Naruto 356 Raw
Woohoo this weeks raw is out!
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Naruto 356 Raw
Woohoo this weeks raw is out!
Wow, what a twist (referring to second last page)!
What I'm really interested is the book that Kabuto threw on the ground...
What a chapter.
I knew it was too early to really say Orochimaru was dead...
I guess he left part of himself inside of Kabuto as a safeguard if anything failed to him
But... is he Kabuto? Or Oro? or both? Will his old blood boil again soon?
Tobi rocks. Period. He made me laugh out loud here in the office upon seeing him retreat scared of Sasuke's eyes. LOL!!
Deidara looks happy.
Yea, it was too early for him to die in my opinion, and in such an awkward way. I think it's like Voldemort from Harry Potter maybe, like from the first book he was attached to the back of that dude's head. Kabuto is in control I believe, cause he keeps saying how he'll surpass Orochimaru and all that other stuff.
Sasuke is going to completely murder Deidara, don't know about Tobi, though.
I wonder did some remaining part of oro after sasuke supposedly "killed" him or was he with him the whole time :confused:
Oh my god.., okay it was a good chapter untill the orochimaru part.. why couldnt they just leave orochimaru dead.. this is so silly!.. for crying out
Hmmm interesting chapter, I like the twist in the end. I thought for a second Kabuto was gonna go good guy on us and go his own way and we never see him again. I don't think Tobi ran away from sasuke, more to hide from deidara's sneak attack. Sasuke looking unphased again. Seems like Tobi knows about Uchiha's and he might be strong against them since he said "I have to apologise to Itachi after this". Next week sounds good though "Sasuke vs deidara!"
I thought deidara said thatQuote:
Originally Posted by Konohamaru
edit: Hmm guess not. I think he just said that in a sarcastic tone to imply that he tricked itatchis little brother. the question of the day is is Oro's soul going to eventually take over Kabuto or is he just a shadow in the back of Kabuto's mind? Sasuke should be able to handle Diedara since all he really has to do is get up close and stab him. Tobi is an wildcard though and might mess up that strategy.
lol I totally picture Tobi darting back leaving that trail in the ground while STILL facing Sasuke. I'm really liking Sasuke more and more ever since he "killed" Oro. I'm only glad Orochimaru is still alive if Kabuto takes on Oro's physical appearance. This is the first time Kabuto has come off like a bitch to me but perverting Naruto's nindo is pretty cool.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Heh, Narutos' "Inspire people into sob stories where they realize the greatness of good and become a better person." plan he keeps using finally backfired.
So wait, I thought Orochimaru was still alive being subjugated by Sasuke, so does this mean that Sasuke still has part of Oro in him, and Kabuto does too?
Umm.... What was silly was Oro dying without anything significant happening.Quote:
Originally Posted by Parkalash
I like where this is going. I'm glad Oro isn't dead yet. It was too dull of a way for him to just simply die off. It really caught me off guard when I saw Kabuto's face and that Oro is within him now. At first when Kabuto was talking about his finding who he is, I thought to myself, wtf? More of this bs? But then he revealed Oro and I was like wow!
Sasuke is going to WTFpwn Deidara. I don't see how Deidara has a chance. All he has are little pussy bombs that he throws. With the speed Sasuke has, he just has to get up close and stab him or something like Yukimura said.
Nice chapter though!
What bugg's me is the way they are takeing dead people back to life.. first thing i come to think about was when chouji fought jiroubou.. and he was dieing the way everything was built up around that could only point to one thing.. that chouji would die... but he didnt.. for some weired reason (at that time i hadnt started to read the manga so i dunno what it looked like in the manga) and now i wont be suprised is Asuma came back to life to kick some akatsuki ass .. to get his revenge for them killing him.. :p anyway where i want to come is.Quote:
Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
I was relived when sasuke killed orochimaru, to have one less bad guy to worry about and maybe have a chane to get even a little bit closer to the end of naruto.
why couldnt we just accept that sasuke didnt have so much trouble to beat a half dead orochimaru, sence he was at his limit and he was planing on takeing sasuke's body the same day or the next. as i see it its a way of the generation, that kakashi mentioned to kakuzu's before he finnished him, that a new generation is takeing over, same goes for oro mentioning something similar when he was watching sasuke training, and thougt to himself that compared to sasuke oro couldnt belive he onces was called a genius..
Maybe oro entered kabuto's body when sasuke pulled him into the dimension that they were fighting in.
Kabuto seems pretty twisted to be sure....but at the same time he is giving that book as a present to Naruto. I don't think they're going to fight just yet.
Where is this Oro not being dead stuff coming from? The only thing Kabuto did was start turning himself into frankenstein's monster like character with merging himself with Oro's dead body that was left on the floor. So I guess you can say Oro is inside Kabuto now but it would only be metaphorical.
Pretty sick chapter though.
Umm, that just makes Sasuke even more bad ass, cuz everything he has done thus far has been his own strength (and the seal). He has to know that Oro wasnt dead and that bringing Kabuto in would give Oro the oppurtunity to jump into another body. So something interesting should come of this. As for Tobi, I mean he could be really good, or he could just use the SHARINGAN against Sasuke cuz everyone knows that he is OBITO! We'll have to see what happens. -dg-
Not that again.Quote:
Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
I was under the impression that oro has become a sort of bijuu with kabuto being the jinchurriki.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
That doesn't neccessarily make any sense if you think about it. There was absolutely no indication Oro's mind transfer jutsu could be turned on someone else once it's target was selected. And even if he could that, Sasuke was the only one in the room at the time so Kabuto couldn't be selected.
Also if Oro for some bizarre reason decided to take over Kabuto's body when Sasuke showed him that vision of what happened Oro would need at least some control over the body he was inhabiting, and judging by the vision Sasuke gave him none.
It's just as Kabuto said, he integrated Orochimaru's body into him, and by doing so allowed Oro to continue living even though he isn't actually alive.
ok , im confused. this is some crazy yugioh "marik and bakuras soulsl are in fifteen different bodies" shit
Ok, I'll admit, I'm confused. But I'm quoting this theory because it's the only one which I think makes any sense at this point. My questions are: if Kabuto somehow gained a bit of Orochimaru's power, either through experimentation, or absorption, is there any chance of Sasuke still being possessed by Orochimaru's concealed consciousness, as was previously believed by many? I hope we don't get some Sasuke/True-Orochimaru vs Kabuto/Orochimaru-Copy battle in the future.....however, on second thought, that might be cool.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
But still....we may see another Akatsuki get taken down in a few chapters. I hope, for Deidara's sake, that he brought plenty of clay, because he must be running low on arms by now.
I'm telling you, Oro has made 7 horcruxes, it's all part of his plan.
*waits for the neg rep*
Anyway, this chapter was great, I totally didn't see that end coming. It adds a whole new angle, I've always liked Kabuto and I hope he'll be in it a lot more rather than just commenting on how sick Orochimaru always was.
Didn't see that coming like the rest of you, Kishimoto still has some nice suprising tricks up his sleeve.
Orochimaru is a sly person, he experiments a shit load, and they could've possibly had some part of him back there and Kabuto being the smart man he is integrated him to his body, would be nice to know the reason, could be the body that was left there, but I don't think it had anything to do with the dimension (fight with Sasuke) and that because you would think Kabuto at that time wouldn't have asked about "Who he was? Orochimaru or Sasuke" it's still possible. I think the real part is still within Sasuke, and a real Orochimaru may make his appearance later when Sasuke is fighting Itachi and in Itachi's weakened state, Orochimaru will take over Itachi's body instead.
Orochimaru is awesome and there is so much you can do with him, and this comes around is great, and with the Akatsuki getting picked off like flies, Orochimaru maybe the last big villian before the end of the series.
The dimension that sasuke pulled kabuto into was oro's own dimension. Why couldn't he perform a transfer to kabuto in it? Of course, the ritual wasn't quite the same as it usually would be, because then oro would now be in complete control over kabuto.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
Likewise, there was absolutely no indication that Kabuto physically grafted a piece of oro's mutated body into his own. "Integrate" could mean pretty much anything.
You know, as great as a chapter as this was, one other thing stands out to me. When asked if Naruto noticed a ninja hiding from them, he actually responded with "Yeah" instead of "huh?"
Idk, Im kind of hoping that the leader of Akastuki will be the last villan.Quote:
Originally Posted by kAi
im curious where does the specultion about, sasuke haveing any part of oro in him? and why should he even have that? all i can see from the chapter where sasuke killed oro is that, right after he killed him he went to free suigetsu, thou we saw a flashback when oro messed with itachi, and he got himself owned.. so the only conclution i can come to is that oro got owned once again in his genjutsu when he tried to take sasuke's body but he countered it with sharingan and stopped him.. i just dont see why it has to be so complicated ? if i mised somehting in that case please let me know what it is:confused:
I think it makes alot of sense for Kabuto to have integrated Orochimaru's last physical body (minus Oro's will/soul) into his own. Back in the Zabuza arc, it was explained hunter-nin are to recover a dead body from their village to prevent others from learning the body's secrets. They could analyze the body and copy techniques based on the body alone. Kabuto, a genius medical-ninja, did just that but took it a step further. Instead of having to analyze the body as an outsider, I can see him using a forbidden medical jutsu to take Oro's last body, with all it's secrets, and literally make it a part of his physical body. Those secrets have now become his personal knowledge to use as his will wishes.
The ritual dimension Oro created, as far as I'm concerned, has it's location within Sasuke. Sasuke did not relinquish his will's control of his body in the dimension so that Orochimaru's will could take over (which I think is how the jutsu is supposed to work). Rather a literal battle of wills took place for control of the dimension. Why was Sasuke able to take control so convincingly? The Sharingan. We saw Sasuke's will ( I say will because I'm sure it wasnt his real body) enter the "dimension" where Naruto interacts with Kyubbi and from there exerted control in the dimension to suppress Kyuubi with the flick of his wrist. That ability to exhibit control in the psychological dimension of one's will (another person's and especially his own) is the extent to which Sasuke has learned to use Sharingan. Itachi does the same exact thing when he uses Mangekyou Sharingan. Sasuke's ability because of Sharingan allowed him to take over the ritual dimension and it allowed him to bring Kabuto's "will" into the dimension to see that Orochimaru was, so to speak, defeated. He did this all as he pleased.
I now see how Sasuke is the one to be the greatest Sharingan user above Itachi or any other Uchiha.
Pretty good chapter, as most people have already stated. Had a decent amount of action, storyline development, and an unexpected twist at the end. I was thinking that Kabuto was gonna go all goody-two-shoes and be another, "Wow... Naruto, you give me hope!!!! I'll change!!!" but the last few panels showed otherwise.
And Tobi is one of my new favorite characters. What a cool guy. :[
That's how I was thinking of it after I read that last page as well. Kabuto was comparing himself to Naruto the whole time; how he didn't know who he was because he always followed Oro whereas Naruto was either Naruto or the Kyubi. He even says that he wanted to be like Naruto. So now with Oro inside him, Kabuto will try and block him out much like how Naruto started to reject the Kyubi. You can't really call Oro a bijuu and Kabuto a jinchurriki since Oro isn't one of the tailed demons but this is what Kabuto now views himself as in that sense; someone thats exactly like Naruto and will try to surpass his inner demon instead of relying on it.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Awesome chapter. :)
Oro probably never did enter into Sasuke's body. Perhaps Kabuto found him dead or close to dead after Sasuke left. That's when Oro combines with Kabuto or however you want to put it.
I don't think Kabuto would want to fight off Oro. He's probably opposite of Naruto. Naruto wants to supress the Kyuubi while Kabuto wants to use Oro's power to help make him stronger.
I decided to re-re-read the chapter to get a better grasp on what exactly the fuck Kabuto is talking about. In no way is this about Orochimaru's jutsu.
Kabuto pretty much defined himself by Orochimaru(as opposed to what Naruto did), and as such clinged to his power thinking that that's how he could obtain power in a sense. But after Orochimaru died(Kabuto even acknowledges him as dead) he was left without a identity(think of it like this: If Naruto defined him self soley on the fact that he had the 9-tails inside and then that was taken away from him who would he be?).
So I think I figured out what Kabuto was talking about, he no longer considers Orochimaru as a person, but as an ideal that a person came up with(and named after himself). So it isn't so much that Orochimaru is still alive(b/c he isn't) it's that Kabuto plans on using the ideal of Oro to make himself greater and is integrating the creators body into himself(or should I say this body).
That's my intepretation of it all, but Kishimoto has a way on doing something ass-faced that scews things over sometime.
We get the idea from chapter 346.Quote:
Originally Posted by Parkalash
"'s more like"
"I've taken over."
Im really glad that Oro came back in some-type of form at least...I was really disappointed to see one of the main villans in Naruto get killed by his pupil in less than 1 chapter. There was so much more potential for Oro to lengthen the storyline and more action...
I am really confused if Kabuto is using Oro's powers by putting him in his body or lending Oro his powers by letting him live in pieces, and I wonder if Oro still has some kind of conscious left?
Maybe there is an alternative reason why Tobi acts the way he does rather than thinking that he's just weak and scared
That's a nice analysis into the motives on why Kabuto did it, but it doesn't explain how. So far, the only two reasonable theories which have been suggested would be that Orochimaru entered Kabuto's body when he saw he would not be able to take Sasuke's, and the theory that he somehow grafted Orochimaru's body into his own. Either way, we're now dealing with a Michael Jackson/medical ninja hybrid.....and that could make some awkward scenes in the future.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
I personally thought it was ridiculous when he started talking to Naruto, admiring him for his ability to be his own person despite the Kyuubi inside him. Naruto's already come to terms with his Kyuubi, the entire village now respects him (wheras before they despised him), so why the hell does Kishimoto feel the need to give him the emotional support of a villain at this point? I just feel that they're are starting to drive the turmoils of the character Naruto into the ground. It's been done, quit reminding us, Kishi.
I have been seriously waiting every week to see how this was going to play out..
For him to get cut down while on his death bed is a BS way to go out. Not a way for an elite San nin to go tou.. no the San nin of the 3. Not to mention we really need to know hwo the hell He got away from Itachi. In the end Orochimaru is and was the strongest no one has been able to kill him yet.
i was always a bit curious that he didnt have some kind of safedard considering his condition, and him having an inclination that sasuke would turn on him while he was in shit shape.
Cant wait to see where this goes. Orochimaru seeking to surpass himself.
..yeah Sasuke fight should be good times as well.
I feel..... that there are 2 Orochimarus now. One still sleeping within Sasuke, and one with Kabuto. How Orochimaru got into Kabuto might be through some infusing experiements or other "modern technology", and that the original Orochimaru is still living within Sasuke's sub-consiousness. No I don't like clone wars but I won't be too surprised to see Orochimaru vs Orochimaru.
I personally don't think that Oro is the strongest Sannin, I think Jiraiya is. I mean he almost or could've beaten both Itachi and Kisame at the same time. He did really well whilst drugged against Oro in that big fight. He taught the 4th hokage.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lithonite
Oro is a genius I give him that for coming up with jutsus and forbidden ones etc. He hasn't really been special though. He took out the 3rd Hokage but if he was in his prime oro woulda been beaten easily I reckon.
Anyway, I was wondering does the curse seal oro put on ppl die off when he's dead?
Nope....Sasuke still has his.Quote:
Originally Posted by Konohamaru
Considering that we know now that the curse seal wasn't an original technique created by oro, I'd say that him being alive shouldn't make a difference.
And yes, Oro is dead. Kabuto even confirms this in the most recent chapter.