fun with akatsuki
made by omfnistrife from stoptazmo
haha the best one is auditions...
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fun with akatsuki
made by omfnistrife from stoptazmo
haha the best one is auditions...
i love how the inside jokes seem to have travelled far among the naruto community
PS. the second episode is the best
yea, the second one also incorporated bleach.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
i love how the inside jokes seem to have travelled far among the naruto community
PS. the second episode is the best
you lack penis was also funny
Totally not funny.
I'm suprised the whole "Blind Itachi" thing is still going, considering that that wasn't really Itachi, but I suppose the humour potential was just too much for some people to scrap the idea.
these gifs aren't loading for me, the page keeps failing to load
Try Omnistrife's link from NarutoFan. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Fun with akatsuki members
Har har thats hilarious. I love how Itachi is blind.
Lack penis lmao
LoL at criminal records
yeah I saw them all now, "Looking around" is the best one by far
lol these things are awesome, I liked the "You Lack Penis" one XD.
I will have to agree with the Heretic this time around.
Not funny at all. And drawn so ugly and on such limited space that it's hard to follow what happens. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
well they were just like your "adventures of Sakon" stuff you did up till they all died in the anime. I'm pretty sure if we tell him to make them bigger he will.
Plus, Itachi Amaterasuing the wall was funny
akatuski games was the best. auditions was good too.
Originally posted by: Knives122
well they were just like your "adventures of Sakon" stuff you did up till they all died in the anime. I'm pretty sure if we tell him to make them bigger he will.
The only thing this has in common with Sakon's Adventures is that they are both Naruto parodies [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
@Terracosmo and heretic, you 2 my friends, shall never make it to the "Self-Actualized" category of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs because you lack a sense of humor.
JK!!! Please don't ban me. [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
and Sakon's Adventures was way better.
Someone put a link here. I cant find the damm thing.
Search "Sakon" in the Naruto forum.
Edit: Nevermind. I was beaten to it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't.Quote:
Originally posted by: Divinity
JK!!! Please don't ban me. [img][/img]
Be careful, he'll do it!
That was mad
I zoomed in on the gif to see what was going on, it was good.
They were good, the auditions, criminal one.
and most scene's with Zetsu and Tobi.
heh, i was laughing.
True, the Sakon adventures were better, but this is still funny. I guess my sense of humour is a little more willing then some other peoples [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
C'mon, who wouldn't find Vader auditioning for Akatsuki funny? ' Father!!' 'NEXT!' That just cracked me up. Though, the adventures of Sakon did too. I don't care if he's dead, you should do more of em.
Looks like somebody signed up for psy101 this semester!Quote:
Originally posted by: Divinity
@Terracosmo and heretic, you 2 my friends, shall never make it to the "Self-Actualized" category of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs because you lack a sense of humor.
JK!!! Please don't ban me. [img][/img]
I also thought they were similar. You are quite a bit more creative though.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Originally posted by: Knives122
well they were just like your "adventures of Sakon" stuff you did up till they all died in the anime. I'm pretty sure if we tell him to make them bigger he will.
The only thing this has in common with Sakon's Adventures is that they are both Naruto parodies [img][/img]
This was somewhat funny. I liked the auditions one the best.
are those akatsuki eps worth watching at all?
are you up to date with the manga, then yes. If you arent, then no.Quote:
Originally posted by: dantheman62
are those akatsuki eps worth watching at all?
"You lack hatred!"
"You lack penis!"
Most of those were pretty dumb, but I chuckled when Sai said "You lack penis."
terra, you should restart sakon...again.
They just added a new episode it was funny
not as funny as some of the others
C'mon, the Oro gay jokes were decent. And the cloud thing caught me off guard. It wasn't that bad, and I could see why Oro left. It all makes sense now.
yep, he left b/c he couldn't take looking at Tsunade's breasts for 72 hours(man he is gay)
Very, very nice. Directly these giffs aren't particularlly funny, but I love how they use all of the injokes that have been traveling around the naruto community. Since so little is known about the atsuki it's really fun to see someone play around with it. Honestly I'm looking forward to seeing more future episodes. Also pretty much anything itachi says is fricking hilarious.
??? after tobi pulls his pants off: hey i changed my mind, i wanna join
itachi says he wants to go blind, so orochimaru wants to rejoin because he wont be able to use magekyou anymoreQuote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
??? after tobi pulls his pants off: hey i changed my mind, i wanna join
site down?
Originally posted by: darkmetal505
itachi says he wants to go blind, so orochimaru wants to rejoin because he wont be able to use magekyou anymoreQuote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
??? after tobi pulls his pants off: hey i changed my mind, i wanna join
no, its cuz tobi pulls his pants off... hes so gay lol
*sighs* anyways funny as hell with all the inside jokes
yea, your right. I didnt catch that >_<Quote:
Originally posted by: David Craft
Originally posted by: darkmetal505
itachi says he wants to go blind, so orochimaru wants to rejoin because he wont be able to use magekyou anymoreQuote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
??? after tobi pulls his pants off: hey i changed my mind, i wanna join
no, its cuz tobi pulls his pants off... hes so gay lol
*sighs* anyways funny as hell with all the inside jokes
Well, theres episode 9 entitled "PTA" which is pretty funny, however the funniest part is they've redone almost all the episodes with audio and can be found on youtube. Here's the link to it. scroll down the side panel to see the other eps. And episode 9 can be found here.
Adding the audio was a huge mistake in my opinion. None of the episodes were laugh-out-loud funny to begin with, and now we just hear that guy's awkward voice trying to pull of comedy and failing. It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't mispronounce nearly every single name (I exaggerate, but he could at least pronounce "Akatsuki" right...).Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Yeah, especially saying Deidara, like "DIEdara"