Heres a couple to mull over
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Wow, I took a look at the pictures in the first link before reading the translation on the second link, and just felt compelled to write something. I thought Sasuke and Orochimaru might've been in cahoots the whole time so that Sasuke could get his revenge, and Orochimaru his Sharingan. The translation dispelled that possibility, but left open another. Might Orochimaru gain the Sharingan this way? I found it hard to believe that Sasuke had taken him out completely, and I find it even harder to believe that he'd reappear and disappear forever in the very same chapter. In any event, this is a fucking awesome development. Haven't been this exited about the series since the start of Shippuuden.
Actually I kind of hope that happens. I would love to see an Orochimaru come back, through getting Itachi's Sharingan. That'd be a great way to bring him back and start his storyline from where it was originally left off from. I also have to note to everyone. I just looked back and realized, this fight is going on 10 chapters now. That may be the longest fight I've ever read in the series.
Here's a picture that basically summarizes the past 2 months of the manga....
Where'd Itachi get the clamp from?
Borrowed it from Zetsu.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
I thought Akatsuki had a joke shop. I mean aren't they like a conglomerate by now or something?
Nevermind the clamp, what's up the sword aka plot-device-no-jutsu O_o
So is that the real translation.... Oro pops back out and then disappears/dies right away? lol.
Actually. I've seen a couple now , and yeah I actually think thats the real one. I don't have a problem with him dying. But it'll be weird to have Itachi just off him like that during a very important fight with his little brother.
Only one word: Lame.
Both anime and manga are currently passing through a Sasuke stage... and its way lame...
Knowing how almost every fight goes.... Oro will pop out again and Itachi will be like "What?!" and then Oro attacks Itachi with a super strong jutsu that nobody ever survived. Then Itachi pops out and Oro will be like "What!??!"Quote:
Originally Posted by conquistaDan
I just can't believe that Oro can die off so easily. We need to see flashbacks and stuff like Jiraiya.
Sasuke will inherit the sword and Kabutoro will hunt him down for it.
Still, ya gotta admit it was kinda funny and awesome how Itachi shuts down oro.
*gets stabbed by Itachi*
Itachi: "Next."
Scanlation from Binktopia:
Naruto 392
I think this 'bit' of Oro is dead. But don't forget there's still the part inside Kabuto. So, I don't think he'll reappear in this fight, but the character himself will return again through Kabuto. Perhaps the Oro essence in Sasuke is finally gone now, sealed forever by the sword.
This chapter was incredibly lame. It almost felt like it was intended for comedic purposes. And the play-by-play of Zetsu continues to annoy.
One thing that I found interesting though, was that Oro's "hydra" form had 8 heads. That could provide further credibility to the theories of Oro possessing the 8-tailed (or in this case, headed) snake yoma
The transformation and even the conversation were nearly identical to that which takes place with Naruto and the Kyuubi.
"Gross,, always throwing up stuff" XDQuote:
Originally Posted by Sidnne
True, but I love how Kishimoto is starting to make fun of some supposedly epic aspects of Naruto. He's done it with Zetsu, with that Hibi snake dude calling someone retarded, with Sai talking smack about Sasuke, etc. :D
Indeed. That was the only good part of the chapter... Zetsu grossing out because of Oro.
The rest... boring.
I can sum this chapter up as Michael Jackson was defeated by Itachi's nose monster. This fight needs to either move to a conclusion or they need to actually head over to one of the other epic fights that should be taking place that we still want to see.
sorry, it called for it, and now that Image needs to be updated. (not that it looked good before).
Susano is some kind of Tengu etheral being with the legedary sword of -instakill-? someone cares to explain, or are we going to stick with Shaman king jokes?
wasn't Oro's death supposed to be a turnpoint of the series?
I wouldn't be surprised if Kishi instead of finishing Sasuke v Itachi decided to start the other fights just to show us the real conclusion of SvI after each and every other fight ends...
looks like Oro ended up as meat shield and source for new intel of Sasuke....
So Kishi just basically retold the story of how Susanoo defeated Yamata no orochi. I'm glad though we finally get to see Itachi pull some elitist crap we all know he had up his sleeve. I've been waiting for awhile for this. So we get to see Itachi show his real strength and even my guy Orochimaru made a nice cameo.:)
Yeah we talked about how Kishi is making Naruto and Sasuke complete copies of eachother already and Yamata no orochi did have eight heads but no, Orochimaru is not a bijuu.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sidnne
Wait did you miss the whole year of Sasuke thing?Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Actually.....I think the reason for oro to appear like that was because there really was no other worthy candidate to demonstrate the true power of susano. We've already had dramatic opportunities for Itachi to utilize his other two powers, but to reveal his ultimate one on an opponent who's just....lying there....would be a huge waste.
Yeah getting rid of the immortal Orochimaru that even the Akatsuki fear so easily really is something, although he will probably be back. I wonder how Kishi intends to explain away Sasuke defeating or escaping from this one cause I'm sure he will.
Is Sasuke due for another power up?Quote:
Yamata no Orochi awaits a genius of the Yagami clan, which is the arch enemy of the Kusanagi clan. The purpose is to awake it [Yamata no Orochi], in order to fight Kyuubi again.
Since Yamata no Orochi’s power inherits in the Yagami Clan, If the heir appears as the first genius in 1000 years that is able to awake Yamata no Orochi’s ability, it will be completely restored. Once the process is done, the genius with such crucial task will be destroyed due to the true body of Yamata no Orochi resurfacing, which has an all-new power. It won’t be found before the decisive battle with Kyuubi, and will be able to kill no matter of thing, destroy any type of place, and attain infinite vision (as Kyuubi has). The core of Yamata no Orochi’s power is in a kind of forbidden sealing jutsu. As soon as the Yagami clan heir comprehends enough of it, a bigger, much stronger power will surface in the grasp of Yamata no Orochi.
lol Itachi finally pulled out an awesome move. I thought this chapter was great, Oro getting disposed of like trash really showed the power of Susanoo. But I don't think the insta kill is actually part of Susanoo. Remember, Zetsu was saying Itachi used the legendary sword which Oro was looking for. So that means that the sword is not something that is part of the Susanoo jutsu, and I think we are still yet to see the real power of this technique. I suspect its the summoning of some sort of ethereal beast which is the Mangekyou Sharingan's taijutsu technique, much like how Tsuykomi and Amaterasu are its Genjutsu and Ninjutsu techniques. Its probably some sort of legendary fighter who has been given an uber power up by Itachi because he also had that legendary sword.
But yeah, I think Oro will be back in the form of Kabutoro. I don't think however he will be as powerful as either the original Oro or the version we just saw get owned. Afterall, Kabuto only merged himself with the defeated host body of Oro. The essence of Oro got abosrbed by Sasuke and has now been sealed by Itachi.
Edit: And I love the way Itachi just looks more pissed than anything else when Oro starts making his speech, and then just stabs him to shut him up.
Well if you think about it Kabuto and Sasuke reuniting could release Oro ,body and soul reuniting, and cause him to evolve into an even more powerful form which would go along with what I posted above.
Originally Posted by Abdula
Not sure what you meant dude... but... for the first time in weeks I did not forget to download the weekly chapter of Naruto until 4 days later (must be because I was looking for One Piece and found Naruto) and I am actually behind 2 or 3 eps on the anime...
@Abdula: Even if that were possible it can't happen now, as the part of Oro that was in Sasuke has now been sealed away.
Can't you say. Well I agree its not likely and would make for an incredibly dreadful storyline but that has never stopped Kishi before, despite my love for Oro I didn't even want to see him come back again in any form but it still happened.
I thought the reason Oro showed up like he did was for Kishi to weasel the Susanoo/Yamata no Orochi mythology into it. Other than that, Oro is cannon fodder once again.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
As alot of people have said, a "part" of Oro will probably come back with Kabuto, or maybe once Itachi is killed he will be unsealed. I personally think he is gone, and if he does come back it won't be anything spectacular. Oro has really lose his role as one of the top dog villains on the show. unless of course Kishi puts together a chain of events that catapult him to the main villain again (i.e. stealing Madara's body:eek:) [I strongly doubt that would happen though.]
It's a bit sad now that everyone's mentioned it, but Orochimaru's not going anywhere. They keep "sealing" him. I've also seen posts mentioning that he's immortal, and while I can't quite agree with that, I'm not quite sure how one would kill him anyway. The guy's been blasted with fire, cut in half, ravaged and pounded, some of these times when he had no chakra left, but he's still kicking. So I guess sealing him would be the only way to defeat him, but sealing him means he still around. There's no end in sight to this guy, and I'm almost positive he'll show up again, not in just some half kabuto construction, but in his "full glory". Probably before this fight's over....
Highly unlikely.Quote:
Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
He was just used to show Susanou being used on someone cause after this fight = no Itachi - no Susanou - no victim for ultimate MS technique.
Kishi told me :D
I don't know that he has lost his position as a top dog villian. He may not be the most powerful anymore, when compared to Pein and Madara, but he is still the most interesting and most diabolically sinister.Quote:
Originally Posted by joker-kun
We certainly haven't seen the last of Orochimaru. He still hasn't been given a proper exit.
Well one thing is for sure... Sasuke will now be weaker with Oro gone. I don't think he will have any of Oro's healing abilities for example, and may even lose some of the techniques he was using against Itachi.
I highly doubt that. Kishi gave them to him for a reason and he was able to use them while supressing and without depending on Oro which tells me they are his now. I mean he does still have the sharingan right, and Oro did train him for three years so I doubt the techniques he has used thus far are going to go anywhere.
-The healing ability could simply be because he absorbed Oro. When he used them not only was he still supressing Oro meaning Oro wasn't using it but he was unaware of them himself so I think that too is a given at this point. Besides isn't Oro just sealed in some genjutsu realm, when he got stabbed didn't the snakes just slither back into Sasuke?
As far as Orochimaru not being completely owned this fight, I think that's the case because its just the least lame of the of ways Sasuke can survive this fight.
Sasuke can outright win the fight, by pulling some ultra secret attack. But if that was going to happen, he wouldn't have had to release Orochimaru. In otherwords, he's empty. If he's not, we're all calling it as it is, total BS. He can also just gain some kind of power up, which would probably be in the form of an advanced sharingan that may or may not be Mangekyou, but that's even lamer than Sasuke having another attack at his disposal. I can think of no other way for Sasuke to win.
If Sasuke is not going to outright win this fight, then he has to be saved. The konoha ninja are busy with Madara, they're not going anywhere. Sasuke's posse is busy with the shark guy with that ridiculous chakra eating sword. I doubt they'll defeat him and be able to come in and save Sasuke. Even if they do come in, are we supposed to buy that they can beat Itachi, even in this state, when Orochimaru couldn't? We have no indication of what their real strenght is, save for the impression that they're weaker than Sasuke. If they come in and win, I'm calling total BS.
So who's left to play Sasuke's hero? I guess Madara somehow could assuming he has plans for Sasuke, but he's busy with the konoha ninja. Some other Akatsuki? I'm just not seeing that happen, because they seem in general to be unaware of Madara even existing, and I doubt saving Sasuke would be part of any of their own agendas. Maybe some random ninja that we may or may not already know. Possible, but lame. That leaves Orochimaru. He's not dead, his presence has already been established, and we know him to be among the most powerful ninja around, including when comparing him to akatsuki. So if he somehow is not out of comission from that Susano thing, I wouldn't be surprised.
I suddenly have a funny feeling about Madara. I think the reason he covers up his eye is because his other eye is a Rinnegan, meaning he's a part of Pein. Pein said Akatsuki's purpose was to create a weapon to show people the meaning of pain. And they intend to use bijuu to do it. But we already know the Sharingan has the power to seal the bijuu, sort of how Sasuke took in Orochimaru's powers while he sealed him.
What if, in addition to sharing vision, Pein's bodies share chakra too? That would mean the 6 of them would share the chakra of nine bijuu. And one of the bodies would have enough chakra to use all the strong Sharingan techniques it wanted.
Maybe this is why Itachi said that Madara is weak. Madara probably lost to Pein, and is either in a mind-control genjutsu, or dead and re-animated or something. In any case, they seem to treat each other as equals despite our expectations that one should lead. Also, the reason Madara wears the Tobi mask might be as a convenient excuse to hide his new eye from Itachi. Pein and Madara probably don't want him to know.
As we're seeing in the current fight, having a Magnekyou Sharingan doesn't mean much if you don't have the chakra to back it up. Itachi's plan to surpass Madara may be to beat Pein when Madara couldn't. But he has to do that before Pein gets too many bijuu, and he has to get a fresh pair of eyes before he can fight Pein, even if it means redeveloping the Magnekyou Sharingan.
Obviously, this is all speculation. But I wouldn't mind reading it. Especially since Madara just met Naruto.
ahh gotta love reading here <3
LOL Orochimaru dynamic entry failed!
Hmm.. I'd just noticed that Sasuke look fat with CS2
Hmm this might actually be the end for Sasuke, I can't see who can save him now since they're all busy themselves with someone from Akatsuki. Sasuke is fully outta chakra and with no help from Oro anymore. Itachi in his final form and ready to deal the final blow. Maybe Team Hebi will pull through against Kisame (highly unlikely but maybe Suigetsu is all is needed against Kisame) and attempt a last minute rescue since they're the closest to Sasuke right now.
Originally Posted by Konohamaru
I think Sasukes a dead man. He has nothing left. They can't save him. Kishi is going to have to have something spectacularly miraculous happen to save him from his brother.
I also think
a) how is Suigetsu or anyone from the snake team going to even know how Sasuke is doing let alone be able to go to him for aid
b) even if they do. Kisame won't let it happen. He just won't. He'll just say, "your my enemy to fight, not Itachis"
c) Kisame is the strongest of the seven swords (very very likely) So Suigetsu doesn't really stand a chance. He didn't even get to finish his training because Orochimaru trapped him. He had to take Zabuzas' sword because he didn't even have his own to fight with.
Crazy Theory:
The only way I can see something happening to save Sasuke is this.
Itachi begins to hold a converstion with Oro or Sasuke about something so long, that team 8 handles Madara or the other Akatsuki in some way fast enough. You know whats coming next folks. Naruto pops out of nowhere and sweeps Sasuke away from Itachis last blow. Looking really pissed, (and probably with Kakashi at his side) he says something like, "who do you think you are to try and do this to your own brother" or something pathetically deep.
Thats just a theory but I think that could actually end up happening. The only way really in the Kishi world, Sasuke might be saved with out being ruined or break away from the original storyline to much. I can't think of any other way Kishi would want to pull this off. Unless he wants Itachi to actually kill his little brother.
Don't be so sure to say Sasuke has nothing left. Maybe that jutsu he was talking to Oro about long time ago might not have been the same jutsu that was a lightning move that was used to strike down Itachi. It makes me feel like Sasuke is going to win this fight just because Kishi likes to surprise us with twists. Its unexpected at this point.Quote:
Originally Posted by conquistaDan
Well your point B is obvious because Kisame already stated he was going to hold back the rest of the members chapters ago.
How can you say Kisame being the strongest of the 7 swords is very likely when we haven't even seen all of the rest of the members yet? I think Suigetsu does stand a chance, just because Suigetsu was the one looking for Kisame, not the other way around. Characters in Naruto don't go hunting for other ninjas unless they stand at least a chance against them or unless if you're Naruto, the dumbass himself.
you really expect Naruto to be able to make any difference in the Itachi v Sasuke fight? Naruto is stopped by non other than Madara (Tobi) himself. Even if Naruto does find a way to slip past Tobi, Susano itself is stronger than anything Naruto can throw at. If Sasuke can't beat Itachi, I sure expect Naruto can't touch a hair on Itachi. Naruto going Kyuubi mode to fight Itachi is predictable, uninteresting, and lame.
Well I would agree that Kisame is the strongest of the mist Swordsmen simply because he is in Akatsuki and everyone we have seen from Akatsuki was the strongest in their particular area. Sasori strongest puppeteer, Itachi strongest Uchiha, Oro strongest of the Sannin, Hidan and Kakuzu were immortal and I don't think anyone from Deidara's village was stronger than he was or could even use his jutsus. Those seemed to be unique to him, which is why Akatsuki recruited him so he was in a league of his own.
So assuming that Kisame is the strongest of the Mist Swordsmen isn't wrong. Wasn't he referred to as the monster of the hidden mist or something to that extent and while demon may refer to Zabuza's ferocity, monster defintely refers to Kisame's strength. Besides I doubt we'll ever get to see any of the other members anyway so its not like it matters.
Anyway on to my real point. I said this before but I highly doubt we will see anyone rescue either Itachi or Sasuke in this battle. As they said this is between the two of them so win, lose or draw I doubt they'll allow anyone else to interfere which is why they went through the trouble of occupying anyone who would interfere.
I vote for Kabuto to appear out of nowhere and butt f*ck Sasuke from behind with a parting message to Itachi, "he's mine bitch!, get your own little kid to play with!"
wasn't Kabutoro the one who told Naruto where to find Sasuke? it means he's still around, and I won't count him out for interfiring this fight, if only for the sake of saving Oro's mind.
however, in that case, I'd be seriously dissapointed, this fight has been too long and I crave for Uchiha blood.
let the crismon flow touch the ground and make our dreams come true.
I don't see Sugi winning over Kisama.. so far, all of oro's subordinates were losers.
Dosu, Zaki, Rin - useless.
sound nin four - weaklings.
Kimimaru - barely able to win over Gaara, strong, but hardly enough.
Kabuto - Speculations aside (and as much as I like him), Kabuto didn't show us a real proof of being a 'true' strong charecter. he can cheat and spy, but we didn't see actual fighting.
the entire group of Oro slaves that Sasuke knocked down don't even count.
so far, Oro's lackys don't seem to hold that much punch, and Suugi doesn't seem so diffrent. in fact, I believe that Orochimaru chooses his followers based on unique skills to study and abuse, and not by 'pure' ability to function.
Suugi can't win over Kisame. he needs to focus power just to bust open a door. he'll never be able to take on a frontal assuat from a brute powerhouse such as Kisame.
Edit: Rikodu beat me to vote Kabuto in... I think this is the first fight I wouldn't like Kabuto to participate in...
I totally forgot about Kabuto possibly being a factor...yeah you know what? I'd actually love that to happen. At that point, even if Orochimaru's sharingan wet dreams are over, there might be some kind of completion of the Kabutoro construct and be a major power up for Orochimaru. Kabuto's powers while pretty formidable, have been pretty much dwarved by Naruto and Sasuke, and Akatsuki. There's almost no motivation for him to be around anymore. So if he were to show up, this could be the end of him as a separate entity for ever. I'm cool with that.Quote:
Originally Posted by Rikudo
Pffft.... Sai is going to come and help. We know how much he wants to save Sasuke now too because of Naruto's speeches.
We've seen situations before like the one Sasuke's in in right now. Powerless, Sasuke faces probably the most powerful foe we have witnessed in the Naruto series so far (besides Pain) and then.....
.... Sasuke wins.
No way Kishi's going to write off his manga's most popular character.
Like Naruto has in the past, Sasuke will think of something to overcome the obstical and finally, he will kill his brother Itachi.
Won't sasuke get oroshimarus sword now as a counterpart to itachis sword?
it's sasuke's year, why would he die here in the first place... ?
unless they're going to mourn his death for the rest of the year and Naruto commits seppuku in the end.
While I would to have Sasuke die (most emo and boring character ever)... he wont die... Kishimoto loves him so much I wonder why he did not call this series 'Sasuke'
Totsuka = Genjutsu / sealing technique
Kusanagi = ???
If Totsuka is the counter to Kusanagi so what kind of power has this sword?
I think Kabuto is more powerful than we saw until now but I just don't like him. I really hope that there won't come a rescue-hero and safe Sasuke. We waited so long for this fight so there must come a good end. Maybe he can escape or survive in a crazy way but if there comes a guy and safe him would be lame.
Maybe Suigetsu won't win vs Kisame but I like to see a fight with Ninjutsu and Taijutsu after that Genjutsu / Doujutsu fight.
yet again, kishi brings up "the fight has just started now"???? isn't anyone there to tell him, "oyyyyyy, kishi-senpai, this fight has been going for 10 chapters already, wut do u mean it has just started?". I just want to know why he wont finish it. Its like everytime he comes close to finishing, he remembers something new and must add it in.
I must say having oro brought back, and die in one chapter was a total waste of panels. It was bad enough when sasuke sealed oro inside himself, and now this. Wut can sasuke do now? he is out of chakra. I hope kishi doesn't give him another powerup again.
Can anyone speculate how much of this boring fight we're going to get? It feels like kishi is doing this on purpose just to bring down sasuke's character, so naruto can become popular again in his own manga. Sorry about being negative but I, and usually a lot of other people watch anime to see the main character evolve not a secondary one. Thats how anime was, and it became popular not only in japan, but in western countries as well. Just look at the poll and u can see it well. people don't like a main character which is weak, they always look for a strong one. sorry again.
If the sword has no form what was Orochimaru really expecting to find?
Am I the only one that hoped Susano'o would have made a few wild swings and kill our resident John Madden [Zetsu] with his ridiculous play-by-play reports?
A massive nine-headed beast erupts and explodes from the ground in front of you. And, you comment about it feeling like a familiar technique as opposed to it being blatantly obvious .. if you weren't a blind person, of course.
Originally Posted by Strider
eight-headed beast :P