So what are you doing today? Fooled anybody? Got pwned?
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So what are you doing today? Fooled anybody? Got pwned?
Share the stories!
The fact that your title suggest hat your not gay or atleast Bi it's obvious that it's a joke. Funny but easily seen through.
Yeah, as soon as I saw "Sakura is the best" in the main directory, I knew it wasn't real. Good try though
So you didn't realize it was a joke when I wrote "world peace"? :(
World peace is overrated.
Dude....it's still the 31st
Not here! Sweden time zone > all other time zones
then this can be deleted then ;)
Any other jokes you've found?Quote:
ADV Films, North America's leading anime goods retail industry, has proudly acquired all rights and ownership to TokyoTosho Inc. Many are speculating about the new system that will be implemented on TokyoTosho Inc. It's rumored that the system will be more up-lifting and will not only appeal to older anime fans, but to younger fans as well.
In a statement made today by the CEO of ADV Films, he commented, "We are proud to have become a big part in the anime community. Bittorrent has become a big part of anime-sharing among many anime fans. By 'torrenting', we hope to nourish all fans with all their anime needs."
Site access will remain for the next 17 hours at which time all visitors will be redirected towards ADV Films.
I've moved this thread to general discussion since its not really anime related anymore - Assassin
I don't know if these are jokes yet, but they are very suspect...
Tsubasa season 3 promo by YGO:
Ayu's Naruto Movie 3, might be porn so don't get it if you're offended or underage:
GG's Code Geass - Suzaku of the Counter-Attack 00:
And Froth-Bite's release of Poirot and Marple 30-39:
by Sylf - Sun, Apr 1st 12:22 AM
As some of you might have seen, there is a copy of Poirot & Marple batch torrent in circulation right now, containing episodes 30 through 39. I'm sorry to say this, but this is a prank pulled off by someone unrelated to us. Please be patient with us a while longer - we are diligently working to complete this series. Please ignore this torrent, and come back when we make an official release.
Im currently at the office. Sadly... it ain't no joke :(
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
East Asia owns ur pithy time zone1!
Damn it I had totally forgotten a about april fools Damn you Tokyo Toshokan :mad:
Hahaha, so when you created this thread you actually believed that news to be true?
When i read this thread i immediately thought of Dattebayo for some reason... So i wasnt too surprised when i found their site like this Yhbt.mine.nu
How does this affect me?
This website has been responsible for the illegal distribution and copyright violation of intellectual property. As a result, all visitors recorded in the site's logs are subject to possible pending litigation in a class-action civil lawsuit by the aforementioned companies. In addition, all systems found accessing this site will be monitored and investigated by the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. All systems found to contain copyrighted materials will be subject to harsh fines and legal litigation from the Department of Justice, in addition to the civil lawsuits.
I'm downloading Suzaku of the Counterattack right now. Anyone watched it?
I browsed through it... it has an intro with CG, then a Pokemon English dubbed episode with russian subs.
Did anybody decide to download [Hpmuirt]_Bleach_-_MEMORIES_OF_NOBODY? What was it? I don't unfortunately really have extra 800MB worth of bandwidth for April fools...
I got pwnd last night when I was trying to watch Bleach and Blood+ on Adult Swim. Every year they have a joke programming schedule for April Fools. This year they showed one of their own shows that parodies anime.
It wasn't that funny. :/
this april fool's is laaaame. usually a lot of sites do some sort of joke, the only two sites i've seen today who've had jokes are gotwoot and tokyotosho. and they both used the same joke!
Suzaku of the Rebellion used that Youtube video as the OP. That was the only good thing about the whole release...
Originally Posted by saman
This would've been worth mentioning if GW had actually bothered coming up with something entertaining... They probably said "Oh crap, it's April Fools... fuck it, lets do a shitty news story and a shitty forum banner."
http://utorrent.com/ <--- April Fools
Not exactly April Fool's, but I was gotten good 2 weeks ago.
I was at work, and we have one of those buildings where if you want to phone someone outside the internal system you have to dial 9 before dialing the number. So I was making a call and I must have hit the nine twice or something, because someone picked up on the other end and asked what was my emergency. So, yeah, I dialed 911 (for non-US people, this is an emergency number you call if you have a fire or a robbery or some medical crisis). I apologized profusely and told her it was a mistake. She said ok, but for every call we have to send an officer to the scene to confirm that nothing is wrong... So I had to tell everyone what happened and that when the cop showed up to send him my way.
So about 15 minutes later someone lets me know he's here. I go out there's this tall, uniformed, serious looking cop. He asks me if I made the call. I say yes and start apologizing. He asks me if I know about the state stature regarding fraudulent 911 calls. I'm like, no? He tells me that it's a serious offense and he's going to have to take me to the station and fingerprint me. I stare at him O_O. Also, he's sorry, but he will have to cuff me. Could I hold out my hands? I stare at him some more, seriously speechless, although mentally I'm like "Shit, SHIT."
Then he's goes, "Just kidding." And my three coworkers that were watching start laughing their asses off. Apparently he just needs to check on the place and then leave, but one of my coworkers thought it would be funny if they asked the cop to "mess with her a bit." I was pissed, but I've got to admit it was pretty funny. Any suggestions for getting her back?
I decided to do you a favor and download it for you. As far as I can tell it is the whole movie of "The Holiday". It is messed up for me though and shows as 125Hours. But it does seem like it is the whole movie.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Heh. Good thing I didn't try to download it. Thanks for wasting your bandwidth :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Spiegel
yeah, wilik im'ed me at like 11:00 last night and was like "help me come up with an awesome april fool's joke for gotwoot" ...Quote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
and I pretty much said "umm, no." and went to sleep :p.
Originally Posted by complich8
LAMO.. score one for complich8.
Yeah the joke was lame and well it was almost interesting to see that ciber was the actual person to post the comment but it was an obviously really bad joke.
Wow.. by mistake i just went to the DB website where most of us get our beloved bleach and naruto fix every week... and instead of the web page being there there is a US Department of Justice banner showing that the site has been shutdown.... all i can say is... omfg...
I hope the guys at DB are doing ok and are still able to bring us the best subs out there.
That's an April Fools prank. If you just go to contact us you can see that everything is still where it should be excecpt their front page.
yep it is a very well thought out prank, but i can't say that it isn't expected. Considering that there will be no Naruto until the 11th and well it is April fools after all.
Adult Swim is playing the Aqua Teen movie, they officially started it off normally but then made it really really small.
Those bastards
sorry... april fools day was the last thing on my mind when i got home tonight after being at work for 10 hours and 10 hours yesterday... alas.. i've been sucked into the troll net once again.
click on the eagle.
Hahaha. Rofl. Those cruel bastards! xD Watching Family and on comes a robot boning a TV. "ATHF in theaters April 13th" "Or you could watch it now" "Left Bottom corner of the screen"
yep.. it's april fools.... haha didn't they do this last year too? must be a yearly thing to trick the noobs.
I wonder if they can get in trouble for copying the DOJ seal.
merged the two April Fools Day threads into one, then added the stupid 'omfg I fell for a DB troll' thread here as well, since it's an aftereffect of today's antics.
kept Terra's title cuz it was here first and is funnier.
did not celebrate. Legend of Zelda is eating my soul.
Wait... April fools...
are you saying we aren't sold?
But.. Las Vegas... gambling :(
some things i found:
World of Warcraft: Now Free to Play Forever
Nvidia To Recall Every 8800 GTX-GTS Card
Principality of Sealand to Bid for 2016 Olympic Games
Turbine Unveils 1st Update for The Lord of the Rings Online
BigPond tweaks cable plans
And the best for last
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myrtf...2Fwww%2Eggmani a%2Ecom%2F