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Originally Posted by budak getah
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Damn.....Sasuke lost a wing?
sure looks that way
Scanlation by BS
Naruto 358
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Deidara is such a sorry excuse for a ninja, here's hoping he goes away and never comes back next week.
Agreed....hopefully we'll get to see Saskue finally take care of Deidara.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
Pretty intense chapter, although I wish we got to see more of Tobi's abilities.
I sense a future Terra-post flaming Deidara-haters, hehehe.
Great chapter indeed. Liked the fact that Sasuke's wings aren't a perfect defense, seeing one was ripped.
the question is that will he show that he lost a wing next time he transforms?Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
and also, this might be a stupid theory, but maybe deidara might himself have build his body into the final bomb? as a last resort i guess
i wish the naruto team would meet sasuke after the fight
I can see that happening already. Deidara making himself into a giant bomb. And Sasuke still kicks ass = )
I agree... Deidara isn't anywhere near interesting when it comes to ninjas. Why are there so many mutant-like ninjas? I hope Zero isn't no mutant-like ninja and that he is just a really good ninja.
As far as the chapter goes, I hope Deidara dies next chapter. His bombs are dumb and annoying.
And yeah, I bet Deidara will turn himself into a bomb. Sasuke won't see it coming as he moves in for the final blow. Then Kishi will try to make everyone think Sasuke died or got injured during the explosion and we find out 10 chapters later he got away safe and sound ready for his next target.
What is with Tobi? He's just standing their watching his master get owned? I mean he's yet to do anything in the manga and judging by the way he speaks and what we've seen of him in the manga he doesn't really seem to tough... how did he get into Akatsuki......:confused:
Wait...so like, Sasuke's shurikens somehow approached Deidara from behind while Deidara was facing Sasuke, then ended up hitting him later when the wing got chopped off? Are we led to believe that these are magic shurikens?
I didn't really like this chapter because it's hard to see what's happening; can't wait to see this animated (so it makes a lot more sense).
Anyway, at Deidara's self-destruction, I hope Kishimoto doesn't resort to something like that. First, Sasori turns his own body into a puppet, and then Orochimaru turns himself into a snake...it would be very uncreative if he was resorted to that.
diedara is lame, and im so glad he got owned its so great to see everyone share the same opinion
and i think tobi is going to run away haha
I think Deidara might do something with his artificial arm. The shurikens hit that part, he could simply rip them off since they're not his real arm. Not sure about his other arm though. Tobi's gonna run away crying or something, lol. I rather he not and he step up his game against Sasuke and got serious.
Pretty interesting way that Sasuke managed to take down Deidara. The battle probably isn't over just yet, though; Kishi has brought up Deidara as a character for a while now, so killing him over one chapter is not likely. I still hope Sasuke manages to kill him, though, and gives Tobi time to escape.
Like most people, I'm not a huge fan of Deidara. The whole C2/C4 clay explosives is kind of cool, but the character itself doesn't interest me much. (Sorry in advance to Terra.)
I also had some trouble reading this chapter as well. Fast-paced battle and action sequences are hard to capture in manga... so hopefully the anime won't butcher it and it'll turn into the next Lee vs Gaara fight. Highly unlikely, as the Naruto anime team has sloped downhill since then, but I can hope.
Anyway, pretty good chapter.
Sasuke won't kill Deidara because he plans to use him to find Itachi.
Probably real or chakra strings.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
He could always just capture Tobi. It'd be more fun to watch him interrogate Tobi with his witty comebacks than read Deidara saying mmmm a million times.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Even though i still think sasuke is an emo fruitcake...the boy can fight well....ill give him that, and only that (i especially liked the magic shuriken).
It wasn't nearly as bad as trying to understand Kakuzu's attacks in the manga. That chapter was impossible to understand what was going on, action-wise.Quote:
Originally Posted by BananaFob
I, too, wondered why Sasuke's shuriken came back around. I came up with two possibilities. Maybe he used the shadow shuriken jutsu (from the Zabuza arc), or maybe he used them in a boomerang manner. In any case, landing on the purposefully-thrown sword was very cool. Sasuke is still a badass....but I'll always prefer his non-cursed seal style.
i think its just great how sasuke's fights are more strategized than our main protagonist, but yet is action filled and hard to interpret through the manga, he still maintains that wit and hit , it was not a one shot deal but at the same time it seems that akatsuki put my expectations too high for a survival rate of a member that it would be a shame to see more akatsuki members die in a quick way, i was pretty shocked to see orichimaru die like that especially since orichimaru has been the 3rd's prized student and a sannin, he's beaten the 3rd and propably can beat tsunade
its hard to see a fight between naruto and sasuke right now that would make naruto the victor, and it doesnt make sense that akatsuki are taking the matter lightly by just sending deidara and tobi instead of making sasuke's death a priority
Sasuke isn't part of their objective, I guess. Killing him has nothing to do with their plans so why would they track him down? He might be a threat further down the track but there's no reason for them to go and find him.
Sasuke is awesome. Reading this battle reminded me of the old days when they were all Gennin and Sasuke was so ahead of everyone, specifically the Zabuza arc.
I had the exact same discussion with my cousin yesterday and he asked me who would win if they went head to head in the manga now. Of course I said Sasuke since he keeps proving he's a better ninja. Although, Naruto is easily the most persistent and tenacious character in the series...plus he has the Nine-Tail's chakra in addition to his own. Naturally, being the Naruto (character) fanboy he is, he disagreed. But my cousin doesn't read the manga...Quote:
Originally Posted by elmojo
Deidara wanted to be the one to kill Orochimaru, and since Sasuke went ahead of him, Deidara wants to kill the one that killed him.Quote:
Originally Posted by Raven
Imagine someone killed Itachi before Sasuke... Sasuke would most likely go mad and track down whoever killed Itachi before him.
Good chapter, I can't wait to see what tobi's next move is.
Im hoping Sasuke finds a way to regenerate that wing :( .
Any idea as to why Deidara wanted to kill Oro so badly?Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
I'm sure he belittled his art...a lot.Quote:
Originally Posted by uhicha neji
Honestly, i think this fight is going to go the exact opposite way for one or more of three reasons:
1. Sasuke seems to be ignoring Tobi. Tobi demeanor makes it seem that he's weak but we know he's not (Beat 3-tails in one-hit).
2. If Deidara can't control his own chakra enough to shut down his land mines then he shouldn't be in Akatsuki.
3. I don't think that's Deidara's real body. I think it's a very realistic clay double. How else would he be able to lose an arm and never show any pain.
I think Sasuke is going to get whipped and Itachi will show up and prevent Deidara from killing him.
Also, I thought the point of Chidori was to use high-speed and a thrusting motion to make an attack that can penetrate any defense. Sasuke seems to have turned it into a fairly unimpressive lightning spear of sorts. I'm sure they'll say it has the same penetrating power but that just seems dumb.
Well, it seems as if Sasuke has mastered the ability to control spatial and elemental chakra at the same time, putting him on an even footing with Naruto's new jutsu. Actually, he's better, since he seems much more consistent with the end result. Poor Naruto, he's always behind.Quote:
Originally Posted by boilerph
Wasn't it Deidara's clay fish the thing that took out the 3 tails? All I remember from that chapter was seeing Tobi run like a bitch.Quote:
Originally Posted by boilerph
The attack was a return of the Sharingan controlled windmill blade, only this time with those oversized shuriken. If you look closely on page 13, you can clearly see wires attached to the two blades. And on pages 12 and 17, you can Sasuke making hand movements to control the wire. You also see he controls the wire with the same hand he used his Chidori with, probably to distract Deidara from noticing he was controlling the shuriken. He also used the first shuriken attack to make Deidara move underneath his sword, in range for his slash. He then used to second shuriken to attach Deidara to his own nuke. (I thought it was funny that the mouth on Deidara's right hand began to cough up blood after it was hit.)
That said I think Tobi will save the day, seeing as he's appearently invulnurable, at least to Sasuke's attack, and that he's earth natured, seeing as he used that submersion technique. Then I think the battle will shift to a Sasuke v. Tobi one-on-one, where Tobi is about to reveal a secret about himself, until Sasuke is interupted by one or both of Sakura or Karin. Catfight!!
Probably having spent enough time paired up with Sasori that some of his feelings for Oro have rubbed off onto Deidara?Quote:
Originally Posted by uhicha neji
tobi could have possibly grabbed diedara and submerged him before the mines exploded
Well, he might not have been able to, since he was nailed to the dragon by the shuriken. Maybe they'll just show the dust clearing, and show Deidara still standing, in the same style of DBZ. Then he'll say something like, "I can't mess around with this guy. Mmmm."Quote:
Originally Posted by elmojo
oro left akatsukiQuote:
Originally Posted by bagandscalpel
diedera was his replacement
it would make sense that he would want to kill him just to prove that he earned his spot its the akatsuki waaay!
That would've been a good assessment, except back when Oro was part of the group, there were 10 of them. Back when Jiraiya first revealed them and in the beginning of shippuuden there were 9.
So in order for Deidara to be Oro's replacement, they wouldve had to lose another akatsuki member shortly after.
Fucking Deidara-haters :( POP IS DEAD!
I don't hope he dies already.. akatsuki are getting owned like flies :O
True, they are, but think of it this way: Deidara has had the most screen time of all Akatsuki (besides the ex-Akatsuki Orochimaru). (Well....maybe Itachi has more, but he's a much more important villain.) If anyone is going to be killed, it will be Deidara - if only in order to introduce more villains and move the story onward. Not to sound like a Deidara hater, I like his trademark "mmmm" after every sentence, and he has a cool, laid back personality. But, I still think he's going down soon.Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
On the other hand, the preview for the next chapter is "The Artists Grand Finale"....and those titles are usually a bit deceiving....
LOL last night I dreamt that Deidara survived and Tobi, Sasuke & Deidara became friends and started a talkshow together. :(
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
That would be an interesting show. I would have to say Deidara would be the host with Saasuke as the uptight serious guy who gets the unintentional laughs and Tobi would be the band leader interjecting one-liners.
deidara is going to die... thats all there is to it.
and now my memory is failing and i cant think of where the rest of sasukes group went off to...
Isn't this a sign of obsession in need of therapy? Well....when I was playing Final Fantasy VII a lot, I started having crazy dreams about that group doing all sorts of goofy stuff.Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
And yeah, I just remembered a few nights ago about all of the Konoha ninja who were sent out.....and it appears the only one from group 8 who will see any action is Hinata. What is the point of reintroducing the team, if they aren't going to give them some serious purpose? I can think of two reasons: 1. Hinata will play a crucial role in the upcoming episodes, or 2. the other team members will show up soon and participate.
You don't think they're going to do anything this entire arc? Oh please.....both good and bad guys are scattered right now, it's easy for many small confrontations to come up.
We'll probably see something between Sakura and Karin soon.