[DB] Naruto 183
Woot, more fillers I can't wait
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[DB] Naruto 183
Woot, more fillers I can't wait
lol, ya right :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
gonna watch this episode later...
Holy hell. That was exceptionally bad. That ending was like 500% gay.
but yeah, Rasengan on the Star. We all win a cookie I guess.
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
he did?! geez... i knew he was going to do something stupid like that... yay! cookie!
Edit: oh.. i see, he did break the star with rasengan (why akahoshi simply didn't swallow the star... too big? lol)
filler are getting even more stupid.... i bet this will continue for the rest of the season.... that would be sad
Aye, this episode was exceptionally bad like DarthEnder said. It practically broke into pieces with little sense left anywhere. Neji was made to look like an idiot who couldn't do anything but repeat "no, we can't do that", yet they just went forward all the same to do it. And then he and Lee got their asses kicked just as easily as those uber dull regular Star ninjas (where the hell did all these guys come from, anyway? If they had that many ninjas lying around, why did they hire Konoha genins in the first place? Or maybe Akahoshi knew the Star ninjas are worth nothing, himself included).
And the ghost of Sumaru's mother appeared to help Naruto. And the attack didn't end up being much more than the first attack with rasengan, yet this time it just miraculously worked.
Damn the end of this arc was so bad it wasn't even funny anymore.
yea i agree. i was just like "the heck was that?!"
i mean that akahoshi guy shoves the star thing in him, goes nuts, transforms into like a curse seal 2 kinda thing....was bad enough
and then then naruto does the usual bushin--rasengan--head first combo. it fails and sumaru's mom comes and all of a sudden rasengan works?
to make it worse, they just flash out to konoha instead of concluding.
What just happened on the ending of this arc was far more something worse than rainbow colored gayass rasengans. Probably Ill just take a breather from this one and search for far greener and better pasture. The way he "kick akahoshi's ass" didnt help either, "were too lazy to think of a cool way to end this so let's just slap that old mother's love/ghost routine!". Please end it already...
So terrible, even Ghost Rasengan isn't cool after everything we've been through. If they'd just made the Rasengan purpleish, like the star chakra it might have been believeable that Sumaru's mom made some type of difference. Also the old, the student surpasses the master with the master's own skill theme rearsit'sugly head again. Maybe we should just all stop watching.
Well....I guess on the bright side, this arc is over.
Yes its over.....I want the 23:04 min of my life back. I wonder if DB would refund it to me? What we go though for the end of fillers T_T
The only good thing about this episode (and the rest of this arc) was the lastest opening.
Am I the only one that found this episode relatively standable? Sure the plot wasn't top notch, but at least they animated it well.
This is the only Star Filler episode that I didn't want to shoot myself during. I guess I'm just sort of an action guy, even if that requires the storyline to be butchered in the process.
Nobody is forcing you guys to watch these things, by the way. You moan and groan (I did this earlier too) as though you're put through some hardship by watching an anime's fillers. Instead of complaining, or threatening to quit watching (like the creators in Japan seriously give a damn), just stfu and do it.
I did the same thing with Bleach. I seriously haven't watched a single filler since their vampire/soulsucking bs started, and I don't post in the Bleach forums with my bashing or plan on watching an episode until they switch back.
It's okay to find flaws and point out how an episode sucks... but threatening to quit watching or "asking for 20 minutes of your life back", joking or not, is stupid.
oh, well, there you go! all everyone needed to do to begin with was get together and have a nice chat and the whole village could've been spared a lot of pain and drama.
the one nice thing to come out of this arc, though, was the natsuhiboshi song. in my opinion anyway. or maybe i'm just a sucker for good emotional stimuli :P
The worthlessness of this episode calls for one of those seldomly seen parodies!
Narrator: We join our friends as they are standing next to a rope.
Neji: No, you can't!
Naruto: Can't what?
Neji: No, you can't!
Naruto: What?
Neji: You can't!
Naruto: What's the matter with him?
Tenten: Oh boy, it looks like we can't forgive Akahoshi!
Naruto: ...
Hokuto: I WILL NEVER FORGIVE AKAHOSHI *runs over rope*
Tenten: It looks like we are running!
Neji: No, we can't!
*everybody falls into poison gas... NOT! They survive and hide behind a rock*
Sumaru: Mother... you're dead... and I just got to know you... I just realized that you left the village for no reason whatsoever AND GOD I WANT TO DO YOUR CORPSE!
Mother: ...I'm not dead yet. And that's disgusting.
Sumaru: OH THE PAIN! THE PAIN! I LOVE YOU SO! *accidently kills his mother due to strangling while hugging*
Sumaru: Oh, what's this?
Sumaru: Oh SHI- *BOOM*
Akahoshi: Hah! Showed that fucking harmless kid who's the boss!
Lee: Neither can I!
Neji: No, you can't!
Tenten: It looks like we can't forgive him!
Neji: No, we can't!
Tenten: Neji's right!
Lee: I can't forgive him!
Tenten: Lee's right!
Neji: No, we can't!
Naruto: SHUT THE FUCK UP oh and btw BANZAAAI- oh wait, drama first
Hokuto: SUMARU!
Hokuto: SUMARU!
Hokuto: ...SUMARU!
Akahoshi: Lies! Will you believe such lies? Trust me instead!
Generic 1: Who will we trust, our leader or a random useless child who happens to have freckles?
Generic 2: Freckles? Can we eat those?
Akahoshi: Well you COULD believe her... but would a man with a crossbow aimed at children ever lie?
Generic 1: He has a point!
*the other children appear*
Mizura: Where...is...the...path...to...the...arcades...
Naruto: He's gonna go to the arcades? It's too much strain on his body!
Neji: No, he can't!
Lee: Too much strain!
Tenten: Lee's right!
Neji: No, he can't!
Tenten: Neji's right!
Mizura: ...also...THIS IS MY BODY! *flashes*
Mizura: Akahoshi, are you saying that my tattoos aren't glowing enough?! *dies*
Hokuto: Nooooo!
Akahoshi: Bitch! How dare you show up here and abuse the fact that you are dying?! You are selfish! And therefore I will shoot you!
*Crossbow arrow hits in a not-so-vital area*
Mizura: LIVE ON!
Naruto: Okay, guess what, I WON'T FORGIV-
Neji: Yes, you can!
Tenten: Neji said yes!
Lee: KILL!
Tenten: Lee is right!
People: Okay we just about had it with your crossbow bullshit bitch, so we'll have to kill you, unless you of course somehow find a way to cleverly harness all the unspeakable power of the star which belonged to the third hoshikage which you killed but we only realized so now because we were all too lazy to read into it before and...
People: ...oh shit!
Everybody: ...
Akahoshi: GODDAMNIT.. GO.. INSIDE.. YOU.. FSFKSFAAFSFS.. STAR.. I COMMAND.. YOU.. Ah there... I think I got it.
*star falls down*
Akahoshi: No wait, I don't. Let me try again.. URGHHGASKFGHHHHHHHHHH GO.. INSIDE... can someone give me some glue?
Cronies: Sure
Akahoshi: Thanks. Ah, there we go. So, yeah, where was I?. ... Oh yeah, POWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRR!!!
*obligatory second form*
*everybody gets blown away*
Naruto: Sup.
Naruto: Kage bunshin! Rasengan! Kage bunshin! Rasengan!
Neji: NOO YOU CAN'T!!!
Tenten: That's right!
Naruto: Shit, my only two techniques have no effect, what to do? ... if only.. there was an insert song now...
*natsuhiboshi starts playing*
Naruto: Hell yeah! Insert song time! You're going DOAWNNN!!!
Akahoshi: This can't be! I want a song too! It's not fair!
Sumaru's Mom: Hello
Akahoshi: That damn whore! She used her last powers to blow the house up and reappear! That makes no sense but goddamn it sucks!
Naruto: Will you... lend me your power?
Sumaru's Mom: ...no, I am going to float in midair and rape you, what the hell do you think? Let's go!
Naruto: Yay!
Sumaru's Mom: So what do you wanna do?
Naruto: .......rasengan?
Sumaru's Mom: Won't work.
Naruto: Two rasengan?
Sumaru's Mom: LET'S HIT IT
Akahoshi: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo oooooooOOOOOOO1o1o1o1O!oo12o12o12121 :eek: :eek: :eek:
*back to Konoha*
Tsunade: So in summary you all suck, except you don't suck, because the star village sucks.
Neji: No, we can't!
Lee: We suck!
Tenten: That's right Lee!
Naruto: So how are everybody?
Shizune: Oh they will be okay... ehrm...
Naruto: What?
Shizune: Well I sort of accidently gave them the wrong directions home.
Naruto: But they are okay, right?
Shizune: Yeah, sure, they are fine, until they accidently fall into the lava pits I pointed them towards on their way home, and stuff.
Lee: I will never forgive you!
Tenten: They will never forgive you!
Neji: No, we can't!
Sumaru: Goddamnit, where are we anyway?
Mizura: Good question. Where's Hokuto?
*the sounds of burning*
Sumaru: Say, Mizura, how about you go on ahead and I'll just turn the other direction?
Mizura: Sure... I'll just - *falls down* AHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOO I JUST GOT BETTER THIS IS NOT FAIR *burns up*
Sumaru: Suckers! I'm gonna be the hoshikage!
(this will later on be followed by another filler where Sumaru has become an evil hoshikage hellbent on harnassing his father's corpse for powers which will eventually kill all of star village... which is just as good as any other theory since Naruto & Sumaru won't ever meet again anyway)
The end.
Oh and this arc sucked.
You certainly put a lot of effort into making fun of a "worthless" episode.Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
You certainly put no effort in being someone anyone here is going to like, ever.
Geeze, nice comeback.Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
I guess I'm going to be hated for actually liking this episode. Okay guys, bring me to the gallows and let's get this over with.
Yeah right. I'm gonna go to all the trouble of building gallows for your lame ass.
I couldn't care less about what you think of the episode. What I don't like, however, is people talking about what the rest of us can and cannot complain about. Yes, we know it's a free download, yes, we know that we have a choice in watching it, but so what?Quote:
Originally Posted by Genma
It should be just as natural to complain about it as it is for you to say that it's good. Do you follow? The whole "omg lol don't watch it then!" routine is so old and beaten to death that I don't understand why people still bother.
Oh and the parody earlier wasn't really much of an effort.
Did you read my first post at all? Guess not, so I'm going to repost it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
"It's okay to find flaws and point out how an episode sucks... but threatening to quit watching or "asking for 20 minutes of your life back", joking or not, is stupid."
I'm not irritated at all by people who disliked the episode(s). Hell, 90% of 'em I didn't like personally. I am, however, irritated with the people who keep threatening to quit as though it'll make a difference, then come back and watch the episode a week later.
wolflive's post was annoying too, regardless of whether or not it was a joke.
In any case, I'm just going to drop this. You can get the last word in or whatever... I don't care.
Personally, I watch every episode, because sometimes they surprise me. For example, the Anko arc. I thought that was a good arc. Had it's flaws, but overall, a decent arc. Sometimes, certain parts of a particular bad arc had it's small moments.
I think people keep watching, because of hope. They hope that it will redeem itself and be rewarding. However, as episodes of dissapointment go by, they start to lose more and more hope, thus them saying they won't watch anymore. There are already a number of people that have stopped watching and won't until the fillers end. But there are still some fans who watch being hopeful. Others watch because they find how bad it is amusing. And others just like inflicting pain upon themselves but find cutting their wrists a bit too drastic XD.
Plus, it's like a train wreck. So horrific, you can't look away.
Well said, Vegechan
I usually just wait until there's about 10 episodes out then watch them all at once. They're a lot better this way.
anyone else think the saving grace of the episode was the intro for the nex episode where we see kiba drawn pretty well...havent seen kiba & pet in a while
All that keeps me going over all these filler arks are the hope that they will return to manga story line soon, old animes, and blood+. Thats about all that keeps me running.
Also i did enjoy the new opening.
Wow that was about as horrible an ending as I could have imagined for this arc. Anybody else notice that if even the worst case of "star poisoning" could just be fixed by Konoha that it defeated the reason for stopping the training in the first place? I mean say one super ninjacomes out of 100 kids the others get sick for a bit but can be treated in no time and well you have 1 super ninja and no deaths whats the problem?
Naruto was sent to protect the thievery of the Meteorite. He fails. He finds out who's the thief and sympathizes.
Story C-
Climax D
Plot D
Music A
Graphic C
Couple of people were disgruntled with how the arc ended.
1) Neji's role limitation
2) Justification for fighting the substitute Akahoshi
3) Overuse of Rasengan
4) Akahoshi hiring competiting village.
-Predictability of the ending
-Neji's leadership in question
-Long Arc, short, sour ending.
Quirks about this epi:
1) Akahoshi was mentioned being alive and as captive despite having Rasengan blown a meteorite lodged into his chest.
2) A deceased Sumaru's mother learns a new technique.
3) Akahoshi recruited his enemy village and they destroyed him. Generally, it doesnt make sense but remember he doesnt trust anyone, even his guards.
4) The increased amount of Hoshi ninjas at the end made no sense. It defeated the purpose of hiring Konoha ninjas. If they were there but on missions where were they? Why are they so pitifully weak?
5) Sumaru was all talk. Despite glowing anger, claim to being skillful, he couldn't survive a fire or huff and puff an exit through straw walls.
6) Naruto's Mass clone is decreasing in numbers steadily. Loss of stamina?
7) Sumaru's mother died the same way as previous Hoshikage: stabbed in the back.
You know, if you want to do a better job of it, try writing the script for their story. I don't think anyone of you can do anything above better than them. If you don't believe me write one yourself. I'll eat dirt if anyone here can submit even a good one that doesn't plagarise (coming from some book you've read or heard), or personalize (writing about yourself); a good story is only good if its original. And I think everyone Naruto encounter should end with Rasengan. That's Naruto's job!
For Neji fans, too bad he can't be a good leader. He failed chuunin exam afterall.
Neji's far from useless but I doubt he can be a leader. His group is a clone of Naruto's group, he and Sasuke being clone storywise, in character, and drama. He can't use the divine wind being in a group, he has no jutsu to aid such as shadow bind, and he is better going one on one or solo missions himself. Sure he got the Byakugan but It doesnt help when you got a two dodo birds and at least one of them will jump before you can come up with a plan.
I'm looking forward to seeing Kiba's sister again :DQuote:
Originally Posted by dman
And then all our nightmares come true.... Really dissapointing episode. It felt like if they where anxious to end this arc as fast as possible. Only Natsume or that singing milf died thanks to 3!!!! kunai in her back (where she actually had that peacock thing that any other time deflected them). I guess that one corpse per arc is more than enough for a show that has made his audience 6 years old narutards.
Next one looks a lot better, akamaru took some bad stuff and went berserk, what I have all this years been waiting for. hurray!!
Natsuhi looked like a stuff toy, with the way 3 kunais were stuffed behind her back without a single drop of blood. Seems no one's surprised that the filler's aren't ending. For me I don't really care much now, as Naruto's really becoming a chore to download each week. I still read the manga though.
Loss of the animators' will to click Ctrl+V a few more times.Quote:
Originally Posted by lonewolf
And I hated this episode. And that's saying something; the fillers are crap, but I enjoy watching most of them nevertheless (as opposed to watching nothing). This one however was just not worth the watch for me.
This is definitely the worst arc ending for me, if not the worst filler episode.
I still say the last episode of the Curry arc was the best filler ever. Drunk Lee + Neji w/ Curry poisoning + atomized Raiga = Victoly!
Well, most of us read the "upcoming episode titles" thread, so we already knew they weren't ending.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
Ok, so basically everyone in this star episode is an idiot, none more so than the adults of the Star village. How dumb do you have to be to not even notice what is going on with the star training. And wtf is up with Akahoshi just spilling his guts about everything all of a sudden? No self-respecting evil mastermind would just spill the beans like that without some sort of hard evidence against him. And seriously the shinobi in this village cannot sense a projectile coming at them for the life of them, apparently.
How is it that out of the 4 of them Naruto is the only one who is able to land on his feet and not affected by the "star blast". Definitely the other three are more advanced in training than he is. They really also need to give Naruto a lot more sense and moves.
The only good thing, or should I say, one thing that I liked in this episode was when I thought he had killed Akahoshi by blowing him literally to pieces. I was like wow cool he destroyed him and you can see the "blast" all through him. But then they had to freakin wreck that by saying that he was still alive. WTF was up with that!?!
Not even gonna talk about the ending.
Edit: What was that? "there's nothing good in the episode, stop making shit up." That is the comment along with the big neg rep it came with. Apparently whoever gave me that big neg didnt read anything I said. I didnt make anything up, and FYI I didnt like this episode. Com'on people, someone else not me needs a couple blows from that cluehammer.
Ok so if you wedge pieces of meteorite into your chest you become super saiyan?
No, more like a rejected Capcom fighter.
i hated it. they made us sit through a pretty long filler arc and then just end it with sumaru's mom pretty much like molesting naruto and then all of a sudden naruto's rasengan works b/c it supposedly "powers" it up?
why didn't it blow thru that "yondaime hoshikage"?
to make it worse, they ended by doing a flashout, and then those 3 star village guys r in konoha and evidently all better.
even worse, we still have more fillers....-_-
Well look on the bright side, at least we get to see Kiba's sister next week :p. Can't get any worse than what we've watched this week. Errr......right?
This filler arc is probably one of the most tolerable ones yet. By no means was it any good it just wasn't sickeningly bad as some of the other ones. I'm actually looking forward to next weeks episode, the idea Akamaru getting rabies is fricking hilarious, might actually be the best filler plot line yet. Here's looking forward to Kiba's long day.
Whatever, we all know that this guy http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/8...p2653088wo.png was the real mastermind and Hoshikage. Screw Akahoshi. The writers totally took a leaf out of Harry Potter with the mother sacrifice you can't touch me notion.
No more stupid bear country or star non- sense! Naruto go find Sasuke!
I hate the fact Naruto keeps using "Massive" Kage bunshin, and yet the number of clones is the same as the normal version....
Yeah there's no more regualar Kage Bunshin, only Taju Kage Bunshin recently, and yet the number of clones can be as few as less than 10. Pretty weak, considering that the few times he actually did the real Taju Kage Bunshin was against Mizuki and Kimimaro.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Another thing I don't like is that Negi can just switch his Byakugan on and off without using any seals.
I miss the times when you actually have to form seals or use blood for Kuchiyose. :(
He also used it against Gaara before he went giant racoon.
Which was also the only time it was actually awsome.
Having to watch him do hand signs like, 5~10 times an episode would drive me nuts.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
To top that off, if Byakugan required seals, Sharingan would have to as well. Think of how many excess hand signs that'd create in each episode.
They could do it like what they did previously, one hand seal and after that the Byakugan can be used at will. Right now the show is missing a lot of the ninja elements which made it so popular before. I can understand about the lack of ideas in terms of techniques and fight strategies, but at least put the summons/jutsus/seals back in....
I find almost impossible none of the adults ever noticed people got sick, like that kid (forgot his name), from training with the star.
Also... if Neji was watching with Byakugan... how come he didn't jump from the way of the blast?
Like Psyke said... if they at least respected the character's abilities...
Oh yeah. Funny everytime I post something negative about the fillers I get neg repped. My previous post got a big red one. Someone out there really likes the fillers.
I've been wondering about something from this arc. If the star was the thing that made the Star Village special and more powerful, and Naruto destroyed the star, does that mean Naruto just screwed the whole village over?
I am going out on a limb here, but according to: "http://www.purevolume.com/kagebunshin": a clone's strength is directly related to how many other clones the ninja using this technique creates. So although when using the "massive" kage bunshin there are the same amount of clones as the regular version, each one might be stronger than the normal clones.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
actually, I think they were trying to make it look like naruto was trying really hard. Your explaination applies to the Third's case where he made three and his strength was reduced, but for naruto, the number of kage bunshins doesn't affect his strength or the bunshins'. The poof as easily as any other bunshin.Quote:
Originally Posted by huhuromo
I could sneeze on one and it'll dissappear @.@
Yeah, Naruto needs to find a way to learn Oro's mud clone jutsu, those don't seem to die right after being hit, pretty much everytime Naruto uses Kage Bunshin, the clones all go to waste and then he does something sneaky, maybe if he actually was sneaky he wouldn't need such an elaborate and taxing distraction.
No really, PINK!?
Did they somehow believe this episode needed to be ruined further by giving the antagonist pink hair, effectively making him look like a mix between a dog, a retard with a disco ball lodged into his chest and Sakura? I firmly believe this is the worst episode of Naruto as of yet. Quite a stunning achievement.
No.... the "Taju" in Japanese means "multiple" or "many level", or simply means large in numbers, so it directly refers to the number of clones which is created. :)Quote:
Originally Posted by huhuromo
So much for Naruto. I was really looking forward to watching it again after almost a year long break. Oh well, owned again by fillers I guess.
I just dowloaded the TV-rip version of Natsuhiboshi from Gendou's site, and I think it's the only good thing to come out of this arc....
sigh. I get depressed just reading about the Naruto fillers
hey Terracosmo, that parady post was fracken awsome :D . Time spent better reading that then watching teh filler itself :P
yar.. as for teh fill;er... im praying 188 is new....