First episode airs: THIS SUNDAY! APRIL 6, 2008
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First episode airs: THIS SUNDAY! APRIL 6, 2008
Oh my gods, I'm getting my jollies off!:D
Didn't know it was so soon. WF is apparently not dead; wonder how long it'll take for a sub to surface.
This is gonna be awesome!!
Damn. I was rather hoping it would air on a Thursday or something, so the subs would come out on the weekend. Oh well, this is good news, no matter how you look at it.
To think it's finally here. 1 word, WOW!
I'm so looking forward to this. :)
Aw Sunday? I was hoping earlier so I could watch it this weekend like Buffalobiian. Still though FREAKING SWEET!!! I have never been this excited for an anime release since Tengen Toppa. Can't wait.
IT'S FINALLY AIRING!!! (sorry guys, not a release post. :p ). Would you say, give it 5 days with the Karaoke?
Whats with that fancy outfit Suzaku's sporting?
See here for details. Pretty much info from comercials, magazines and stuff. Classed as minor spoilers.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
Least spoiling answer: he's promoted
OMG the raw is out!!! GO SUBBERS! GO GO!! ... please!
I see at least 3 different raw sources... lol.
GG seems alive one day, and dead another...
Menclave has a status for Code Geass R2 already... but seeing their slowness with Gundam 00 I don't want to get the episode from them...
Still waiting for the sub, I wonder who will pick up this series. Shintahikari already watched the raw..:(
Shinta always watched the raws. It was actually a problem here in the forums last season when comments came before any sub was even remotely released.
It's not that I wouldn't as well if I could, but Geass is one of those series where if you're not absolutely sure what is being said, you're missing 3/4 of the content in the episode.
Well your right about missing the content if you can't fully understand japanese.. I can watch raw animes but only those sport and comedy types. Unlike geass, you can easily understand simple conversations. :)
Code Geass R2 Episode 1 h264 - gg
Dunno if that's real, DL'ing!
Thanks. I'm downloading too.
It's real, just finished downloading!
I will also confirm, gg DID release a subbed Geass R2 in its beautiful 1280x720p glory and it was an awesome ep. (can't guarantee that's not the hype talking though).
Visually it just looked awesome with the upgrades they made to effects, there was action, there was fanservice, there was Yes, My Lord, there was Lelouch being who we like him for, there was very little Suzaku and most importantly there...was...C.C. This first ep was quite promising much like the first ep of the series was.
Some thoughts on the scenes from the OP only.
C.C.'s new outfit was amazing, I demand a wallpaper of her in it.
Holy predictions coming true...Batman, the emporers Right eye!
I'm very disappointed they couldn't they come up with new mech designs for the new characters. I got enough Kyrios, Virtue, and Throne Eins in Gundam 00 and I was hoping for something slightly more out of the box.
Is that...Orange-kun?!
WTF...Rollo gets a Knightmare?!
I'm trying to study for my finals and this had to happen. Goddamn it...
is this subbed already?=
Awesome, I was so confused at first, but it was almost like a reenactment of the first episode of the first season.
The episode was great, here's to hoping the rest of the series gets better and better.
Yuh, the beginning was so weird, but it all kind of fell into place after a few minutes. The one thing I'm pondering about though is his brother. Who the heck is that?
Britannian farm, no that's a good joke.
My god, that was a totally mindblowing episode, really sucks it had to end so fast. But having to wait a week for the next episode is just unbearable, might as well wait until the series is done and watch it all together.
It's more confortable as you can watch the story at your own pace and not lose key details due to the long wait beetween eps.Quote:
Originally Posted by Shinji Ikari
But you loose the interaction with other people watching the series as soon as a sub arrives.
Both valid points :D, have to see next episode anyhow since this totally knocked my socks off.
Yes, your Highness!Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
btw i wonder how CC told the black knights who Lelouch really is... and their reactions.. hmmmm and what could possible happened to Suzaku back then
and her sister
I demand information, NOW!
*yes, my lord*
Well to me, the black knights must not have known about Lelouch. CC did after all say that she was the only one who knew his identity, or didn't she, now I'm uncertain, at least I thought she did. Maybe she just assured them somehow that they needed Lelouch or something, it seemed strange since one of the black knights fired at Lelouch or his brother (didn't quite see the shot).
Kallen found out who Zero was.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
I am not the one making a mistake, the world is.
Pure Gold, CG's trademark
Freaking awesome...
Animation was superb... action fantastic... Kallen goodness...
And I guess the following episodes will reveal what really happened between Lelouch and the idiot Suzaku at the island... how did Lelouch come to lose his memories? How come no one at school questions the existance of Rollo and the dissapearance of Nunnally? Work of the emperor? VV?
Loved the freaking ending. Very CLAMP-ish. If someone can get me a screen / render of Kallen's image at the ending, with no text, I will thank it absolutely.
You'll need creditless ending for that, I tried but the credits fade in fade out don't let a frame without scribling on it.
Yeah. I noticed =/Quote:
Originally Posted by Inazuma
The dude from the 'memento' blog was saying the same thing.
Can't wait for a dvd to be released with creditless ending... I absolutely need a wallpaper with that image.
Or a signature if Lucifus wishes to do something non CC related :D
Absolutely wonderful first episode to get back on the geass train with. The first season had me captivated, and this one shows no signs of letting me down. After all of the permutations I could ponder of how they could have possibly taken the remainder of the story and present it after such a cliffhanger without dissapointing the theatric nature of the show and pacing it's fans love, I never would have guessed a time lapse. NEVER. Ladies and gentelemen; I think we're in for a 'wild ride'.
I have to say right off from the start, I fucking hate Rollo. I don't know why, I don't even care why. I would not discount him to be the cause of Lelouch's memory loss. Not to mention everyone else in the Academy. It was really, really odd that no one cared. It hadn't been that long, Shirley is back to being in innocent love with Lelouch by the looks of things. No mention of Nina, no concern about Nunnally, and Viletta who should be damn sure Lelouch is Zero is content to chase him around as the gym teacher? Everyone has accepted Rollo for some reason.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
But around all this, Rollo is accepted as Lelouch's only brother, perhaps even as his only sibling. At the Babel tower, he was doing his best to keep Lelouch away from not only the Black Knights, but Kallen specifically as well. He didn't want Lelouch to face the chess guy over abusing Kallen. "Because he's a gangster." ? I'm calling bullshit on that right now. Rollo knew.
I don't know what, don't know how, and don't know why, but Rollo is definitely behind something.
Outside of that, looks like we're off to a great start. Kallen in a bunny suit, C.C. being herself as usual, and an amazing way of getting Lelouch back into being Zero (flames all around).
Like the phoenix rising....
Yes! Kallen eye candy! I believe they threw in 3 seconds of C.C. eye candy as well. Great way to start off the new season. Great new opening and awsome clamp style ending. I must get my hands on that pic of Kallen.
Wow can't believe it took me all of 2 seconds to start hating Suzaku like the rest of you Ugh. now he's a tool being used by the bastard himeself. Good job Suzaku. Just when I thought you couldn't sink any lower in the world.
I'm pretty sure Rollo is someone the Empire arranged to babysit and monitor Lelouch. I don't see any other role for him to possibly play.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
I wonder... why did those guys choose to follow Lelouch to get to CC? Do they know (openly, as oppossed as just Suzaku, the emperor and Cornelia) that Lelouch was Zero?
It could make sense with Ryllharu's theory of Rollo working for the emperor.
The last part was awesome! Suzaku looks like the main villain now..heh
We're led to believe that the Empire captured Lelouch when he faced off against Suzaku while Kallen escaped. They supposedly brainwashed him. How they suppressed his geass remains a mystery though.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
This episode was just AWESOME.
My favorite part was at the end where Lulu was talking to himself about changing the world and then sudden the Gurren and that other nightmare came in asking for orders. C.C. outfit was great in the opening cant wait for the next episode.
And im really surprise that Lucifus isnt in here right after the episode's been subbed.
Show has a mastermind ( Zero ) but no real villain. And if Suzaku is the one supposed to be the bad guy I am going to saw this show's bulllocks off.Quote:
The last part was awesome! Suzaku looks like the main villain now..heh
I mean Gates from FMP:R2 is a villain - Vicious and Vincent Volaju from Cowboy Bebop are villains ...
But come on, Suzaku ? You gotta be shittin me
Eclipse's MKV and AVI version:
[Eclipse] Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 - 01 (1280x720 h264) [64ECBBAE].mkv
[Eclipse] Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 - 01 (XviD) [43EEA862].avi
I stick to eclipse avi version my comp can handle hd avi but not hd mkv.
I only want GG to be this fast the whole season...
My computer doesn't run HD of any kind... thankfully I have the laptop from work XD
Lucifus is indeed missing... guess he has not noticed. Or maybe he is re-playing all CC's scenes.
I just want Suzaku to have scenes because it would mean to see the girl that was besides him, in front of the emperor. I wont say her name, since it was not mentioned on the episodes (those that readed the previews from magazines know it)
just for the sake of adding another group...
T-K (whoever they may be) has posted episodes 1 as well
Avix-man (another unknown)
If you check out their website, they explain what happened over the past little while. They had some internal disputes and got back together only to sub Code Geass. If you want reliability and speed, then it's probably better to stick with Eclipse. They've never let anyone down. I'm downloading the Eclipse version right now to see how it stacks up against gg.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Btw, what's with the filesizes of the 720p versions? 350 MB for one episode is pretty shitty. Hopefully I won't have to re-encode some episodes to fit the whole series on one DVD9. x264 encoding is a huge pain in the ass.
I can't believe I'm at uni while this is happening!!!!!!! Anyway, I'm low on quota, so can anyone who's watched both releases give a recommendation? I can't afford to get both. Not until my month rolls over....I want to watch this so badly.....
I have returned (to make substantial comments, at least).
I waited until practically everyone has commented on this episode, just to avoid spoiling anyone, which I may or may not have done with my comments last season as Ryll has said.
I'm pretty sure it was V2 that sealed Lelouch's memories and his geass. No other person could have done it otherwise. Britannia most likely knows of Zero's identity and monitored him, as they said, to lure C.C. out.
The ending was a copy of the first season, but since it was intentional rather than due to the lack of creative storytelling, it is more than acceptable. The violet flames also gave an incredible effect for Zero's revival.
"I am not the one mistaken, the world is." - Finally, finally, this line. I've had it in my sig since the end of last season, and I had to wait for this season for it to make sense, at least to those who aren't geass addicts.
The thing I'm waiting for right now is Kallen and Lelouch's meeting. How will they react? How does Kallen view Lelouch/Zero? Its quite amazing she simply decided to swallow everything C.C. said, considering the enmity between them since last season. I guess the events in some sound episodes really helped in this area.
C.C. is hot in her new outfit, but that isn't really surprising. It is sort of a mix between a china dress and the black knights uniform.
The face Suzaku made when the fucking bastard shot Lelouch was disgusting. It couldnt look more villainous even if he tried. Oh wait, it did, after he said the line "we're friends aren't we?". He definitely has to die now.
I agree with Ryll about Rollo being a despicable character, but I doubt his mystery lies in any plotting on his part. If anything, he might even be used by Britannia or brainwashed himself. Or maybe I was just fooled by his really good yaoi-like acting towards his "brother". I guess they had to put someone like Rollo beside Lelouch to replace Nunally, otherwise that gap will be too noticeable and Lelouch might break out of the seal himself.
Will Lelouch's geass be permanent again? It seemed like he activated it in the preview, which shouldn't be the case if it is constantly working.
Salvation from boredom and mediocrity after about a year. Finally it has begun.
Well I guess Suzaku can give up all the false pretenses of working on the inside to change Britainnia for the better. He's a cold Britainnian pawn now, the look on his face when he spoke to the emperor tells all. I guess the poor sod snapped when Euphie bit the dust.
And I agree with the earlier statements, I had thought Rollo was really Lelouch's long lost brother, but I'm guessing he's connected to the emperor somehow, and the geass as well, since he must have knowledge of it if they chose him to babysit lelouch.
Interesting to see how Zero will act next, considering his army has all but been destroyed. I also wonder what happened to the psycho girl nina lol.
That Chinese Federation dude with the sword looks to be a huge badass.
I want to shout this from the mountain tops, if you're choosing between Neo-gg and Eclipse CHOOSE ECLIPSE!
I have enough juice to watch both HD releases at once and the Eclipse subs consistently made more sense with what was going on in the story. Plus, in my encoding novice but veteran HD anime watching opinion the Eclipse subs looked 'better'. The lines seemed sharper and the colors just felt more 'right' as well, however it was really hard for me to tell them apart at first and I doubt a casual observer would find much to complain about with Neo-gg's visual quality, but it's the subs that put the nail in Neo-gg's coffin for me. Speed is good, but Eclipse is known for consistency and if they're going to lag gg by 6-8 hours I think I can stand to just wait for them.
comparative screenshots will be nice Yuki
Yukimura is right. That HD version Eclipse did does this show so much justice. I just streamed it to my HD TV and let me tell you it looks way better. I love Eclipse. They do the most awsome jobs.
Guess I'll redownload and watch for myself (tomorrow)
I downloaded gg's, but I'll give eclipse a try as well. I prefer avi anyway, and I didn't care too much for the subs of gg's. I wonder if anyone else will try subbing?
What an awesome way to start the season. I doubt that Britannia did anything to screw with Lelouch's memories, because I don't think they could do that. As was mentioned, it was likely V2 or some other force that did that. Obviously Britannia must know otherwise they couldn't monitor Lelouch. Which makes me wonder, just who in Britannia knows Lelouch's identity, or even that Lelouch is alive? Just the higher ups and the emperor? That should be interesting to find out.
Yes the C2 Outfit was hot. But the main hot maiden in this episode is none other than KALLEN! oh yeah bunny!
Too late, too tired, maybe tomorrow. Anyway, one thing that no one seems to want to talk about but would be big news...the Emperor has a Geass! V.V. being his contracted alien seems a given but what might his power be? I'm not sure what exactly would be befitting of him, maybe inspiring eternal loyalty and devotion instead of following a single specific command. That would be interesting.
Dam you Yuki I was gonna comment on the Emperor's geass. I wonder what power his geass has.
...probably something to make Lelouch think he has a little douchebag of a brother.
I highly doubt Kallen will be going back to school, since she's been labeled as Japanese now. Guess there's no more Kallen Stadtfeld, she's a Kouzuki for sure now.
I know that it is a sideplot of a sideplot, but I can't wait until they spring all the captured Black Knights and Viletta meets Ougi again. I'm sure it's no coincidence that Viletta ended up being a teacher of all things, just like Ougi used to be.
By the way, Britannians got a serious power boost with new KMs and elite Knights and all ...
How the remnants of the OBK is going to even put up a fight against that ?
Menclave is. Though, I doubt their quality gain over Eclipse, if any, is enough to justify the wait. They're behind right from the word go, and they're handicapped with a pile of Gundam backlog.Quote:
Originally Posted by narutosharingan
Will do. Download in 3 hrs.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimaru
btw i don't know why but lelouch had ULTRA BIG hands sometimes... and his movement was kinda gay sometimes
i can't wait to see him as Zero again, because his face is somehow annoying :/
Did you watch season 1? Welcome to CLAMP character designs.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
ya i did, but i can't remember it to be THAT gay looking..
wow.. just rewatched the last episode and its exactly the same.. geee... lelouch is gay (like his name) ^^
those britannia officers and soldiers are the only ones who look normal
edit: i won't take that back, because its true :O @ reps ^^
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
Gay name ?
Lelouch sounds french. Words : "Le + Louche" = The + Shady/Suspect.
Gay Art Design ?
Clampish indeed, it seems that a show can't have both hi-grade art and hi-grade plot line. Wish the art was more like Yukikaze's wih it's own identity instead of some Deja vu.
Btw four pages in two days ? Seems that our Gotwoot community already loves the show.
edit: ~~~
but yes the art design is a bit ..hmm, well "too much"... REALLY huge eyes.. REALLY huge hands and so on but REALLY.. small bodies (its like 50% are anorexic, not everyone, but lelouch for example has so freaking thin legs... it looks like his legs will break if he starts moving... his hands are, compared to his arms, very big too)
well but i don't know why i didn't realize it earlier... maybe i watched too many high-quality animes between the 2 seasons.
btw its just the character design which is somehow a bit "ugly"... the movements from lelouch seemed a bit overdone(at least in the end where he was swinging his arm and hiding his eye like some weird ..well gayboy..) however the movements of the mechas are really well done, i liked that part where that mech covered lelouch with his arm for example. its really rich in detail .. yes.. VERY rich in detail
Wow, I don't see why everyone here is having a Rollo-hating fest. He seems like an upstanding dude. And if anyone was tailing and recording all of Lelouch's movements I doubt it be him, I think it's more logical for it to have been Viletta since there is absolutely no reason for her to be in that school. I think that Rollo might even join Lelouch because he looks up to him like crazy.
@KrayZ33: That's just what you get when a mecha/action studio like Sunrise gets piss drunk and has unprotected sex with an artsy chick studio like CLAMP.
I'm not sure I've ever seen CLAMP create a decently manly looking character without ruining him with either long hair, a frilly outfit, an effeminate personality or all three.
well, but i like their "madness faces"
both that officer in the first episode of season 1 and season 2 had such great happiness in their eyes when killing themselves
Code Geass always had such art. A friend of mine actually refrained from continuing the series mainly because Lelouch kept touching his face like a narcissistic fool at times (despite our shared love for C.C.).
I was praying that eclipse would pick up geass, and I guess that was answered.
If its the emperor's power that affected Lelouch, then that means they have met during the time skip. That would be quite interesting to see if its true.
While I could care less if Ougi himself turned into dust, the way Viletta would act sure is catches my interest. I will look out for that side plot as well.
CLAMP art is heavily reduced on the series.
True CLAMP designs are in the ending sequence.
Its not really CLAMP art. I think its quite original geass art, which actually compels me to make art in the same style or follow the style when drawing geass characters.
That is what I meant.
People where posting about that Lelouch looked gay-ish because of CLAMP... but the ending sequence shows how the series would have looked if the CLAMP art would have been used 100% of the time.
Particularly I like the Geass art. But I will not deny I was very pleased to see this ending, and desire a Kallen wallpaper / signature with that render.
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
best i can do with paint xD
this one might be a little better,
however i don't have paintshop or something ... done with MSpaint + gimp
someone with a bit paintshop-expierence should be able to do it easily i think
The second one was pretty damn awesome, you don't wanna do CC as well? :D
Wow, just watched it, great start.
And Karen was super hot XD
Though i have to say that this episode felt almost TOO much like Death Note, you know. But then again i love Death Note, so im not complaining.
Man, i cant wait to see what Zero will do now.
When is the next subbed episode coming out?
Originally Posted by Shinji Ikari
the version of her with more light is difficult to do so i started with this one... but i m pretty sure i could do the same with the more bright version..its just easier to see that its edited then... dunno if this is good enough.. as i said i've absolutely no paintshop experience.
this is the brighter version (without editing)
but i think the colours of the darker one are somewhat "stronger and deeper"...
i can't get the chains right ^^ the TBS-logo at the upper left should be very easy to edit
Those designs are nearly identical if you didn't notice. You can't expect the designs to look exactly as those in the ending as they're handrawn, and you're working with a studio like Sunrise that pumps out stuff with high production values and signature giant eyes (ala Gundam Seed).Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
I agree with shinta|hikari . His memory loss must of have something to do with VV. Also like we have seen before geass's can be overcome so it isnt a problem that Lelouch got his memory back.
if we take in consideration that he totally forgot about his little sister thats most likely what happened... maybe VV kidnapped her and brought her to the king. (maybe it has to do with her eyes since she is blind?) who knowsQuote:
Originally Posted by Takuma
but why didn't they kill lelouch?
I posted this a while ago in the wallpaper section, but since someone asked for it here are some wallpapers made from the "clamp" ending of geass r2.
These are just 1028x819 due to file restrictions. Just pm me or reply here if anyone wants the full 1280x1024 size.
@animus - No, they are not alike. The differences are clear, not just in quality. The style is quite different, as can be seen in how they use more realistic proportions for the face and rounder features, unlike the sharp and sleek style of code geass art. This amount of variation is done consciously, not simply resulting from putting more effort or having more time to draw it. This change in art style from the show to the op/ed theme is commonly done in numerous anime, and geass is not an exception now.
why didn't you say so earlier... :(
You are my hero. I wish for the 1280 version of Kallen please :DQuote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
KrayZ33: thanks!
I was trying to say that. A studio obviously has its own art and everything. Thus, the Geass art is based on the original designs by CLAMP.
Pure CLAMP art is found on the new ending.
@Krayz - Was too busy trying to make a sig and failing to check this thread.
@RZ - here it is. It should be in proper size in deviantart.
"Not alike" is a huge stretch. That's like saying Fairy Tail's art has no similarity at all to One Piece. The style is not as different as you think. The sharp and sleek style is the result of the use in high quality animation tools and programs. I acknowledged they had slight differences already, but it's clear they are ALIKE. Geass's art actually has more rounder features than CLAMP's as evident by Rollo, the new Blond Knight and the pink haired girl next to Suzaku at the end.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
The only really clear differences is Lelouch's hairstyle and the overall larger more bubbly eyes in Geass. The rest are within the realm of human error and approximation.
I think they chose not to kill Lelouch because they wanted to get C.C. I doubt the Emperor will stand for her to run free anymore since he is all for power.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
After watching the episode again I can't help but wonder how the hell they intend to escape. I mean they only have 2 real good Knightmares, and after a year I'm pretty sure Suzaku is probably better than ever. Not to mention that if Lelouch decides to use the Knightmare that C.C. found him in it'll probably fall completly apart after Suzaku sees him like always. Maybe the guys from China will help them out.
@animus - What I meant was that its a different way of drawing the characters altogether. Of course it has to bear some similarity to the original, otherwise the characters wont be recognizable, but the changes that are there are conscious deviations. CLAMP style is definitely more round than geass (ie CCSakura) but of course the bishies are usually sleek faced. From your last post, it seemed that you were implying that they are very similar, and that the changes are simply caused by the use of high quality animation tools and whatnot. Im simply trying to say that isnt the real reason for the difference, but rather the artists chosen style of drawing those images.
@Yuki - Here is the other wallpaper.
thats what i love about this series.. its not like gundam :/Quote:
Originally Posted by FelixZeroAlastor
Thanks shinta, however I believe 1280x1024 versions were hinted at, your devientart pics seem to be 600x480.
@KrayZ: Geass as a whole may not be like Gundam, but there is still a strong similarity between it and Gundam as far as Suzaku is concerned.
With no special Knightmare training ever hinted at Suzaku just hopped into a brand new, state of the art mecha and piloted it better than anyone else ever had. Then he would go one to single handedly turn the tide of most of the battles he got involved with ruining good plans and scratching out a victory from what should have been a hopeless situation. This is all aided in no small part by his semi-divine mechs ability to slice/blast through almost any obstacles.
Fortunately Suzaku shouldn't be anywhere near where Lelouch is so Lelouch can come up with a plan to get them out that has a reasonable chance of success. However I can't remember the preview off the top of my head so maybe Suzaku is actually in Japan (why would the Emperor be in Japan?) in which case he'll probably show up and ruin things somehow without fail.
You have to download them using the download link at the left of the picture, then the actual 1280 size will appear.
Suzaku was actually top class as a pilot from the simulations/trainings he has had before riding lancelot. The only reason he wasnt an actual ace pilot is because he is an 11. Im not exactly sure about this info though, but I vaguely remember it from the early parts of CGS1.
Escape is assured (from what I can see in the preview). The encounter with Suzaku and Lancelot isnt likely too happen too soon.
Yes Lelouch is too near from Le Louche to not be a hint from french language.Quote:
Originally Posted by Inazuma
Louche comes from the verb Loucher that means to squint or to have one's eye on
When something is Louche, it means it is suspicious.
I like this name because it has 2 meanings from suspicious, to the squint problem he has due to the Geass.
Lelouch could also be a token of affection towards Claude Lelouch, a french film director. I wonder if other major names can be related to artists over the world.
Regarding the ep, I'm not sure I understood this 7 years leap. It seems obvious that it wasn't 7 years from the last time Zero appeared, because no one seems 7 years older.
For the seal of his memories, I guess it was a sort of emergency procedure applied to him so that his Geass doesn't gain more strenght, as it was starting to be uncontrolable. It could be some kind of recovery time needed for his body to be able to hold and control Geass again, for some time at least.
Then I guess what is missing is why Karen and other blacknights member know about Lelouch being Zero (maybe I lost memory of last season?)
Suzaku seems motivated in killing Lelouch too, there's no hint telling us he would'nt remember Zero is Lelouch.
And for those who doesn't want the sucky kliché "hell's angel written all over the place, here is a removal of that by a friend of mine. He said he was gonna do text removal on the original with all the credits in tomorrow as well.
Wasn't the 7 years the years when the first war started and ended, remember, at the beginning of the first season you see Lelouch as a whelp in the midst of a war-zone or something like that.
Originally Posted by David75
uhm.. because karen was there when lelouch faced suzaku :O?
she went after him
I'm not sure how I feel about someone not only calling the text on a wallpaper I made sucky and cliche (which it may very well be), but also editing it then reposting it without so much as a word to me. I'm not saying it is a crime or anything, but I would have liked some sort of notice, especially after such criticism.
EDIT: I could have posted one without text you know, considering that it will only take me two seconds to make the text invisible then save it as a jpeg file. A simple request would have sufficed.
Sorry, didn't realize you actually made them, guess I wasn't paying enough attention. And about the criticism, I have two problems, the first is the spelling of her name which of course is enough to cause debate, needless to say, I'd go for the katakana Karen カレン, which I believe makes more sense since it's a fairly common name in western culture.
But the big problem would be the Hell's Angel which could be reffering to the MC club Hell's Angels who are very well known for their organized crime all over the western world, not only in the US but also in Europe, not to mention Sweden where I come from which just is a bad association.
Edit: And of course, had I known you were the creator, I would have asked you. Because other than that, you id a helluva job removing the text.
Its no problem since you thought I didn't make them in the first place. Constructive criticism is always welcome, especially with the explanation that you gave in the last post.
I honestly didnt know there was such an organization called "hell's angels". Still, that is simply me being ignorant and is no excuse for using the same name and making it sound copied. Its always good to learn something new.
Im personally not sure which is the true name for Kallen/Karen so I just put down what came to mind. Anyway, this is going off topic and its half my fault, so lets end this here.
@David - what do you mean by Lelouch's squint problem due to his geass?
isn't this a pokemon attack to reduce the opponents defence?Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
btw where did he say lelouch has a squint problem?
i thought that "loucher" or something in france means "to squint" or so.
@ David:
was it 7 years? i thought they said 1 year.
It was bugging me so I looked up Suzaku's past and got conflicting reports about whether he was trained and did well but was disregarded because of his status or that he was simply found to be naturally talented in the heat of the moment but had never even gotten tested before due to his 11 status.
Then I rewatched episode 2 where he was godlike at piloting Lancelot when by his own admission he had no experience with Knightmares prior and he'd just read 'most' of the manual. Cecile comments that he'd only had simulation experience but he was 'at the top of his class'. Assuming his claim that he'd never had experience with Knightmares was true I can only assume they gave him the manual, stuck him in the simulator and he did amazingly well in simulated combat for however many hours they had with which to get him ready. Simulation only experiance-> single handedly owning a whole platoon at the ripe old age of 17 seems enough like a divinely gifted Gundam pilot skill to me.
EDIT: Some on topic stuff
It was definitely 1 year from the end of Season 1, some people just don't have/choose not to apply the mental capacity needed to follow a simple progression of time, pity them, but do not hate them.
Well, finally got to watch this. I'm just glad Lelouch is back to his old self now. It seems C.C.'s identity isn't so secretive after the rebellion, and I loved that Chinese fellow's antique. :D
7 years passed since Britannia invaded until Zero appeared
1 year has passed since Zero 'died'
Hmmm... edition of someone else's wallpaper... that surely is rude... even if it was done without knowing... but if Shinta makes an untexted one I will be there to download it :D
And I think the correct one is Kallen... will research...
Well... HLJ sells figures of her using the name Kallen, rather than Karen.
Wow, well they sure kicked the season off with a bang. Guess i didn't expect anything less though after last season. Nice to see my utter hatred of Suzaku validated from the very first episode this season. Also was it just me or did the lady standing next to Suzaku at the end look a like an older, not blind, version of Nunnaly?
My only disappointment is that after waiting and wondering so long i still have no idea exactly what happened at the end of last season. Oh well, i'm sure they'll reveal that to us in good time.