Awesome, Will be done in 5 mins. Release Thread: Link
EDIT: Dear god, totally ridiculos, but the money and suits were a biut funny.
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Awesome, Will be done in 5 mins. Release Thread: Link
EDIT: Dear god, totally ridiculos, but the money and suits were a biut funny.
this episode sucked... realy badly...
at least we will be able to see more Kiba/Hinata in the next episode...
edit: omg.. i played over 56hour of maplestory this week...
so gay... jeez
that was hot
like that she look more like a fan made artwork...
What da hell? 56 hours? >< Whaaa.Quote:
Originally posted by: BioAlien
edit: omg.. i played over 56hour of maplestory this week...
still downlaoding the episode.
Holy Satan, snot fucking disgusts me.
i could use the money though eh..
It was like a Dragon Punch to my ballsack.
Oh God if it were only that painless (to me, it felt like a Galatica Phantom enema).
I think the only thing remotely funny about it was how that little kid pronouned Naruto "Jah-Joo-Joh."
The only thing that gives me solace is the thought of that little kid NOT saving Naruto from the cliff and having him turn Kyuubi and start ripping everyone at the bottom apart.
This was certainly one of the worst filler eps. It was so bad it made me almost laugh. Almost, but not quite. And I don't need that kind of funniness.
And Naruto is an idiot for not taking the money from the kid. It's understandable he didn't sell the kid to the thugs as that would have ruined his reputation, but earlier, when he was offered the suitcase full of money. Normally Naruto is always running out of money (even when Jiraiya is not nearby), so why not take it when freely offered...
Well, at least the next episode is again going to have Hinata, so I can forget this episode ever happened, and look forward to hearing lovesick "Naruto-kun" a couple of dozens of times.
My mother always said, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything...
Now that's an awesome metaphor. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Tonsus
Oh God if it were only that painless (to me, it felt like a Galatica Phantom enema).
Were the kidnappers supposed to be the guys who dressed up as Lee and Gai?
This was the second worst filler so far. The noodle ep being the absolute worst.
Okay I saw the episode and... yeah.
Boring & generic filler crap down to the bone.
Man, I never deleted an episode so fast from my harddrive before. I didn't think it could get any worse before, and this episode proved me wrong. Next episode looks like it might be ok, but still. Oh, well, we're almost to the end of this crap. Never thought I'd see the day where I actually kinda missed Raiga and his little backpack buddy. It almost happened. Gah!
Why? *cry*
All the guards are turning into criminals by giving them money? uh.....
And next episode is just conutining getting worth, more Hinata only because of those Hinata-fanboys (those fanboys already disturbed the 4th GameCube-Naruto with a 2nd version of Hinata within ARGH).
I have an idea:
After fillers have ended, lets call them officially "not-Naruto", and count the 1st real story-episode "episode 136", because 135 has been the last not-filler episode (oh no, it makes me cry, realizing for how long we are watching fillers XD).
yea same here...i can't believe it's been nearly an entire season worth of naruto. there's just like 5 episodes left yet it seems soo far away. i hated this episode because of how lame it was but at least the animation/art was well done. other than that, everything else sucked. i didn't like that little kid and how he made up some dumb jutsu's by literally throwing money around. and that scene with him refusing to go on the bridge was kinda lame.
funny thing i noticed is that it wasn't a whole arc about the dumb kid like they did with the baka brothers, raiga/curry, water monsters, etc. it was only 1 episode long. at this rate, i'm hoping that this means that whoever is coming up with these dumb filler episode stories is running out of ideas and the company who does naruto feels that it's about time they started working on doing the good "manga" related episodes.
kakashi gaiden and part 2 is gonna be soo cool!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. You think the pack of monkeys writing the filler scripts actually had something called ideas in the first place? Now, that's new!Quote:
Originally posted by: Naruto_Fan
at this rate, i'm hoping that this means that whoever is coming up with these dumb filler episode stories is running out of ideas and the company who does naruto feels that it's about time they started working on doing the good "manga" related episodes.
I am so glad they're only five months left but feels like forever, Its been one hell of a long time since i've seen a decent Naruto episode....
EDIT: LoL 5 Months, correction 5 Eps, 5 Months and i'd drop Naruto
PAtience everyone, patience; when this tomfoolery is over, Naruto will completely redeem itself
And so what happens if they decide to pull a Rurouni Kenshin with Naruto?Quote:
Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
PAtience everyone, patience; when this tomfoolery is over, Naruto will completely redeem itself
Then those who haven't been reading the manga are boned. I doubt it will happen, though. They gotta know that alot of people are just itching to watch the post-filler episodes. And they want money. Hopefully, the ratings haven't suffered in Japan too much, and it'll continue.Quote:
Originally posted by: Dug88
And so what happens if they decide to pull a Rurouni Kenshin with Naruto?Quote:
Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
PAtience everyone, patience; when this tomfoolery is over, Naruto will completely redeem itself
Well, I'm pretty sure it's doing alright in Japan, considering that's it's a pretty big hit in the States (Volume 9 of the manga is #29 on the bestsellers list). And I bet people are still pretty whats going to happen now that Sasuke has ditched Konoha.
I've only seen some Rurouni Kenshin, but what happend with it?Quote:
Originally posted by: Dug88
And so what happens if they decide to pull a Rurouni Kenshin with Naruto?Quote:
Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
PAtience everyone, patience; when this tomfoolery is over, Naruto will completely redeem itself
Kenshin is famous because it went into fillers and ratings got so low (along with general popularity ratings) that it was eventually decided NOT to continue the anime at all.Quote:
Originally posted by: Divinity
I've only seen some Rurouni Kenshin, but what happend with it?Quote:
Originally posted by: Dug88
And so what happens if they decide to pull a Rurouni Kenshin with Naruto?Quote:
Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
PAtience everyone, patience; when this tomfoolery is over, Naruto will completely redeem itself
Aka. the fillers of Kenshin drove the Kenshin series into the ground, destroying any possibility of any future Kenshin series being animated based off the manga.
I personally believe it to be a watershed mark in anime. Where they figured out that a great premise can't be milked forever by crappy filler/sequel writing/animation. Then again, the people at Studio Pierrot seem to be out to prove me wrong....
Usually I can always find a good thing about an episode of Naruto but this was just awful.
Oh thank god the filler is soon to draw to a close...
My favorite thing about Naruto lately has been reading you people's comments on this forum.
Go go GotWoot crowd.
Thank you lafnear, we do our best to bitch and moan about everything. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
how much of are lives revolve around doing that anyway Terra? like 76%?
If that little kid was from a latino family ... he would never be like that.
NO latino throws money into the air and lets people grab it, no matter how rich!
That and his parents would of slaped his arse with every God darn thing from bare hand to a friken iron cord. Needelss to say, he wouldn't be spoild ... lil brat needs to get dropped kicked.
With that said, woo 5 weeks left! ^^. Then the people who never read the manga will commence the visual orgy that they soo been waiting for soo long.
I love how the anime has been reduced to teaching the children of Japan sesame street morals and values. God I hate this episode so much. I have to wonder if this isn't some sort of diabolical plan to get rid of people like us who dl naruto episodes for free. "Throw enough crap at them and I'm sure they'll stop watching at some point" Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! LOL! DAMN YOU STUDIO PIERROT WE WILL NOT GIVE IN! I say we have a celebration thread for when we see the first real episode of naruto.
just think its only 6 more weeks now till the new stuff
i agree lets just all come on at the same time when the new anime comes out and all post and make this a chat room...
( do we have a chat room we could use one))
just a small one would do
ok IM BACK....................................damm work taking all my time