I wonder why chapter 366 is not out yet?
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I wonder why chapter 366 is not out yet?
You're lucky Mangahelpers posted some spoiler pictures:
Spoiler 1
Spoiler 2
EDIT: Oops, sorry...I forgot to post the source thread
EDIT: Maybe this spoiler is real?
EDIT: Well, at least the picture I linked to in the second edit was real.
nah its ok. thanks alot!!
Originally Posted by ian_sanzo
Is it ok? Good one, I think that you should read the rules playa.
Those pics looked kind of fake to me. Normally they arent that quality yet when they are spoilers. -dg-
I wasn't apologizing to you.Quote:
Originally Posted by ian_sanzo
both of those look ridiculously fake.Quote:
Originally Posted by fahoumh
1) Because Shonen Jump was not published last week
2) Because Shonen Jump hasn't been published this week yet
3) Those pictures are fake
It wasn't published because Kishimoto is a douchebag.
I don't think the publishing of shonen jump has anything to do with Kishimoto being a douchebag.
:Anxiously waits for the day that ody doesn't leave a shitty post:
Anyway...I like how the past 3 chapters have had photoshopped images of Paine confronting Naruto or Itachi.
maybe a double chapter next week?
There's no such thing as a double chapter.
There are indeed what the japanese call 'double-issues' but it doesn't it mean it has double number of pages, just the fact that they are sold for 2 whole weeks, instead of one.
Wow, is Kishifagmo going to release a chapter this week or is he going to leave us hanging again?
It's only Thursday.
Are you ever going to post something worthwhile or just leave us hanging forever?
The latter.
you know he has nothing to do with the relase of Jump right?Quote:
Originally Posted by ody
im sorry... did the thread just repeat itself? ody, if you dont like kishimoto.... stop reading naruto and caring about when it comes out.
i cant wait for the next chapter to come out... and so far this thread has consisted of your shitting all over it, and a couple fake spoiler pictures.
a good point, bb...
think i'll simply trash this garbage when the actual chapter comes out... the only reason this hasn't been done is on the wild possibility that some of those spoiler pics are actually legit...
i hope sasuke shows up in the middle of naruto and itachi's little confrontation. That would be awsome if that bird tells juggo that itachi is still lingering around ground zero of deidara's final masterpiece lol. Hopefully next chapter will be a free-for-all between team hebi, konoha, and team itachi. Im so anxious to see pain's techniques.
See that is what I like to see on here. No talking, just action. Good job AnFQuote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Holy shit. Someone is seeing a clone! Damn it! I want to know which one is real! -dg-
Interesting Chapter. Naruto's owned by itachi again, but I'm guessing he blurted out that Sasuke was coming after him.
Hope Jiraiya and tsuande's drinking conversation wasn't just played for laughs and they discussed something important.
Now all we need is a translation!
Naruto 366 Scanlation
Hmm...Jiraiya is starting to talk like Asuma earlier....
Also, the Sasuke vs Itachi should be dope
Meh Cocktease chapter :(... Next one should be good :D
the Sharingan Genjutsu out of the birds was a great move! That would totally surprise almost anyone. but they hardly talked at all! way too much of a teaser bit indeed...
yeah, Jiraiya's insistence on sitting Tsunade down and having a talk and a drink with her, to make up for lost time, was the first real hint that, upon learning of the Akatsuki hideout, Jiraiya figured that he probably isn't going to make it back to Konoha... Got a good laugh at him talking about Tsunade's tits, though... The "put my life on the line, it's the only thing us old farts can do..." on the panel of the Third's statue is as heavy a foreshadowing as any...
It felt a little out of character to me for a drunk women's tits being talked about in front of her to not slap the shit out of the person who is doing the talking -- especially when they possess super strength
wow, Naruto gets owned again, how suprising.
evil dudes are in the rain village, doing evil things and plotting evil wars..
Tsunade seems to be flattered by what Jiraya is saying, so that's probably his way of flirting his goodbye to her.
Sasuke's face in the last page is priceless. like he's on crack or something...
All in all, we learned nothing new, and everything sucked.
I have a feeling this sasuke/itachi encounter is going to be a huge letdown. Everything we've seen between them so far has been nothing but a cocktease, why would it be any different now?
I'll be disappointed if Itachi doesn't obliterate Sasuke. Sasuke is such an emo pussy.
We learned alot actually. That the rain country is in a civil war and Pein is the leader or something. We learned that Jiraya didnt want to be the fifth because he was upset that he couldnt stop Oro(which we kind of already knew that). And we found out that Itachi wants to talk to Naruto about something. Damn, I want to know what it is! -dg-Quote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
i thought that he actually asked him his principle concern, about why Naruto considers Sasuke so important. And, of course we've all read Naruto's further response detailing his big old rubbery one for the kid who just doesn't want him around anymore...Quote:
Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
Heh loved the part where Sasuke looks at Itachi all that was missing was the crazed kill bill music.
Honestly I'm not expecting much from their confrontation Itachi will probably just mock him then run off. More excited about Jirayai's suicide mission. Should be interesting to see him go all out against the akatsuki leader.
Maybe he'll fight Tobi and we'll finally see what Tobi can do.
So Jiraiya's gonna die, eh? Sad times for all. Not that we've seen him lately so why would we care? ;) Although I expect we'll see him a lot over the course of the next few months.
The Sasuke/Itachi thing will probably last half a chapter before one of them leaves.
I wonder what Itachi wanted to speak to Naruto about. Hmm.
yeah :( i didn't like jiraiya forshadowing his death...
i hope that he at least goes out with lots of style.
Heheh this is all that I was hearing in my head as I read those last few pages of this weeks chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!!!!
That's exactly what I was thinking. Unless Tsunade has a secret crush on Jiraiya and refrains from hitting him simply because she is drunk. We will find out when he dies though.Quote:
Originally Posted by Hikyuu
Yeah, this chapter was completely disappointing. It took two weeks to come out, and seemed to contain nothing but teaser. Should it really have taken six chapters to explain that the Rain village is at civil war, one side is lead by the Akatsuki leader, and that Jiraiya is going on a mission alone?
LobsterMagnet: that was terrific. Loved it.
Glad you liked it. Makes the two hours it took to put it together all the worthwhile.Quote:
LobsterMagnet: that was terrific. Loved it.
Yeah I'm really expecting that next week itachi will smile then simply vanish away. I feel that naruto is starting to draw too a close but it's still too early for the inevitable Sasuke/ Itachi fight. Besides what's the point him forming team "snake" if none of them get in on the action.
hahaha Sasuke's face looks as if:
1. He's going to take a dump.
2. He just remembered that he left an iron on.
3. He saw Itachi about to own him badly :D
4. He's mentally retarded and just makes faces.
Never seen that kind of a face on Sasuke before :P
Naruto will end up growing up to be a homosexual. Think about it. He's at the age where he's learning about his body, and we already know he uses kage bunshins for everything. Even if he uses the sexy no jutsu on the bunshin, the bunshin's experience will be transfered to Naruto when they're done playing. So Naruto will learn what it is like to be a receiving sexual partner. The bunshin will be turned on by Naruto, and thus Naruto will be turned on by himself, and probably even other men.
I think Itachi, another shinobi who could use the kage bunshin no jutsu at a young age, just wanted to warn Naruto.
Poopdeville: your most recent post definitely lives up to your name. Thank you for turning something innocent and fun into just another dirty idea. On the other hand, you forgot to mention that Naruto has been trained by both Kakashi - who is hopelessly addicted to the "Make Out" series - and Jiraiya (who wrote the "Make Out" series. Definitely a good pair of influences for our young developing hero. Oh well, it's his choice.
Back on topic: Why couldn't Naruto just sit still and listen? Everybody knows that once you get the bad guys monologuing they go down without any trouble.
wow great chapter
I cant wait for Sasuke vs Itachi but somehow it feels like it might not happen? I always thought the final showdown would involve Sasuke finding Itachi instead of vice versa and Sasuke using his three partners to help take down itachi.
I was really curious about what Itachi had to say,
Naruto, being a fucking dumbass he is, charges at him again without listening or thinking. and he should know by now that Itachi is still on a whole different level than him.
Why would listening be a good idea? That would only give Itachi time and opportunity to attack. Tactically, he did the right thing by attacking. He should have called for backup first though.Quote:
Originally Posted by February
If Itachi is as strong as he's been made out to be, he could have easily killed Naruto had he really wanted.Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
Kakashi acknowledged that Naruto had already surpassed him and said Naruto has twice as much chakra as he does (without even using the Kyuubi powers). Naruto has good reason to be confident in his own abilities.Quote:
Originally Posted by fahoumh
Itachi doesn't want to kill Naruto anyway. They both know it.
I still say Naruto did the right thing.
Having chakra means jack shit if you don't know what to do with it. In terms of knowing the ultimate jutsu, Naruto may have surpassed Kakashi but in my opinion if it ever came down to a deathmatch between the two I would put my money on Kakashi each and every time.
And yes, for those who may notice this is my first manga section post, I have been converted due to the slow pace of the anime. Then again, maybe I should have waited a bit to see Kakashi's MS animated first...
I'm about 90% sure that the Naruto thats talking to Itachi is just a Kage Bunshin
Yeah, that sounds very possible...Naruto's Kage Bunshin control has really advanced since the series started.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
poopdeville, the reason he should have listened was he knows (or at least he should know) how strong Itachi is and if Itachi said he just wants to talk that it means he just wants to talk. Itachi doesn't have to go for the "just want to talk then attack when the enemy's let his guard down" trickery. This is a guy who wiped out an entire clan.
DB_Hunter has it right, Kakashi has killed and can kill if he must. All this training and Naruto is still as rash as ever.
I wouldn't, especially if it came down to a deathmatch. Naruto fought evenly with Kakuzu, who happened to beat the shit out of Kakashi and fought (at least) evenly with Shodaime Hokage. I realize Kakuzu was already hurt. But he had three hearts left -- two more than Kakashi managed to kill.Quote:
Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
And Naruto fought evenly against Orochimaru. Naruto is at least nearly as strong as Sarutobi (when he died) if he uses the Kyuubi. The worst Kakashi could do to him is use the MS on him. But Naruto already knows how to break free of genjutsu and can use Kyuubi's chakra to do it.
Did you forget that his mission was to capture Itachi? If the Chuunin Exam arc taught us anything, it's that ninja need to try to complete their mission no matter how great the risk. He wasn't going to run away, even if he was out classed. So why let the enemy prepare and lose what little advantage he had?Quote:
Originally Posted by fahoumh
Attacking before giving the enemy a chance to prepare is the right thing to do.
Actually they're planning to bring Sasuke back and tracking Itachi since Sasuke is also after him.Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
I wouldnt say he fought evenly, all Naruto did was landing 1 attack on Kakuzu and that was the end of the fight. Im truly disappointed that a Akatsuki level ninja who lived for several generations could not see through Naruto's simple Kage bunshin diversion. That is the only major complaint I have of the manga storyline, everything else seems reasonable.Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
Yes, Naruto has grown alot and even learned an extremely dangerous move that the 4th created. Yes, Naruto has an extreme amount of chakra with his kyuubi powers. Yes, Naruto has shown us that he has the endurance and strength to pull through powerful enemies. But its obvious that he's still a whole level under Itachi. He doesnt possess genjutsu nor can he easily counter them. He still charges with mass kage bunshins (which wastes his chakras) He still depends on 1 powerful move to finish his opponent off (which requires him to make contact or close range with the enemy) I have also rarely seen him plant traps or devise a well made plan like Shikamaru's.
And we have seen the arguably one of the most powerful techniques, the MS. There has been no way to successfully counter it (yet), and Itachi probably still has loads of other tricks up his sleeve.
Why is it so hard to believe that Naruto has no chance versus Itachi at this point? Why does he feel the need to charge and aggrevate someone who is strong enough to kill him when he just wants to talk?
This is my worthless opinion though
No, seriously.....did you see how many clones Naruto sent out? I would be surprised if the real Naruto is not actually with Kiba and the others.
I think it's too soon for Itachi to be defeated by Sasuke, I don't know could happen, but I don't think so at this stage.
Yeah, it would be better to keep him with the others.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Jiraiya can't die, not yet. He needs to kick some Orochimaru ass! or Tobi.
:( very good chapter, unfortunately it seems that jiraiya might be the next one to go when he faces madara
this whole naruto argument is laughable. Naruto, lacks insight or strategic battling, it was kakashi who uncovered every detail about kakuzo and propably would have beaten him if naruto didnt show up anyway. Itachi can obliterate naruto if he pleased, naruto seems like that pest that itachi and kisame don't really address until naruto barks at them. We did not even see the full extent of itachi's strength, he only seemed cautious about fighting jiraiya. Sasuke on the other hand, is also growing like naruto, they are both still mastering their styles but again sasuke has outgrown naruto just like in the early manga and by the time they encounter naruto will either realize it and magically grow more as a ninja or fail his mission and outgrow sasuke a few months later.
Naruto is just too damn incoherent about everything he does. Its more of an insult to Itachi to even consider Naruto to be anywhere near his level than anything else. And he can't really effectivley counter genjutsu. That time with the 30% Itachi clone was pathetic. As soon as Itachi realised what was going on, he went up a gear and Naruto was helpless again.
Even if Naruto learnt how to counter normal Genjutsu, he would be no match for the MS. That argument is like saying Sakura would be able to neutralise the MS, which is BS.
i agree with everyone who says that Naruto is an idiot and, in reality, would probably be killed by Itachi or even maybe Kakashi if it was one on one. But you're forgetting something: the show's got his name on it, he's the main character. That means he won't ever lose in a life or death match, ever.
and, yeah, with all those clones that went out there, it's unlikely that the one Itachi found is the genuine article.
I think Jiraiya is going to die, and soon. Probably in a big fight with either Pein, Tobi, or the female Akatsuki, but I'm going to guess Pein since 1) we haven't seen him fight yet and 2) Kishimoto knows that his fans want to see the Akatsuki leader fight, after he was built up in part 1. Why do I think Jiraiya is going to die? Like someone else said in this thread, the foreshadowing is too strong. Jiraiya having a drink with Tsunade and reminiscing about old times? One or both of them are going to die.Quote:
Originally Posted by kAi
This also fits in with Kishimoto's "the new generation needs to take over" theme. I suspect he will kill off the older characters one by one, and Jiraiya is next. I will guess that Tsunade will get it next.
If Itachi met up with one of Naruto's bunshins as Assertn suggested, then Naruto did a very smart thing for strategic planning. He collected information on Itachi's answer to the 2 on 1 attack from behind anti-sharingan strat and Itachi's response to a 1 on 1 rushdown. It's the same thing he did that allowed him to land the wind shuriken rasengan on Kakuzu. He might have found a hole in Itachi's offense similar to when Sasuke charged his sword w/ electricity discovering that electrcity made duds out of Deidara's bombs.
He didn't use Kyuubi's chakra then. You must admit it's at least a possibility that he can break free of any genjutsu if he sends enough chakra to his brain (in the way Jiraiya described). So the question becomes: who has more chakra? Itachi or the Kyuubi? I'll admit we don't know the answer to that question, especially since the Sasuke/Kyuubi encounter. It seems like some of the Uchiha might have a way of controlling the Kyuubi. But Naruto would clearly dispell Kakashi's MS.Quote:
Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
On the other hand, my argument is in response to the claim that attacking Itachi was dumb. His mission was to capture Itachi. As Sarutobi said, you don't know who wins until a fight is over.
On a completely different note: Naruto has mastered a wind element attack. He's probably as strong as many Konoha jounin, but he isn't a jounin yet. What other kind of chakra do you think he'll use? From the look of it, the Kyuubi uses wind element chakra too.
Just having a strong attack doesn't make one a jounin level ninja. Sure Naruto only needs one hit to finish pretty much any opponent, but he has to get that hit in. Kazuku underestimated Naruto and brashly went in for the kill without considering the possibility of the Shadow Clones being distractions. If Kakashi had tried the same trick on him he would have probably been more wary since he'd expect more danger and trickiness from him. If Naruto was treated like a true threat by an opposing jounin level ninja I don't think there are many that would lose to him. All they'd have to do would be move faster than him and kill him quickly with a kunai to the back of the neck (come to think of it....why didn't Rock Lee do that to Gaara?).
Also, where are you getting that Kyubi uses wind chakra? From the thing about his tail waving creating Tsunamis? From what we've seen so far the Kyubi chakra has always been raw energy that can be harnessed for increased strength & speed, or for directly attacking an enemy (Kyubi Claw, Kyubi Rasengan, Kyubi Death Ball). In all the instances it manifested for a direct attack it had a definate shape but never seemed to have any element to it.
No, but fighting evenly with Orochimaru does.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
What you said regarding "just" moving faster than the enemy and killing him with a kunai is true of everybody. If Kakashi, say, could move faster than Orochimaru, he could probably kill him that way. Naruto was as fast as Orochimaru.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
And anyway, we've already twice seen what happens when Naruto is 'fatally' wounded. (First when Kabuto destroyed his heart muscles and chakra circulatory system and when Sasuke hits him with the Chidori in the chest.) The Kyuubi revives him.
I'm basing this on its often used "yell attacks", where he/it yells and a blast of chakra comes out, just like the Shukaku's yell attack (which was confirmed by Gamabunta to be a wind element attack). I think the Death Ball you mentioned was one of these -- chapter 296 against Orochimaru?Quote:
Also, where are you getting that Kyubi uses wind chakra? From the thing about his tail waving creating Tsunamis? From what we've seen so far the Kyubi chakra has always been raw energy that can be harnessed for increased strength & speed, or for directly attacking an enemy (Kyubi Claw, Kyubi Rasengan, Kyubi Death Ball). In all the instances it manifested for a direct attack it had a definate shape but never seemed to have any element to it.
But who knows. Maybe it can use them all and it hasn't been explained yet.
Oh, well if you're going to put 4 Tail Mode into the equation then sure he could probably beat most other ninjas who are too dumb to just run away (unless they have a Gamabunta level summon or some other massive AoE attack like Diedara). I don't really consider 4 tails mode part of Naruto's strength though since he has absolutely no control over how it's used. I'm sure it can allow him to kill people, but it's not a particularly flexible ninja tactic seeing as how it's like dropping a bomb on an area.
True, it isn't his own strength. However, in the heat of battle, survival is all that matters. And even if it requires that you lose control to win the victory lies in still being the one standing. Is it cheap? Yes. Is it any less valuable? Not at all.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
I would imagine that -for a ninja - survival and success are more important than worrying about cheating or deception, since those are things ninjas are supposed to excel at. We've only ever seen Naruto go as far as four tail mode by the way. I'm sure if it still wouldn't cut it in battle, the Kyuubi could force another five tails out. I imagine that if the ninth tail were released, then Kyuubi would have broken the seal completely, so that might not happen.
Jounin is not a title given to someone who can berserker rage orochimaru.
A Jounin has to be a capable team leader that can achieve mission goals with minimal risk to his teammates.
Jirarya's death seems imminent since it's an extremely dangerous mission. Itachi's fight with Sasuke will most likely have an intrusion by the newly shown Sharingan holder.
Na your wrong about the kabuto part lol tsunade saved him, kabuto even says the kyubbi chakra wont be able to heal because of him cutting the chakra lines, plus kyubbi was shown dissapearing in black as naruto was dieing.Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
I believe naruto has a better chance against itachi if he could gain some speed, if multiple naruto's are coming at you in high speed its hard to defend against :).
Jiraya is most likely going down soon, maybe that will lead to naruto becoming more serious (most likely not though).
EDIT: wooooooooooooooot my 100 post lmao :)
I know all this and suspected that the next time we see Jiraiya it would be foreshadowing his death, my Jiraiya fanboyism is showing with me saying not to die. So, when I read this chapter and got up to the Jiraiya part I read it a couple times and was disappointed.Quote:
Originally Posted by Super5
With the Sasuke v Itachi, I don't think Sasuke is going to win at this point, just my hunch is all, I don't think it's time.
Although, with all the Akatsuki killings going on, it could definately happen, but if it were too happen it would just seem a little rushed.
The one redeeming factor in Jiraiya possibly dying is FINALLY seeing him go full force with no limitations. If by Akatsuki leader, Jiraiya is referring to Pein, somehow I dont see Jiraiya serving more as a block in Pein's pursuit of Naruto :\
But, if Pein is actively pursuing Naruto, I think Tobi is the one hiding out in the Rain Village.
i hate that fact of the foreshadowing about jiraiya, but if anything could make naruto stronger... could make him be more serious it would be that!! you cant deny it. my favorite person is going to die
I don't think naruto needs to be stronger.. maybe more resourceful and well rounded.. but not stronger...
Does anyone think that the way itachi is acting kinda shows that something is amiss. I have this feeling we are gonna see why he really killed the clan with madara/tobi finally being shown. Maybe he was being controled for all we know, there really may be a deeper reason to why itachi kept sasuke alive and no one else in the clan.
A deeper reason.. Ahh Incest I see where you're going with this...
I don't mean to argue (I've done enough of that in this thread already), but I read that differently. Naruto came back to life when Tsunade's tears landed on the seal holding the Kyuubi in. I figured she had given up at that point, especially since she was crying over his body when his heart started itself up again. Also, Kabuto might have cut the chakra line, but it seems that kind of thing wouldn't stop the Kyuubi. Remember when Neji messed up Naruto's chakra circulatory system and the Kyuubi fixed it?Quote:
Originally Posted by FullMetalAlchemist
Lawl poopdeville is such an idiot, hah.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
We already know what happens when naruto goes overboard around an experienced ninja like kakashi, *slap* seeling tag on the forehead, end of battle.
Also MS is NOT a genjutsu :confused:, it just an ability that enables:
tsukiyomi: be all, end all genjutsu.
amaterasu: black flames from hell, burns through everything
kakashi's hax: I think this one is the craziest, seeing how it just zaps you to another dimension.
If wind rasengan is a technique that can defeat almost any foe, i'm positive that the MS ZAP would own anything else aswell, actually, it WOULD own anything you throw at it.
Another stupid comment, Neji plugged the damn chakra holes, he did no cutting what so ever.Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
darkshadow: what are you, 12?
Only Kakashi, Jiraiya, and now Yamato know about the sealing technique. Experience alone won't let you use it. You're right, MS is not genjutsu. I was referring to Tsukuyomi, MS's strongest known technique. Kakashi's MS "zap" wasn't able to beat Deidara, someone who Naruto and later Sasuke easily beat.
Finally, "plugged the damn chakra holes"? I think you need to read or watch Neji's fight with Hinata again. Guy and Lee specifically explain that forcefully putting chakra in the tengetsu will cause them to rupture, severing the chakra circulatory system. Guess what else would sever it -- a cut. Furthermore, Neji and Kakashi said it would be impossible to recover from that kind of damage. But Naruto did. Twice.
Blocking tengetsu is not the same as Jyuuken, the technique of forcing chakra into the enemy's circulatory system. Hinata knows Jyuuken, and can inflict internal damage to people just as Neji can. Hinata cannot, however, block tengetsu. These are two distinctly different techniques, and the tengetsu that Neji blocked on Naruto has nothing to do with severing organs.Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville