The Moment of Truth...or is it?
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The Moment of Truth...or is it?
What happenes if there's a tie?
Then you'll just have to wait and see.
I can't believe it came down to two IRC users. I voted for Arcness because he spent the last month campaigning his e-assholery. He needs to do a youtube debate next so Jim-Bob from Kentucky can ask him some irrelevant questions.
Y ___________________________________
*random characters otajeoifasjfiosanf*
Both are cool, and have huge e-penises, in their own way. Tough choice, but gave my vote to Y.
A dilemma, up till now I'd been voting based on earned e-respect more then demonstrated e-assholeness, however it seems both finalists are very e-assholeness heavy. Do I keep to the trend and vote Arcness who has managed to earn some respect or follow the polls trend and vote Y, the seemingly bigger douchebag...
Voted, but I won't say who.
but I will say that it wasn't Y.
Voted...but if I say who somebody is going to shoot me dead on IRC. :(
That means you voted Y dumbass.Quote:
Originally Posted by Carnage
When do I get to face the winner in an all out grand championship battle?
14-14. This is turning out pretty exciting as a contest.
May the worse man win.
haku definitely gets my vote.
This is probably the toughest match up that could could happen. But in the end my vote go to Hakuness.
It's the toughest because everyone wants to vote Y, but are afraid of getting banned from IRC if they don't vote arcness.
At least I lost to the winner of the competition kekekeke.
Thats already happened to me :pQuote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Well I get banned from there all the time so it's of little consequence to me.
How about i shitlist you and never remove you. And if i ever get mod, watch out. So vote for me.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
I don't know which is more pathetic, people talking reverently about this haku's asshole-tendency to ban people on irc, or his asshole tendency to ban people because he's having pms every day of the month. It really makes people want to join the gotwoot irc channel, I'm sure. If it's your plan to keep it just the 5 of you on that channel, then it seems to be working. It's like he's the abusive boyfriend, and you all keep coming back for more, and he only treats you like shit because he really loves you.
Well I can't hang with that, so I'll keep to the forums. Excuse me while I go haku a loogie.
Yeah. Arcness' campaign motto should be "I Try Too Hard".Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Yeah, let me bring this up. What the hell is with people replacing actual clever insults and trolling with bans like that is the height of wit? Like for example, running jaredster off the server like people bragged about - well you hardly "ran him off" when you just shitlisted or glined him.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Fellow Saber Fanboy for the win. Arcness all the way man.
You're supposed to vote for the person who tries hardest to be a dick online, not just the person with the same anime fetishes. Thanks for ruining the poll Lucifus. Btw, you misspelled "tool" when you created your username.
Think of it like this. Everyone else tries to have the biggest dick. I just have the biggest dick.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
You're clearing not following the criteria. Now that you admit it, your vote for Arcness gets disqualified. gjQuote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
Masa lost in the first round, I'm tellin' ya the thing gotta be smaaaal
And Terra losing against Wilik, this shit is rigged.
And I say Y for the win even if Arcness' fans are creating multi-account to vote ><
These are the criteria:
I created them specifically for the people who initially bitched about this contest being "arbitrary." If you're intentionally disregarding these decision criteria, don't admit it. This is the finals and I don't want the results to be skewed by a few people who disregard the guidelines.Quote:
Originally Posted by Rubric
I thought it was a bad thing to win this competition? Why does Haku want to win so badly?
It's like racing the in the special olympics. Even if you----
Nah, I'm not going down this road.
BOC, just set up a contest where it's just me vs Y. At least with that, no one will be able scared to vote. Do what's right.
Originally Posted by Mut
how could i NOT vote for a korean in this contest??
Voted Y. Should have been a clear victory here in my opinion.
Pretty much the only reason I've never been on the IRC channel. If I waste my time, I'm gonna do it at least quasi-constructively. There's no point in idling on IRC waiting to be randomly banned by a few guys who think they're in the "in-group". It's not clever and not even very funny.Quote:
I don't know which is more pathetic, people talking reverently about this haku's asshole-tendency to ban people on irc, or his asshole tendency to ban people because he's having pms every day of the month. It really makes people want to join the gotwoot irc channel, I'm sure.
Not that I'm bashing the IRC crowd, but srsly guyz.
I dont particularly care about the contest. It started off as a joke to me, something to have a little fun with. Then i wanted to see if i could threaten my way to victory just via my IRC rep. Now i really just dont care. Win, lose, tie. All the same shit.Quote:
Originally Posted by SK
-_-...i hope you're force fed soju...
I smell bullshit.Quote:
Originally Posted by Arcness
Who gives a shit why people vote for these people? the criteria was created for the indecisive and whiny bitches that wanted to know which fucking circle to click. If he wants to vote Haku because he thinks Haku is a beautiful tree, let him go for it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
Remember the whole scandal with the 2002 Olympic figure skating event? With the Russians originally winning? Yeah. They were a pair of beautiful trees.
I think everyone is overanalyzing this a little bit. Whether or not if it can be argued that Y or Haku belong in the 'finals' the fact is they're both dicks. Do you really think either of them care about winning? What makes it worse is that the voting takes place on the forums. I know Haku isn't the biggest fan and considering the only time I see Y talk about the forums is when he pastes a link on IRC and tells the mods to do their job, lol.
In other words, when both of them decide to waste their time even posting here it's pretty much to get a reaction out of all you, which is pretty amusing considering the one's they have got.
By the way Knives being banned is nothing new to IRC. You can call him one of the trolls of IRC if you like. He knows full well he's going to get banned anyway, considering half the time he tries for it. Same goes for Carnage. As for five people being in the channel (and no animemaniax this isn't my queue for another debate between us, it's not even directed to you really) we're actually at the highest we've been at for awhile.
I just find it pretty funny that people who probably actually have intelligence care more about who's voting for who and whether that vote was legitimate than the two finalists do.
I had been permanently banned on IRC by wilik and unbanned by Arcness by promising to vote for him. Does that count as him having a giant E-Penis? I apologize if I wasn't following criteria but I didn't really read through any of the posts since the very first Battle of the E-Penis thread. Which didn't hold said criteria. And Animeniax, go fuck off......
Had a gay day, going to the bitching thread. Null my vote if you want..
David Stern is more concerned about the referee scandal in the NBA than the actual teams and players. Go figure.Quote:
Originally Posted by joker-kun
This is a bloody e-dickery contest. A person with any thread of e-penis will ignore any "rules" or "criteria" and vote who the hell he ever wants to vote for whatever reasons nobody needs to understand. It's still probably good BoC posted those criteria, though, because there are always people who either don't know anything about the candidates or otherwise can't make a decision, like Chaos noted. With some rules in place they hopefully vote and make the game more exciting.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
I have a sneaking suspicion that Haku cares very much about this competition.
Lol BoC your 'criteria' weren't all that great to begin with anyway since they are all over the place. Some are positive (Knowledge, possessions) some negative (ego, interactions) and real vs e life is pretty much neutral. Besides 'relevant' skill is pretty ambiguous. Being a Saber fan, and thus having massive Saber knowledge, doesn't qualify under "Skill/knowledge in some relevant field"?
I don't ever recall making this contest about being "good" or "bad". It's the voters that kept wanting to know if it's a good thing or bad thing to win.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
Everyone in this contest is an IRC user. SK (I believe he's usually banned) and Terra are the only people I haven't seen on IRC that much, and yourself of course.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
BoC has a ridiculously round head... oh wait that's off topic.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
BoC <3
Terra uses IRC once a month or so so yeah other than Animeniax everyone in this contest either is or was (Carnage and SK are essentially perma-banned but used to be active, masa rage quit last week but he did come back today in disguise) an irc user.
Hmmm who to vote... who to vote... I'mma vote foooooor... :P
haku! cuz he has a giant penis in RL. i know cuz i saw it on irc
Can we just go ahead and assume anyone who voted for Arcness did so for a completely retarded reason?
No, since I voted for arcness because he seems to be the bigger dillhole in what limited interaction I've had with him/her/it. You on the other hand, appear to be somewhat intelligent and level-headed, from what little you've posted here recently anyway.
You should have crossed your fingers when you made the promise. He can't see you after all.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
I thought girls always said "size doesn't matter". I knew it, you're a guy. Online transvestitism is disgusting.Quote:
Originally Posted by Iridani
Yes, Y, yes we can.Quote:
Originally Posted by Y
I think when the dust has cleared from this e-contest, Y will have two giant e-bruises on his e-chin from Arcness' e-balls.
Rofl!! Wow, that one made me laugh my ass off. xD
By the way, who're you? I find it hard to believe a nooby just registered just to vote and post here.
Like your biological father, my identity will remain a mystery.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
Hmmmmm, Animeniax? Your posts just scream him.......
... he actually seems to be a friend of Arcness's (the surprises keep on coming)
And now people are turning to real life friends in order to help win an internet forum contest. Y better start calling in some of those 'favors' he used to pull for guys back in his early days... ah, that's right, they usually don't pass phone/email numbers through gloryholes...
Animeniax: Any girl who says 'size doesn't matter' is either lying or hasn't gotten a decent enough one yet to know whether she's been in coitus or bit repeatedly by a mosquito in her intimate regions. That or she was just trying to be nice to you. As well she should, people should always treat their customers with respect.
In all seriousness, this contest looks to be coming to an end. I'm still shocked Mage/Q didn't win (and what's with the absurdly low poll count in those semifinal matches?), and now it looks like Arcness will come out on top. I wonder what the prize could be? (I have a feeling it's a rather empty sensation of complete wretchedness and maybe some remorse at wasted effort and time...)
God I despise you.Quote:
Originally Posted by Iridani
If this vote counts, I demand that my backup account be unbanned and allowed to vote in this poll, since it would be as transparently pathetic as Arcness getting people to register accounts.Quote:
Originally Posted by Barzuo
HAHAHAHA I like how Luci figured he had a new friend, then gets owned. I'm liking this Barzuo kid, even though he's arcness' friend.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
Arcness gets his one rl friend to vote for him in an online poll, and Y demands to be allowed to use his other account to vote for himself. Wow that says a lot about the both of you.Quote:
Originally Posted by Y
I have no idea what you mean.....seriously, that doesnt make sense. But....I do like how you suck dick. Yea, thats just right.:D
Tip! Secret message below!
Can you....can you swallow to? Ahh...Thats right, cradle my E-Penis!!!
ORLY? We'll just have to wait and see.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Oh and btw, Barzuo's vote doesn't count ;) That's -2 for Arcness now.
I just closed my eyes and randomly voted for Arcness. GL BUDDY!
I lold. I had a mental picture of you sitting there all upset at your computer eating from a bag of cheetos. Just dont cry too much about it. You wouldnt want to slip on a pool of your own tears, smash your head, and get blood all over the floor of your mother's basement.Quote:
Originally Posted by Y
Thats enough. Stop the provoking and trolling
You're actually discounting votes for people who didn't use your half assed criteria?Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
What's the point? I mean every Gotwoot contest has been a popularity contest. This one is no exception, even though there were people debating whether it was a popularity contest or a non-popularity contest and started shitting their brains.
Nope. That one had nothing to do with criteria. Refer to the whole semifinal fiasco.
I said I knew who I was going to vote for... not that anyone had a giant penis. Animeniax... grow up or grow something of your own before you start calling me a trannie.
I'm 42, so there. And you said you were going to vote for someone because they have a giant penis.
So the poll is closed? With Arcness' two deductions, he still wins! It's been a weird few weeks.
Yes. The poll is over. But is the contest over????
This contest has been dragged out for so long and it's gotten so retarded that nobody cares about it anymore.
I think the turning point was when the semi-final matchup got jacked over.
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Anyway. So, does Arcness get some kind of Prize or something? I bet you guys got something planned that will make Arcness wish he could cut off his 10,000 pound E-Penis.
It's already Monday. I'm not sure how much longer I can wait.
An all expense paid trip to Hell! Courtesy of BoC. :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
Woah....never mind this post....dunno how It got into this thread.....'re right. Damn I'm losing my sense of time...Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo