Originally posted by: nests
Originally posted by: Kraco
Yes. Beyond awesome. My dad didn't want to watch even Cowboy Bebop more than 3 mins when I once took the DVDs with me to their house... So, small chances indeed he would watch something like Naruto. Although he did watch Ghibli's The Cat Returns. But that might be because my mother loved the movie.
Well my dad only got into anime recently more like when Spirited Away won the Oscar his one of those people who always has to watch every movie that was nominated for best movie. He only seems to like anime that are dramatic and he has only seen those that are on Adultswim his watched. Ghost in the Shell, Fullmetal Alchemist, Samurai Champloo, and Cowboy Bebop. but he hates Inu-yasha and Evangelion. Thats why I was surpriced that he was actually watching Naruto.
It happend again. yestarday I was waiting in line to renew my freaking passport when I saw some kids playing ninja one of the kids was even wearing a Konoha leave T-shit from HotTopics. I swear one of this days a kid is going to end up poking some other kids eye out with a freaking toy kunai.