spies in ANBU, but they'd have to know about a secret mission going on since the Chuunin exam, when only the Third and his most trusted Jounin knew Orochimaru was in the village.
Wow!, that's freakin' awesome!
Konoha is totally leveled. Now Danzou will really need to start up his own village from the scratch.
Whats with all the Danzou fandom?
What did he ever do to earn so many fangirls anyway?
Awesome chapter, I thought pain was powerful, but man, he brought down the village single handedly.
I can't wait to see Daizou's face when he sees his strategy blow up (literally) in front of his face.