Decided to watch this series, episode 1 yesterday, the rest up to episode 7 just now.
First of all, once again i have to say something about girls in "such" anime: I cannot stand (well, i can, since i watch it, but you get it) the behaviour of girls in all those romantic anime series. Be it Myself Yourself, Clannad, School Days or now this one.
I mean, i LOVE how they behave, but it´s just too unrealistic, in about any way. Girls in real life simply arent THAT cute and most importantly, obedient.
I´d love to know such girls, but i dont, and even then i doubt that about every Japanese girl is like that, which these anime shows at least imply.
well thats the good thing in animes.... you see things which you normaly won't in real life :P
Back to True Tears:
It´s enjoyable, but it lacked that something "special" within the first few episodes. Well, now it seems we´re having 2 cases of incest and one real bitch.
Really, im near tears with poor Miyokichi. I mean...WHY?!!?!?!?!
He´d do ANYTHING for stupid bitch Ai-chan, but she...betrays him.
It´s the worst when nice guys lose.
The bad thing is, that most likely, Ai-chan will be rejected by Shinichiro, then realizes how nice Miyokichi acutally was and returns to him...and the poor fool even will accept that kind of dirty play. :-(
i don't think Ai-chan is a bitch, its just that she doesn't love him so much as she does shinichiro..