Something new i know nothing about but here we go
Episode 1
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Something new i know nothing about but here we go
Episode 1
Vampire Knight is an insanely popular (at least at Mangatraders) shoujo manga with lines of ravenous fangirls extending into infinity. I would expect there will be lots of shoujo clichés but in an interesting and endearing setting, I mean who doesn't love vampire stories....Quote:
Originally Posted by AnimeNewsNetwork
I don't have a clue anymore what's going on in the latest chapters of the manga. The story totally lost me in its incoherence. The beginning was pretty good, though, and I expect the anime to be much more clear in any case.
I'll most likely have a look at this, especially if some reputable looking fansub group picks it up. I mean, who doesn't love vampire stories?
Seems like a pretty decent anime, but man do I get pissed off at all the girls screaming for their idols and when the main girl is totally fine with having her blood sucked.
At least you can almost tell the characters apart now. Having voices doesn't hurt with that either. In the manga it's either a color swap for the main vampire...Kaname, and the rest of the guys (including Zero) all look exactly the same.
I can't say I've ever understood why this series with bishonen is more popular than any other cookie-cutter series with bishonen (excepting Ouran, which has humor and makes fun of bishonen stereotypes), but have have tried reading it.
I'm going to pass on this one. But hey, it's a vampire series, which are few and far between these days.
Yuh, whenever a little vamp comes along it's like an obligation to at least check it out...
BTW, this anime actually felt a lot like Ouran, both in the feel and in the art style, a bit darker in general but otherwise pretty much the same. Same creator?
Not a chance. Studio DEEN is doing the production on this one, BONES did Ouran. Hatori Bisco did Ouran, Hino Matsuri created this.
Bishonen male characters are about the only thing the two series share. That, and the reverse harem.
Well, depending on how they are going to manage action and internal plots, it may turn out quite well.
I actually really liked this manga (but thats because I love vampire stories, especially dark ones), but I don't intend to watch the anime since I already know the story. I loved the ED video for the first episode though.
It strikes me as odd that for as capable as they make Yuuki out to be what with her jumping off buildings and whatnot shes totally powerless against Aidou. How is she supposed to protect anyone?
This reeks of shounen-ai at the moment to me... am I mistaken. Is bishounen the extent of it, or am I right on the shounen-ai assumption?
Its shoujo. While there are moments of shounen-ai-like stuff, its quite rare.
I guess I'll give a try, being a vampire fan myself.
I can't off the top of my head say I remember any, but the manga is so horribly laid out and the plot confusing (due to characters all looking the same, it's much better in the anime) that I doubt I could spoil even if I wanted to.Quote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
Still, it's a vampire series who's target audience is girls. Girls who scream fervently about bishonen characters.
I would not put it past them.
Though I typically don't really like vampire comedies, I saw the word fangirl somewhere so I will check it out. XD
Notes while watching: This is fairly awesome. The random supernatural jumping in is awesome. The dead rose trailing passed them while they walked was awesome. The first guy who talked looked like the Shota from Ouran, and the second guy's name was Akatsuki LOL. The earring guy was awesome but sigh at every guy being smexy. lol @ her being the only one not in line. The concepts and characters seem cool. The chairman seems awesome (and voice is familiar), I always love flamboyant characters who are serious on the inside. The animation and character design have room for improvement (she prolly wasn't meaning to just stand there, but the animation looked like that), but it's very good for a "shoujo". I like Zero because he like an impenetrable fortress to the main character who is infatuated with some other guy lol. They also convey his emotions and "looks" well. I'll be surprised if this becomes as emotionally deep and moving as Honey & Clover or even Ouran. I'll hope for the best. There's just enough action in this to make me giddy. This is similar to Anita Blake. o_O
lol @ ryllharu's post XD!!
The manga at least had little comedy (compared to something like Rosario+Vampire at least). I doubt the anime will make such a big difference.
Well, the first episode looked pretty good. I rather like this type of art, or maybe I'm just accustomed to it. I can't say too much about the story, but the setting is interesting. I'm not expecting any out-of-the-blue (or darkness) monsters popping up over the place, but the OP suggests quite some action, so I'll be watching this. I like the OP too.
Now that is fangirl power. I wonder if I will ever have that much complete love and devotion towards a vampire bishounen anime. XDQuote:
Originally Posted by Fangirl from another forum
I'll make sure to ban you from the forums before that happens... don't worry about it. Damn, that's ludicrous.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sapphire
Munsu, you and I have probably both seen worse (maybe not that bad in person) and you know it.
I seem to recall some of the Ouran ones being very bad. There is no doubt that this series was created solely to pander to this exact audience.
I wonder why they act like this. You never see guys doing this. At least I've never seen any...
Even though you can see from 60 meters away this series is indeed targeted at that type of fangirls, I still liked the first episode. Granted, I'm predisposed to like anything with vampires in it, but still this wasn't bad at all. Of course I have already been reading the manga so I'm not surprised in that sense, but in a way I liked this better than the manga because I judge the bishounen was a little alleviated, the comedy strenghtened.
I wouldn't be so sure... or are you forgetting the reactions in the shounen scene, in the Naruto forums, etc. Maybe not so much in Gotwoot, but I'm sure in many other places you'd see them. You see that "OMG PWNZOR-BAZZOOKA, ITACHI IS GOD!!!!" Then they roll out the costumes.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
Anyways, watched the first episode... though certainly not my type of anime, might give it more of a chance, despite shoujo/bishounen abundance.
Oh yeah...I completely forgot about the shounen crowd. I've been avoiding Naruto discussions for quite a while now.Quote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
The fangirl/fanboy type reactions of many people make me wonder if they really understand the anime at all. For example, if something really heartfelt, profound or perhaps moving happens, and all people can do is go
without being able to state perhaps an intelligent opinion or something, it makes me question anime fandom as well as anime as a whole. :( But then you have stuff that is geared towards fangirls/boys but also has a touching and/or profound story worth discussing intelligently so I dunno. Of course, as KitKat says there is every type of anime fan, but it still makes me sad sometimes.
Nah. I completely disagree. Those people are actually the luckiest ones. They are the ones who get most out of anime / manga. For you are forgetting one thing: This is entertainment. If you can immerse yourself so deeply emotionally into a show or a manga you bet the level of entertainment you get out of it is on a completely different level compared to the rest of us normal mortals.
The other end, I reckon, are those people who after watching an episode once can list all minor detail inconsistencies, tiny plot holes, every single yen saved in animation, not to mention naturally remember the names of all the bloody minor characters and their dogs and cats. Sometimes I can't help but wonder how much those people actually enjoy the show. Or perhaps they simply get their enjoyment out of noticing all those little things.
There are fans, and then there are fanatics.
Personally I'm not -that- nit picky at all, but I find having intelligent discussions fun (which is why I'm on this forum). My inquiry was mostly if "fanatics" even get what the author tries to convey, or if they block it out and watch glassy eyed while having fantasies about Zero. In that case I'd rather be a fan than a fanatic. XDQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I really like how the Knight story is so far, I wonder what shall happen next.
I can't believe you're 13. The world in general needs more of you and less fangirls/fanboys.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sapphire
I'm not actually 13. But I joined these forums when I was 14. XD
In my opinion, that changes nothing. When you go to an art gallery, not to mention if you buy a painting or a sculpture (not only as an investment), what should matter most is what you think of the work of art, not what the artist happened to think him/herself when making it. But likewise here there are also people who don't think or feel anything by themselves when looking at the works but rather are only interested in what the artist thought when making any particular piece.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sapphire
And considering this series, and the fact almost all the male leads are bloody bishounen, you think the mangaka didn't want the numerous fangirls to simply adore them? Nah, that's what this series is actually primarily based on, like has been said earlier. For the rest of us there is, fortunately, something else to look at and watch as well.
Bah, deleted everything I wrote.
I'll just say that the five people I know who think they are married to anime characters in another universe prolly agree with you. Also, though I used a character from this particular anime, I was speaking in general, I'm fully aware it's targeted towards fangirls (I still like it).
[I really don't like arguing over polar ended opinions, I was just stating what I think]
Here's episode 2 by Shoku-dan:
Episode 3 by Shoku-dan - Tension's building between our prefects and night-class members.
This show ain't drawing much of a discussion. Then again, there isn't too much to discus right now.
Woot woot! This show is so sexy. *downloads*
Something we all knew almost from the beginning finally revealed (to Yuuki). It was a pretty good scene. Zero is certainly losing it and fast as it seemed he had no bloody (not literally; there was plenty of blood involved) idea what he was doing when it happened. Well, he couldn't have picked a better girl. Quite a shocku for Yuuki, though. It should be an interesting next episode (even for me; during this ep I realised I have somewhat shaky memories of the manga, especially the details).
Well now that the fangirl community has been fed their share of bishounen, we got down to business. Damn this episode was freaky. Had the quite stalker, and the crazy guy all at the same time. It's showed how vampires who have given in to their animal instincts identify people using two categories: comrades and prey. Now that Zero has had his first share of proper blood (that we know of), I can only see his urges coming more frequently, despite his increasing efforts. I'm going to enjoy the dark themes this series offers, thought the ED chills me a bit. Yuuki almost looks like those dolls from certain horror movies.
Was it me or did the animation quality went to hell in the first few minutes of episode 3?
Probably, maybe it was just the change in art style for the comical moments. I don't think it would have been as funny if they were drawn in the detail and seriousness that they portrayed the darker moments with, so if they took the opportunity to budget, I'll overlook it. :).
Also, from last episode, we learned that it's not just "some idealist who doesn't know what he's dealing with" starting up an academy, the guy's an former vampire hunter. That kind of changes things, despite his dreamy/excited look when he mentions peace amongst them.
Ep1 was a big lure for more. Fangirlism aside, there are good roots for deep dark action...
The first scene gives room for twists...
The shota like vampire there for comic relief can be creepy as well.
Zero on the verge to become a vampire will be a way to measure the will power needed to be a vampire who restrains from feeding on humans.
Nice intro indeed. will watch the other available eps tomorrow. Hope it really goes twisty roads.
Vampire Knight Episode 4 - How will you react if your childhood friend is a vampire? Your-Mum's release may give you a general idea.
Or you can wait a little for Shoku-dan's subs.
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I like the twisty roads... the eye candy may well be an illusion for more action to come. I hope so.
As of yet I like how things are.
Oh snaps. These releases are coming out so fast. *watch
Episode 4 - Shoku-dan
Hmm... This was a powerful episode in my opinion. Quite moving, in fact. Worked better than the manga. Although that's no wonder seeing how the manga is both so messy and so hard to decipher; when it takes most of your attention to try to figure out who exactly the characters are in the frame, it leaves less time for enjoying the story.
Really, I do think that for that kind of story, the manga version can be very lacking.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I did read the first few chapters and had to stop, the manga being just a storyboard for the Anime... and nothing more, it was impossible to get feelings and rythms... which are both well done in the anime up to now.
The manga gives some more details and is a little different, but I couldn't go further and will stop reading it and watch only the anime.
It's strange because a manga like Mx0 was easy to read and get everything, not Vampire Knight. I guess everyone needs their own set of things for a story to work for them.
What the hell was that hug? I thought of Sasuke/Sakura. D:
Camara angles are amazing, did I mention that? I love her thought process.
Kaname: You are the most important thing in my life and I can't bear to see you with another.
Yuki: ...But Zero!
Aidou just can't seem to stop himself. Guess getting backhanded is better than getting no attention for him. Zero being from a vampire hunting family explains the chairman's and the Hunter Association's focus on him. They were most likely very skilled, if not big and powerful Hunter family, so Zero's hatred would have been established in him long before he was bitten.
The hug does remind me of Sasuke x Sakura, but it comes off much better knowing that Zero isn't just going to palm her off. Come to think of it, both Zero/Sasuke share a hatred sparked from having their whole family killed.
This is somewhat troublesome for Kaname. It's pretty obvious Yuuki holds him in just as high and idolized position as everybody else. He saved her life and after that she has only seen him as the undisputable head of the whole vampire flock at the school, and naturally a pure-blood. In practice, very hard to approach. Zero, however, is pretty much a victim also in Yuuki's eyes (just like she was about to be, unless she is as well; she was found alone in the middle of nowhere and Kaname brought her to the school). And in addition to that Yuuki works with him every day.
Ani-Kraze also decided to have a look at this series. While there's nothing wrong as such with the Shoku-dan subs, Ani-Kraze is still Ani-Kraze and they have also a HD release:
Episode 1 HD - Ani-Kraze
Episode 1 xvid - Ani-Kraze
Behave or Be killed
Episode 5 - Shoku-dan
Carrying on Kraco's trend:
Episode 2 HD - Ani-Kraze
Episode 2 xvid - Ani-Kraze
Is it me or the HD version looks like it isn't that much better than the SDs
To me it looks like there's fewer compression artifacts. Is there an HD source already for this show?
will watch the last episod in a while.
Can't answer that for you since I'm only downloading the Shoku-dan releases.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
The suppressor seems kind of weak for something vampire hunters used to tame vampires. I would have thought something a lot harsher and longer lasting to be used. Not only does it last for say, a minute max, but you have to get up to the neck of an out-of-control vampire. Oh well.
More interesting to me was what Akatsuki said about Zero. "Sometimes there are dangerous ones, ones who refuse the tablets." Then we see Zero, who drops his case full of tablets, and conveys the idea that his body or mind rejects them. Back when he hadn't awoken, he was consciously refused the tablets, but in the end, used them to suppress his pain. Now that he's fully transformed, it seems he can't take them.
Is that a message to hint at what kind of vampire he'll become? We saw some rather savage Level Es, all of which were dispatched by either Zero or the Night Class with relative ease. That makes me wonder, exactly what kind of vampire does one such as Akatsuki consider to be "dangerous"?
Same here, there's probably more than Level Es.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
After all the vampire that "transformed" him really wanted to force vengeance uppon him.
4 years of suffering + a few months for the last transformation to level E may not be enough for her.
I think it's simply that vampires must have blood in order to live (and remain sane - not become beasts), and thus vampires that cannot replace live blood with the tablet are dangerous because there's no choice for them but to eventually succumb to their thirst and create a victim.
We have seen even the nobles surrounding Kaname have from time to time troubles suppressing their thirst, and thus it's a problem if blood is spilled in the school and the delicious odor spreads. It's quite inherent for vampires to desire blood, but I'd imagine the higher class they are the more they take care to remain in control.
True that these tabs are only under testing and may not work for all vampires... and when they do not work, vampires still need to feed in the end in order to survive. And no creature can resist the urge to feed when they didn't for a long period of time, or they die if they really can't feed.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
[Shoku-dan] Vampire Knight - 06 avi SD
Art quality is going down, not that it was top notch in the begining, but I think most of you will agree that lots of proportions and drawings are awful in that ep...
Appart from that, nothing really interresting or that you could not foresee.
Fortunately I belong to those who don't notice if the story is good enough. And in this ep it was. This works really much better in anime form than as manga, I deem. Good stuff.
The only thing that was really noticeable was that they didn't draw the eyes for a few scenes, save Yuuki and other main characters. But that didn't set me back, the story was just as good. No real action or anything, but still a good ep, and they still left us with something to think about. If this woman (who I'll guess is the pureblood who got Zero), then for anything to really happen, she'll either have to come to Cross Academy, or Zero has to leave it for a while, which I can't see happening anytime soon.
With everybody even living in dorms, it's indeed pretty much all tied to the Academy.
Although I'm aware they are hopelessly melodramatic but I've really liked those scenes where Zero has asked Yuuki to kill him or be ready to do it. Things changed a bit in this ep with the vampire hunter giving such a strong if short lecture on Zero's mentality and lack of integrity lately, but I think they worked well at least until now. Those scenes were basically the only way Zero expressed the contradiction within him: That he's the very being he hates and is trained to hunt. Otherwise he has strived to be an icy cool guy even more than the Night Class vampires (well, some of them as some are obviously just playboys).
I hadn't realised this till now.
The subs for Shoku-dan's Vampire Knight is the work of all of two:
Sonic_Sabbath: translation (earlier episodes translated by a girl named Touyuki)
Raserei Hojo: everything else
Edit: the translator's Australian.:D
Akaku akaku akaku, yurete, yume no yume no hate e........
*cough*Errm........[Shoku-dan] Vampire Knight - 07.avi....
Turing out to be one of my favourites this season, especially the song.
mou nando mo akiramete wa oshikorosu tabi.......
After the latest ep I finally have to confess even I'm not blind enough to fail to notice it anymore. The drawings were really off sometimes during this episode, almost making me ask: "Who the heck is that supposed to be?"Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
One factor making me pay extra attention to the art might have been the relative boringness of this episode compared to the previous ones. The drama and self-reflection was getting kind of thick at times. Really thick.
my main concern is that after 7 episodes there hasnt been very much progress, perhaps im just wondering wear the story is going to go i mean i don't expect a lot of traveling around and the town seems to be fairly small so shouldnt they get it going.
also i know this is anime and i should be used to it buy now but i cant stand the constant
you know that thing wear they will say someones name look at the ground or up in there air and then
What should i do......................................
god lol
All the reflecting is getting a bit old now, though I didn't notice the animation drop this time as I did from Ep 5 to 6. What we did find out this episode is that Yuuki has slowly distanced herself from Kaname, whether it's because of Zero, other school girls, general growing up, or all of the above is up to interpretation.
Kaname is also aware that he's the one holding everything together, and at his word, he could have Zero ripped apart. Having this sort of power awareness can't make him a 100% good guy in my eyes.
Thing that made me smile this episode was seeing more of Ruka. They need to cater for other audiences besides the mass shoujo fanclub after all, even if it's seeing her get sucked. Also brings out the fact that Kaname has his own issues keeping his fangs at bay.
It would be very strange is she hadn't. She's not a kid anymore. It would be very strange if she still clung to Kaname like she used to. Who knows how old Kaname was back then when he saved her, being a vampire and thus immortal (I guess they are also in this series), so from his point of view things may not have changed in such a radical way, but from her point of view they surely must have. When she was a kid, Kaname was just Kaname-sama, her savior, but now he's not only Kaname but a guy as well.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
For some reason, Yuuki's familly has some ties with cross changing from vampire to human.
Kaname had blood on his mooth when he saved yuuki (at least I remember that) so I wonder wether he or some guys he was with at the time is responsible for the death of yuuki's familly. Remember that cross told he was with "bad vampires"
If yuuki is from some special familly, for some reason she could be very useful to Kaname, like enabling him to become human... I wonder if it's possible. I think we do know Cross was a vampire, we do not know if he was pure blood or a human that became a vampire.
The female voice Yuuki kept earing, I wonder if it was a female from her familly she doesn't remember (like her mother), or the pure blood that bite zero to make him a vampire. Yuuki clearly remarked that a lot of data can pass through blood with vampires. Maybe that pure blood can convey thoughts or some kind of tie through the ones bitten by the vampires she created. Or maybe it's her specific power to be able to create those links.
Bar yuuki (for the moment), no one is pure good or pure evil. Interresting.
Kaname is one of the pure bloods. I very much doubt he would have any interest whatsoever in becoming a human even if he somehow could. And Cross was a vampire hunter, if memory serves (which it might not), but I'm sure he was not a vampire.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
What is interesting about Cross's conversation with Kaname is that even back then, he said Kaname was the only child of a family he is in debt to. Now I'm not sure if I understand this correctly, but is that referring to him being an only child (ie, no siblings), or being the only child (rest of family is dead type)? If it was the former, it would seem strange that Kaname would be hindered by "bad" vampires, since purebloods seem to command a lot of respect, and I doubt it would diminish that much just because he was young. Only other thing I could think of is that they were also purebloods.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
If Cross was only referring to Kaname's immediate family, then it's entirely possible that those giving him a hard time were his uncles and such, or that he wasn't in fact the last surviving member, and it was his very parents/siblings who were malicious. (though I can only wonder at how Cross came to be in debt to such a family.)
Of all the vampires we've seen so far, the one who has yet to show any selfishness or malicious intent is Ichijou. With that personality, and his rank as Second-in-Command, I wonder if that'll play any part in the overall story later. You might argue that Kaname is also at his level of pacifism, but he lies more on the creepy side. The recent blood sucking also shows he isn't entirely immune to bloodlust.
Damn, I spoiled myself beyond sanity in only one phrase in wikipedia. Damn me!
I love how Kaname was just using Ruka. No wonder Ruka is all into him, it's practically leading her on!
I also noticed the animation change in the episodes, but I still like it.
At the moment I can't even tell that Yuuki likes Kaname more than she likes Zero. She pretty much mopes about Zero 24/7, and when she finally remembers that she's practically the most important in Kaname's life, she just ignores it and goes back to Zero. lulz. At least they explain how she came in touch with Kaname anyway, and we know that Kaname didn't just randomly fall for her. I still think Kaname is good because he's bothering to let Zero have his way, even if it is only because he loves Yuuki so much. I hate Yuuki sometimes, her altruism is so high it's nearly selfish.
P.S. The new vampire hunter is a badass.
Actually i got the impression that he did it on purporse in order to show Yuuki that the night class dorm is a dangerous place and she shouldn`t recklessly go in, we already saw a vampire almost bit her before kaname got in.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Hmm, that's entirely possible, knowing how Kaname likes to keep everything to himself.Quote:
Originally Posted by UChessmaster
The original idea I had was that seeing Yuuki like that on the stairs turned on Kaname's lust, but he held back since it's Yuuki. He managed to put Yuuki to bed without giving in to it. Then Ruka walk by......
I agree with both things. Either way we certainly know that Kaname was aware that Yuuki was watching..
...*craves for episode 8*
Vampire Knight ED:
[Nipponsei] Vampire Knight ED Single - still doll [Wakeshima Kanon].zip
What I'm really looking forward to is the OP though. The ED is so-so or my tastes.
While I'm at it:
Vampire Knight - 08 by Chihiro-Fansubs
From what I heard in the Code Geass thread, I'll be sticking with Shoku-dan. Their's is usually out by tomorrow anyway.
While I don't deny the ED is so-so, I still like it better than the OP, which sounds so artificial, commercial and popularistic to my ears. The ED is far more original.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I don't really like boy band brazilian style japanese music anyway. But I like the dress in the OP. The ED is awesome, and Rozen Maiden gothic loli ali-project like, which is awesome.
I like the character-character interaction and love triangle stuff. I find it hilarious that Kaname bitch slaps anyone who pisses him off. I don't get why Yuuki couldn't use her anti-vampire tatoo thing against the level E, but oh well. Haha, Yuuki should stop following Zero around, she can't even defend herself. Who is that chick at the end, the person who was messing with Yuuki's mind in the last ep/made Z a vampire?
[Shoku-dan] Vampire Knight - 08
Yuuki's seal only works against Zero, because he made a blood pact with her bracelet at the beginning of episode 5. And it appears the girl knows Zero, so I'm placing my bet on her being the pureblood.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sapphire
This episode introduced us to the ruling body of the Vampires: the senate. It's interesting how they rule the vampire world, but absolute command still belongs to the pure bloods. At first, I was expecting him to be one of the "bad vampires" that were ordering/mingling with Kaname which they mentioned last episode.
Ichiou isn't a nick that you'd give lightly, and that guy definitely commands a lot of respect and fear, though not nearly as much as Kaname. It'll be interesting to test the theory that "the oldest vampires are the most powerful" in this anime. The guy radiates authority, but not combat ability. (really though, none of them do)
I'm wondering about that line about "not killing any humans", whether it was something from the bottom of his heart, or a last ditch effort to earn some sympathy then bail.
I'm calling right now that sometime, probably towards the end of the series, zero will go in looking like he's about to drink yuuki's blood, showing the fangs and everything, but then instead at the last moment kisses her. =]
Aww, how romantic. And then Yuuki will open her eyes in shock and realize she loves Kaname instead. ROFL!!
nah I think that she THINKS she loves kaname and theyre about to be together until zero kisses her and she realizes she really loves zero c:
[Chihiro]Vampire Knight 09[XviD][542E2310] avi @Mininova
Shoku-Dan's should be available in 2 or 3 hours if I'm correct from their last post on their site.
And here it is.
[Shoku-dan] Vampire Knight - 09
And the OP:
[Nipponsei] Vampire Knight OP Single - Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi [ON OFF].zip
Initially, I wondering how the hell Kaname wouldn't be able to pick up that she's a pureblood, but as it turns out, he can't make an open move without turning the place upside down. It always gives me the creeps whenever I see Maria and Yuuki alone. You can't say she's got less self control than Kaname, just that she has a different aim. Since she enjoyed making Zero a vampire so much, I can't believe she'll let someone as delicious as Yuuki slip out of her hands. And another guy, who looks like Zero's brother, seems to have fully embraced his vampire self and serves Maria.
Too bad there seems to be a drop in raw quality.
(I'm not enjoying the OP as much as I thought I would. It's all your fault :p I'm captivated by the Orgel version of the ED though.
EDIT2: And they even wind it up in the middle. :)
[Chihiro] Vampire Knight 10 [h264][D237B7C6] mkv 169.69 Mb @ Mininova
[Shoku-dan] Vampire Knight - 10 avi 146.25 Mb @ Mininova
@ the time of writing, Shoku-dan's torrent has only one seeder I can't connect to when Chihiro's is almost totally downloaded. Just so you know the second torrent may change/have problems. I'll only be able to edit after I wake up again. Have fun ;)
This ain't going to be fun, I'm going to refrain from watching this (and all other anime, except maybe Code Geass) until exams are over.
That was creepy. Nobody's that close with his brother. Damn shoujo shows.
The purebloods have a pretty strong untouchability rule. Kaname seems happy to let Shizuka do whatever she pleases. And what's even funnier, even Yuuki's old man shares that sentiment. I guess Kaien has accepted so many compromises to keep the school running at all that he has already compromised himself out of the picture for good.
Paroxismal Twincest Love... within the limits of shoujo of course.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
For some reason I was sure there was a solution for Zero not to become a Level E. But my "instincts" tell me the price to pay will be very high.
Yuuki didn't look too well. Wonder if that's just the effect of the memory erase, like a hangover, or something more. What's strange is why Maria (I'll call her that until I learn her name) borrowing someone else's body. They did sound surprised that she was alive, as if she was killed in a surefire way. I'm getting Lord Voldermort vibes here.
The Desired Cost.
Vampire Knight - 11 Shoku-dan
tracker down all night for me =(
I saw this coming, but didn't think it would happen like this. Now Yuuki has to choose either Kaname or Zero... Thing is, in the end, there probably isn't a way to save Zero anyway. They've done pretty well so far, mixing in the slice of life/romance with the darker vampire theme, then throwing in a bit of humour every now and again.
I find your lack of knowledge of vampire lore disturbing. There is one very specific way of saving Zero, at least to a degree. While it really shouldn't be a spoiler to anybody who has read/watched vampire stories in general, I guess I'll still refrain from mentioning it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Other than that, it once again surprises me how the headmaster doesn't do anything at all but allows everything to happen at his school. Apparently he has to pay quite a high price for the vampires to attend the school. But in any case what a useless fellow.
Coming from the Vampiric Minion, I'm not at all ashamed. :p
I whish the encode would have been of a better quality.
Regarding the ep, I think it was pretty obvious from the start the price would be high.
Even higher with the fact we may not know what's the trick behind the request, after kaname's death... I do not see Zero saving his head even if Yuuki would go that direction.
For now, the Level E is getting more and more power inside Zero, that is the greatest problem so far.
Quality as sharp as a pureblood's fangs:
Episode 3 HD - Ani-Kraze
Episode 3 avi - Ani-Kraze
Yuuki couldn't kill kaname if she did a tajuu kage-bunshin and made 10 million copies of herself...
You think so? Like Maria said, Kaname lets his guard down around Yuuki, so all she has to do is steal Zero's gun, go up to Kaname, tell him she's got a present and to close his eyes, say "Don't peep", and BANG.
I think that kaname having such deep affection for a girl much younger than him that he met in a very strange manner and doesnt see very often is a really big plot hole.
Why does he feel such an affection for or? Maybe it's because her blood is "tasty" or gives off a good prescense?
After 11 episodes it should be pretty obvious, at least it is to me, that Yuuki would never sacrifice somebody to save someone else. She would sacrifice herself, though, like she has been doing by giving her blood to Zero, often even offering it without being asked when she has happened to meet Zero. It would be quite a breach of personality in my opinion if she suddenly went and shot a dear friend simply because someone hostile told it would save another friend (what a wonderfully reliable source of information, as well).
Seems like we'll have a second season the first finishing with ep 13, the second one starting around October.
I wonder what they'll use as a cliffhanger.
Oh and good news come in pairs:
[Shoku-Dan]VampireKnight EP12 128Mb avi @ nyaatorrents
Direct Download VK11 ShokuDan avi 128Mb @ anikat
They...can' us..... but at least this vampire series deserves a second season, unlike a certain other...
nyaatorrent's down again.