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Online viewing by: One Manga
Seems like all the speculation about the hits Sasuke took were a illusion were wrong. Also, some new stuff about Karin too, though it's raised more questions than anything. So she's a curer and sensor type? Sorry but I'm not feeling overly interested in this fight, any more so than Naruto's training.
Well i did enjoy seeing Sasuke getting beaten up like that, the kid was just too powerful lately.
As predicted naruto is using the kage bunshins one again, hawk seems to work great in tag team action and the eight tails is apparently showing us a trump card on the next chapter
Also karin's power is... interesting.
I rather enjoyed this chapter, despite the karin hax curing stuff. I think i was just happy to see sasuke getting beaten without it being some stupid illusion. And the naruto training, while still lame, was rather amusing. It worked well as comedic relief.
Yeah, it was good to see Sasuke get beaten. But I don't think he's that strong. He's only taken out Deidara. He's just haxx. When 8tail was doing \ooo/, I was like "no, not heavy metal too?!"
I just read that Binktopia has stopped doing Naruto.
Woo progress in the form of Karin's abilities coming out which make sense for a balanced team, Sasuke taking a hit and maybe most importantly they're actually attempting something resembling teamwork which is what the manga normally tried to gravitate towards before the hax bullshit.
I couldn't really care less about Narutos training other than the results which I don't have high hopes for really..
Shame about Binktopia if that's true.
I would have really prefer for this to happen two chapters before.. the shame of the dust cloud fighting just won't go away...
but still, whenever Sasuke's not fighting, I can enjoy Sugi and Juggi. Karin is a support hax, and that's a damn shame. we should see some close-range female fighter...
Naruto is going to pump out Kyuubi Energy,and through magic kyuubi powers, he'll take over the sage energy, without actually getting the smarts of a sage.
So Karin is like, a walking sensu bean? Kinda makes Sakura seem useless again...
Interesting fight, I guess.
Well the technique seems to work by sucking on her chakra so it's not like she can just keep healing them over and over again. But yeah, it does seem to be a way more effective method than just using medical jutsu.
DBZ: Nah, after the yamato speech i don't think naruto will ever use the kyuubi again, not willingly anyway.
But now that i think about it, why didn't jiraya just strengthened the seal so that naruto could use the red chakra the same way he did to beat neji? Except for the healing powers the nine tails is kind of useless now, if he had done it naruto could at least use the red chakra once in a while.
Maybe he hoped naruto would learn to completely control the kyuubi someday to complete "that" jutsu?
Would it be wrong of me to suggest that the Hachibi's "eighth" sword is his cock? (of course it won't be but I couldn't be the only one who thought that when he said it)
I actually think that this is going well in terms of both sides. Hachibi is keeping strong against the 3 boys and Sasuke is getting healed by karin. We got to see something new thats beneficial that she has (mommy issues or not) and suigetsu is becoming sort of a right hand man to Sasuke. Juugo is also seeming to prove himself as a the power tank of the group. Most of all, the fight itself is going well so far. I'm surprised Kishi is busting out his trump card this early. I actually don't think it's a trump card at all and he'll only be getting stronger as the fight goes on.
Narutos training is getting interesting. I'm actually more interested in his stuff more than the 8 tails fight. He's really proving himself to use what Kakashi taught him. I'm impressed. Seems like the frog is teaching him to be a Sannin. If this keeps up, Pein and the gang will have some trouble with Naruto.
I'm pretty interested in Naruto's training too. I laughed quite a bit at the beatings. Nothing much to say other than that though. Sasuke getting stabbed the fuck up was a nice touch, but I'm not too happy about him living through it. It's just another thinly veiled naruto/chouji/neiji/gaara. Sure, none of us was expecting him to die, main antagonist blah blah. If the writer doesn't want certain people to die...he should STOP MAKING THEM TAKE FATAL BLOWS! What the fuck is with this stupidity? Every time you do that, you HAVE to introduce some ridiculous shit like chakra sucking. Sasuke CAN get his ass kicked without taking swords through his carcass. This shit is as bad as phoenix down potions in FFT.
He's obviously going to start using 8-Tail's power now. If Naruto or Gaara are any indication, he can probably go through a few forms.Quote:
Originally Posted by docdan63
You guys said the same thing about Sasuke using genjutsu on the 8 tails and you were all wrong. Why can't it be applied to this? Call me out if you want on the next chapter if he does bust out his octo jutsu powers, but I think hes still toying with the kids for a long time and doesn't even need to use one of his tails to beat any of of them. Especially Sasuke.Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
Not really going to be posting much anymore and the only reason I am now is just to point this out because no one has mentioned it yet.
Doesn't this here. "You experience everything your clones experience so if one of them were to turn into a frog that'd be the end of it."
Doesn't that contradict everything that was previously said about shadow clones. How does that work. How does Naruto's shadow clone absorbing nature energy and turning into a frog going to turn Naruto into a frog. This isn't the first time Kishi has dropped the ball but damn thats just retarded. Its one thing absorbing the experience acquired by the shadow clone but this.
I believe it has to do with once you turn into a frog you can't be turned back.
So, if the clone turns into a frog, then as soon as that clone "pops" naruto would instantly know "how" to turn into a frog (absorb the nature chakra without being able to control it) and therefore would himself turn into a frog since he is actively trying to absorb the nature chakra as well. Then it just becomes a problem of never being able to return to human form. I don't think it actually contradicts anything previously laid out.
The only discontinuity comes with the idea what if naruto isn't actively trying to absorb the nature chakra when the frog clone pops. In that case, he would still know how to absorb it without being able to control it so the next time he even tried he would become a frog (instantly would be my guess).
Actually it does make some sense Abdula
The thing is that you don't only get back the experience from the clones, you get back the chakra too, so assuming that by turning to a frog you would have replaced all of your normal chakra with nature energy then if the real naruto got all that energy all at once, he would instantly turn into a frog.
It isn't the experience part that affects this, its the chakra part
You can't explain it with chakra. A clone's chakra is only a fraction of Naruto's actual chakra. Even if all of a clone's chakra is replaced by nature energy, when it plops, only the amount of nature energy equivalent to replacing that clone's chakra should be returned to Naruto. That shouldn't be enough to 'instantly' turn him into a frog. If anything, one would think that using shadow clones would make the process a whole lot safer, i.e, all the clones must turn to frogs for all of Naruto's chakra to be replaced by nature energy.
@xtallography: I don't know about the shadow clone gaining the experience to turn into a frog. That's like saying everytime one of Naruto's clone's gets defeated, Naruto gains the experience to suck even more (maybe that's true...!). That shouldn't be the case. If anything, the experience gained should be that of learning from one's mistakes, not of how to make worse ones.
I'm assuming that after one of them becomes a frog it will just keep sucking more and more nature energy from its surroundings and that's why naruto would become a frog.
But maybe it's like when the original naruto went kyuubi and the other clones started disappearing. Then again, when a clone goes kyuubi the rest stay normal...
My thought process on this was more along the lines of the "learning to cut the leaf" example. Some of his clones were more adept to controlling the wind chakra than others. When naruto "recalled" them he was able to understand how to control the wind chakra better himself and cut the leaf himself as if he was the one who originally cut the leaf and not the clone. If one of his clones was able to absorb enough nature chakra to turn into a frog then I was guessing that naruto would then learn how to absorb enough nature chakra quickly without control and turn himself into a frog (instantly??).
That's why I think naruto is learning from their experiences... positive (cutting the leaf) or negative (turning into a frog).
@Arch, when Naruto was doing the leaf cutting exercise and recalled all of his clones it all but wiped him out which is why I don't think the chakra is returned to naruto when the clones pop.
The chakra IS returned when the shadow clones go poof, that's not open for discussion it's already been verified.
Isn't the chakra devided equally among the clones? And it uses a lot of chakra. That's why it's a forbidden jutsu.
Well it seems a bit retarded that if one of the clones turns to frog, Naruto will become a frog too. It's like if one clone die, so do Naruto.
It's assumed it's a forbidden jutsu since naruto learned it from the forbidden scroll but it's weird they haven't talked about it since then.
I mean if it's so forbidden why did they allow naruto to teach it to konohamaru?
When did this happen?Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
That's an assumed theory. If Naruto pulls a tajuu kage bunshin and chakra is evenly spread throughout the clones and himself, once they all go poof Naruto may be tired but not knocked out. If the chakra didn't return to him, he wouldn't be able to pull another move, much less another kage bunshin, which he frequently uses multiple times.
Thats what I thought. I have no idea where he got this verification fromQuote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
the chackra isn't always evenly spread.
I think he needs to give them a certain amount of chackra to operate them, and he can 'store' more chackra inside them, and that's what he gets back when they poof.
(fight against Neji - Naruto makes one clone seem much more powerful than himself, but can still operate after the clone has been destroyed).
did we get any confirmation that chackra amount decides the strength of the clone?
What i meant to say is that the subject has already been discussed and scrutinized to death, no need to go over it again.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
The chakra is spread evenly by the clones DBZ, we know that much. As for more chakra equals more powerful clones, we still don't know. We've already seen naruto make a zillion clones and succeed ( gaara fight ) and just do a couple of them and fail completely ( ... most of the other fights )
Am I the only one that thought this whole fight was crap? While it's true it's good to see that Sasuke isn't unstoppable, it seems like this fight was designed just to show that. The 8 tails does seem fairly strong, but we've seen Sasuke dodge much more dangerous attacks in even a less amount of time. It just seems like even when Sasuke gets "outclassed" that it's very forced.
My compliant isn't that him being wounded wasn't an illusion. I'd be annoyed either way. "OMG, another illusion. >.>" But, it's in how he was injured. It didn't seem that impressive. It is true that the 8 tails using chakra flow surprised him, but did it throw him off that much?
same thing happened when he fought kyuubi naruto, sasuke has become very dependant on his sharingan.
Well duh? That's like saying neji has become too dependent on his byakugan, most of the clans with bloodline limits tend to create a fighting style that revolves around it.
I think he means that Sasuke doesn't even try anymore. Its like sharingan=win, creating a fighting style that revolves around the sharingan is one thing but being completely dependent on it is another.
Well if we're talking about how the sharingan is way too fucking overpowered and is a fucking hax jutsu at this point, then yeah i agree.
I'm not really talking about the Sharingan, but his skill as a ninja in general. We've seen him "dodge" several attacks in a much quick amount of time. The attack that hit him wasn't impressive looking, and yet it landed. Why? Not because Sasuke's lack of ability, but Kishi trying to show that he's not unstoppable. If the move was more impressive in some way shape or form, I'd accept it. But it just seemed so forced...
What do u mean? Sasuke was completely defeated by both the unusual swordsmanship from the eight tails and the fact that his swords were also chakra weapons. He thought the chidori sword would go right through them and that's why he got owned like that.
There's more to ninja battles that amaretsus, kirins and rasenshruikens. I don't think Kishi was trying to show how weak sasuke is, he was trying to show us how strong a real jinchuriki can be.
Whatever it was Kishi was trying that was definitely forced. We've seen Sasuke use instant seemingly godlike speed not only to attack opponents but to avoid attacks as well something about that just seemed off. Yeah he was surprised his sword was stopped but this is the guy who went toe to toe with Itachi, how he got hit with that is beyond me.
I get Kishi wants to show us how strong a real Jinchuuriki can be but he isn't doing that. If thats what he wanted to do he had many chances before and he really should have made the eight tails into a better character. As DBZ mentioned somewhere else Kishi has just made his characters far too powerful way too early so when he introduces a new character and tries to make them look strong it just seems far too unrealistic.
This Jinchuuriki hasn't shown any of his abilities yet, bijuu given abilities, and although he seems to be very strong physically he hasn't shown any exceptional speed that would allow him to be able to take on Sasuke in a fight of this level. I have no problem with the new guy giving Sasuke a beating but make it seem realistic.
What if the eight tails is just as fast if not faster than sasuke? how hasn`t he shown any exceptional speed if he indded hitted sasuke before he could dodge? you need speed for that imo
He seems pretty quick on his feet but I haven't seen anything yet that would suggest that he is as fast as Sasuke. Even if he is just as fast as Sasuke it doesn't explain how is able to beat Sasuke with his sharingan on. This is the same Sasuke who just a few chapters ago was able to not only follow but keep up with the movements of Itachi who imo, other than the fourth, is the faster character we've seen thus far.
Thats what doesn't make sense to me, it seems as if Sasuke was just playing around before feeling his opponent out and he wasn't even using the sharingan but now he is, so I don't get it. The other thing is, if this guy is that strong now, without transforming or using any of his bijuu abilities, how is Kishi going to explain Hawk defeating him later? I also want to know why Sasuke is using Naruto's battle tactics, I mean since when does he go around charging at his opponents.
I know I'm gonna get bash for this but plz read, then think about, and then share your thoughts:
When an author loses touch with his own story, thats when you get these mess ups. That is why I was like wtf is up with sasuke's growth. imo kishi messed up big time introducing characters after the time skip. The power balance was totally ignored. Sasuke growth compared to others was just idiotic. Not only that, kishi also negelected the power of sharingan. It gained random upgrades every few chapters. Now watching sasuke go down on simple attackes seems unrealistic, compared to wut we saw of him do in other fights. People now have high expectations from sasuke fights, and fight scene such as these just doesn't make sense. When there is no consistency in power, that is when you get this crap.
I liked this chapter for 2 reasons:
1. Naruto was in it.
2. We finally got to see the hype sorrounding bijus and their hosts. For a while there I was thinking wuts the point of catching them when you can easily beat them like others.
I totally agree with every point you've made. And then some my man. I actually didn't realize the bijuu point until you said so. Thats true it's become really easy to get them. It's like whats the point.Quote:
Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
I think everyone is tired of Sasukes upgrades. Or the sharingan in general. But if you think about it, Kishis only cool decent way of letting Naruto and Sasuke split up, is by him joining the Akatsuki and nap a bijuu for himself through Madara's orders.
Sorry, too late.
Orochimaru took Sasuke and made him into an uber killing machine.
Jiraya took Naruto and made him into a... slightly less of a failture. and even not by much.
Remember? at the bridge fight. Naruto and Sasuke were about equal (or at least that was we were made to believe) in terms of overall fighting. and they each had to sprout out some maniac power ups to keep fighting.
now, Sasuke can sneak kill everyone, and even illusion sneak kill everyone. while Naruto can finish off an enemy, if the enemy has been weakened by Kakashi and a team of ninjas.
(tell me, since NarutoZ started, did Naruto win a 1on1 fight with anyone? did Naruto win a real fight since fighting Gaara?)
best thing that Kishi could have done, ages ago, was to drop Sasuke out of the picture, to focus around a bit about the Akatsuki, and make Naruto one of the akatsuki ninja apprentecies, rather than making him (and his classmates) the sole defenders of the entire village against the invasion.
then things got botched around by killing off half the akatsuki (Sasori, Deidara, the zombie guys) and making half of them Sharingan related (Kisame-Itachi, Madare).
Actually, I've been re-reading Naruto Z yesterday, and I think the shit hit the fan at the Sasori fight.
it started nice, and went down hill.
giant puppet vs human on string - awesome!
3rd fucking kazekage vs mom & dad as pupets - where did this epic mumbo jumbo come from?
100 dolls vs 10 dolls - that was just confusing to watch...
human puppet vs shonen heart - exactly.
in between - laser shields, Sakura acting like Naruto, and Sasori going from crazy giant to a sissy fuck.
on the good side of Naruto Z, there's Naruto vs Orochimaru. just a plain, good, crazy battle. but then it's ruined by Sasuke over powering the earth.
which was a serious breaking point... blah..
Sasuke's always charged in at his opponents, it's just that the results looked more aesthetically pleasing than when Naruto did it, along with the fact that Sasuke was usually able to land some blows, while Naruto would get some clones knocked to all hell.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Naruto's battle tactic of kage bunshin running in and charging is brilliant, even if repetitive. Sacrifice the kage bunshin, and hopefully learn a bit about the opponent in the process. Sasuke using it, but substituting his teammates for kage bunshin ( yeah xD ) is also brilliant. He learned from that, that the guy was a rather formidable close combat So he goes "well, I've got the close combat hax!" and goes in. But remember what Rock Lee said to Sasuke when they first fought? "It doesn't matter if you can see the attacks if your body can't respond to them." I think that's what happened here. Mr. Raptastic hadn't even begun to show his skill. He probably combined amazing speed (maybe or maybe not faster than Sasuke) with numerous simultaneous attacks. As a whole, Sasuke just couldn't avoid that without first knowing the guy was capable of it.
As far as them ending up beating the 8 tails...easy. Teamwork. They've already shown that they can use it to some degree of effectiveness, and Sasuke himself defeated Deidara, who took out a bijuu, unprepared at that. I don't see this being a big deal.
I do hope you're right but i'm afraid we'll just end up seeing some MS hax attack ownage in the end :(Quote:
Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
Then again if you guys r right and kishi is trying to pimp down sasuke's power a bit for us, the readers, then maybe we'll get to see some awesome combination attacks from Hawk
PS: This is kind of a random question but remeber the spider guy who was defeated by neji on the sasuke retrieval arc? Was his ability a bloodline limit?
Edit to below: If u want to play that angle, he also lost the orochimaru "power-up" he had, if he didn't lost speed or power he at least lost a shitload of jutsu.
Let's not forget that this is the first time we are seeing Sasuke fight after he lost his cursed seal. This is NOT the same Sasuke that fought Itachi. I am sure the seal amplified Sasuke's speed, stamina and chakra. Even though he has gained MS, I don't think he has suddenly acquired the skill to compensate for the seal just yet.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
That's a really good point, but even so, Sasuke's never been owned like this. I mean to say, Sasuke would pull out the cursed seal power at a point after using his regular sharinagins as a counter to something the enemy would do that happens to overpower him. In this case though, he wouldn't have had that chance. This is more a "dead before you can even use your techniques" kind of scenario.
That explains it. I had forgotten about that.Quote:
Originally Posted by Splash!
Even is Sasuke doesn't activate the curse seal it still enhances his overall stats and it really isn't about whether he was using it or not but having Oro's power to reinforce his normal chakra and stamina makes a huge difference. I think him being without the curse seal is a good enough explanation for why he is getting beaten.Quote:
Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
Originally Posted by Abdula
Not to mention he lost the abilities he gained from absorbing oro into himself, no more fast healing (which is a good thing since that was to much of a hax and seemed unlimited) yeah i know they replaced that with this chicks healing ability but that has to be limited with how much chakra she has.
The 8tails hitting him could be the cursed seal being gone, or he can be fast as hell since it's hard to tell how fast someone is going in still images, the attack looked fast with the spinning and with the blades may have been conffusing, maybe it will look a ton more devastating animaited.
This pannel seems fast....
Then when sasukes chidori blade doesn't work he gets hit witht he big blow so mayeb even the surprise of that not workign left him open. when you look at that again that seems like the case.
Yea, it doesn't look like he was moving slowly at all. I mean to use 8 swords at once I would think you would need to have to be freaking fast.
Sadly there's no Jump this week. Gonna have to wait til the 22nd to see what happens next. I really want to see how the 8 tail looks, when he goes beast.
I would actually like to see the 8-Tails live and become a permanent fixture on Naruto. I mean do they even have any black people in Konoha? Or the Naruto world?
No, and if thats what they're going to be like then its for the best.
maybe there's an entire clan of them? black people who fight through rapping, singing and dancing. (and they're all called Bob)
it's great anime-material, so we really shouldn't be giving them ideas.
a new Jincuuriki as an acting character would have a good idea, two years ago, after Gaara kicked the bucket and when Naruto needed someone to teach him kyuubi magic.
now we just want to see this stupid storyline closed and get on with whatever plot that's going in the background (is there a plot in the background? do the inner circle of the akatsuki actually have any idea what to do with the tailed beasts?).
No. Thats like giving Google, US Steel or McDonald's to a software engineer, plant foreman manager or night shift burger flipper to run. It'll be a disaster.Quote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
I'm waiting for them to reveal that Madara is actually a pawn controlled by Danzou.
I wouldn't mind him becoming a "real" character with a storyline and goals, but on the other hand I kinda hope the manga will wind down and finish off (which would require some serious killing off action)...
Although I doubt that will happen anytime soon, atleast then they wouldn't have any excuses other than money-grabbing for ruining the anime with fillers and poor pacing.
You really think that someone as powerful as Madara could be controlled like that?Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
And my question is, the toad sage said that only Naruto and Jairaya could complete the Toad training due to their large amounts of did Jairaya get so much? I know that he is a sannin, but he doesnt have a famous lineage that we know why him?
He has high chakra capacity, which should have been obvious by now. Having high chakra capacity and/or large amounts of chakra is nothing special and it isn't only limited to Naruto. I've said that many times before.
It was just something kishi added to make naruto's results even more impressive when he finishes the training.
Personally i hope he comes up with something that has got nothing to do with either the rasengan or shadow clones, a fools hope i imagine, and for extra points it would be cool if we only saw the results of the training in the fight against pain, kind of like when sasuke busted out chidori on the gaara fight.
That is a given, its almost redundant.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
I don't mean like when the rasenshruiken was first shown, that time we already knew like 90% of what was going to happen.
I'm talking about a completely awesome technique that we would never expect to see from naruto, no fucking clones or rasengans but a jutsu that will actually make naruto rock that fight with pain.
I mean, is anyone else here ready to see naruto do something completely kickass in shippuden like he did in the original? We haven't even seen anything close to naruto vs. gaara or naruto vs. sasuke yet, it's about time kishi make the boy shine for once.
I know what you mean, something like Sasuke busting out chidori or Kakashi using MS, or Lee opening the gates. I can keep going too, like I said its almost redundant and no I really don't expect anything from Naruto. For better or for worse I just don't care what Kishi does with Naruto anymore. I want to see someone else, anyone else, as long as its not him forcing more Naruto down our throats.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
about that... I got a note from Santa, he says that he and the tooth fairy are running a bit late this year. so it might be a while.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
Naruto is the comic relief character in the manga, not the main character. hence the name; "Sasuke, the most amazing thing in the universe, even better than sliced bread".
Naruto has no place in the realm of asskicking, beating enemies alone, or making fuckin' sense, the best he can be is a robot monkey wisecracking sidekick.
the sooner we come to terms with that, the more sense the story will make.
sarcasm aside, we've seen Naruto beat (from 100% to 0%, by himself alone, without overgoing into kyuubi rage) the two guys who worked for the mob boss back in the zabuza arc, what more can you ask for? he fought and won two enemies, while actually making good of his clones.
sarcasm aside (this time for real). what do you see in naruto vs sasuke fight? in terms of naruto, it was as bad as any other fight. clone-rasengan-kyuubi. nothing new, nothing developed. nothing carried over from that fight to shippuden. the fight against gaara was maniac cool, though.
Do you pay attention at all? I reckognized the fact that he had a high chakra capacity by saying that he was a sannin, but why him? There arent A LOT of people in Naruto land with more chakra than Naruto, so how did Jairaya get his mass amounts of Chakra? I dont see training all the time as a method of increasing your chakra that much.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
And on a side note, if you spent a little more time being open minded instead of negative, maybe you would have something to contribute to the forums other than boring posts which proclaim the fact that you "already predicted" something or that you "knew something all along".
egg and chicken.Quote:
Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
he didn't get high chackra capacity by being a sannin, he became a sannin because he has such a high chackra capacity.
it's a given that some people have higher chackra than others, even without an 'explained' reason like a demon or a famous blood line. Kisame, for one. Sasuke too, add to his tainted blood, he has high chackra even for a Uchihaling.
heck, the fact that Jiraya was put in the elite team of orochimaru (genius, real one) and Tsunade (princess of the village) implies that he had great abilities and potential.
It's not like we've never seen examples of jiraya's high chakra capacity, remember the building sized rasengan?
It's just not been mentioned till now that's all.
he used nature manipulation to get it that big, i'm sure.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
Keep in mind, nature manipulation basically grants you much more chakra than your body normally has.
I don't think so Assertn, it didn't seem like there was any nature manipulation involved although I can't say for sure but it just seemed like a freaking huge ass rasengan to me. I would think that if Jiraiya was already able to use nature manipulation with rasengan someone would have told Naruto plus if there was nature manipulation involved the name of the technique would have been different, like Naruto's Fuuton rasengan or whatever. Plus as far as I know Jiraiya's affinities are fire and earth. I really think its just a massive rasengan.
Oh and I'm not saying I hate it......... but it'll take me some time to get used to that avatar.
:rolleyes: Uh huh, well DBZ answered already so I wouldn't bother.Quote:
Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
@Death BOO Z
Jiraya did not become a Sannin because he has high capacity chakra. He became a Sannin because Salamander Hanzou dubbed Oro, Tsunade, and Jiraya as the "three" who survived the war Konoha was going to win anyway. Actually, Hanzou forced them to be called the Sannin in exchange for their lives.
Jiraya was also in sage mode at the time of the Ultimate Rasengan, so the natural energy crap probably also played a part.
It's pretty obvious how Naruto is going to defeat Pain. Naruto is just going to throw a bucket of frog oil on all the dudes and they'll just ribbit-ribbit away....
No he means thats why Jiraiya was put on the same team as Oro and Tsunade, we already know how they got their name.
About that, its true that he was already in sage mode but to even be able to use natural energy you have to have a huge amount of chakra in the first place and even in sage mode the natural energy only provides a third of the chakra.Quote:
Originally Posted by darkmetal505
Originally Posted by darkmetal505
I actually want to see Kakashi's reaction to seeing Sasuke again. I think that would be a good fight there.
I'm inclined to say that sasuke would win that fight, but with the loss of the cursed seal and the fact that he may not have complete control over the MS i'm not sure.
I don't think Sasuke would want to have to face Kakashi. Kakashi is the one person in the village he looked up to and I think Sasuke still has alot of respect for him. I want to see what is going to happen when the two of them meet again, if they meet before Naruto and Sasuke bump into each other again that is.
It would be an interesting situation but I don't think Sasuke would want to fight Kakashi nor do I think Kakashi would be willing to fight Sasuke unless he didn't have any other choice.
Really? I think we've seen more than once now that sasuke will fight anyone who stands between him and his "revenge", and you that if sasuke does eventually show up in konoha to take out the elders kakashi will be there to stop him.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
That would actually be kind of cool, while naruto was dealing with pain, sasuke and kakashi could have a match of their own.
But you're right about one thing, there's still probably alot of respect between the 2, so i doubt they would go all out in this fight.
I dont know, I think that Kakashi lost a lot of respect for Sasuke when he used the Chidori on Naruto on the top of the hospital, and then after re-watching the "Chase After Sasuke' arc again he didnt look all that happy when he found Naruto laid out. I think that he is still pissed. Also Kakashi has a thing for disrespecting youngsters! Remember when he semi went up against Kabuto in the hospital room?