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Kishimoto must really think we're dumb if he has to make Naruto ask "What's mokuton?" It did allow Kakashi to explain two natures=bloodline, though. Of course that begs the question, what two natures are things like Sharingan and Byakugan?
EDIT: Well, I guess it does make sense that he would ask that since it's not one of the five elements, but it should be fucking obvious? Kishi also dodged another bullet by making it to where he doesn't have to explain other jutsu like shadow, baika, and genjutsus, too, which was pretty gay.
Hopefully the story is about to pick up since Asuma is talking about Naruto being the "king" of Konoha like a king in shougi.
"The Nightmare Begins" is the next chapter title. That better be fucking good or im going to go break something beautiful.
nice chapter, the whole shikimaru asuma thing was done greatly
What was the point of having Naruto show a tiny bit of analytical thinking only to make Kakashi refuse to answer him? Damn you, plot devices.
I think Kishi was like
"What happens if the reader wonders about shadow and baiku and all that other non element related stuffs?"
"Well...I better aknowledge it, but I don't feel like pulling anything out of my ass right now to explain it. Maybe later"
Nice way of explaining why wood jutsus aren't part of the 5 elements.
The part between Shikamaru and Asuma was great.
The title of the next chapter is promising. Hopefully all the ge... err... ex-rookie 8 + 3 will participate on this battle.
MQ Scan
Good chapter compared to the recent ones, looks like this training won't take forever. :rolleyes:
Go Shikamaru! :p
I think Asuma will die sometime soon.
- The talk about him being a sacrifical shougi piece
But mostly because,
- Recently he's been appearing more (it was revealed that he's the hokage's son, that he used to be one of the 12 guardians, etc)
You know what it often means when a side character suddenly gets focused on more...
It usually means that they'll start talking about what they believe in before they die or something. And if that's the case then Hidan and Kazuku will be messing with him in the next couple of chs.
If Asuma dies I can live with that. He's cool and all but we didn't really get to know him up till now.
Wait, I forgot that this is Naruto.
He will only be fatally injured and then healed by Tsunade/Sakura at the cost of 3 additional chapters. And of course another mandatory loss when it comes to the series' believability.
Im thinking he dies.
so basically this means that the 1st was water and earth.......
which kinda discredits the 2nd, who was known for being water type
All of a sudden, all the jounins feel alot stronger than they perhaps should be.
Everything is pretty much foreshadowing Asuma's death, or near death since Kishimoto's a faggot.
- Hidan and Kazuku killed one of the 12 guardians of whatever he was (don't feel like looking that shit up), and Asuma is also one of them.
- He's being compared to a sacrificial shougi piece.
- Sandaime is really the only main character that has died, and Asuma is his son (this may not mean anything at all).
I have a feeling he may die protecting Naruto since he refers to Naruto as the "king" and himself as the piece that is sacrificed to protect the king. Also, since he is Sandaime's son, he may try to take on the role of protecting Naruto.
Naruto is the king piece? i dont think thats the case. I think the king is something more lame and stupid like personal beliefs or one's "way of the ninja" that a person must protect at all costs. Or maybe Konoha itself is the 'king', metaphorically speaking :mad:Quote:
Originally Posted by mage
He was referring to Naruto as the king piece when Shikamaru asked him if the king piece of Konoha was the hokage, and Asuma said "No, You'll understand soon enough." The fact that this scene was spliced in with Naruto's training makes it pretty obvious. No other character is important enough to be the "king" besides the hokage, and he already said that's not who he was referring to.Quote:
Originally Posted by splash
Good chapter overall I'm really glad that the manga seems to have a very clear direction right now.
Also it seems that all that having a affinity for a aspect means is that you can use a ability from one of the 5 main schools. Its pretty clear jounins all have most if not all available to them as we have clearly seen Kakashi use atleast Lightning, Fire and Water already. It also makes the sharingan much less powerful as you can only use abilities you have a affinity for.
It would have been so much cooler if this elemental stuff had been in the series since the beginning and not just blatantly inserted.
If all jounins have atleast two elements, I wonder what Neji's and Gaara's are.
hmmm... :confused:
I think that this is exactly what spalsh was saying, that king thing is too important to be only one person, its obvious that there are "important" persons but none of them are irreplaceable (something similar to what the 3rd hokage said). I too think that it is some kind of idea or feeling, like konoha as whole thing or that thing they talked about when hokage died the fire of konoha or that bs he was refering continuously when he was fighting orochimaru.Quote:
Originally Posted by mage
I have to say that I get a different feeling when I read this chapter. I get the feeling that this chapter is for the readers, to explain them (and prove them) that kishimoto knows what he is doing. He doesnt just take out new things from his hat without thinking, he is proving that everything is conected and that this 5 element shit wich some of us thought was crap that invented a few weeks before its connected to the begining of the series.
And that part about kagemane and other strange jutsus etc is like saying: "I can explain this too with some ying yang basics, is it really neccesary for to explain it to make you believe that I know what im talking about? Do I have to waste my time explaining myself?"
When I was reading this chapter it felt like a slap. He just silenced all those voices that where saying that this new 5 element thing is bullshit and that he is just doing as he wants without any coherence.
About someone saying that jounins feel powerfull now, I say: it was time! Throughout the manga I always had the feeling that there was almost no difference between gennin and chunnin and that 2 or 3 (or even 1 of the "especial" genins) could defeat any no "especial" jounin. Now jounins seem like what they are supposed to be, the elite.
P.D: Sasuke has an electrified blade and naruto is learning how to cut things with his chakra (wich seems like a blade)... are we going to see a blade confrontation between electric blade and wind blade in the future?
I'd have to agree with this. As it stands, this element system explanation thus far has been, well, overdue and rather threadbare. No doubt due to Naruto being a slow learner, the remainder of the logic behind vague jutsus will just have to wait.Quote:
Originally Posted by mage
sigh... this is exactly what i'm saying.... also the fact that naruto could do kage bunshin since episode 1... or chapter 1 im assuming in the manga? (didnt read manga till i finished watching anime)... then 300+ chapters later... "hey naruto, did you know, you can train 1000 times faster if u use 1000 kage bunshins??"Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
yay... Naruto has pretty much wasted about 3 years of his life doing pointless training and learning nothing.
That's pretty gay. If that's the way it turns out I'm going to be very unhappy.Quote:
Originally Posted by Edort4
Seeing as how Asuma is one of the Twelve Guardsmen of the Fire Country Daimyo wouldn't it make a little more sense for him to be talking about that person as the 'King' seeing as he is the king of the Fire Country.
And from what Yamato said, it seems that Jounin, and thus good ninjas usually learn to use a second element well, adding it to whatever 'natural' attunement they started out with.
SPECULATION: Bloodline Limits's are what seem to have the ability to merge two attributes into someone's nature, allowing them to create jutsu that aren't of either nature. However Kish has stuck himself into a corner as there are only 5 attributes and two hands, thus 10 mixtures available for Bloodline Limit mixings. However I doubt that Byakugan and Sharingan work like this, there could easily be multiple types of Bloodline LImits, some jutsu based and some ability based.
Gara is clearly a mixture of Wind and Earth considering how his attacks work.Quote:
Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
Neji is more of the result of a bloodline which is likely a sort of natural ability to mix chakra without your hands. Assuming thats how people are able to do them. Haku being wind and water and Sharingan being something else entirely. So Byakugan is likely something along those lines being born with a modified eye that can mix the chakra for you instead of using your hands to create wood for instance.
I like the idea of asuma referring to the king as naruto...it would foreshadow a bigger role for all of naruto's friends. However, my initial thought is he's referring to the fire daimyo, as someone already mentioned.
I dont think bloodlines can be defined as "the mixture of two elements"
How would that apply to kimimaro?
I think kakashi was moreso referring to haku's particular bloodline which was to create ice from wind and water. As far as the whole "yin and yang" thing....I'd imagine its something like:
kage mane = 2% fire, 5% water, 60% wind, 20% earth, 13% electricity
A specific combination of multiple elements, but all of which in low quantities that make it easy for a genin to be capable of learning.
kage bunshin could be a primarily wind-affinity jutsu, but could still require a fraction of what's needed to produce a tangible wind form of chakra, hence why he'd be good at kage bunshin but still not have the knowledge to attack with wind.
And as for gaara....I'd say his jutsus are probably wind-affinity...since he's not CREATING sand, he just manipulates what's already there.
Actually does indeed create sand in his fight with Kimimaro. not out of thin air mind you but by crushing minerals and turning them into dust. I don't think he would be able to so precisely do this or his quicksand moves if it didn't involve a earth affinity.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Im gonna go with what someone else said, that maybe there are multiple forms of bloodline limit. One like the sharingan and byakugan that is a physical/ability/natural bloodline, and those that are formed by combineing 2 elements to form new ones. Like the first hokage he could create life by growing trees but no one else could do that which was the combineing of water/earth=wood.
We also know not everyone can do this. Kakashi can use other elements but we have never seen him combine them. Same with sasuke (but we still havent seen the extent of his growth or new jutsu's, mind you he isnt a junin) he uses fire/lightning but we havent seen a combination. Maybe even naruto will have one or even a cobination between his affinity wind and maybe even kyubbis which im guessing is fire. Knowing kishi this is possible.
have you all ever painting? What happen if you mix 50% of green and 50% of yellow? What color would that be? What happen if you mix 30% of green and 70% of yellow? What color would that be? what about 10% of green and 90% yellow or red? Same theory, if you mix the 5 elements together with different proportion, the possible result can be limitless, that is why they call the 5 basic elements just like the basic or primary color.
For those who confuse about the bloodline this is the exact word of Kakashi say: "Using 2 natures at once.. require strenght to bring forwarth a new nature" In other words, any ninja who has 2 natures affinity doesn't mean they can use it at once. Reason: their body can't handle the stress. That is where the bloodline thing come in. Those who born with the body that able to take the stress or reduce it to minimum is called "the ninja born with bloodline". Simple?
PS: For bxgreatone87, yes kuuybi is the fire element monster. So i guess when Naruto go to Kuuybi mode, he will be able to control both wind and fire elements, but normally when he is not in Kuuybi mode, Naruto will only able to control wind.
After reading this chapter, I was relieved to see that all of the past debates can be put to rest on the new element queries. What I really want to know is if sasuke's new jutsu that orochimaru prevented him from using is a combination of fire and lightening. The demonstration Yamato gave when he combined the two charkas, were the same seals sasuke performed. I’m not saying that the same seals are necessary when combining elements but maybe there's a connection. An inferno like chidori would be cool, or a huge fire/lightening storm-like move.
i will liek to see naruto be able to mix fire/wind when in kyubbi mode later on. Or maybe be able to use the kyubbi chakra so well that he wont have to transform to use kyubbis chakra to its max capabilities with his own chakra also.
I think being jankaruchi (sp?) is almost same as bloodline so you able to mix yours and demons' affinities togather. It would explain Gaara's ablility to control sand using wind and demon's earth afinity.
Jinchuuriki ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Death13a
i'm gonna go with naruto being the king as well. when shikamaru inadvertently states "when your king is taken away, it's over", I would translate that to say when akatsuki takes naruto away and extracts kyuubi, it's over.
i would have thought konoha as the king, but konoha is an inanimate object that's not an active player.
I dont know if anybody else noticed, but when Asuma hinted to who the king was he pointed to a different piece on the shougi board. If anyone is can find out what the character on that piece was, it could end A LOT of speculation.
I'm pretty sure that they're just playing the game and moving the pieces, not pointing to pieces.
This chapter was rather interesting to me, but I was rather disappointed when Kakashi didn't further explain on the other non elemental jutsus. I'd just like to remind you guys that the elemental jutsus were introduced way back, as in the characters, when using elemental jutsus, will shout out it's type. For eg. Katon (fire), Suiton (water), Douton (earth), etc. However, the mixing of the types is totally new and yet to be explained fully.
I'd like to think of the bloodline limits as still due to the genes passed down from generations, and not some sort of weird ability to mix affinities. But like I always say, it's not worth it to over analyse some times unless the mistakes or ambiguity is staring at you right in the face.
On Asuma, I hope he doesn't leave die so soon. And by the way, who's Konohamaru's father......? :p
Hmm... didn't they mention that Konohamaru's parents died so Sandaime took him in? If someone can solidfy this notion, that'd imply the Asuma had siblings who had previously died too.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
nope .Quote:
Originally Posted by Honoko
But as they were playing Asuma refered to himself as a pawn, shikamaru as a knight and then pointed to a different piece. I know it may seem farfetched but it would be nice to know. Maybe the piece will specify who the "king" could be. It could be TI. lolQuote:
Originally Posted by mage
He wasn't pointing, he was sliding the piece since they're playing a game.
good chapter. I liked it.
Byakugan users do use a hand seal to avtivate it. if u watch neji vs hinata u'll see that hinata did used a hand seal before the veins showed up, acutally come to think of it she uses that seal everytime she wants to use byakugan. neji on the other hand uses that seal only out side of a fight not when he is in one. not too sure about sharingan though, don't know how that works.
After reading a few different translations on this chapter and thinking it over I cant say who he is refering with the king piece (no one is actually talking about this but is bothering me :rolleyes: ).
He is talking about pieces like if they where people (nothing so abstract as feelings or ideals), he said that taking the game from the point of view of konoha. This clearly leaves the daymio out of the game cause he is not part of konoha (and even if it was involved I cant see how the daymio is more important to a hidden village than their kage).
With this reasoning we have discarded: daymio, feeling or ideal, hokage. Now this makes the naruto being the king more reasonable but still I cant understand how Naruto is so important. Even if he was the 4th son the kage title isnt inherited, and is the kyubii so important to konoha? Yes is a trump card that they can use but it can easily turn against them. Is like a weapon, something that is good to have but the most important thing of konoha??
I cant see it, if naruto is really what he is talking about I think that asuma is way more stupid than what I thought. So after all this senseless text im going to say that the king are the children of konoha, it would match with 3rd hokages feelings and make a bit more sense than a stupid kid with a monster inside that could destroy all your country be the most important thing to konoha.
Im sure that in the next chapter when akatsuki aim for asuma we will know what this king thing is.
ha, I thought you think so highly of yourself but the true is "NO" It is true that the children is the future of Konoha, but do you ever pause and think what happen if Naruto was taken away? Let's me guess, are they going to make the new Jinchurikan? are they going to set the Kuuybi free (not likely because it yield the least profit)? are they going to combine it with other Tailed monster and release a bigger monster? Then what? going around and dancing with that power? NOT LIKELY!!! With that power that they obtain, they are going to try to consquer and own everything just like what the leader said back when Kishi first introduce the Akatsuki. War will be unavoidable. House will be burn. People will die. Total destruction is inevitable. Remember what happen to Konoha with just one monster (the Kuuybi) attack, half of the Konoha was destroy. What happen if all 9 of the tailed monsters attack at once? Or What happen if a new monster that born by combine all 9 tailed monsters attack? Or what happen if all super power up Atkasuki members attack (remember each one of them elite that can be compare to Orochimaru or stronger than Orochimaru even with out the monster inside them)? The answer is simple, NOTHING LEFT STANDING FOR KONOHA (even the children will be kill). What is the future for them if they all death and Konoha is no more? All that stop in the Akatsuki's plan and all the destruction from happening is Naruto and last tailed monster (kuuybi) tell me if Naruto is not the king, then who is? :confused:Quote:
Originally Posted by Edort4
I do not consider kyuubi to be the most important thing to konoha in terms of it being an asset to the village as a weapon. (It is afterall in Naruto's and only Naruto's power in how far he maximizes Kyuubi's potential for the village's gain.) Rather Kyuubi is the most important thing to Konoha in terms of the consequences of losing it...losing it to Akatsuki. If Akatsuki are able to extract all the bijous from their respective jinchuurikis and complete their jutsu, the game (more specifically, Konoha and the Naruto world as we know it) is over. Kyuubi being the most powerful bijou makes Naruto, as its container, the King.
I know that naruto is important, he is the main character for godsake! He is the king of the series and there will be tons of plot devices to make him the most important thing in the universe (if kishimotos sasuke-love-obsesion let him). We all know that.
But thinking objetively if akatsuki is such a treat to all ninja nations, the sanins and especial jounins could combine to kill them, and I think that if sakura and an old woman can kill an akatsuki member (an strong one) akatsuki can be defeated. After all thus far they are only very strong ninjas. So naruto isnt the only weapon against akatsuki (or without any plot device it shouldnt be), he is important to akatsuki, and for konoha is important that they dont get their hands at him. Its not the same thing (for the US its important that alquaeda dont get a nuke, makes this the most important thing in the world for them nuclear bombs?).
If naruto wasnt the main character you only have to kill him, hide him, imprison him or whatever. So yes you'r right if kishimoto wants naruto to be the king he is going to be the king but smart and rationally thinking he is the king of nothing.
No, Byakugan is just pulsing your chakra into your eyes, the same as sharingan. What you saw Hinita doing was molding her chakra, something Naruto used to take forever to do as well (see back at Zabuza/Haku bridge fight). Neji, being more advanced did not require that sort of thing to mold his chakra to his eyes. That "hand seal" Hinata did, was the one everybody uses to mold chakra.Quote:
Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
Interesting somewhat off-topic note, Deidara is only 14 years old. Go fucking figure.
First of all, Sakura and an old woman (chiyo) didn't kill Sasori at least by their own strength. Sasori choose not to dodge the attack (Chiyo said it herself). the old woman that you called is the elite ninja of the sand village that every ninja (at least most of the sand ninja) recognize that superior. When she comment the sand jounin, you can see their reaction. From this we can see that Chiyo is one of the strongest ninja of the sand. Yet both Chiyo and Sakura combine power can't killed Sasori, and almost got killed by Sasori if he doesn't chose not to dodge the attack by Chiyo.Quote:
Originally Posted by Edort4
Second, do you remember what Sasuke said about Itachi when he encounter Naruto just few chapter ago? He can't kill Itachi, and neither Orochimaru. How strong Orochimaru really is if we compare him with other Sanins? I would said he is the strongest among the 3 Sanins or at the very least equal. Yet Orochimaru can't compare to the real strength of Itachi. And how strong Itachi really is if we compare him with other Akatsuki members? What is his rank in term of strenght? I don't know but i think it is safe to assume Itachi isn't the strongest ninja in the Akatsuki organization because if he is he would be the leader not the follower. Akatsuki has at least 8 members (if we didn't count the possible new member Tobi) and how many ninja in Konoha that can fight with Akatsuki one on one(without Naruto)? Let's count. Tsunate is one. Ero sanin is two. Kakashi (barelly if he can hold on to the Mag. Sharingan. If he fight with Itachi i doubt that he able to walk away) is three. Sakura? i doubt it. Sakura can fight with Akatsuki only if there is two on one or three on one. If she fight one on one with Akatsuki member, death is 99.9%. All she has is the genjutsu (lowe level technique only) and super punch and kick. But can she land it on Akatsuki ninja with her speed? Gai? Possible if he release all inner gate. Remember Gai release his 6th Gate just to fight with 30% of Kasame power. However if Gai release all 8 of his Gates he will die after the attack. but we cound him anyway. So there are only 4 ninjas in Konoha that can match with Akatsuki ninja. 4 VS. 8. Yeah, that is one hell of advantage for Konoha. If Sound and Konoha fight in the same side we can count on Orochimaru and Sasuke (that is still 6 VS 8), but i doubt that they will fight together side by side.
Third, you are right that the strength of Jinchirukan depend on the the relationship between the ninja who bare the tailed monster and the monster. However, without the monster Akashuki ninja already super strong (enough to rival anyone), even if the monster only heal them (100% happen because if the Jinchurikan die so will the monster, they will not allow it carrier die) or raise their power by 10%, is that still make them stronger than they already is?
Fourth, what you said about the weapon case only apply if both side has it. What happen if only one side has the weapon and the other is not? Well you can look at the history between 1945 and 1950. Back then only USA has the weapon, it become the number one country of the world without any rival. Same thing, Akatshuki already has 8 out of 9 tailed monster. all that left is Naruto, the last Jinchurikan, the last weapon of the good side (sorry of being rude for called him the weapon, but that is still an avoidble fact even if you don't want to) If he too fall into Akatshuki hand, i doubt that there is any change for Konoha to survive when Akatshuki has all the weapon. Would you stand much of the change in the duel between you who has only your fish and person who has gun or a tank in their deploy?
Fifth, the hide Naruto or jail him is just super stupid. Let's me guess. You has a gun to use in the gun duel. Instead of using it in the duel, you chose not to. You hide that gun and come empty hand to a duel where your oppornent has a gun on his hand that can kill you anytime. SUPER SMART, SUPER INTELLIGENT. Or would you choose to do the super idiot thing to improve the gun and practice your sharp shooting skill?
From this five points we can see how important Naruto really is to Konoha. We can said that if Naruto is lost so is Konoha and everyone in it. In the chess game, if you lose the king you lose everything. isn't that the same in Naruto case? if you don't call Naruto is the King piece, then what is he?
There is no way you can defend Sasori cause the fact he lost to an 80 year old and a teenage girl with limited skill compared to others like Sasuke,Neji,Naruto.
The higher echelon of Akatsuki must be uberstrong Itachi class and higher cause if they are at the same class as Sasori and Diedare then its not even funny...
Where did you get that info. from?Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
they dont have 8 of the tailed demons it has never said that. if im not mistaken i remember them saying three or something along them lines.
I googled it and some people wrote that they had read that in a Naruto databook.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
14, eh? Just makes the Sasori/Deidara pair up that much more complementary.Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
Long time reader, first post.
I was watching the anime again last night, specifically #72. In it, Orochimaru mentions why he wants to live forever (or really long time anyway). He says:
"I want to master all techniques, and understand the truth of this world. The one who mixed blue and yellow for the first time called the new color green. I want to do something similar to that. If blue represents chakra, yellow represents seals, and green represents the technique. As there are many different colors, there are tens of thousands of techniques in this world."
This seems to tie very heavily back into different natured chakra now. Granted he said blue represents chakra and yellow represents seals, not different elements.
Also wouldn't that mean that he would need to posses a body with a blodline limit that was capable of handling each combination? With Sharingan it seems he could copy the technique, but until he was in a body with that particular bloodline "capacity" I don't think he could truly do the technique.
Just wanted to throw this thought out there because I had read some stuff about this being completely out of the blue and I agreed at first. After watching these old episodes though it seems like Kishi really did have a plan the whole time.
I, amazingly, actually liked this chapter. *nods in approval*
I can't wait to see what he has to do after he cuts the leaf in two.
From post #39:When I read this chapter, I interpreted Asuma's "silver piece" as a lieutenant-general piece - something akin to a queen in chess - rather than a pawn. Shikamaru is surprised and annoyed at Asuma's play because it's a different, highly offensive type of strategy right from the start. When Asuma says that he is only a "lowly silver," he's saying that even as a powerful piece, he has less worth because he will be required to sacrifice for the sake of the King.Quote:
Originally Posted by toonice714
If the shougi discussion can be used as foreshadowing, placing Shikamaru as a knight is quite interesting. Knights often survive in games and play key roles. If massive fighting breaks out for an extended period of time, Shikamaru could be the "main side character" that makes it out in the end.
Sorry to bust all your balls and hate for kishi, he deserves it for being a sasuke lover, but the elemental thing is not new at all. In fact it was one of the first things we learned about chakra. Look it up Naruto episode 10 "The forest of chakra" 12:11-13 sakura will talk about chakra and kakashi will then elaborate and say something to this extent "and based on what jutsu you used, the type and amount of chakra release will be different" during this scence five colored scrolls representing the 5 elements along with thier names on in the background. Proof enough?
Anyways on another topic so this is whats going to happen. Next chapter will be useless, naruto training interlayed with the chess match again and as the "slow syle" chess game progresses and asuma eleborates about the dire condition that konoha is in and in naruto's training will become more difficult. this will go on for some time probably a million chapters. Then kishi will end the training as the chess match comes to dramatic end with the capturing of a king and at the extact time hidan makes his move. and of course naruto be done with his training.
So what move will it be? ... Have we seen him training in this pose before? hmm palm open and out.... WHY MUST HE TRAIN USING HIS F*CK*NGS HANDS. Sigh I rather have learn how to fly then learn another one hit wonder. And what ever happened to Sai? And what is Tsunade going to do? as of yet Nothing.
Wirlwind rasengan will destroy you all
Blood line limit means you can combine two or more elements? I hope that is a mistranslation. Bloodline limits are special techniques inherited through blood. You can't explain Sharingan, Byukagan or Bone bloodline limits as a combination of elements. It doesn't make any sense.
There should really be a sixth element, Shadow.
CapsuleCorpJX: learn to read.
To combine/mix two elements to bring forth a new element puts a lot of stress on your body, therefor, you need some special strength to accomplish this. This special strength can either be inherited through a genetic trait in your clan, known as bloodline limit (Haku), or a rather spontanious genetic mutation (Shodaime/Yamato).
That is the requirement for creating a new element, not for having a bloodline limit. A bloodline limit may enable you to mix elements and bring forth a new one (Ice), but being able to do this is not necessarily a bloodline limit (Mokuton) and having a bloodline limit does not necessarily mean you can mix elements (Byakugan, Sharingan). Therefor, as kakashi said, creating new elements is a bloodline limit-like ability in that it is a special ability that, for example, can't be copied via Sharingan.
[Edit] grammar nits.
Two natures does not equal bloodline, but you CAN have a bloodline that makes it extremely easy to manipulate two natures into one. Bloodlines can do plenty of other things too though, like evolve an advanced eye that allows for the use of special dojutsu. And I'm pretty sure you dont need a bloodline just to manipulate more then one nature, I mean, look at the Hokage, he combined earth and fire jutsu (combined a fire spitting dragon and a mudslide to get a dragon that spat balls of magma, or something like that) and I'm pretty sure he didnt have a unique bloodline limit, not sure but I also think they said the hokage was a master of all the elemental types, not just one or two.Quote:
Originally Posted by mage
P.S. If you didn't catch it, Naruto is porbably the King, because being a jinchiriyuki (no clue how to spell that) makes him the most important to protect,
P.P.S. Also, on the colors of chakra = elements thing, I'm pretty sure that all the chakra we've seen in the entire series is blue except for the kyuubi chakra, so unless everyone is the same element as Naruto, which we already know isnt the case, the color doesnt matter to the element.
Don't confuse combining with combining :) Embedding a fire jutsu in a earth jutsu capsule is an entirely different matter, compared to combing two elements into one newly formed. What sandaime did was still a fire and an earth jutsu, not some meteor element jutsu.Quote:
Originally Posted by Necromas
For chakra colours:
blue - normal
red - kyuubi
green - medical ninjutsu and iirc Lee upon releasing the heal gate
Orochimaru has purple chakra.
And Curse Seal influenced chakra tended to have a tinge of dark purple/black/red in it as well.
I didnt even think about it...but wouldnt that make him younger than Naruto? o.OQuote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
Well Kakashi did say that there were ninjas younger then Naruto and stronger then him. So this is our first example of it if it's true.
And his voice is also capable of rivaling Dosu's when it comes to "sounding a LOT older than you are".
What can you say? Obviously, Deidara's but a precocious child.
I'm even more impatient when it comes to seeing him animated now. Goddamn, I have already chosen an avatar which I will use when he finally appears. And I'll go "HAH! ALL YOU ANIME VIEWERS HAVE LIVED ALL THIS TIME NOT KNOWING OF DEIDARA-SAMA SO NOW YOU WILL PAAAAAAYYYYYYYY" (similar to what I did when Kimimaro appeared)
good question. Neji's is prolly wind/wind or wind/ lightning, tough call there. Gaars is definantly wind/earth, without question.Quote:
Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
Terra you could use a blurry one from that last scene befor the fillers started (The one where he sounded like a 40 year old man).
Alright, now how is wind/wind a two-element combination? Look exactly at the characters: WIND and WIND. It's the same dattebayou!Quote:
Originally Posted by docdan63
I love that scene. His voice is so awesome. I can't wait to see him in proper action <3Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
LMFAO http://www.deviantart.com/view/36481863/
Not at all! In fact, it means that Neji's even more "wind" than Naruto... OH SHI-Quote:
Originally Posted by Elessar
Though, I'm thinking Neji's just some melting pot of elements (little of everything) considering his genius.
Hmmm I wouldn't be surprised if some things to have no Element at all.
Don't think it really works like that; all substance is composed of one or a combination of elements according to such a nature-based system. Even if you were to make an argument that there was such a property that doesn't share any similarities with the rest, couldn't that be called a separate element in within itself?Quote:
Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin
Most people have elemental affinities without using jutsus that directly tap into them. To directly tap into them, you'd have to dedicate like, 20 years of training, as kakashi said
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Why do you say that kakashi had chidori as a child which is a move based on his thunder affinity.
And Sasuke trained his Great Fireball Katon at age 6? 7? 8?Quote:
Originally Posted by bxgreatone87
Right now I see it as "you have to train 20 years to come up with your own unique Katon/Doton/...". Learning an already known one is faster.
and again i bring up kakashi and chidori lol, chidori is his own unique move he created it. He was able to teach sasuke because he is also lightning base from what ive seen.Quote:
Originally Posted by Elessar
That's just the Kakashi genius threshold.
Did kakashi not say himself that it takes 20 years to master the training naruto is going through now? o.O
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
And that's why he has the clones to speed it up.
I would pay to see that. The arrival of Deidara in the Anime will be as momentous as The great Kimmi, if not more so. But, there might be some better pics by the time that happens :eek:Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
Now, back on topic:
Well, that clone part seemed like a convenint plot device to me....
wonder what element is rock lee
I am seriously going to say it's rock. Just because, he can't really do ninjutsu, but the hits you recieve are extremely hard, and we saw that he pumps chakra into his arms and legs to make them hurt more.Quote:
Originally Posted by UChessmaster
And when taking into consideration the 5 elements Kishi came up with, rock could translate to earth =PQuote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
Not everything is element base. lol. There are thing that element base while other are not. Those that are not called "Neutral". Like when you chose the color in your PC color. The whole circle is fill with all kind of color. However, in the right center at the circle of color, the center of all color, there is a area that have no color at all and we called that area is white color.Quote:
Originally Posted by Honoko
I think talking about Rock Lee's element would be a moot point. He can't extend chakra outside of his body, so it matters very little.
Physical attacks like Lee uses shouldn't have an element assigned to them. A punch is a punch even if he uses chakra to make it stronger. He hasn't converted that chakra into any element like one would with an actual jutsu, so it should probably just be viewed as a pure chakra of sort.
A friend of mine brought up an interesting observation.....
During kakashi's "survival training" with team 7 at the beginning of the series, he summoned lightning while Naruto was tied to the log.
Just another example of kishimoto not making things up.
Why would he make any of it up? There really isn't a reason for him to do that.
Knives, I think you discovered a question so profoundly obvious, that there's no concievable way to answer it.
Perhaps you weren't there when everyone was talking about this whole elements ordeal seeming rather improvised.