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chinese scan is out
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Just went through that, seems pretty good. Just need the scanlation now.
I like the back story, and I like the Jiraiya attention.
looks really good. looks like they reveal a lot of new info this chapter. and it looks like they show what those eyes really are, cant wait for the english translation to come out
Translation is out.
Big reveal about Pein and his eyes.....Just what we need.
I guess so.....
They've acknowledged that there's some doujutsu involved, but we still don't really know anything more about nagato or why these kids have become evil.'s something fun: what if Tobi is Yahiko? :o
So according to this pein (nagato) is really like a god or something close to it, another eye technique it seems like. I really do fear that Jriayia is going to die now. Like there really isn't a doubt about it. He probably won't be able to actually win against someone who has the powers of a "god" and even worse Konan is on pein's side. I really hope it doesn't end up being like, during the fight Pein sees the evil that he's done and they go back to being good guys... that would just be way too cheap.
Finally another doujutsu that will hopefully be strong enough to make the sharingan look like crap... Sharingan is overrated.
A great chapter.
I was going with Jugo being Yahiko. They sorta resemble each other.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
somebody brought up the similarity between the one kid and juugo... i'm wondering if that will turn out to be true because it is a pretty striking resemblance.
now, i want a scanlation ^^
That'd be me, punk! *struts around, flaunting*Quote:
Originally Posted by bbaucom
But yeah... Scanlation would be good, hopefully it'll come out soon.
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
wouldn't make sense with tobi being the leader and having sharingan. that has to point to sharingan being stronger as it has been the whole series lol.
Woot! New bloodline! Doujutsu!
That doesnt mean that the new eyes have to be weaker than the sharingan. We're comparing Tobi (a multi-generational old ninja who started to Uchiha clan that fully utilizes sharingan to the maximum level as well as tons of jutus from the length of his lifespan) to Nagato (a deadly new bloodline eye user that is YOUNGER than Jiraiya and was taught under him)Quote:
Originally Posted by FullMetalAlchemist
In the chapter, it is easy to see that Nagato did not know the strength of his eyes, so we can easily assume that he can't fully understand and utilize his eye as well as Madara/Tobi can.
Thus, with the eyes or not, Tobi probably has pure power over Nagato so its flawed to measure power level of the eyes by comparing Tobi and Nagato.
But dont get me wrong, I think Sharingan is extremely deadly, useful, and badass (yes, I am a sharingan fanboy) . I just think this new eye introduced is no joke either
Just finished reading the scanlation, available at MT.
The ultimate doujutsu has now come about, the one that started the ninja world. Looks like we have something to take over the Sharingan, but it's weird seeing Tobi try and get into the Akatsuki, and then actually be the real leader who then leads over Pain.
I wonder how this will all turn out, I do see the cliche thing of Jiraiya's last teaching to save Konan and Nagato which makes them normal again, but it just sounds so anti-climatic for that to be a possibility.
I guess something happened to yahiko since he is the only one not there, probably what changed konan and pain to go bad. most likely more back story in either of the next two chapters overall a good chapter imo though. Keep it up kishi.
Bad ass chapter.
At first I thought Yahiko could be Juugo, but Juugo doesn't look too old does he? I thought he was like Sasuke's age. Unless he really is older.
If true, then maybe Orochimaru captured Yahiko because Jiraiya went bragging to them and Oro thought Yahiko had potential so he gave im the cursed seal. Perhaps it wasn't Itachi that Oro was scared of. Pain probably showed up when he joined Akatsuki to maybe try and kill Oro? So Oro got scared and left.
Well... Only a valid theory if Juugo does turn out to be Yahiko.
What I want to know is... If you have Pain who is such a godly person, why do they need to capture the jinchuurikis? Isn't the plan to try and use them to take over the world or something? Can't they just do that with Pain? If that's not the plan, I must have forgot, and there could be more to it.
Lol Jiraiya spent only a few more months training those three scamps with no prior ninja training then he did with Naruto and they all learned more interesting techniques than Naruto has displayed since he came back. Maybe the Rasengan+Kyubii control are just so great that there's no point in learning more but still, I'm much more impressed with those three's progress than anything Naruto has accomplished other than learning Rasengan.
As to the Tobi-Pein thing, maybe Tobi isn't fully in charge like we thought but he's on equal terms with Pein and just has a bad attitude. If Pein is a fairly tolerant guy then he wouldn't be bothered by Tobi talking shit to him and they could be working as partners for whatever nefarious goal they might have.
According to the Chinese translation, Jiraiya taught them for 3 years.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
Yes. We know he only taught them for 3 years thats the point.
He trained Naruto for just short of 3 years and look how differently they developed. Naruto couldn't even comprehend elemental jutsu and they were already using water and wind elements.
That goes back to Orochimaru's point that Naruto has no talent something Jiraiya admitted to.
I think that Pain/Tobi being on equal terms maybe right because I don't see either of them submitting to anyone else's ideals.
Ah I see, my bad I misunderstood Yukimura. Now that really does make Nauto look bad, doesn't it? :p
The 4th's wife was a drug-attic and alcoholic. He knew before hand his son would be a complete idiot when he was born so therefore he sealed the 9-tails inside of Naruto so he can have some sort of power to make up for his disability.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
I like how people are predicting how Yahiko/Juugo could have fallen into Oro's hands when we've already been told Juugo's backstory.
wow a new eye thats supposed to be the strongest of the three (as read by scanlation). Yanno I wouldn't be suprised if we saw the strongest user of the byakugan in akatsuki now. I mean they have "Madara" and now this dude. The three evil eyes of akatsuki hehe.
I still don't get why tobi is the leader though, maybe he has more control with his eye and at current could beat Pein in a battle.
Originally Posted by Konohamaru
I'm sorry, is there a byakugan user in akatsuki?? maybe i missed something...or do u mean 2 sharingan users and the new eye thing?
Tobi's other eye is a Byakugan eye.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
It's not the size of the boat the counts, but the motion of the ocean.
Or some other lame quote about being skillfull with your tools.
This was an awesome chapter. Really gives depth to the plot that Jiraiya is responsible for akatsukis strongest members' training.
Originally Posted by rockmanj
yea you need to read better.Quote:
Originally Posted by Konohamaru
Is it really? When was this revealed?Quote:
Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
He's taking the piss, there is no Byakugan in Akatsuki according to the story so far.
It seems to me that there are contradictory accounts being given by Jiraiya. First off, a couple of chapters back he said that there was only one ninja in history who would be able to pull off something like summoning and controlling Kyuubi, and that was Madara. No mention of Rin'negan users here. Now he says that Nagato has a hax of the sharingan and byakugan, and he can't be touched. Combine this with obviously Madara calling the shots, and you have a situation that needs reconcilling.
The theory of Nagato not knowing how to use his eyes fully whilst Madara does is one explanation. Another could be is that perhaps the Rin'nengan has a weakness to a power of the Sharingan? Perhaps an ordinary Sharingan would be defeated easily, but maybe there is a doujutsu using the MS that can defeat this new bloodline.
Another could be a Star Wars like explaination. Jiraiya (Obi-Wan) was Nagato's (Anakin's) master and now Nagato is being mentored by Madara (Palpatine) after having become evil. This would leave open the possibilty of some form of redemption for Nagato as well.
But looking at this from a bigger perspective, Naruto and Sasuke are the stars of the show. Between those two, they must have an ability or be able to combine their abilities in such a way that they can take Nagato down. Of course there is still Itachi hanging around, who isn't a push over either. Also, the issue of Tobi/Madara needs to be cleared up.
Good chapter, great stuff anticipated.
Not a bad chapter. I liked the back story. I think that Jiraiya is going to tear up. I dont think that Konan is going to interfere on this either.
Tsunade is on her way already. It's a given! C'mon! 2v1 and there happens to be a girl. Tsunade is going to take on Konan.Quote:
Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
And hmm... Speaking of Jiraiya's students.... I wonder if Anko had teammates who trained under Oro.
It seems that Jiraiya caught Konan easily with his hair... Unless she made a shadow clone, or maybe turns into paper airplanes to escape the hair...she doesn't seem that tough?
I hope Jiraiya kills at least one of them. It'd be refreshing for a change. Sometimes I get tired of the ace-up-the-sleeve.
i think Yahiko died.. and Nagato(Pein) blame himself etc.. and he become superbad...
ahh cant wait for the fight scene..
Did you not read back a chapter or two where he uses a jutsu out of his mouth that engulfs her in a saliva like substance, where he says, it's impossible for you to turn into paper?Quote:
Originally Posted by ody
I just noticed something that Jiraiya said as he was leaving.
"Come see me again when you turn 18!"
Is it just me, or does he say something hilariously perverted at a tragic sad moment?
Did you honestly think Kishimoto was going to write a younger Jiraiya without perverted tendencies did you? He even wrote a kid Jiraiya with perverted tendenciesQuote:
Originally Posted by February
I like this idea a lot actually. Everyone has noticed that Tobi, in the past, has displayed a tendency to be a bit obnoxious. Whether or not that was just a false personality, it seems to match up with Yahiko, who seems obnoxious to me as well. Also, it is quite possible that Pein and Tobi were speaking as equals, in which case neither was bossing the other around: they were just discussing strategies and tactics. We've never seen Tobi's face, and even though he hinted that he might be Madara, it hasn't yet been proven.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Here's the last part of my idea: how did Tobi get the Sharingan, if he isn't an Uchiha? Maybe he simply recovered the body of a fallen Uchiha (do we know any?), and took the eye. Maybe he was jealous of Nagato's doujutsu, or maybe he needed it for another reason?
I'm not saying it's likely, but isn't it at least possible?
Oooooh, great chapter! I can't wait for the next one!
How is the Rin'negan a hax of the Sharingan? The Rin'negan first appeared in the first ninja to ever exist. The Sharingan is a genetic descendent of the Byakugan, which happens to be owned by a clan of ninjas. If there's any genetic relationship between the three, then either the Byakugan genetics came about from a common ancestor to the Rin'negan genetics, or the Byakugan is a descendent.Quote:
Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
Second, we have no idea what kind of powers the Rin'negan grants Pein. For instance, it might be the reason he is able to transfer between bodies, in which case it is stronger than the Sharingan, in the long run. (The idea being that if Uchiha Madara and Pein fought, Pein might lose based on raw power; but Pein would survive forever, whereas Uchiha Madara presumably wouldn't)
Third, we have no idea what the relationship between Uchiha Madara and Pein is. I'm starting to think that Uchiha Madara approached Pein with the Akatsuki plan, knowing that Pein's recent conquest of the Land of Rain would provide them a strong base of operation. Pein's goals presumably coincided with Uchiha Madara's. (In fact, I'm thinking that Uchiha Madara needs the first 8 bijuus to beat the Kyuubi. After the Kyuubi is under Madara's control, the first 8 will be used by Pein for his Akatsuki plan -- to bring war to the five main countries, show them pain, corner the market on ninjas, etc)
Originally Posted by Abdula
Eh, not really. Jiraiya has always focused on teaching Naruto about chakra control, so that he could safely use the Kyuubi's chakra. This is why he pushed him off the cliff. This is why he taught him the Rasengan (despite it being a ridiculously difficult technique). Jiraiya once told Kakashi that his life has only been in danger twice: once against Naruto using Kyuubi chakra, and from what we've seen since, once against Hanzo, the most respected ninja of his day.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
There was that one time when Tsunade caught him peeping at her in the bathhouse, as well. So, three times?Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
Keeping up with his reasoning of becoming powerful to protect the whole country, maybe he did take the eye from a fallen Uchiha, having heard about the legacy of Uchiha Madara and the power he possessed. This would fit in with Tobi saying "The power of Uchiha Madara is mine!" without meaning that he is actually him. It would also fit in with trying to better Nagato's doujutsu if he was jealous and wanted to be the all-powerful saviour rather than being surpassed by someone he thought of as inferior.Quote:
Originally Posted by KCMmmmm
It's all grasping at straws though.
Wow, I completely skipped that part.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
That 'saliva like substance' was oil.
Thanks for responding! Yeah, I agree - it's thin, but I'm enjoying the fact that, even while Naruto seems to have been wrapping up all of its secrets, it still leaves a couple new ones here and there. This chapter is the first in a while on which I've seen so much speculation.Quote:
Originally Posted by Raven
I like this idea in principle. It has a lot of explanatory power. But if this is true, it makes it really obvious that Itachi is a member of Roots.Quote:
Originally Posted by KCMmmmm
Ohgawd, I half hope this theory isn't right, because then it'd give all the more reason to have Tobi be Obito... just with Madara's eyes.Quote:
Originally Posted by Raven
The theory of the Fourth Hokage being Naruto's father has already been proven, so I desperately hope Tobi being Obito doesn't turn out to be true as well.
But hey, if Tobi is just plain Tobi with Madara's eye(s), I'd be fine with that. :p
No, no. The theory in question is whether there is a possibility that Tobi is Yahiko, with an Uchiha eye.Quote:
Originally Posted by Genma
It just occured to me that simply because the Rin'egan is the most powerful of the three eye techniques doesn't make the user invincible. Afterall, Shodaime without any eye bloodline limit was able to defeat Madara, and Chiyo Ba from the Sand also talked about how you can fight someone with the Sharingan. It seems to me that Naruto may finally be heading towards a climactic battle which is more than just 'power levels' but may actually involve some strategy and plotting,
That makes sense, which is good (no dbz-like naruto).Quote:
Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
But theoretically it should be obvious (hello, ninjas :D ).
We did see Naruto owning Neji after all... and that was literally years ago ;)
The only reason I'd even consider that Tobi is Yahiko is if Rinnegan is indeed superior to sharingan yet Pain still accepts Tobi as the true leader. If it turns out the Madara's power has always been the strongest afterall, then we're still back at square one.
Yea but that bit at the end of one of the chapters, where Tobi is on Madara's statue thinking about Sasuke seems out of place for him to be Yahiko. What would Yahiko want with Sasuke? With Madara or another Uchiha you could understand, as it would be some sort of clan thing.
The bodies Pein use are of dead people right? Isnt the spiky haired guy hes in at the beginning Yahiko?
Yes, because if two people have spiky hair of the same color, then they must be the same person.
wow, there is even a stronger eye than the sharingan - the GODMODEGAN.
maybe the the eye has the potentiel to be the strongest, but only when combined with the nine beasts (the eye is level on, and each beast represents a new level of eye skills).
still, I don't care.
also, maybe the three eyes aren't nesscery, NGGODGAN, Sharingan and the byakougan, maybe there's another eye skill, since the sharingan is colored as gazzilion times stronger than the byakougan...
anyway, I now hate Payne as well, at least until they say that he really is yahiko whos made a bitch out of nagato. which probably isn't the case.
from your post, i suspect you are tired of kishi making bloodline eyes extremely godly and powerful...but it should be powerful because they are bloodline powers, and that secret has been heavily guarded from generation to generation (i.e. hyuuga clan) I personally think that the addition of these eyes into the Naruto ninja world has been brilliantQuote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
sharingan is an evolution of the byakugan, evolution is means of adapting and usually better fit to survive, which shows why sharingan is portrayed stronger than the byakugan, so its not unreasonable to show that the sharingan is indeed stronger and more useful than the byakugan
you have misread me. my bad, I wasn't very clear with my earlier post.
I was raising the option that maybe Byakougan isn't one of these three godly eyelines (since, as you said, the sharingan grew from it), and so there is a possibilty that we'll be introduced to another super eyeline. which I would hate to see happenning.
as for the bloodlines powers... we first had sharingan - which came out to be badassly strong, but still, not perfect. then we had Haku's ice bloodline, which was pretty strong, until it lost to sheer chackra power (at that time, I don't think it was even that much power), later, we see Byakougan, which was beaten a few months later. stage one.
than we see MSharingan, super genjutsu, super flame. two years later it becomes a supreme genjutsu (just hearing a shadow can cast you into a genjutsu, despite being an eye skill) with time/space blasting abilities.
in comes tobi/madare. who other than living has been portrayted as the ultimate ninja, since he has the sharingan. we haven't seen him fight anyone that matters, but just becuase he got the eyes, we assume that he is invincible.
now Payne / Nagato. we never saw him fight, we have no idea what his eyes do, but we know that he is the most powerful ninja ever becuase he has the ~godmodegan.
it's a one trick pony thing. the only one who gets to fight with brain is shikamaru, and that's since Kishi dumbs down his enemies on a regular basis. addition to that....mythologies have always regarded doujutsus (eye jutsus) to be the most powerful of jutsus.Quote:
Originally Posted by February