Halliluja man, Lets tear it up. The Fockers, Headshot, and Katons going Down!:)
Nice event DF. Lets get this started.:cool:
Edit: O, and ya, you too The Dropout crew. :D
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Halliluja man, Lets tear it up. The Fockers, Headshot, and Katons going Down!:)
Nice event DF. Lets get this started.:cool:
Edit: O, and ya, you too The Dropout crew. :D
Good Luck everyone!
I gotta admit.......teh fockers have a really tight sig...............:mad:
The rumbles on son, your gonna get pwned.;)
This needs some co-ordination..... but let the games begin! :D
Ho... This is really interesting, Deadfire. I congratulate you for coming up with this idea, if it was you who did it. As I have done subtitle forgery before (and fooled at least one very honourable member of this forum, even though it wasn't even my intention), this falls right down my alley.
So, don't get your hopes too up, Lucifus. You haven't won yet.
Edit: Just one question, Deadfire: We don't actually need to choose the picture already today, do we? Your timetable kind of gives that kind of impression. If some captain doesn't happen to be online today, or the captain doesn't want to be a dictator, it would drop that team out of competition, eh? I take it we can choose the picture any day before friday, yes?
Sounds interesting, this will be alot of fun.
I have no clue what DF means... I think he needs some better explanations step-by-step wise because the whole post doesn't make sense to me.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
By the way, If I catch anyone ruining the game in some fanshion, mainly by breaking the rules or helping any of the partcipants (this includes members not involved in the game) I'll ban you no questions asked.
Edit: And don't think that pm'ing in IRC your assignment and shit to your buddies who are not in your team will go unoticed, DO is helping pluck out cheaters...
Team Headshot, ASSEMBLE!!!
Edit 1: I think what DF means is that the captains have to PM him in order to find out what pic they get, no one can choose what picture they receive.
Edit 2: Bud, I'm not that good with IRC but can't see why PMing on it would be considered cheating. What if we made our own room, even on a different server?
Well, I can see how that could make sense, interpreted like that from DF's words. However, since all the pic choices were posted, I didn't think that was the case. If the pics were truly dealt out like that by DF, why were they all posted here? Clearly by posting them like that indicates the teams may pick their choice. That would make much more sense, because it would stimulate imagination and also could produce competing subtitles for the same image by different teams, which would be even better.
I really need to stop posting shit when I'm half-asleep
Originally Posted by Kraco
This means I will assign you the Picture you will take. if you were to choose I would have said that. As well my Time table there is a suggestion.Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
Your captain will sent me a PM asking for the assignment(I already got 2 teams 3 more to go) I will PM it back. By friday you will PM me the assignment (you will attach it to the PM)Quote:
Originally Posted by Budweineken
after that point I will make the voting thread.
Just because I post them all up, means that you get to pick your own. I did that so everyone (Mainly those not playing) can see the playing field. The Teams themselves have no idea which one I assign to there is no point not to post all 5 of the pictures up.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
xDM for people not on your team, its considered cheating because you'd be getting outside help.Quote:
Originally Posted by budweinken
Looks like this will be pretty interesting. :D
Team Headshot, the request has been sent. Meet in our channel some time later today and hopefully we can get this started.
BoC, wanna pm the channel? :p
This is going to be good. I'm expecting some great stuff from those screenshots from all the teams. XD
So basically we just have to think of a funny caption for those scenes? Awesome.
So do they actually have to edit their pics to include the caption too? I know every team has at least one sig maker, so it shouldn't be a problem, i'm just curious.
Who is the sig maker on Team Focker?
I think its CK. He is pretty good with graphics. I dont see anyone better on their teem.
our team has no sig maker, the sig was shitted out of a hobo's ass and we stole it. Of course we paid him for it...i think he got 33¢Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
33 cents well paid, in my opinion.
Such a feat is hardly worth mentioning. Anybody with PS can do it. The greatest effort probably goes to finding a font that's anywhere near the type of fonts subbers usually employ (if you don't happen to have any such fonts already). That being said, it would be unwise not to do meticulous and careful work till the very end, image editing included. Every vote counts.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
Is this only being judged upon caption, or how he change the photo as well?
Well, that depends on the voter's point-of-view. it's up to them to rate it they way they want too. I'm not asking for rocket science here, your making a sub up and placing it in that image.Quote:
Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
The entire team budget has been spent on sig making so now the team is broke but I must say the money was well spent.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Added Clarification on what the submission should be like.because some one didn't get it....
Soo....no Sharkcoon hats deadfire? :p :p
"Its been a long time since we've had a fight. The team is losing patience. Mr. D wants blood. The Deadlast wants to rip someones bones. The Dumbass... just wants to kill something. And me, well I'm just writing this shit to sound captain like. Whatever's coming for us. We're probably gonna fuck it up. But we'll pull thru."
--Captain Log: The fight finally fucking begins!
-- Quote from the Dropout Secret files --
"My name is MR.Dropout..... Soon you will know why the Mr. part is there. You're gonna respect me bitch..."
-- Mr. Dropout, Recruit, Day 1
-- Quote from the Book of the Dropout --
"Understimate us Dropouts, and we're going to fuk thru ya!!!"
-- DeadLast Dropout, Chapter 9, Verse 4
-- Dumbass Quote of the Day
Scew this!!!!!! Let's rock!!! damnit!!
-- Dumbass Cronicles, page 1, chapter 1.
Everyone wants to be like Team Headshot...
No we don't, you just want every one to be like your team. But we like our teams just fine.
Sharkcoons for life!!!
I know, it's almost laughable.Quote:
Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
actually not xDarkmaster.... we had already planned to unvail our sigs at the begining of the first even. It was decided when the team first met. Just something extra so show that we are a team. But today i was out of the house and my team was delayed.
sorry guys.
So I guess that's the reason you're named Dumbass?
yeah the names, the team's name, the characters were all pre-arranged.
and i forgot about the motto. that was decided at the first meeting too.
as well as the color.
And so.........the battle commences.......:cool: , I'll pick up the remains. :)
Well...you are after all a thrashcan.
But of course, :rolleyes: Its my job, i'll do it, don't worry.
The Purple Sharkcoons all the way!
Rolf... :D
You will dropout SOON. :mad:Quote:
Originally Posted by IFingHateTonTon
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
fuck thru. Dont make a fool of yourself. :p
Maybe you havent heard our motto.
We will fock you high, low and everywhere in between :cool:
Yes, its a DUMBASS QUOTE :rolleyes:Quote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
Nobody wants to be a bullet magnet.:pQuote:
Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
DISCLAIMER: The information and opinions expressed in this post are not necessarilly the opinions of the author and may be denied or disregarded at a later date. Reading of this paragraph constitutes as agreement on part of reader not to hold author responsible for any damaging effects resulting from reading and agreeing with anything written in this post
Actually, it's roflQuote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
Another reason you're designated as the trash can...
You took that from my sig you bastard!Quote:
Originally Posted by Jadugar
Anyways Congrats for the drop outs, they win coolness points from me posting all at the same time. Remember guys to keep it clean..
@ Jadugar..... nice, is that fear i smell in those comments. Are you threaten by us, maybe it's just me. Lets make this one game that all of gotwoot will remember.
Good Luck All...... Die with honor.:)
Ouch at BoC s post...........Well, the battle is on.:)
As I said before, Bursh up on your David vs. Goliath bullet magnet, this thrashcans cleaning house.:D
So drop outs posted at the same time. I call that SPAMMING.Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
Sorry to QUOTE you AGAIN.
This thrashcans closing his lid for the night.:) , I wonder whos gonna be the last standing.......:D
Originally Posted by Jadugar
So i guess you are... what a shame.
I hope no one minds if I say something in the middle of everyones' fun. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I have a request concerning the GW survivor threads.
I'm not sure if I should post this here or in the suggestions forum, but I'd like to ask that only one GW survivor topic be stickied at a time. If this is going to be the current thread, please unsticky (is that a word?) the previous GW survivor thread. After you make a new GW survivor thread for the next challenge, please unsticky this one.
I'm not trying to tell the mods how to do their jobs; I'm just making a simple request. The general discussion page already has a good many stickies.
i agree that there are alot of stickied threads already, and i've already removed 'Thread Searching Ideas' from the list. But as far as the GW Survivor thread is concerned, thats really DF's call. Its his show, and i dont really know if he has plans for that thread or anything like that, so i'll leave it for him to decide.
Anyways, aside from being an eyesore, the big sticky list isn't causing any problems. Just try to ignore it if it bothers you that much, since all of those topics deserved to be stickied anyways.
There is a point to my madness, two threads are needed. One is for general rules the other for the event in progress. However I do see your point, I thought the same before before I started this. I have to have both for people to have the contest rulings as well as the rulings for the events in the contest. Simply putting them in one thread would be useless as it would get lost in the amount of posts given by those in the contest. Bottom line here is both need to be present, however looking at your point I may move the first one up to the Announcements.Quote:
Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
This thread makes me smileQuote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
Whoa, are my eyes deceiving me? Am I suddenly becoming dyslectic?Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
You need medical attention Assertn. This could be deadly.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Jadugar steals another one of DeadFire’s moves.
Jadugar casts death spell on TeamDeopOut.
[02:54] * TeamDropOut was kicked by Jadugar ( Rejoin )
Oh Jadugahaeroaeirieao[qweirjareiqoieras, you should know that you won't win. B/c the purple Sharkcoons will first kill you in the water and then steal your trash.
There is no way you can win.
Not if you get headshot along the way...
Face the reality and stop living in dream world. It’s easy to kill the purple sharcoons, pollute the water and they will all die. R.I.P
Didn't you know Jaduagaoeirqiweirnvnlaksdf;ldajk;nvoweu[[a we're part racoon, we thrive in polluted areas....you can not win.
Resistance is futile.
You will never be as cool as FOCKERS.
Purple! Is that an all girl team?
The Fockers? What kind of name is that? What exactly do you Fock? Goats? Sheep? Cows? Cars? Men?
You might as well with that name?
Roflmfao......Good stuff.....:rolleyes: Wheres that team Katon at, they're too quiet, I think we need to get rid o em......
Originally Posted by Knives122
I haven’t tried a sharkcoon before so guess what is on the menu.
You aint' getting in my thrashcan, The Purple Sharkcoons are endangered whatever the f*ck we are.
And you'll get sent to jail and drop the soap if you dare try anything with a Sharkcoon.
Team Katon is secretly plotting against all of us.
Clearly we fock you. We will fock you high, low, and everywhere in between. So says our sig.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
But I'm sure it refers to the plural you (or "ya'll" as we say down South), and not to you specifically, Knives. We don't discriminate. We fock everyone.
The horribly lame insults make this thread worth reading.
Well our team already said its' piece, when we entered this thread.
But just a little addition to what we said.
May the blood flow freely, the bodies drop where they may. But most of all, may you all die with honor. Have a nice day :) . We promise not to fuck you:p , but we will fuck you up. Thats all for now from "THE DROPUOUT CREW", good bye and good luck:) .
I think thats enough "trash" talk, let our actions be the next stage of battle, or not.
Congrats to all. Everyone Good Luck.:cool:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
Damn, BoC needs to be eliminated promptly. He's on to something dangerous... Uh... I mean he's just speculating.Quote:
Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
Aye, since you are all fighting so fiercely, it's easier to let you kill each other, and then appear out of nowhere and deal with the survivors. Divide et impera.
Yep...People love to bitch............ Thats a really good strategy, but I'm afraid I can't allow you to use it.:)
The Sharkcoons have a plan.:D
Is the headshot captain still having Identity crisis?
See it's fun for non-players as well. I would lock this thread for flaming, but these flames are way to bad to be taken seriouslyQuote:
Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
All I know is that I'm part of a group of endangered species with a brilliant plan backing us up. No matter what, we're gonna kick ass!
Nah, I think I enjoy seeing wide-scale conflict that I didn't instigate.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jadugar
I gotta agree with samsonlonghair and deadfire, the insults are so riduclously lame that its funny. Keep up the craptastic mocking you guys. It makes for a nice read.
That's because Captain Headshot has a bullet lodged in his brain.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
Ohh boy lame insults!
This dropout is going to make you dropout! Baziiiing
Didn't see that one coming,:rolleyes: next thing you know someone from team headshot will go "I'm gonna headshot you" ..oh nevermind.Quote:
Originally Posted by Deblas
And how would you fock a sharkcoon? We're familiar with how to fock a shark, and how to fock a racoon, but not both at the same time.
That's what makes us invincible, no one knows how to handle the deadly combo of a shark and a racoon, a purple one at that!!!
The complementary color to purple is yellow...we need some yellow people (no i was not having a go at asians considering i am one)
I can safely say I don't know how to fock a shark or a raccoon.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
You get two guns and BOOM HEADSHOT x 2
Yeah, you can shoot your own head and the guy next to you.Quote:
Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
Double Headshot :D
Sharkcoons are too dumb to survive in the wild thats why they are endagered species.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
Nope, this stories been passed down generation after generation of Purple Sharkcoons. The reason Sharkcoons are endangered is because its really quite hard to get a Shark and a racoon to..well :rolleyes: um, ya know, do it, thus leading to a really small population, but with the help of these threads::D
We've gotten many sharks and racoons to put aside their differences and get down with their bad selves, and thus, in a manner of speaking,
You sir....are our father.:)
*ducks as some ramdom object flys over him*
Ah..., guys just to remind you all that you got 3 days (excluding today) to PM your submission as a attachment.
now back your little war..
gosh damn the amount of posting in this is nuts.
It's cool that the groups made themselves some sigs though, really wasn't expecting that. Looking forward to the entries, hope the guys who got the pics I pulled out enjoy working on them :)
Technically couldn't two sharckcoons just do it? So if you have a male sharkcoon and a female sharkcoon, theres no need to force two sharks and racoons to do it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
"Crossbred mutant abominations will soon take over gotwoot. Save yourself before its too late."
______----------===The Purple Sharkcoons===----------______Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
So whos the bitch and whos the butch ? :p
I was wondering how come DeadFire has access to such hardcore hentai pictures. I was going to ask him about it but your post made things clearer. No offense DeadFire.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Fockers! All the way............
..........up your asses
You suck Jadauqoierugioauoireuqi f23ujarkerjka :p
Originally Posted by Knives122
Who pissed in your cereal this morning, knives1234567890?
Guilty as charged...Quote:
Originally Posted by Jadugar
Whats with extending each other's names by 819324782 characters?
You guys suck0318-4293048
You other teams better have something good up your sleeves (or fins, or trashcans). Tomorrow's deadline day!
The Fockers have got this covered.
Good thing I didn't eat that bowl that day, or any other day for that matter.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
But he extended the numbers b/c I usually spell his name like this: Jaduaoeqioerjoeiajreijfianvakeoa3qjdkafa
it's an inside joke ;)
Originally Posted by Knives122
Originally Posted by Knives122
They clearly don't match...you should at least be consistant with it.
The pics? Don't you mean the pic you pulled out.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
So, are all the moderators working together to make these events? I assumed it was just Deadfire with that much free time...Quote:
Originally Posted by Budweineken
The consistency is that I'm not consistent with it. Every time I've done it I've made sure to not do it in the same way againQuote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
... I really don't know what to make of this.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jadugar
I thought you proved that I did?Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
Anyways today is the day I need those pics IN ATTACHMENT FORM!!!!!. Oh sorry I kind of went off the handle there, it's possible that is because I wrote that in the rules and explained that 3 times...
If you don't know how to make a attachment well, sucks to be you now doesn't it
Has somebody given the captains the ability to attach files to PMs? At least I don't have that ability as a regular member.
Don't tell me can't, darn it...Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Alright if you can't uploaded it then to imageshack, *sigh*
Since Im not the captain of my team I hadn't noticed that...
Yeah, we can't add attachments in pms. Woops.