Dont know much about this anime, I only watched the trailer, but the action looks nice.
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Dont know much about this anime, I only watched the trailer, but the action looks nice.
strange animation, has elements of Bleach and Shana
but overall i like it, has action and comedy
The manga is quite witless, from what I have read from the beginning. Lots of comedy.
TheBladeChild's description was so overflowingly detailed that lets add a summary here:
"Set in the Shinigami technical school for weapon technicians, the series revolves around 3 groups of each a weapon technician and a human weapon. Trying to make the latter a "Death Scythe" and thus fit for use by the Shinigami, they must collect the souls of 99 evil humans and 1 witch." -AniDB
If they are gonna make an anime with the same name as the most awesome True Runes (The Soul Eater) they should make it awesome and cool, not like a parody of itself.
Because everyone has played Suikoden or Soul Eater is totally a unique name right?Quote:
Originally Posted by Shinji Ikari
Edit: I really like how they retained the manga's art style so well, the animation is amazing. But that's to be expected of a studio like Bones. Also is the OP song a TM Revolution song?
The people who play as Maka and Soul are practically unknown. Surprising.
I'll watch it because I like the title. XD
The manga didn't convince me, simply because everything seemed chaotic and hard to follow the action. But the anime looks quite good, and the chaos makes more sense in this medium... will watch when another group releases.
I believe this is a new group. Their maiden release.
Soul Eater - 01 LoneWolf Subs
No idea what format it is. Can't download till I roll over my quota.:(
edit: whatever format it is, it's a whopping 300+MB release!!
Originally Posted by animus
The opening is done by T.M. Revolution and is called Resonance.
I have read the first 3 or so chapters of the manga and I can say for sure that Soul Eater was made to be an anime. The art style was, as others have pointed, too chaotic for a manga. Proof being that I caught many parts explained better in the show than the manga. I never really got why the 99 souls were initially confiscated in the manga, but the anime did a good job of explaining it.
PS. Does anyone know which version this one is? The late-night or regular?
I had trouble coping with this art style at first. Seemed so....unrefined.....but got used to it soon enough. I think I'll stick with this one too. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this series isn't going to get into anything too serious is it? If it does, all the better.
Soul Eater - 01 (Uncut Version) - [Rumbel]
I don't fully understand the difference but the show seems to have two time slots, one of which is later at night and thus the uncut version can conceivably get away with more.
Strange that it wasn't for censorship reasons at all. Maybe that will change with later episodes.Quote:
Originally Posted by
I watched Lone Wolf's version, which currently is the best of the released versions. Good video quality, but huge encode (350 megs). Audio's fine, translation is good, and they even toss in a few notes.
I'm definitely watching this series to the end.
BONES caught the style of the manga perfectly, the fights are amazingly fluid and well done, music fits well to get the feeling going, and as always, the series looks like someone ate a bunch of Nightmare Before Christmas sets and clay models before throwing them all up over the screen in eye-bleeding technicolor. Love it.
As for the characters, some have complained about the actress playing Maaka, but that's just the way Maaka is. Cold and a little flat in the beginning. The scenes towards the end were well played, and there was even a little tug on my heart when she was ranting while remembering all the reasons she hates her father.
Who is hilarious by the way. The scene were the two hostesses were talking about him while he was between them was great. That had me laughing. He's just so pathetic. Yes, he's the stereotype loser-papa, but it hasn't failed me yet.
Lastly, I want to throw in the quick observation about the first fight against Jack the Ripper. There was one point in all the fancy swinging and twirling (I love scythe fights...) that Maaka looked over her shoulder. Just a super-quick glance to make sure she knew where the position of the stairs was. If I didn't already have a fondness for this series, that would settle it for me. Just that tiny attention to detail in the character, the writer and the animator.
It says a bit about Maaka's character, and adds some realism to the fight. If she's swinging and twirling away like a madwoman, she should definitely use her surroundings as well as checking to see her own position. Keeps her at the advantage, and it even let her win the fight. Fight smart, not just DBZ/(Ichigo in Bleach) super overpowered.
What does LoneWolf do better than AEN? I'm trying to justify if the larger download is worth it.
Anything > AEN.
Didn't want to sound rude, but in what way? I'm sure there's things that you guys can pick up that I miss. Lots of things. I didn't see anything wrong with the encoding. Sentences made sense, and I couldn't see any obvious spelling/grammar mistakes. As for translating/portraying the characters properly, I don't have a clue.
AEN took an "HD" file and made it 170 megs. Even if it's an mp4, they just don't look that good that way. The compression gets too high, and you lose a lot in the bitrate. Because the source was over 400 megs, they are coming from fairly high quality, but they are just pushing it too far. Order used HD sources for Gurren Lagann, and they were cutting it tight with 238 meg mp4's.
AEN has improved..a bit in their translation, but the translator has frequently defended himself saying that the only reason for doing this is to learn Japanese. I am not aware they use QC at all.
Spelling errors are common, the language is awful, and I often have to take time to figure out what the hell they were trying to say. I'm not fluent by any means, but after watching all this anime, you gain a pretty good idea what a word or phrase is analogous to in English. AEN subs rarely meet that.
It's gotten better, but when you're going from shitsubs to trashsubs, that's not saying a whole lot.
Okay, I'm convinced.Lone Wolf release it is. Maybe after a few years, I'll be able to pick fansubs apart like that too.
Still, 350 is unnecessarily big. If they were using xvid it would be justified but not with h264. It tells the encoder doesn't trust the numbers (regardless of whether he knows what he's doing) but only wants to play it safe by bloating the file size. Under 300 is usually enough for h264 HD encodes based on everything I've seen unless you are talking about some really graphically insane series, which this one isn't by far.
I'll have to see if I bother to download 350 MB eps. I did it with Gundam 00 and Ghost Hound but generally it's waste of bandwidth.
As I stated in that earlier post, that was the only standout issue I had with Lone Wolf.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I'm still waiting to see A-E's version before I decide on which to settle with. They did a promo and claimed to be doing the series, but we'll have to wait and see.
A-E and Saizen are supposed to do it, and surely the version I would want to keep and watch. I watched the Rumble version myself, and of the ones that are out at the moment, I would think they're the best version at the moment.
Also, there seems to be a cut and uncut version... their's is uncut:
Anyways, really liked the first episode... will surely continue watching.
This is a really wacked out series and I like it! It resembles Gurren Lagann in a sense.
Holy crap scythe fight! The first half of this ep reduced me to raving scythe fanboyism pretty quickly and it took the span of the soul eating explanation to calm me down. The animation style is indeed strange but i was used to it about the same time I woke up for my scythe fight daze. The main chars seem standard, but they have enough newness to be interesting. Soul is clearly the shounen punk archetyoe, but he doesn't seem as rude and cold as many of his compatriots so I think the relationship dynamic between him and Maka has some good potential.
Shinigami-kun and the dad are surprisingly funny given how absurd they are. Oh, have I mentioned that there was an awesome Scyte fight in this episode yet? Even if they don't plan to make all the action in the series as flashy and entertaining as that first fight (as evidenced by the less flashy second fight) this still has great potential to sate my shounen needs. Here's to hoping for 52 eps!
I'm actually more looking forward to Black Star and Tsubaki's fights. Especially now that I know I don't like Maka's voice actor's performance at all. And besides, Tsubaki is so hot...
Well, I remember reading only a bit of the manga.. probably the first chapter only, and from what I saw the series so far has been loyal to the manga. Am I right on that assumption? I know it's early in the series to tell what path this will take, but it would be nice to know how it is being handled so far. Regardless, the first episode was great in my opinion.
From what I can remember, it was pretty much dead on. I get the feeling that maybe the order of things might have changed (I read the first chapter over a year ago). I don't remember the stuff with Blair the cat-girl being that early, but I could be wrong.
I do remember Black Star (insert pentagram) getting his own separate introduction chapter(s), which they hinted at right at the end.
Rumble has an avi and a mkv there a real big difference between the two? I ask this because the avi version is half the size of the mkv, and I'm not sure if it's worth the difference.Quote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
Especially if A-E/Saizen are subbing.
It's indeed dead on. The stuff in this ep was mostly from the first intro chapter (or whatever it was called), and it looks like the next ep will be based on the second intro chapter. And call me a seer but I predict either the end of the second ep or the third ep will feature the third intro chapter!Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
I thought the other character introductions were done early. Guess having read them over a year ago doesn't help.
Well, seeing as I only read one or two chapters and remember the introduction of the witch, then she was indeed introduced this early.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Different codecs used, I haven't seen the avi version myself (xvid) by the mkv one should be much better (h264). At the least, just make sure you download the uncut version.Quote:
Originally Posted by narutosharingan
But surely, if it's for a quick watch right now, just go with the one you feel more comfortable downloading... filesizes never bother me. I will probably be keeping the Saizen-AE version myself.
So... does anyone know the suppossed difference between uncut and uncensored? I mean... I downloaded the uncensored one, and I do not see anything that could have been cut out.
I think this should help you understand quite a bit:Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
But, even if there haven't been enough differences yet, I would think that as the series progresses this might change. Still, I wouldn't be expecting some nipple and pussy shot galore if that's what you're wondering.
Nah... I was just wondering, because the series felt light to me.Maybe future episodes will get different.
Although I'll probably won't be following this series anyway.
Thanks for the link Munsu. It helped.
Just as it was light hearted in some instances, I wouldn't say the series was that light... there were a couple of violent scenes...
Like when Jack the Ripper is killing off the women in the street.
Just finished watching the episode and I really like it. The animation is awesome, it's one of my favourite points about this series, it's different yes but looks good and makes it more fun.
The father and Shinigami are excellent, they really set the pace with the idiocy and comedy, and I look forward to more of them and the interactions they have, especially with Soul and Maka.
I look forward to more Scythe action because they are cool weapons.
I don't know how this series warrants an uncut and cut version, well at this point in time anyway, seems more lighthearted that has some violent and ecchi scenes.
Look forward to seeing more of this show, and next episode from the footage looks like it wont disappoint.
AEN, cut version since the uncut airs tomorrow:
Black Star certainly was goofy, just like he's supposed to be. First repeating the assassin's doctrines of stealth and surprise, and then proceeding to jump forth in as grand a manner as possible, with a few selected, and most definitely unnecessary, theatrics to boot. Tsubaki truly is a saint to so merrily go along with him.
I liked this episode, mainly because of Tsubaki. I think she'll be my favourite this series. It really is versatile for her to transform into all sorts of stuff. I wonder if only she can do it, or whether the other weapons just feel comfortable in one form. I thought Death the Kid would have been pretty cool from the OP, but now that I learn he's got a perfectionist mentality, I don't know how annoying that'll be. Dual pistol > Chain Scythe, but Tsubaki > all. :D
Too bad I hate the way he shoots with his pinkies. If he wanted to be a perfectionist, he should be using his index fingers.
I always thought Death the Kid was hilarious. Sure, BlackStar is our standard retard, but Death the Kid comes off so smart until is OCD goes wild.
Yeah, I agree. It's added in there to make him "special", but it kinda loses realism (not that people fight with scythes, but still). Not only is it harder to aim, but fire rate goes down with finger strength/speed, unless this is a fully automatic pistol we're talking about. It'll be interesting to find out about the girls though. The short haired one seems a little air headed, and the other a a bit more quiet and cold.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
I wonder which will work better. Two partners or a team of three.
I just have a feeling that he might not get along with his dad that well. Not dislike him, but being overshadowed by him, and probably since he's always being compared since he's Death's son.
Soul Eater 02 by Rumbel
There are about a million things unrealistic with this anime, and you guys care that much about Kid using his pinkies?? LOL.
Just watched episode 2 by Rumbel, and again there doesn't seem to be any notable differences from the two versions, so I guess it's kinda pointless to wait unless you preffer one group over the other.
Anyways, I enjoyed the episode quite a bit, but Black Star is quite annoying mainly because he kept repeating the same shitty lines about 10 times in the episode. Tsubaki was great though. Maka needs more screentime though, hopelly she'll get a bit more next episode or on the one after it (since it seems that next episode it will be that will be solely character introductory). I wonder if the other weapons can transform into multiple things as Tsubaki does. And along those lines, if each weapon has a definite shape or if their shape has anything to do with the person who wields them.
But I'm really liking the art of the series and the colorful setting is great. The action animation is not far behind... cool series for the time being, even if I think the comedic aspects of the series are poor.
uh... after watching this ep... anyone else got a Gurren Lagann vibe out of this? (highly stylish... vibrant weird world, weird characters, etc.)?
edit: in the OP... look at when the cat-lady appears... the two gun-girls reactions are interesting.
That's what I like about Black Star. He's about as stereotypical of a shonen hero as you can possibly get. The same idiotic, self-indulgent, egotistical, and completely baseless lines over and over and over. He's also incredibly stupid, but "has a good heart."Quote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
He's a joke pointed right at the entire genre.
Consider who our real protagonist is. Maka. Female lead protagonist in a shonen series is far from common. She's also fairly expressionless so far, and quite the take away from most characters like her (a cold female lead, and as a cold female character). Both aspects of her character make for a pronounced departure from most series, except for things like Kurau.
Of course Tsubaki counters him perfectly to make him a functional character rather than just comedy relief. It's just too bad she can't do all that much on her own as a weapon.
The comedy is all dumbed down stuff, appealing to the audience the series goes for. If I'm guessing right from the OP and the stuff in the introduction of each episode, I imagine the series will take a darker turn at some point. The really inane and weak comedy should provide a better contrast to those hopefully darker parts.
Lone wolf and Yuurisan Subs make their release. Strange how only an SD avi is released...
I understand the parodic aspects of the show and its characters, but it doesn't make them any less annoying or dumb. Just the same how I don't enjoy most of the shitty parody movies in the US. There are good jokes and bad ones, doesn't matter what the intention was. For example, I thought his first scene was quite good... after that, the jokes became lame and repetitive. Wether or not those were their intentions, it doesn't change that I found them poorly done.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
I liked this episode, Black Star and Tsubaki are great and make a good team. Also, what people have pointed out it's really cool how she can change her forms.
I look forward to seeing Death the Kid also, and to see what he brings with his two weapons.
Anyone else wondering why all the different weapons turn into death scythes after they get 100 souls? It made sense for Soul Eater since he is a scythe, but for guns and chain scythes to turn into full blown death scythes....doesn't really make sense.
Also, do they keep using the weapon after getting 100 souls? or do they hand it over to the shinigami and get a new weapon?
Good question because I'm wondering the same thing. Black Star said something about turning over the Death Scythe over to Shinigami-sama, so I wonder. Another thing is that it seems that it's not merely eating souls... but eating souls of opponents you have defeated. Shinigami-sama is monitoring the progress to make sure no one cheats.
I think "Death Scythe" is just a general term. It's just a weapon that Shinigami-sama is able to use, or is strong enough for him to use effectively. It's also Maka's father's name, in addition to him actually being a completed "Death Scythe," just to add to the confusion.
More of a title than literally turning into a Scythe specifically.
I wonder what Maka's mother looks like. Her pathetic father was going through a divorce because he is a philandering deadbeat according to the hostesses. Maybe we'll get to see her.
I don't agree with this at all and didn't get that impression. Black Star could have had Tsubaki eat all of those souls instead of bringing them back if he decided to do so otherwise he would have not even considered killing the witch in the first place. The reason he choose not to have her eat them was simply because he was against having her eat souls when he didn't defeat the opponent it was personal honor not simply a rule.Quote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
Shinigami-sama also only takes reports at the end if the opponent is defeated and you tell him you did so and ate the soul it doesn't seem like he would so much as question it heck he said Black Star should have simply lied about it in the first place. I'm assuming the difference is if they get paid for doing the job or not as they seem to be getting assignments from a bounty board of some kind.
As I am so totally lost and to lazy, can anyone who knows tell me..
Night Late version? Uncut? What : D?
Anyway, the artwork style reminds me of the Mumin Trolls (sp eng?)
Late uncut version airing at night has some extra (sometimes repeated) sceens, probably from different angles, and a longer preview for the next ep. It is not uncensored nudity or extra panty shots, which is why it makes me wonder what the point is making such a broadcast move.
Well, he was monitoring the fight... and then made it a point to say to Black Star "you should've deceived me" just to see what type of reaction he'd get, while us the viewers would've known that Shinigami-sama was viewing the fight and couldn't have been deceived. So certainly there has to be some sort of restriction or code. Else, it wouldn't be so much of a struggle to get all those souls. Tsubaki could've eaten them all, but there might've been some punishment for doing so, else why would Shinigami-sama make a point of the possibility of being deceived? If it's an accepted practice, then there's no reason to deceive anyone.Quote:
Originally Posted by DDBen
Well I'll say this much I decided with this series I'll read the manga as I watch the episodes not ahead mind you but rather after the episode airs. In this case chapter Zero part B. While episode 1 was pretty much the same as the manga this time the two were completely different and those changes are the reason for the confusion we are facing Munsu. Now I don't think the translation is off mind you I just think they heavily modified the source material and made it a bit nonsensical as a result.
I don't plan on talking about any specific details about the changes though as the ones in the anime might be relevant to future changes in the anime. Also note I only just read this chapter after my previous post.
Anyone who wants to read the chapter its available over at the first episode is covered in part a of chapter zero and this one is part b. I assume next weeks is part c.
Completely different? That's strange. It has been a while since I read the intro chapters but I didn't register any notable differences when watching the ep. Most of the important things certainly where there. Or maybe I was so blinded by Tsubaki's hotness that I simply didn't see any details...
I think the rule is that the person who kills the kishin has the right to eat the souls. Otherwise, they cannot eat the souls. Just like Soul Eater's souls were confiscated at the end of Ep 1 because he ate the "magic cat's" soul.Quote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
nope his were taken away because to make a Death Scythe you need to eat exactly 99 "evil human" souls and the 100th must be a witches soul. You don't get a second chance at the 100th if you screw it up you must start over.Quote:
Originally Posted by ruccus
Because a Cats soul is NOT a witch soul the other souls were confiscated it had nothing to do with who killed who. Plus the Cat was killed it just happens to have more lives.
Regardless of the reason, there's already a precedent for people losing their collected souls.
First episode out by Section-9:
You might remember them from the Erementar Gerad releases.
Aniyoshi also released their version of the first episode:
I actually do wonder if their going to add some serious tone to this serie. To me, this serie can maybe become what Black Cat did not.
Well, another group picks this up. This time it's AniYoshi. Worth looking into I guess. (Another 350MG release :( )
Episode 1
Kid's disorder isn't as annoying as I thought it would be at first. Not attending the same school as the other two will probably impact on his screen time though. Despite his love for symmetry, he's fundamentally asymmetrical. Pissed off Kid is rather cool though, so I hope the symmetry thing doesn't come back too often. With the prologue finished now, I'll be expecting our focus to be back on Maka and Black Star, with Kid coming along every so often to show him down.
I actually rather found the symmetry perfection to be more annoying than in the manga. In the manga I'd just be like oh god this annoying and read quickly. But for the anime I just have to sit through these nuances for long periods of time and feel like I really need to slap the guy.
Well, here's episode 2 by S9 for those iterested:[s9]_Soul_Eater_02_[376CAF6C].mkv.torrent
That's what I'm hoping myself, though I don't think they'll go away from the comedy. But the first episode showed that it can go dark at times, and the violence that is presented in a couple of scenes leads me to believe that the series can become serious at some point and dark; but still have some elements of comedy intermixed.Quote:
I actually do wonder if their going to add some serious tone to this serie. To me, this serie can maybe become what Black Cat did not.
the symmetry thing was bearable, though not enjoyable after the first time. what really pissed me off was the fact that he refused to kill the pharaoh cuz of symmetry...that was just fucking stupid. what made it worse was that he was being completely serious about it wasn't presented as a comical moment.
in addition, wtf was up with him not dying? he got stabbed straight thru like 4 times, and then a giant hammer pounded on him repeatedly....but 2 seconds later he gets up like nothing has happened. there better be a reason for that, cuz the typical "shounen hero can take stupid amounts of damage" explanation will really piss me off.
Late night version from Rumbel:
Going to watch it now.
Edit: Nice episode, though the symetry bit does piss be off a bit. I also didn't like how the dude got stabbed and messed up so bad and just out of nowhere be ok. Also, once again the show makes mention of Shinigami-sama being able to confiscate souls at his whim.
Anyways, according to the episode the prologue of the series is over so I expect the next portion to be even better... hopefully it won't dissapoint. I like how they introduced Sid in this episode only to have a case of him being killed in the next one.
Death the Kid is kind of annoying sometimes because he's such a freak, but I think Liz and Patty more than make up for him.
Liz for being totally afraid of creepy a world where the Sun laughs and the Moon oozes blood out of it's mouth? It's just really out of place. So far that's a little one dimensional, but it's still pretty funny.
...and then there's Patty. First off she seems really ditzy, but it's more likely she's just really insane. From her really stupid remarks and cutesy side, she comes off one way, and then she bitches at her older sister for being a scaredy-cat and makes her cry. Not to mention the way the two of them can use each other, and Patty quickly shoves Liz into the mouths of mummies, mafia style.
Yeah, I really liked Patty and how she was teasing the older sister with her psychotic look when they reached the tomb.
Speaking of them, I really though that the scene where they were alone killing the mummies was really good. How they kept transforming between weapon and human, alternating between each other was really really cool.
So this Death the Kid should be more powerful than the other two, at least they alluded to it when they made him take some sort of impossible mission that Maka and Black Star should not be able to handle. Plus he's Shinigami-sama's son, that should amount to something. Which is kinda wierd, considering that Soul only needed 1 more soul to be complete and the Death the Kid ones seem to be right at the beginning of their soul collecting. Also, since he's wielding two weapons, I wonder how they'll play out the collecting of 198 plus 2 witch souls.
I don't think that's weird at all, if you think about it. Of these three teams Maka + Soul is actually the only one that you could think might consistently actually finish their missions. Maka is obviously one of those perfectionist class girls and while Soul is a bit more peculiar, he still has lots of ambition. Black Star and Death the Kid both have some very crucial personality flaws that can in an instant completely negate their otherwise considerable powers.Quote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
I don't think the 99+1 even is any uber hard task (although the +1 can be hard for sure) if you choose your opponents and strategy carefully, like I think Maka has been doing (except for the unfortunate +1).
Well I think it's wierd in the way that the episode made it look like there was a huge power gap between her and Death the Kid. I don't know how many stages there are in their training, but a Death Scythe seems to be goal, and Maka seemed to be just one step away from it. So considering that she was so close to the goal, that there's such a huge gap alluded to in the episode it's kind of wierd.
Death the Kid let even that miserable burglar get away because he was more interested in the symmetry of their introduction pose than catching him. He could be ten times more powerful than Maka, but if he fails to catch most of his prey, it gains him nothing (but peace of mind). Maka looked some someone who would perform her missions perfectly and till the end every time. So, for her 110 preys might be enough to get 99 souls (assuming her efficiency is not quite 100%), but Death the Kid might need 200 targets to get 99 souls captured because for whatever arbitrary asymmetrical reason he could fail at any moment.
I don't think it's really a question of power against normal opponents, so Maka should be powerful enough. Anything Death the Kid has above that level might be unnecessary extra except when catching that +1.
Yeah, but I'm not arguing that he may be more powerful than her or anything, I'm just saying that it was wierd how they made the gap between them so big... especially when all of these guys are seemingly rookies at the trade, and Maka is the only one among the three that came up really close to the upgrade (as far as we know). And Maka is no slouch either, she's the daughter of a legendary wielder and daughter of Shinigami-sama's Death Scythe. The way they presented it was in a way that it was a mission that caused a lot of rumors of who would be crazy enough to take on it, and they presented it as if he would be the only one capable of accomplishing the task in the school. Also, poking a hole in your argument, since he is so inefficient in accomplishing his mission, why are they giving him this one... one that apparently none of the kids are capable of accomplishing it? Again, it's a bit wierd how they presented it as if there was a huge power gap between him and Maka, I don't buy it.
He may be better than Maka, but the gap they alluded to between them is indeed wierd.
But whatever, it's not even important.
Aye. I agree the alluded power gap still remains largely unexplained, but on the other hand, maybe it will be revealed in actual story arcs. Even if we forget the fact he seems to be able forget all damage to his body when it suits him.
Other than that, I think nepotism plays a role there. He's the great shinigami-sama's son, and can do as he pleases, and obviously his old man trusts his skills and power greatly, instead of trying to protect him (but it's that kind of world anyway).
Hah, I found what I was looking for. The thing is that he's completely different to these guys... he's a freaking Shinigami, when he talks with his father, the father tells him that he doesn't need to gather souls or even need to wield a weapon. This dude is in a different class altogether.
I can't see anything even remotely cool about holding guns upside down and firing with the pinky fingers. In fact, I found it distracted me from what he was doing just knowing that he was holding the guns like that. Patty and Liz were cool and likeable and so where the Kid's substantial special powers (who wouldn't like a magic flying skateboard) but I found his style and attitude fairly bothersome. Hopefully there will be enough Patty & Liz screen time to off set his goofiness.
Don't know if they're any good.
Ow, why is everyone being so big? 379 MiB :(
I'll probably join the bandwagon and wait for Rumbel. Probably...
Maka's voice work is awful. It's such a dull sounding voice to begin with, but the VA is just so unresponsive and monotonous.
Tadashi's release is pretty watchable since the only complaint i really have is the odd wording for a few phrases.
They also put Brea has Blair's name but maybe that was an intentional joke so I'll let it slide.
The episode itself is pretty close to the manga material with one very minor comedy scene not being included.
@Animus I've heard a lot of other people complain about how much they dislike Maka's voice but i personally like it because in my opinion it fits her personality. The voice they picked for Frankenstein sound exactly like what I'd imagine and i hope the voice actor do him justice because Stein is my favorite character by far.
I don't see why people don't like Maka's voice, I love it myself.
I like Maka's voice...
about the episode, i found it actually very good! and it all seems like a set up.
saizen just released their first episode, here is the link if someone like me was waiting for them :rolleyes:
Worth pointing out that they put both versions of the episode in the file. I think it's quite dumb for them to do so, but whatever. You can switch between them through the spitter, just as you would go to change the audio or subs of a release.Quote:
Originally Posted by ForteCross
From the way you guys talk about them, I take it these guys are the best to archive from?Quote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
Not sure, I'll probably keep them or S9. I haven't seen their version yet, but if past performance is an indication, then probably.
A-E Saizen are typically good quality, but they're just going to drop it once it's licensed anyway :(
Well in that case, Rumbel seems like a version everyone's happy with.
Really liked this ep, plot! The intro eps were fun but I'm glad it jumps right into plot instead of spending any more time on single serving eps. The Kid is much cooler when he's sitting in a chair trying to sound like a badass mover and shaker than when he's trying to fight.
And I found the soul resonance thing hilarious. Typically once the main character powers up in an early episode they proceed to obliterate the opponent with no problem, it was great to see the power up completely wasted because of clumsiness and then for them to win with regular skills.
For those waiting for Rumbel like I was:
Might take a look at the Tadashi version later if I get impatient.Quote:
Soul Eater 4 Delayed.
Hey people, sorry for the delay, but the episode is 2/3 done and it can not be encoded till the day I return which will be Wednesday or Thursday this week. Also do not pester or inendate the staff with questions regarding this as it will probably just annoy them. So, until then, have a good week and good luck on exams or whatever. *Goes back to prepping for his trip.* PS: Keep reading this post as to any updates, check here.
Whats the difference between the LATE SHOW and primetime version?
At this point, nothing of substance... maybe some added scenes after the episode is done, like for introducing the next episode, more ecchi ads in the intermissions, etc. Don't know if it'll change in future episodes, but from what I've seen there's little difference if any to the episode itself.Quote:
Originally Posted by Everon
Well, I tried watching the Tadashi version, and it was pissing me off with their term usage and questioning editing and translation.
By the way, they weren't sent for 'maintenance', they were sent for 'supplementary lessons' - that's what 'hoshuu' means, in this instance in particular. This is were I decided to stop watching.
I won't touch AEN, so hopefully Rumbel or someone else releases it soon.
Even though I didn't like their episode Tadashi:
oh... that makes sense. much more sense.Quote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
Well, the obvious happened. wonder when the three-eyed Han-Rasen are gonna appear.
pretty interesting ep.