Translation from Mangahelpers
Sounds like a better chapter than the last one...
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Translation from Mangahelpers
Sounds like a better chapter than the last one...
So we finally see that elusive sharingan...
Why does saying Itachi is dead make me think maybe he's not? I'm always looking for tricks, I guess.
Madara seems to be pretty damned strong, even from the little we've seen of him.
Kiba was such a loser this chapter that even Naruto made fun of him... he has sunk low.
Kiba: damn... passed through again
Naruto: Umm... he side stepped you...
LOL Aloevera!!
Damn! Tobi is badass.. The final scene really creep me out. :eek:
Did you guys notice how much of a retard Naruto acted when Shino was using his bugs? "Hell yeah! Get him Shino" And he was even surprised that Tobi stepped out of the way from Shino's bug direct attack. Does Naruto expect a ninja to just stand there and get hit with that bug wave?
Aloe Vera was hilarious, and it seems like kakashi noticed the sharingan on Tobi. Since Kakashi is pretty smart, it'll take seconds to figure out "Another sharingan user + space/time jutsu better than 4th= Madara"
my binktopia link gave me an error. Just in case, heres the online read for you guys
I think now things will get really tense. Tobi's/Madara's Sharingan secret is now known by Kakashi. How he reacts is going to be interesting to this now.
OK, Shino is a question-talker, and I now officially hate his guts.
That wasn't Kakashi noticing the sharingan. I'm pretty sure they noticed the sharingan when they first encountered Tobi back before the Sasuke/Itachi battle.Quote:
Originally Posted by February
The last page was Kakashi realizing Tobi was about to disappear, so he activated the sharingan in an attempt to copy (or just see) the justsu Tobi was using.
I can take jutsu's summoning elements, but bending space/time just pisses me off to no end.
besides the four basic elements, water, fire, wind, water, there is actually a 5th element in Ninjutsu ( talking about the martial art here), and its called Void, or emptiness.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Does anybody else get the impression that Tobi/Madara is going to try to make Sasuke Itachi's replacement?
I think Madara's plan is to use Sasuke to control the Kyuubi.
Naruto's expression was priceless even Kakashi was shocked at the news and rightly so I wonder how Naruto feels first he hears Sasuke killed Oro, I think they figured out that he defeated Deidara and now he hears Sasuke has killed Itachi.
Um, that was Kakashi noticing the sharingan since Tobi just activated it he didn't have it on when he first confronted them and as for Kakashi activating the sharingan he did that from the very beginning when Naruto's rasengan went right through Tobi as they were all trying to figure out what the hell was happening and they still are.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sidnne
I have no idea what Madara intends to do but whether he wanted a body or a new set of eyes or simply wanted them to fight it out to see who is stronger, he should get whatever he wants now as neither of them can stop himQuote:
Originally Posted by Kusanagi
Madara's One eye mask makes me believe he may have lost one eye fighting the first hokage... so maybe he wanted the very best last-uchiha to replace his eye.
Oh yeah... Sasuke has killed all those that Naruto could not... bummer for the supposed main character. Nice points Abdula.
Yeah I could've sworn a million chapters ago, prior to the Itachi/Sasuke fight, Kakashi has already seen Tobi's Sharingan. Or rather, Tobi showed it to Kakashi.
Naruto hasn't actually killed anyone yet. Which for a main character in a show about super powerful ninjas that go on secret missions and assaniate people is a bit of a bummer.
Naruto has no killing instinct, that's why he sucks. He'd prefer to convert all his enemies into friends I suppose...
That was actually a pretty fun read this week. It's nice to confirm that the fourth's jutsu was space time (teleportation, despite what the freakin manga says). Now that Tobi's running away, probably to pick up Sasuke and have his way with him, seems like everyone can go home now and start whining about all the loses incurred over the arc.
Concerning Naruto himself, with Itachi dead and Sasuke's ambition halfway complete, Orochimaru gone, and the bulk of Akatsuki having bitten the dust, maybe it's time they'll start working properly on him (naruto). Avenging Jiraiya's death seems like a nice place to start, and Naruto's kage bunshins seem like they can be a good counter to Pein's eye techniques. The fact that every clone learns what any dispelled clone knew, makes it seem almost like this fight is already set up.
@ above: Naruto killed the fake Itachi guy during the save Gaara arc. And he definately tried to kill Deidara at the end of that same arc.
This is true but as stated its just things they have heard none of its true.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Actually Sasuke has killed nobody ever exactly the same as Naruto the difference being instead of winning a fight Sasuke just survives them. Oro was never killed by Sasuke instead he attempted to possess Sasuke and was suppressed using Chakra Itachi might have then sealed him for good but Sasuke did NOT kill him. Deidara blew himself up Sasuke was winning the fight yes but he did not kill Deidara he simply managed to survive. Itachi once again was not killed by Sasuke instead Sasuke lost and Itachi just fell over for some yet unexplained reason.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Even under Oro's training Sasuke killed zero people instead he knocked them all out they made sure to mention that specifically. So essentially anyone who thinks Naruto is lame for killing nobody needs to realize thats something both Naruto and Sasuke share upto this point at least.
So are we taking this as confirmation that Itachi is indeed dead? There seems to be too much of a mystery as to his poor performace in the fight for that to happen. Also, it kinda came out of nowhere, and it feels like a big anti-climax. I'm thinking Itachi may not be dead, and this is just Zetsu's observation from afar.
By the way, anyone else think that Madara may take Itachi's eyes for his MS jutsu? For me Susanoo would be a prized asset, seeing as how Itachi also posses two mystical items for ultimate offence and defence.
DB_Hunter: I said that about the eyes some posts ago, thus... I agree.
Good point... neither Sasuke nor Naruto have killed...
Naruto's jutsu may have put Kakuzu on the border of death... but at the end Kakashi killed the guy...
this... "killing instinct" is kinda akatsuki oriented:PQuote:
Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
he killed fake Itachi because it was fake, that's the only reason rasengan connected at all:D
and you forgot about Kakuzu ;)
Either way, he didn't try to convert them only because they were unconvertable :D
naruto is very simpleminded for a main character, he's too good to be merciless, that's not killing instinct if you kill villains evil beyond repair to protect your friends.
he doesn't fit the concept of the show, even mangaka told us that when Sasuke once said "man you could never be a main character in a show" or sth along those lines.
If it was only added in anime and didn't appear in the manga then correct me:D
Well he coulda killed kabuto if he wasn't such a good healer when he hit him with his first rasengan. Destroyed all his inner organs if im not mistaken, but kabuto was able to heal himself. He was trying to kill oro, itachi, kakuzu, and diadara. So i wouldn't say he doesn't have killing intent he just hasn't been able to kill off characters with a finishing blow.
Back on topic: Now im interested on seeing what kinda training naruto will go thru since he should be getting the key to his seal soon. Also i wonder if tobi's space jutsu will open the door for nartuo learning the 4ths technique ( i know we have had this disscussion before but how else can u fight someone who can teleport where ever the fuck they want unless you can do the same ). That frog scroll/safe might have alot of secrets held in it intended for naruto when he is ready besides the key to his seal. Hope this ultimate jutsu the 4th couldn't complete is not something rasengan related lol.
Rasengan teleportation would make him an insta-killer.Quote:
Originally Posted by FullMetalAlchemist
Like Goku's instant transmission -> Kamehameha?!! SUKE!!!Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
I don't think Itachi is dead either. Look at when they said Oro died in big bold letters. He's still alive.
I think I would stop watching naruto if Itachi turned out to be one of those strong 30% clones but instead used a badly injured body as a host. As for Tobi, so now he's shown the sharingan at last to the Konoha crew...well Kakashi. I hope Kakashi recognises it and it ends up being Obito who learnt the technique from the fourth during a training session (yes I refuse to give up on the Tobi is Obito theory). Anyway, can't wait for the next chapterQuote:
Originally Posted by Idealistic
*puts flame suit on*
too bad Tobi had to leave. this fight was just starting to get fun.
I didn't get the Aloe Vera part..
Naruto was implying Zetsu looks like an Aloe Vera plant....Quote:
Originally Posted by Chiodos
I'm guessing Madara's immortality has to do with this time-control/space-rift/super-dimension stuff he does to his bodyparts with his Sharingan.
Would it be the same time/space dimension where the summons live? Because that would be funny if Madara accidentally bumps into Gamabunta.
Originally Posted by Chiodos
I wonder what direction the manga is going to take now. If Naruto and gang or sasuke and his team eventually beat madara then there will be no point in having sasuke in the manga. He would now completely lose his reason to be in this manga aside from being naruto's friend. And lets face it he is going to have to do a lot of apologizing and he wont because he a fag. But anyway i think akatsuki will fall but madara will go on to destroy the other villages. Making part 3 a dismall future that is run by madara and all the ninja clans are scattered. I also dont see that happening either because it seems too dark for kishi. but yeah after akatsuki whats the point??
I still think Madara is going to make Sasuke his little puppy dog, just like Itachi was.
And after Naruto + company take out Madara and Akatsuki, Sasuke will be the only 'bad' guy left for Naruto to fight. That's what I think the end of the manga will be.
No point in considering Sasuke a villain since Kishi's favourite doesn't act like one.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kusanagi
tamed weakened Oro, set off Deidara and helped Itachi die, not very villain'ish of him :D
at least it was better than last ten chapters...
since when is shino so enthusiastic about anything? he started acting like he cares for what happenes, which is really out of charecter for him. the bugs are still stupid, though. and I can't understand the teleportiation thing. what is teleportation if not a time-space magic trick?
now that Sasuke has killed Itachi he can go back to the stinkin' village and recreate the clan, shouldn't he? case closed, no need for any more of this akatsuki mumbo jumbo. bygones be bygones?
problem is that Naruto didn't win a real fight since ch165 (kabuto). it's been about 5 years that naruto keeps getting his ass handed out to him. and all the charecter development we got from him was crap.
Sasuke still wants to defeat madara.Quote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
I'm having a hard time actually seeing him wanting to come back to the Konoha. He thinks himself of such an special outsider.