Let's form a Mii community!
Hay guys....this'll be cool...
If you get a Wii, hook yourself up to the connect24 thing and then put up your #. Then we can create a network and mingle our anime-based mii characters. Using some of the examples you guys came up with in one of those older topics, I made a Lee, Gai, Sakura, and Gaara.
Anyway, I'll start a list of #s. Post yours and I'll update this post with it. You can only link wiis if both people add each other's #s.
XanBcoo - 2187 9383 9478 3722
(cmdr) Raven - 8864 1524 2978 0750
Nests - 1757 0132 8657 1690
Knives - 1946 0281 1987 1144
LaZie - 6482 6960 0909 6978
NarutoMaster - 5110 5119 4009 5539
Assertnfailure (NEW) - 6368 3519 3361 4786
UChessmaster - 0677 9701 6430 5832