raw is out
English scan by jinchuukiri
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Very very nice, we got to see another akasuki vs. jinjurinki fight. I just wish Kishi hadn't cut away so he could have seen how they took her down. I'm still curious to see what kind of abilities and jutsu's these two new guys have.
Wo crazy. We get to see the 2-tail beast in action, but it gets captured in the end.
Yeah, I would've liked to have seen what kind of technique he used, he was inpaled on the ground, and taking in blood in some type of ritual, and the 2 tailed girl is crusified to the wall.
mangahelpers.com has some translations up now.
Fire country? o.O
Can't be Naruto....he's Itachi's target.
yay a jinchuriki captured in two chapters. Fucking lame.
is she dead or just unconscious? or can they still extract a bijuu from an already dead jinchuuriki?
i never thought about that
looks like a really good chapter. can't wait for the scanlation.
Kishimoto ever the cock tease, of course he dosen't show us what exactly the self-sacrificing prayer ceremony looks like. I hope when they wind up using it on naruto it's something super badass because so far these two guys are the most underwhelming akasuki pair of the entire bunch. I'm really hoping for some sort of cool bloodline or jutsus. At least something to make these guys look badass. Also hope they don't simply kill the jinjurinki too quickly. It'd be interesting to see naruto interact with another one besides Garra. Plus maybe she can teach him a thing or two (assuming she dosen't die).
Also why the hell is kishi still doing 16 page chapters? Hasn't he finished that damn data book by now?
The Good:
-Seeing the Jinchuuriki transform into her full demon form
-the first good thing
The bad:
-Asuma pretty much wasting Kakashis time(which results in us not know what the method to naruto's trainig is, but also us not finding out what Asuma was going to say)
-Kazaku and Hidan beating Yogito(the girl) in less then 1.5 chapters.
I'm still in love with Hidan. He even speaks the way I like Japanese males to speak, vulgar, low class and sexy. Religious fanatic, too!
This chapter, however, was a little on the lame side. I mean, c'mon, how could they beat a Jinchuuriki in just a chapter and a half!! And she looked like she could be a good addition, too. We need a kunoichi who doesn't suck ass.
I'm really interested in whatever it was that Hidan was doing near the end - it kind of reminds me of last chapter, in which Hidan's line was translated as something like "You wish she'll kill me" or something like that but it may have also been "I want her to kill me."
It makes me wonder if it's just part of his religious madness or if it has anything to do with his goals as part of the Akatsuki.
It's kind of clear they extracted the Two-Tails from the girl, but if so, where is it? Do they have a magical bag in which to hold monsters of unphantomable power? Do they somehow seal it within themselves?
Shame she's dead now, no old woman to sacrifice her life for her to live. Meh.
And that part with Asuma was stupid. They should've kept it for other chapter instead of wasting space here... they could've done more of the fight instead of having Asuma all jittery just 'cause his girlfriend arrived.
Next chapter is called Training Starts or something. The next-time previews are rarely truthful, but maybe we'll get to see the form or something at least related to Naruto's new jutsu.
Hidan: Now I'm irritated. And when I'm irritated, blood rushes to my head. And when blood rushes to my head...
Kakuzu: Shut up Hidan, shut up!
Excellent. *Joins WD in the Hidan fanclub*
Religious + hot + villain + self-sacrificing powers = Awesomeness
As for the rest of the chapter... wait, who gives a shit. HIDAN!
Nah...she has to still be alive....
Its supposed to take like, 3 days to extract the bijuu...with the combined power of the akatsukis...
And I'm pretty sure the jinchuuriki has to be alive for them to extract it.
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
Yay another member for the fanclub!
I'm already searching for voice actors for the guy. Now I want more than ever the fillers to end... think of it, not only the 4th Hokage, Sasori and Deiadara, Hidan's voice is waiting ahead!!!
Edit @ Assertn
That's what I'm wondering.
If it takes the combined power of all the Akatsuki, what will they do, lug around the half-dead girl?
Perhaps Hidan's self-sacrifice ritual has something to do. It speeds the process, maybe, or it seals the monster so they can control the jinchuuriki.
Hey, maybe now that they're going to the Fire Country the girl will be rescued or something... they can't get Naruto yet, right? So unless there's another jinchuuriki around....
Maybe Sai is a jinchuuriki
Yogito is not dead. Hidan and Kakuzu were talking about knocking her out and capturing her; remember Hidan was mad about not being allowed to kill her.
As for the Fire Country Jinchuuriki... there was some talk a while back in previous threads about the possibilty of Kakashi being the Jinchuuriki for the Dog Youma, which I believe is the five tailed bijuu. Perhaps there is some validity to that and maybe that is what Asuma wanted to talk to Kakashi about.
It took 3 days along with Sasaori, and he's dead. Which means it may take longer now.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Wow...Hidan is awsome. I want to see them go after Naruto, then have Itachi appear smack them and tell them Naruto's his while Naruto runs away....what?
When I first saw the weird looking Akatsuki member, I thought it was Kisame at first. Obviously upon closer inspection it isn't him. Hidan is an interesting character. One of them religious nut bags that think killing will please their gods, lol. Suits him though.
I too is wondering how they beat her. Obviously it wasn't an easy fight as Hidan is bleeding from the mouth a lil. Seem his partner "might" have some super strength, we see him blocking the attack from the girl whilst in Demon mode. Then we have the slowest attacking member of the Akatsuki. He has to have something super good to make up for his lack of speed. Maybe he's a genjutsu master.
I would love to see a twist in the story lime about the Fire Country's Demon. I hope they ain't referring to Naruto. Strangely enough I wanna see Itachi in action.
LOL, that'd be the worst plot twist ever.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Anyway, we know Naruto was Itachi's target three years ago.... well, I guess he still was when they went to search for Gaara, but, what I mean to ask is, are the Akatsuki pairs and their pray that firmly decided?
Say, for instance, that Sasori found Naruto one summer day without any jounin or legendary ninja to help him.
Would he ignore him and pass the chance of getting an easy jinchuuriki just because he's not his set target? I'd understand it if he wanted to respect Itachi (you just don't mess with Itachi) but it's kinda dumb...
I thought it was amusing that Yogito used Naruto's tactics. She announced her name to them and told them she was going to kill them, yelled "Don't mess with me!", immediately went bijuu mode, and attacked them head-on.
To even call that a tactic is funny in itself. :S
Oh and btw Sai is a jinchuuriki, his brother is Hidan, Hidan is a sharingan wielder and Kakazu is a robot. Out-predict that!
chapter 313 disapeared
Argh we get to see the 2 tailed jinchurikii and when things get interesting asuma and his girlfriend mess all. I would like to know how they defeated the 2 tailed monster. If gaara made deidara have a bad time without releasing his monster (and having his own town as a target) this 2 tailed should be difficult to handle, even more just to stop it and not kill him. Now I have the feeling that this is just another plot device. They will head to konoha and have his ass wiped by Sakura and Sai or some weakling... pathetic.
I have to say that I dont like Hidan, his portrait is very simple and normal and I hate those stupid things about being a religious fanatic, any ninja that loses time doing somekind of stupid ritual is a dead ninja.
Their map has 7 marks and they say that there is only 1 more jinchurikii (wich should be Naruto). So now I have a doubt. The other tailed monster that is missing is in akatsuki? is it in natural form free in the world? or is just that kishimoto forgot to make one more mark?
I think when they say there is one more jinchuuriki, they mean to say that Hidan and Kazaku as a pair have one more left to get. Each pair has two targets it seems, Yogito is 1 of 2, and whoever they are after in Fire Country is 2 of 2. At least that's how I interpreted it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Edort4
do the marks on the map just indicate where they've already searched or places where they actually caught a jinchuuriki cuz the map has a mark on the country orochimaru's village is in, which i think is kind of odd if they caught someone in the sound village or something.
akatsuki has been busy. when garra was captured i remember deidara mentioning they only got 2 before garra. now only a few weeks later they have 7? hopefuly the reasons for why akatsuki are collecting the jinchuuriki will be revealed since they nearly have them all.
This actually came up two sagas ago. Sasori said he was going to take Naruto and Itachi was all "..................."Quote:
Originally Posted by Winged Dancer
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
:D LOL!!! haha terra you out do your posts everytime!
but yes !!! .@Wined Dancer % Terra = :D super fly fanclub for a superfly akatsuki member count me in :p
Over all interesting chapter...but yeah that last part with Asuma!!! g-a-y. && the fight was like short as short gets!.i didnt even see what happened., it'll be mega lengthened in the anime though...:mad: anime!!! hiake!!!! theres only so many fillers one can endure.
:eek: fire country jinchuuriki?!?! na ni?!. :confused: please not another random new character!
they are collecting them all to win a free all sugar squishie from the Kwik-e-Mart.Quote:
Originally Posted by mr3vi1m0nk3y
it is disappointing that they didn't show the fight. gaara put up more of a fight, but i guess he was an important character.
I'm guessing everyone has thier own targets because maybe they are givin thier target based on thier strengths. Maybe itachi and that sword guy (i forgot his name) have naruto because he has the most chakra out of all the others since he has the most powerful tailed demon in him.I came to that conclusion because this guys sword feeds on chakra not allowing naruto to use the nine tails ability freely in front of them which can prove deadly. We also dont know what will happen to naruto now if he is faceing death in an encounter with one of them if he can over power a sannin in four tailed mode what will happen if he goes farther into the transformation like the 2 tailed demon girl did she completly transformed if naruto did that they will all be finished, remember not even the 4th could kill the nine-tails. I'm guessing to prevent that this guys sword ability to feed on chakra is needed. This is all speculation no proof just makes sense to melol you never know what kishi is doing sometimes it makes no sense.
about as much sense as your grammar
Ohh and kakashi having a tailed demon makes so much sense, and it's a god dam opinion doesnt have to make complete sense. Does kishi make sense all the time? You guys think that if it don't make sense to you its all wrong it's only a opinion not the dam answer forums are here to have our own idea's. Seriously these are the only forums with so many assholes in it only a few of you have any sense of humor and respect other's opinion. Say what you must of this post it just amuses me to see you people think you're better because i don't have perfect grammar when i voice my opinion on a forum.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
bxgreatone, no one ever reads your post because they're just a big clusterfuck of words. Try atleast separating things into different paragraphs so it's not one huge block of text.
Originally Posted by bxgreatone87
I wasn't even talking about your post....just your grammar. That was an amusing response nonetheless.
When you write one big paragraph that is all runons, it makes it more difficult for your thoughts to be conveyed to others. I can't respect your opinion if my mind has to stop to breathe as I try to read it.
If you wish to embrace your lack of concern for the English language, I console you that where you're living, there will be plenty of job opportunities for you.
Originally Posted by NOT READABLE
Originally Posted by READABLE
Next - read this: http://ace.acadiau.ca/english/grammar/runon.htm
and this: http://ace.acadiau.ca/english/grammar/comma.htm
and this: http://www.utoronto.ca/ucwriting/commasplice.html
Now you try!
oh btw, what villages are the new akatsuki members from? I don't recognise their head bands.
Hidan is from Waterfall and Kakuzu's village symbol is one we haven't seen before.
Originally Posted by mage
Oh, I thought Hidan was the one with his face covered. Nevermind.
- bxgreatone87, proud admin of the My Little Pony Love forumsQuote:
Originally Posted by bxgreatone87
One of the reasons I love Gotwoot and stil hang around it (on and off) is mainly because of the assholes. They tend to keep stupid newbies away, and they also have good spelling. Yay for Gotwoot's assholes!
Are we really sure we don't know wher Hidan is from? He has three small stripes/blotches on his headband. Isn't that, I don't know, Hidden Grass or Hidden Rain?
His village symbol looks kind of like the weapon he uses, maybe that has something to do with it:
haha....sometimes being an asshole makes the forums a little bit more interesting, anyway.
Narutofan's forums have declared that the symbol is either an error or a new village. And we all know that narutofan's home of the most anal retentive narutards.
I bet a few of them rewatched the entire series to see if they can catch that symbol.
Wonder if Kakuzu is going to pull out some Hero Water LOL
I don't know if it's me being jaded from years of various forum memberships, but I sincerily believe that the "assholes" here are just people who aren't afraid to be serious when the situation calls for it. Such as in this case, adressing that a guy can't spell worth shit, which he can't.
That's what makes this forum kick so much ass, too. None of that "lol you get banned if you use offensive words once" shit like babyface forums such as Narutofan do... and *shudder* the gundams.net forums.. HORROR.
Someone hit puberty.Quote:
Originally Posted by bxgreatone87
I had not noticed the "new" symbol.
Probably a mistake.
Remember Kishi gave Zabuza a Konoha hitai-ate.
Question: What the fuck is Hero Water?
Is it suppose to make you big and strong like in Space Jam?
It's from the second Jump Festa OVA where Naruto & Co. travel to the Waterfall village.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
Yup thats right. Someone quoted me about waterfall village taking part at the chunin exam but I cant find them in the manga please tell me where.
So far the only things we know about waterfall village (thanks to anime) are that its a very small village without any good ninja and without kage. So finding an akatsuki from that village cracked me.
The hero water was like a chakra booster. You get high amounts of chakra in exchange of your life if your old. That said, even naruto overpowered a jounin that used that water.
This goes offtopic but I think that you guys are too harsh with bxgreatone87. I personally prefer someone with bad grammar that tries to give his opinion than another one with good grammar that is an asshole.
What I dont undestand is why no one made fun about kakashi having a tailed monster sealed.
For the moment being I'll think Kishimoto made a mistake and Hidan is from Hidden Rain (or maybe the hidden rain revamped their symbols!!), since to add a new country now that the manga is so ahead would be stupid...
Or what, would it be Hidden (Random Japanese Food) Village as in the anime fillers? lol, wonder what a Hidden Tea Village headband would look like.
And Hero Water is basically much like Space Jam's magical drink, as it gives courage or something along with the chakra boost.... which was pretty useless in the OVA, if I remember correctly.
Check out the chapter where Kabuto explains the chuunin exams to the rookies prior to the 1st exam. He lists off all the villages involved in the exam, and waterfall was one of them.Quote:
Originally Posted by Edort4
Does this help?
Isn't the hidden village of sound in Tea Country?
I don't quite remember where did Orochimaru took over.
lol, Hidan's been in 2 chapters and already there are fanarts, fanfictions and fanclubs dedicated to him all over the net..
Do not underestimate the popularity of Naruto!
I bet 70% of those are yaoi pairing him with Itachi, Kakuzu, Deidara and just possibly Sasuke or Naruto.
Suddenly I feel happy I decided never to immerse myself into the Naruto fandom.
I think the new jutsu kakashi is going to teach naruto is something to do with combination of kagebunshin and rasengan. they are naruto's sigs moves. maybe naruto is going to make a kagebunshin that with stands more hits, and it can make a rasengan. a clone that can with stand, and have almost the same power as naruto.
Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
That would be the gayest shit of all time. Worst power up in the world.... if you call that a power up. I don't think that will happen to plain, simple, and stupid. no offense!
lol. yeah i looked up some pictures of Hidan and you were right. YAOI galore!!Quote:
Originally Posted by Winged Dancer
AHAH hidan being so religious is so FUNNY
"But first, we must pray to the gods"
HAHAHHA count me in the winged dancer, terra & msmush HIDAN fanclub
oh but damn, i was hoping akustaki had at least one girl member!
The only power up i can see with the clones and rasengan would be if all the clones can do thier own rasengan. I rather it just be a whole new technique on its own, something naruto makes not haveing to do with rasengan or clones.
You mustve missed the sign on their rock wall that said "No Girls Allowed"Quote:
Originally Posted by lisaa
Why do you think they were so pissed when Sakura and Chiyo showed up?
B/c they should've been in the kitchen making them dinner?
was there a sign? wow. i should read the manga properly.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
all well, itachi's close enough.
his awesome :D
lisaa, does this make you feel any better?
lol ...so wrong...yet not that bad
They should've drawn him like that but without arms.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
Dont wanna make a new topic about this but there is no chapter this week, am i right?
There freakin' better be a new god-amn chapter this week!
Keep your hat on. Its coming. Its only Thursday.Quote:
Originally Posted by Nyberg