Happy Birthday Psyke!
Psyke, Gotwoot would truly be a gloomier place without your cheerfulness and thoughtfulness always around to brighten up discussions. I love the cultural insights you bring to discussions of anime and other relevant topics. You're definitely one of the most informed people here, and are always happy to contribute to a discussion. I hope you have a wonderful day!
Not to mention you make really great contributions to the Cosplay thread and are an all around pretty awesome dude.
Hope you have fun celebrating your birthday. Take some corny pictures of you and your wife.
Happy Birthday Psyke, probably the nicest guy on the planet.
Psyke, happy birthday dude! hope you and the misses celebrate in style. go buy yourself something nice :p.
Sincerely, Enjoy! You truly have to be one o the nicest people on the boards.
Your right up there with Kk.
Happy birthday!:cool:
Sarah really said it all. Keep on trucking, dude. Have a good one.
happy birthday to our favorite Singarporien guy!
I hope your'e having a blast of a party today, becuase you totally deserve it.
Happy Birthday Psyke!!!
If facebook congrats arent enough, you can get more here too! lol
Dont let anything spoil your day today. Have a great one dude :)
omgz, happy birthday fellow gunpla collector!!!! :D
GL + HF in whatever you may choose to do on this special day.
Happy Birthday!
I'd think about sending you something, but the dollar is so weak now I'd be slaughtered on shipping charges.
You'll have to accept this oversized gif from NY State Attorney General Andrew Coumo. (I heard it was swiped from mobsters.)
Happy Birthday Psyke! Hope you have a great time! Cheers to one of GW's best members EVAR! :)
Thanks people! Reading this thread really made my day. I really like gotwoot, because it's one of the best places for anime related discussions. I don't post a lot in those heated arguments, but I'm reading'em.
It's my 3rd birthday here, but definately not the last. Thanks again! :p
Wow... late.
Since I can't wish you a good day anymore, I hope you had a good day.
Congrats Psyke!
happy b-day! hope you had a good time!
Today is your day, so, make it count!
Happy Birthday, Psyke!
Happy birthday Psyke! You really are one of the few who contribute greatly to these forums. You help to balance out the crazy people here. I hope you stick around forever with your knowledge and pictures of Japan and of your lovely wife and adventures in the world.
Happy (late) Birthday! Had I remembered it was your birthday, I would have cancelled my trip so that I could have posted in time (for sure).
Good job keeping Singapore sunny for yet another year.