It seems the normal guys are late this week. Oh well here is the pics
It seems my links didn't get the pics I wanted them to get :(
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It seems the normal guys are late this week. Oh well here is the pics
It seems my links didn't get the pics I wanted them to get :(
Uhm.. those are from 359? Aren't they?
Yeah those are from 359, looks like you are late from last week Dead! -dg-Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
Ok, so the new spoilers. Wow Sasuke looks like he is going to get f*cked up. Cant wait to see the whole thing!
Ya I don't know what happened there....
anyways yea sasuke is going to have to pull a plot-hole-no-jutsu to get out of that one
Ehh. He probably just has Diedara in a Genjustu like some were saying last week, Bring on the violence!Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
Yeah, bring on the good stuff. Looking at the spoilers pics, it seems the battle will continue for a while or take a completely different direction.
In picture 4, is it snakes or have Sasuke regenerated his left wing?
They look like snakes to me. And I think that the 5th pic is a fake, why would Deidara be bigger than Sasuke? Unless Sasuke is thinking that Deidara is better than him and projecting it onto his size? WTFKQuote:
Originally Posted by Elyne
You're right. Definately snakes. You can see the eyes and forked tounge of the one nearest the other wing.Quote:
Originally Posted by Elyne
Well, I don't know about Sasuke trapping Deidara in a genjitsu, but what about it being the other way around? Could perhaps Sasuke be trapped in a Deidara genjitsu? That would explain PIC5, PIC1 and PIC2... (perhaps, Deidara, bieng jealous of Itachi, developed his own genjitsu...) which was easily broken by the lvl3 sharingran & CS2 in PIC2
PIC1 and PIC2 suggest to me that Deidara is under genjutsu.
In PIC1, seeing sasuke getting ripped to shreds is the genjutsu making Deidara think his attack hit the target, just like what Itachi did to Deidara just last week.
In PIC2, you see Sasuke bustin out Sharingan and Deidara with a freaked out look on his face.
Wtf, Deidara's not even a genjutsu user....
PIC5 is probably fake. It doesn't look like it has anything to do with any of the other pages.
I respectfully disagree. Both with Sasuke standing infront of the giant Deidara and on the bottom right corner in PIC5, you'll notice Sasuke is wearing some type of black arm brace(s) that travel up passed his elbow not only in PICs 3 & 4 as CS2 the spoiler pics, but in PICs 1,2,3,15 of 359.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
PIC1 quite obviously has the arm braces missing. PICs 1 & 5 obviously suggest some kind of genjitsu. I quite agree that PIC5 doesn't make sense unless you make Deidara the person performing the genjitsu.
Why should Deidara be stuck with knowing only one art form? I'd like to point out that we've not seen genjitsu from either of these combatants thus far (although Sasuke seems to have a knack for discovering a persons personal demons).
So I figure PIC5 is the real deal, and Deidara, an artist, developed genjitsu after his fight with Itachi - - the time when Deidara realized that genjitsu IS an art form. Because Deidara's experience with genjitsu would not be as long as his clay formations, would be easily broken by CS2 and the Sharingran.
I would guess the order to be either PIC1 and PIC5 being first and second second (although PIC5 could be first and PIC1 could be second), PIC2, PIC4 then PIC3.
Just noticed...
Pic 4 shows Sasuke having Chidori'ed through Deidara
My thought seeing pic 5 was that Deidara transformed himself into a larger version using his clay, may not be the case, but seeing as he makes those gigantic dragons, maybe his ultimate attack is to supersize himself, heh. I don't really buy Deidara using genjutsu, I do however think that Sasuke probably traps him in one, but Deidara is ready for it this time, he's still gonna lose, but I think he may still give Sasuke a few more surprises.
Was just going to suggest the same thing. The text on the right side of Pic 5 mentions something about C4. If C4 is the giant explosive Deidara, it's weird that it has color as opposed to all his over explosives.Quote:
Originally Posted by Someonemanr
aw crap. You're right, I have to agree with you.
If we put PICs 5 & 1 (in that order) towards the end of the chapter, and explain PIC5 as "the ultimate Deidara bomb" growing until he explodes. BOOM! Then pic1 missing the arm braces and chunks of flesh (it's only a flesh wound, eh!)..
If this is how this chapter plays out, I think Deidara probably earned a little more respect in my book.
argh! i dont want to see spoilers... i want a sub@!
i checked to see if they had it out since they have been really quick to put up scanlations but they didnt' have it. However, they did have a really cool "marquee?" in color of tobi and deidara.
Er, oh yeah....I thought everyone noticed that =x.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
12345p, when someone is a genjutsu user, you'll know that they're a genjutsu user. That aside, genjutsu is pretty much completely worthless against the sharingan, unless dealt by a higher level sharingan. Remember when those mist genins used genjutsu on Naruto's team in the forest of death, and Sasuke used his sharingan to see right through it?
Looks like sasuke went back to cs2 mode, then some how got on the bird where deidara was then used the chidori. BUT......... IT'S A TRAP!!! Clay bunshins grab sasuke and try to explode. he uses the snake hands to get away but the new clay has a new effect and burs his body! OH NOES!!!!
Just read the raw, waiting for the translation, but looks like I actually managed to succesfully predict a chapter for once... wonder if that means Kishi is losing his edge.
So yeah, looks like it was a giant deidara bomb, sasuke used a genjustu to make it look like he was caught in the explosion, but Deidara was ready for the deception. Crazyness. Now then, is sasuke gonna get saved or is he gonna find a way to get himself out of this mess.
It's nice to see him actually have to strain himself in a battle, all his fights up until recently he pretty much just owned everyone, cept for maybe Oro, but that was a pretty quick fight and Oro was near-dead anyway.
I still can't believe noone's shown up yet, how could you not see/hear those giant explosions? They're ninjas for chrissakes, they should have all converged on that point by now.
Sasuke: !
Tobi: Gotta hurry!!
Deidara: (Oh well, this jutsu was meant to kill Itachi after all.... hm!)
Sasuke: (Even this is a bomb? If so...)
Sasuke: That's huuuge... if this thing explodes.....
Deidara: Oh come on, don't just run like that!
Deidara: You really think you can run away from Garuda like that!?
Sasuke: !?
Sasuke: ( explosion...?)
Deidara: Victory is mine!!
Deidara: Art is explosion!! (Art is a bang!!)
Deidara: KAAATSU
Deidara: VANISH! (literal translation: "Elation!"?)
Sasuke: Damn...
Sasuke: How is this happening...could it be...??
Deidara: Hmm!!
Deidara: Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! This, is a MASTERPIECE!!
Tobi: Tiny bombs on the microscopic level... C4 Garuda...
Tobi: These invisible bombs scatter into the air as the giant Deidara explodes...
Tobi: All lifeforms that breathes in these bombs will have them throughout their bodies.
Tobi: ...and when they explode, they destroy their bodies from the inside-out.
Tob: What a terrifying jutsu...
Deidara: I guess I must thank Itachi for this, kukuku...
Deidara: Kukuku.... I win! I win! My art wins!!
Deidara: !!
Sasuke: Looks like you used up all your chakra... even your movements are now slow.
Deidara: These eyes.... ku....
Sasuke: Bombs invisible to the naked eye... but my sharingan can see the color of chakra..
Sasuke: The tiny bombs that are filled with your chakra, I can see them clearly in the air in the shape of a big cloud of colored smoke.
Sasuke: Where you are staying in the air is just outside of the range of where that smoke can reach... and from that I could already tell what kind of attack would hit me, so avoiding it was easy as well.
Deidara: Ugh....
Deidara: You.... so what I saw back then of you dying from C4 was....
Sasuke: yes, genjutsu!
Deidara: Ugh.... kuku... I see... so that's how it is....
Sasuke: I didn't hit your vital point on purpose, now tell me Itachi's whereabouts!
Deidara: Like I said before... I must thank Itachi for this...
Sasuke: ?
Sasuke: !?
Sasuke: A clay... bunshin!?
Deidara: Your genjutsu... I've already experienced it before... long long time ago. It's just like Itachi's! I won't fall for the same trick twice! Hm!
Deidara: (Ever since that day I fought Itachi, I have trained my left eye to counter the sharingan!)
Deidara: (I've trained hard on how to slowly dissipate its genjutsu!)
Deidara: Now this is finally it!! Eat my C4 now!!
Sasuke: Kuu...
Bottom text: Sasuke has fallen before Deidara!? Next time: "The Struggling Road Forward"
Chapter...Always gotta have a twist at the end dont they?
above translation credited to the guy on the following link...
So I guess giant Deidara was real after all.
Nice chapter.
You think? Giant Deidara is kinda lame to me, but at least Sasuke isn't having it all that easy now. It was kinda annoying how he was just beating him without breaking a sweat... sure, I know he's supposed to be cool and what not, but hey, Akatsuki should be just a little better, too.
Well, it was a somewhat interesting turn of events.. lesse how Sasuke gets out of it!
The giant clone being hollow at least explains how deidara was able to make it so huge given the amount of clay he actually ate.
I wonder how one trains their left eye to be resistant to the sharingan.
Yeah seriously, I hope they explain that one because I got no clue. Maybe it's like poison? Perhaps he subjected himself to small doses of genjutsu over the years and built up an immunity. Although how the hell he would do something like that is beyond me.
I thought before that Sasuke was gonna grow his wing back, but it looks like it's still blown off, be pretty crazy if that was permanent. Although right now I'm beginning to wonder if this whole thing was a genjutsu that Sasuke planned, but that'd be rather lame so I hope not. I can't tell what I think is more likely, him finding a clever way to escape or him being saved. Personally I hope he gets saved, I'd like to see some of that smugness wiped off his face for once.
You gotta wonder why Tobi is just doing nothing, but I guess Deidara isn't the best partner to team-attack with, what with all the explosions.
Deidara and Hidan would've been a good team.
Hah, yeah, but Kakuzu (I think I got the spelling right...) would need to be there to stitch him back up afterwards.
I wonder how Naruto would have faired against Deidara, probably wouldn't have done too hot since Deidara seems to be a pretty brilliant strategist, but then again his Kyuubi regeneration would have probably made most of Deidara's attacks useless except for this latest microsopic bomb one.
My guess is, had Naruto been the one in this fight, he would've just run around dodging and nearly getting hit by explosions until the kyuubi started to activate, then, using its chakra, he would summon Gamabunta or some other suitably large frog to fight the C2 dragon, because, as we all know, the only sensible way to fight a giant thing is an equally giant thing!
(The last line of reasoning is brought to you in large part by a concerted effort from Power Rangers and Voltron, and readers like you. Hooray for escalating levels of giant-ness!)
This is a very appropriate exchange of attacks between Deidara and Sasuke though. Just as Kakashi said when he was chasing Deidara down that the only way to beat a range fighter of his type is to either be a ranged specialist yourself or a great tactician.
Naruto would not have fared well against Deidara.
Very cool chapter (where is the English scan though?) Well, at least Deidara's still got some fight left in fact, things don't look very good for Sasuke, do they? I still have to admit....if Deidara designed that particular technique (molecular bombs) to counter Itachi's ability, it looks like he wasted his time, as the Sharingan can see through it easily. Unless the second part was all part of the plan, of course. I wonder, too, how he trained his eye. I doubt they'll explain, but why not train both eyes? Wouldn't it be much more convenient to have two Sharingan-resistant eyes than one? What's he thinking?
Nice chapter. Deidara's proven why he deserves to be in Akatsuki. Granted, Sasuke can't lose at this point, but it's cool to see him falling for Deidara's clay bunshin.
i totally agree, this is the first time i have been impressed by deidara infact i think its one of the best naruto chapters and I can't wait for the next chapter. Akatsuki has been belittled allot from deidara and tobi's combination i personally think they were a big mismatch but i think thats because i've considered akatsuki like ryodan from hunter x hunter where all the members are generally fearless and powerful and can handle things on their own accord (sorry for the mere spoiler)Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
then again sasuke is still growing and its good that he is showing tactical flaws rather than have him obliterate an enemy it can be understandable with orichimaru because he is his student but I really expected him to be humbled by akatsuki and deidara didnt show that until now, and i just hope TOBI will stop the comic relief after deidara dies and becomes serious, he is by far the most interesting akatsuki member and i really dont care about this flacid hope that tobi fans have about him being obito, i just want to see what he can do, he definately has alot of kakashi quality's with his tardiness, lets hope he can fight like him too
I'm kinda surprised Sasuke didn't see through it and know it was a fake, seeing he can see through virtually everything else. I guess because it was made of physical clay.
Anyway, good chapter. This fight's interesting.
Deidara did put alot of effort into it though, the thing bled for shit sake! I havent seen that in a while, Naruto used to pull that stuff back in the day. -dg-Quote:
Originally Posted by Raven
I'm surprised the Clay Bunshin didn't just explode in Sasuke's face, it would make sense for Deidara to make a really realistic bunshin since he'd probably consider it art, but why not blow that up too since he likes all of his art to explode? I'm tempted to call plot device, but his next attack seems pretty bad for Sasuke as well.
Why not blow it up? Easy. Deidara was right there. If he blew it up, his bird and him would go with it. If he's got a plan for another attack, why sacrifice himself before trying to execute it?Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
If he releses the C4 directly from his mouth into Sasuke's face I don't see how he can avoid breathing it in himself so he's still dead that way.
What a great chapter
Deidara seems stronger than I thought
The giant Deidara thing was kind of weird...but the microsopic bombs were a good idea
Its also interesting to see that Sasuke used bunch of snakes as a replacement for his left wing
I hope that Sasuke gets severely hurt or something from this fight....I dont want him to walk away from it flawlessly
He...lost his left wingQuote:
Originally Posted by February
Haha you are rightQuote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
but still...
This chapter should also read "sasuke haters rejoice!" Its about damn time someone took that stupid smug arrogant look off his face. I hope sasuke wins just to see tobi come in and show off but i ultimately hope kiba shino or sakura jumps in and finishes the job. Also he's been using that cursed seal for a while now. If i recall if you dwell in those "states" doesnt overcome you and you're supposed to get lost in the "darkness of the evil" or something. I'm just wondering the drawbacks to this cs form. the first cs form takes a physical toll on your body i think. Dont remember what they said about the next level.
Even tough I'm not sure I think the 2. cursed seal supresses your free will, and you will eventually become a mindless slave for Orochimaru, however I'm not sure if something Orochimaru has made can break Sasuke, and how the cs works now that Orochimaru has been "defeated". (Even though we don't know if its anything left of his will in Sasukes body, and the effect of what Kabuto did).
Well, seeing as how he keeps reverting back to his original form after each attack, I don't think it will be much of a problem. I also assumed that he would only be taken over by the curse seal...which has no actual connection to Orochimaru. In other words, he would become a mindless demon, not an Orochimaru supporter. I wonder if Juugo needs to worry about being taken over by the curse seal, however. It was originally his technique alone.
this was the best chapter since..... probably naruto fighting w\ oro to me...
and it cleared up the speculation as to whether or not sasuke could use genjutsu.
its crazy how sasuke is using snakes to sub as his lost wing.... he is such a bad ass....i want to see how he escapeds deidara
I second that idea, if you look at all the ninjas who have had cursed seal, not all are supporters of Orochimaru (Aniko? I forgot how to spell that leaf teacher's name)Quote:
Originally Posted by KCMmmmm
And if you look at the original source of the cursed seal (Juugo), he seems more like a power maniac than a devoted franatic of Oro. In other words, I think what they meant by "you'll lose yourself" when you use the seal too much, is you'll just lose your ability to think clearly and wreak havoc like the other side of Juugo we've seen
And I thought we had seen the last of Deidara in this chapter! Don't know why, but I'm just so tired of him!
But overall, I was very satesfied with this, even though we saw a gigantic and bizarre Deidara doll...
I can't believe this guy only has 3 posts and a neg rep already!
Anyways, hopefully Deidara finally goes away next issue. It's such a cock-tease that he hurt Sasuke, but we all know that emo-kid won't die. I have a feeling people will think this fight was filler when it gets animated. Giant clone, plus another clone? What is he? NARUTO?!?!
This is the best damn fight in all of Naruto period. Even if Dei-sama will die soon. :(
will you attack the Naruto manga writer if your Dei-sama dies?Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
will tobi run away after deidara bites it?
btw... i seem to have forgotten where the rest of 'hebi' went.... i thought they were all together.
I'm not sure they ever emphasized where Juugo and the water sword guy (whose name has slipped my mind) went. We know Karin went into town. It would be crazy if Deidara were just about to kill Sasuke, and the rest of Hebi turned out to be watching his back the whole time. Kind of lame, though. I hope Tobi doesn't run away....I'd like to think that, behind his seemingly weak demeaner, he's actually a true badass. But, we should find out soon enough, and Deidara isn't leaving me wanting to see another ninja in action.Quote:
Originally Posted by bbaucom
I think Juugo went to talk to the birds and Suigetsu is shaking down one of Kazuku's old contacts.
This doesn't really apply to this chapter I guess, but just had a quick thought concerning the whole Tobi = Obito theory. We haven't seen what his forehead protector is yet. The other akatsuki members we've seen their forehead protectors with the horizontal cut in them yeah?
Maybe not, I can't remember if Plant dude's was shown and I actually can't remember seeing Hidan's although I'm pretty sure it was shown.
But if Tobi's one turns out to be from the leaf, that might be a good indication ;0).
after tobis past few appearances and the whole one eye hole deal, and his forehead protector not beings showed .. seems like a valid theory.
im wondering if they're going to save kakashi gaiden for a point at which the show his identity (if he really is obito.)
Originally Posted by February
How Dare you?!! "Aniko??" :mad: its ANKO!!! teh bestest naruto sub-character ever!!
Mitirashi Anko, FTW!!!!11
Maybe they want to match the voices actor for Tobi and Obito in the event that they do turn out to be the same person? Or maybe they're waiting for another filler season to come, so they can use it there, if only for 3 weeks?Quote:
Originally Posted by bbaucom
I'm still a little confused about how he's going to release c-4 from there.... Kamakazi a bit?
Anyhow, this battle has been enjoyable and I'm glad he did give Sasuke a fight. Like someone said before, I hope he does come out very hurt from this battle. I dislike people who are like Sasuke =P.
Anyhow, interesting chapter
I have said it once and I am going to say it again, Sakura is going to show up and heal Sasuke. How else will his wing get healed? Maybe not right now, but soon they will meet again and it will be on! Cant wait to see Sasuke get out of this and kill Deid. -dg-
can't really see that happening, since his wing is totally gone. besides, he seems to be getting along fine without it. but the whole snake wings thing is a bit creepy.
I can't believe no one has commented on how stupid the snake wing thing is. There's just no way in hell that's possible even in a "magical" world. Does he use chakra to stop air from escaping between the snakes? What about the whole equilibrium? Boneheaded writing...
The snakes should not be any less effective than his old wing. That thing was a big bulky hunk of flesh just the same.Quote:
Originally Posted by JaySee
Very true, but there are holes in the snakes instead of a flap of skin to catch the air. None the less, I dont think that he really can FLY for long periods of time with the wings anyhow. I think that they are for jumping higher really.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
PS. 200 posts in over 3 years at Gotwoot! What now bitches?! Haha
Even if that Snake wing doesn't help Sasuke fly (which I am not even sure his original wings are capable of), I can see a point to actually growing it. If his wings really are just 'big hunks of flesh', then he needs the 2nd to act as a counter balance for the weight of the other one. I am pretty sure his movement would be impaired with JUST ONE of those wings.
His wings are basically webbed hands. Similar to bats, but still fleshy like hands. He replaces them with 8 snakes that I can count. That doesn't balance in my book and air is definitely going to leak through. He definitely WAS flying in 358. Deidara says so. It looks to me like he's flying with his replacement wing.
So what if he is?
Sasuke is the new Chuck Norris. He should grow a beard.
In a world where a small piece of paper create explosions, animals talk, people can walk on water, and where people can rip off body parts with a stare, why is flying with a less effective replacement body part for a wing so unrealistic to you that you have to argue about it?Quote:
Originally Posted by JaySee
Like I said, it doesn't make sense even in Naruto's magic world. All those you've cited have been adequately explained with the rules of the world.
We can't see it, but the 8 snakes are breathing mighty hard that the air they breathe out are able to help propel Sasuke into the air.Quote:
Originally Posted by JaySee
more than adequate. let's move on.Quote:
Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
I hope that Sasuke's ass get kicked and Tobi&Deidara will get out of this mess!
wow, one of the best chapters in this saga. the only ending i have enjoyed.
In a perfect world, Sasuke would be dead by next chapter, and all will be rejoiced.
in a less perfect world, Sasuke would escape with his snake tail behined his wings and go over to cry on suigitsu dick, while Naruto goes on a rematch with Dei and they show off the microbomb duel.
However, in the next week, sasuke will use his Sasukegan and win against all odds, reason, and justice.
I hate him.
now. for some digging.
left eye: the way to break a genjutsu is usually done by infeclictng pain on yourself, maybe he just detonates small amounts of clay inside his eye to 'wash off' the genjutsu, he sacrifces his left eye for a while (until it heals) and uses it to counter genjutsu.
Naruto - deidara: Deidata seems to be a fighter that needs the time and distance to fight off an enemy, Naruto never gives that chance, with physical clones and super-regeneration, and he has something comparable to the mini bombs, so i think he can destory the hollow clay golem if he learns to throw his rasengan energy disc... anywany, i want to see a rematch.
Now here's a thought, what if Naruto actually shows up to save Sasuke? I really doubt it'll happen, but I think it'd be a pretty unexpected twist if they actually managed to capture him and take him back to the village at this point, if Kishimoto could pull that off I'd be pretty impressed with his writing, however I doubt it's gonna happen, either Sasuke gets out of this mess or one of his teammates saves him, although the scenario of Sakura saving him doesn't seem that unlikely, why else would she be off on her own?