Have fun watching. :D
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Have fun watching. :D
About episode 111:
I really wish that what was revealed in this episode had happened in episode 110, that way the impact wouldn't have been ruined by the new ED.
Indeed. The ending was cruel last week for non-manga readers.
Me... I've been waiting for ages for this part being animated. Excellent.
It looks like they're going to use the filler charachters to fill up time in the episodes so they don't catch up to the manga as fast. While this is a good goal it's somewhat annoying to have to see them running around acting all crappy in the middle of everything.
I liked that they emphasized Ishiins partial white cloak more in the anime though, there were many discussions in the manga forum about it looking similar familiar to something we've already seen.
I'm still confused whether he is a real captain or captain class shinigami....or does it both mean the same thing? :p
It doesn't mean the same thing, there can only be as many captains as there are squads, but that doesn't mean there are only as many people powerful enough to be captains as there are squads. Take Gin, who was a VC but eventually became a captain, there must have been a captain before him that either retired or died (likely killed by Aizen if so).
God I hope the filler characters will be killed very very soon. Other then that it was a pretty good episode.
Although it was very strange that the animation just kept shifting from good to really bad.....hopefully next week they'll fix that.
I'm gonna have to go on a limb and say ichigoe's old man was a captain like urahara, and youroichi. He probably left with them. Hopefully sooner or later they will give some story behind thier past. It was a good episode. And they cut back on the use of the manga for this episode. It was like 1 chapter for a whole episode which is great in a way.
Yea it looks like they are gonna use the filler dolls from now on. I really hate them for some reason. They are extremely annoying at times lol. At least it looks like they won't go thru the manga material to fast.
damn i was hoping grand fisher was gonna kill off those dolls before ichigo's dad came to the rescue
yea i gotta agree that the animation was terrible and the music (or lack of) made the surprise not that interesting
does ichigo's dad sound different to anybody else? feels like a difference voice actor. or maybe it's same one just sounding serious for once haha
The filler dolls continue to annoy me greatly they just hurt the pacing of the storyline. This Episode and 110 should have been combined better. Given this was still acceptable and I'm glad to see them animating Manga reguardless.
Also Ichigo's dad made the comment in the DB translation. All Shinigami of Captain class or HIGHER control the size of their Zanpakutou. As such it has not been stated what he is just that its likely he's controlling the size of his Zanpakutou. So all we can really do is wait and see where he might fit into things.
Wow... This is nice, Ichigo father is a "Death God" (don't feel like writing it in jap) and of Captain(or higher) class too? That could explain why his childs can see death people.
(i didn't found the ending to be cruel like Budweineken said, but than again, i don't Watch the ending, i just minimize the screen listen to the music of the ending and go on the internet until the Preview for the next episode start)
My sentiments exactly. Just kill off Rinrin and the gang. Not only awkward animation, but the colors are bland for some reason.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
Christ people, would you stfu about the damn dolls.
Is it me, or does King Fisher seem...I dunno...stupider?
Last time I saw him he was, like, the least mindless Hollow the show had shown us.
Now he seems kinda...dim.
So a shinigami that gets hollow powers is not the same thing as a hollow that gets shinigami powers, because the latter apparently sucks.
King Fisher died like a bitch(assuming he's dead, you normally have to cut their mask, but then he took his own mask off so...I dunno). I guess it would be fitting to have Isshin avenging his wife, except he doesn't even seem to care that King Fisher killed her.
More stuff with Ishida's dad too! He can fix his son's powers! Woo!
Normally I'd be the first to agree with you DE about people complaining about the dolls, but they really are very poorly done. Their look, sound (except Nova), and attitudes (except Nova) are irritating, and I'd prefer they were removed or replaced. That said, I'm not sure which I prefer: episodes with straight manga material (for purity's sake), or episodes with some filler so the anime doesn't catch up too quick to the manga, which will mean another pure filler arc.
I was going to be really upset if the modified soul dolls killed Grand Fisher. I still wanted it to be Ichigo, but at least it was his dad.
@DE: Fisher's use of anabolic steroids made him dumber. Might want to check under his back-fur for pimples.
Hrm, this went a lot smoother in the manga, I'll look up what chapter it is so you all can all check it out yourself without having to spoil anything (and you REALLY don't want to spoil anything for yourself).
Haha, I personally thought it was an entirely different Voice Actor than before, then again, he just might sound like that when being serious.Quote:
Originally Posted by Meteros
Originally Posted by DDBen
Suuuuure. So we can have fillers once more in less than 20 episodes (its just a random number). So lets just cram everything we can unto every episode :rolleyes:
Grand Fisher didn't get stupidier. He got overconfident on his new Arrancar Powers. (im surprised no one has commented on this fact, that while Hirako called himself Vaizard, Grand Fisher called himself Arrancar. Two new groups).
man... i dunno how you lot can all sit around pickin holes in bleach and slaggin it off. you seem to have missed the point that this episode was like the coolest thing ever. maybe its a bit blah if youve read the manga, but for me, who hasn't... this episode totally smacked it and i can't bloody wait for more episodes exactly like it. there was nothing wrong with it at all and I love it. if you're gonna let a different ending theme or a badly-drawn doll spoil it for you then i feel sorry for you.
i think it's: shinigami>hollow=vaizard
i could be wrong though.
I really liked Isshin's entrance, Kon's comment about his parenting is priceless too.
Here is another question that came up before (however in the manga section) We all know Kisuke Urahara is a former captain of the 12th Division, Yoruichi Shihouin was the special forces commander( 2nd division), but what of isshin?
He remarks about being something of a captain class (how captains must suppress the sizes of their zanpakutō in order to have it at a proper size, as they would otherwise be swinging swords the size of skyscrapers), and he does seem to have a white robe as well (You see it on him however he is just having it over his shoulder) what Division to you figure he came from if any?
Captains come and go. Like Yukimura was saying, there must have been a captain who went away before Gin became one, for example. Maybe that was Isshin. Or he could be of even older vintage.
It has nothing to do with that and we already have well more then 20 episodes of Manga. Basically the issue the dolls created was that both ichigo and Ishada are suppose to be saved basically at the same time as both of those battles interweave with each other. By adding the dolls they not only made this impossible but also included Isshan as a Death God in the new ending and made a clear refernce to him being one in the preview. This was done when Ichigo makes a comment about Ishida "Dressing like his old man" and Rinrin comments back that she wouldn't talk if it was her. Ichigo responds "Why?". Finally she goes "Its a secret." Given I already knew about it but I found it easily clear enough to effect the surprize factor. Cutting out the dolls would have given enough time to show both of the fathers without any explination and this would have flowed much better as it did in the manga.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Things like that are making the dolls very disruptive to the story in the current form for myself and thats why I'm annoyed with them..
That little white cape on Ichigo's dad looks kinda like the little white cape that Kuchiki Byakuya wears
Woah I read the manga but I didn't see the captain cloak on isshin, lol. I also don't remember him mentioning he is of captain level. Bad memory + other mangas I read = no!. Anyway, I think isshin was a captain but he left cos maybe then he had kids. So far we know no other captain who has kids. Could be a reason who knows. Soul society prolly allowed him to leave but remain a replacement shinigami if danger should arise. Now I can't wait to hear his story.
I'm assuming Isshin used to be a captain just because of the which cloak. While none of the captains dress exactly the same, they all have their outfits augmented by some kind of white cloathing.
I agree with that.Quote:
Originally Posted by Turkish-S
Also, looks like Vaizards don't get any bigger, while Arrancar's have that giant hollow size thing going.
It's too bad that in becoming an Arrancar and supposedly becoming stronger, King Fisher lost his one unique hollow power that made him more dangerous, his fishing lure.
For being a non-manga reader, the past two episodes made me very excited for Bleach this year. The introduction of Isshin as a Shinigami and Ishida's father, I absolutely loved (Ishida's dad is soo awesome!!).
The theory about Isshin being a former captain is very plausible, it would certainly explain his power. Oh well, I guess the only thing to do now is to wait and watch (or read the manga =p).
The prospect of Isshin running around with Ichigo, cutting up Hollows during this arc gives me chills of joy. It'd also be pretty hilarious, what with their unique father-son relationship and all...
Based only on Grand Fisher's appearance, I'd have to come to the conclusion that Arrancars are truly a sin against nature. Kind of like the Apostles in Berserk, or all the Chimeras in Fullmetal Alchemist. Fisher's beefed-up form was the goofiest fuckin thing I've seen in a while - like someone tried to fuse a samurai, a woolly mammoth, and Baron Von Underbite from The Venture Brothers. It didn't help that his voice sounded like he was in constant agony, begging for someone to end his new miserable existence. I almost felt sorry for him :(.
The way he was dealt with was pretty satisfying, but It would have been great if Isshin had at least made some mention of his wife. Perhaps he didn't know himself that Fisher had killed Masaki, and Tite Kubo was going for a more subtle sense of justice here.
Oh, and based on the preview, I predict at least one blood-curdling scream coming from Hirako in the next episode. It has to happen.
y'know, despite all the hints and speculation i've seen and read recently about the matter, i was still very surprised about isshin being a shinigami. i guess not taking everything i hear at face value pays off sometimes :*)**
a couple of things i noticed in this episode that i don't think have been mentioned so far:
-new background music. very catchy music at that. i guess there'll be another soundtrack coming out in the future.
-for some reason, i really didn't like the voice actor for grand fisher in this episode. made him sound even slower than he seemed.
-grand fisher referred to ichigo as a "pure blood". ignoring the harry potter vibe here, doesn't that also make ichigo's mom a shinigami? maybe?
i'm pretty sure his mom wasn't a shinigami, it just meant that ichigo ain't a 'muggle' haha
rather a mudblood (LOL!!)
GF referred Ichigo as a pure-blood just for his own ego. He didn't want to accept a substitute shinigami, or fake shinigami in his eyes (mudblood) defeated him. So having a shinigami father that made Ichigo a better opponent on his eyes.
That's what I think anyway.
Assuming Ichigo is the only shinigami that is alive, how the hell did Isshin impregnate Ichigo's mom?
Also, that would mean he's technically dead
This bugged me too. There's clearly something unique about Isshin's situation which allows him to live in the human world and act as a shinigami at the same time.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
It's either something similar to what Urahara does (he did say they were best friends), or he uses a Gigai, or his spirit energy is high enough that he became a shinigami in much the same way Ichigo did. I hope they explain this.
Like I said, just made him seem like more of an atrocity against God and humanity.Quote:
for some reason, i really didn't like the voice actor for grand fisher in this episode. made him sound even slower than he seemed.
Man bleach is defently cool again but I was hoping for gran fisher to kill the 3 dolls
Isshin a shinigami would explain why his daughter can sense hollows too
Ok ep, but seemed a little slow to me. Too much of Kyon running around like an idiot. I wanted to see Ichigo find his dad as a shinigami :\
And yeah, I was wondering about shinigamis = dead people aspect too. Necrophilia?? Could Ichigo and Rukia.......????
Ok, though, seriously I hope they explain this decently.
Forget that, what happens when a dead person dies... again?Quote:
Originally Posted by Mae
1. the "pure blood" comment probably refers to shinigami who have atleast one shinigami parent compared to those who die and then become shinigami.
2. the "best friend" remark wasn't from the manga, so that can't really be taken as 'true'. Though its obvious that isshin and urahara know each other, possibly from SS.
3. To the manga readers: in the manga, didn't isshin cut grand fisher in half vertically instead of cutting open his stomach like he did in this ep?
He cut him in half vertically(right down the middle), it dissapointed me that they couldn't do that. Makes me wonder what else they'll censor....
Ok... let me come up with my own crazy idea. What if ichigo's old man is from one of the 4 Noble families in soul society ( I think they said there was 4). Just think about it he did say "those of captain level or higher learn how to control there power....etc". Then he feel in love with a human while doing something in the regular world, and left soul society to be with them. It's just a thought to explain all this confusion we probably won't get for a long time or even at all.
What you guys think? The posibilities are endless lol :) .
I'm pretty sure that if the Kurosaki family was one of the 4 families, people would have made a bigger deal about Ichigo Kurosaki running around Soul Society causing so much trouble. I don't really recall anyone saying anything to the effect of "Ah, he's a member of that family" either.
It is a possibility that Isshin changed his name, though. After the Kuchiki, the Kukkaku, and the Shihouin, there's still one noble family left to be revealed. Makes you wonder.
Not everyone in Soul Society is "Dead." Obviously they can procreate. How else could there be "Royal Families." They can't just adopt people all the time like Rukia.
On that note, is Rukia DEAD? She apparently grew up in Soul Society. A dead kid stays a kid forever, right?
As for what happens when a soul dies, apparently you bury them and they're gone. Like Rukia buried her 2 childhood friends. I forget if that flashback was during the original Soul Society arc, or the fillers.
So anyways, Ichigo's mom has to be human. Otherwise Ichigo and his sisters would just be souls in fake bodies.
Oh yeah, and Byakuya doesn't wear a cape. He wears a captain's robe and a scarf around his neck.
Maybe when isshin got married he took his wife's surname, and so ichigo as wellQuote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
That usually only happens when the wife's family is richer. So Kurosaki would be an even more famous last name.
I doubt the SS folks much care who's famous in the living world or not. Like they say, when you die, you don't take anything with you to the next world.
the filler dolls have too much screen time! its confusing for me cause i didnt watch the fillers. aswell, isshin acting so cool is so not him.
Since we saw Shiba Kukaku's (sp?) arm being censored I kind off accepted they were going to do several more idiotic censorships on the future.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
Like the gatekeepers arm, which Gin cut completely.
Well that would be the case normally, but being a man from soul society Hiding/living in the real world he would have to adopt a name for the real world.Quote:
Originally Posted by JaySee
Out of those three options, It would have to be something like Urahara does or else he would have some insane amount of reitsu. If I remember correctly, the longer the shinigami's soul stays in the Gigai the more power they lose. So in order for him to have so much power after being in the Gigai so long he would have to be insanely powerful to begin with. Also I wouldn't mind seeing that ol' dad come to be shinigami the same way that ichigo did. Another thing i remember but could be wrong about is the episode when Rukia's big brother gave the medallion that helps Ichigo get out of his body, said that it was made to help people like him. Wouldn't that mean there were people like Ichigo in the past. His Father maybe. I can't wait to see how this turns out and to really find out what happened. It kinda makes me want to read the manga but I don't.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Also to chime in what I thought of the episode in general. I personally liked it and yes I would have liked to have seen the dolls gone but I still enjoying seeing Ichigo's dad as a shinigami and Kon being an Idiot as usual.
P.S. Correct me if I am wrong on any of the remembering of episodes. I am at school right now so I cannot check myself completely.
Originally Posted by Spiegel
You were wrong about who gave the Badge to ichigo. I always forget his name but it is the white haired captain shinigami that is always sick. Anyways i don't think His father became a shinigami in the same way as ichigo. He knows how to control his power for one, which means he was trained. No one in soul society tought ichigo jack shit on controling his raisetsu. Also how would he know anything about Higher ranks then captain, he has already given hints of there being more powerful shinigami then captain level. I would think they would be able to keep track of him and know if he had a family or not If he was a repesentative. Don't you think they would keep an eye on someone like that. Now if he ran away from soul society and hid himself on purpose, they may not be able to find him.
Here is a direct download links for Episode 111:
I made this to help take the load of DB's tracker. Go ahead and spread this link around. :) I plan to do this for other episodes as well.
Also, you can direct download older episodes at
I figured why not and went ahead and did 110 as well.
Dunno. With every episode downloaded hundreds of thousands of times, I don't think that will make a statistically significant impact.
This was the special gigai for Rukia only. Urahara wanted to turn her into a human to better relate to Ichigo and force Ichigo to use his powers more.Quote:
If I remember correctly, the longer the shinigami's soul stays in the Gigai the more power they lose. So in order for him to have so much power after being in the Gigai so long he would have to be insanely powerful to begin with.
That wasn't the reason for the gigai... the reason was to hide the hoogyoku.
Thankyou for your corrections everyone. I wasnt psotive about my memory of the previous Eps. Maybe i need to get them again and watch them again.
There is no need to do that, There are plenty of direct download sites for DB Anime if you know where to look. Almost as soon as the bit torrent is fully going good they have it for direct download on the main DDL sitesQuote:
Originally Posted by Dark Shroud
Awesome episode but I hope the dolls die since they don’t have a real use now that the Bounto are gone.
One thing that I didn’t understand is the deal to be made between Ishida and his dad. Why did his dad care if Ishida decide to hang with the Shinigami. The dad didn’t care personally about being a Quincy in the flashbacks. So why would he care about his son’s decision. I do understand that Quincy and Shinigami don’t like each other, but why would Ishida’s dad care.
A good question. However, if you look at those two, especially considering how Ishida was in the beginning, you can see they are very similar. Arrogant and self-righteous. And hate the shinigami. Only lately Ishida has shed some of his hatred for the shinigami, no doubt because he has been working with Ichigo and actively saving one of them (or more if you count the fillers). Who knows what his dad's reasons are, maybe the same as Ishida's, but I'm pretty sure they are there, and he has never done anything that would have alleviated them.
So, I'm not terribly surprised he doesn't want his son to hang out with people he hates. Especially considering his personality. And perhaps he also wants to keep his son out of trouble, and the surest thing to get into trouble is to stay near Ichigo...
:O ishida's dad is a racist!!!
I think he pretended he didn't care about quincy to "protect his son" from evul shinigami who want to get rid of the quincy. He also said "you don't got the skills". So it would be better if he was just a human.
Hi guys.
I have a question that is bothering me.
I have stopped watching Bleach after some filler episode. I think I got to the guys that control water. Now I want to know: is there any loss in not watching the fillers? If not, which episode should I stop at and which episode should I pick the story from after the fillers?
Impossible to say yet how big a loss in references. But lets hope as small as possible. The dolls are still around, but everybody's praying they wouldn't do much in the future. But most likely you won't lose anything important.
This is the second nonfiller episode.
Remember Ishida's grandfather, Ryuuken's father, was allowed to be killed, by Hollows, by none other that Kurotsuchi Mayuri. He has a good reason to still hate em.
No matter if Ryuuken likes or not having Quincy powers, his father was still his father.
This is a fact somewhat ruined for Ishida thanks to the fillers.
I always felt that Isshin's line of "I came here to kill you" was to portray his feeling of revenge, and I choose to believe that's that case.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
When Urahara has Ichigo training before he goes to SS the first time, does he not talk to the vaizard side of Ichigo? He mentions some later use or need of him later IIRC, maybe his dad is a vaizard himself? I always assumed that the hollow part of Ichigo came from Rukia, but maybe that isn't the case?
Originally Posted by Krynn
lol this is the second time someone has said that in this thread. If you guy remember when ichigoe was training with urahara, to get his shinigami powers that layed doormat urhara cut ichigoes life chain. Doing so set a time limit in which ichigo had to become a shinigami or else he would become a hollow instead. During this time ichigo was trying to become a shinigami he took to long to gain those powers and started to become a hollow. Before he became a hollow he finally gained his shinigami powers. Thus he has both hollow and shinigami powers since he almost became a hollow. So in a way the hollow he started to become is inside him now.
Um I dont know if this has been asked yet or not so sorry if it has but I was wondering about the small scene during this episode from 5:13 - 5:24 when Ishida's father was talking to Ishida about how he went into soul society unprepared and was at an amateur level with his quincy powers, when did that fight they showed happen and who is the person Ishida is fighting there?? Were those scenes from some special OVA or something, or maybe from the movie??
I take it that you didn't watch Bleach through all the fillers, because that is where that scene was from [not too sure of the episode number, maybe around 103~]. Ishida was fighting one of the Bounto [forgot her name]. So no there is no special OVA, nor is it from the movie. They just felt like putting filler scenes in so the show runs smoothly or something. =]Quote:
Originally Posted by viper00
Ah, I see :p huh it really looks like there were some interesting fights during the fillers unlike the naruto fillers lol. Maybe i'll look into this fight and see if there are also any others worth watching during the filler period.Quote:
Originally Posted by iLoveHotCoCo
The fight wasn't actually that interesting. Basically it just showed that Ishida could think well on his feet and work around his lack of spirit energy with a filler item that was later destroyed to maintain continuity.
The filler DID have a few interesting fights though.
why does the valizard guy have to FLY?
It makes the anime seem less realistic
Riiiiiiiiiiight. Versus talking dolls, giant swords, invisible hollows destroying the city and no one noticing, the city being magically repaired the next day...