It's so goddamn overrated
State something which you find to be overrated and why. I'll start.
1. Jack Sparrow. SHUT UP ABOUT JACK SPARROW. He was funny and MADE the damn Pirates of the Caribbean, I KNOW. But seriously... SHUT UP ABOUT JACK SPARROW. I can't take it anymore. All these goddamn women running around screaming about him, he looks like a fucking bum, it's just because everything that Depp does is hailed by a myriad of lonely women ranging from the ages of 12 to 54.
Are pirates sexy? No, they wear the same clothes every day (i.e they stink) and look like crap, but when Depp is one... then yes!
Is eyeliner really really hot on men? Some women say yes, but most of them say no. The nay sayers say YES!! when they see Jhonny Sparrow.
List goes on.
2. Nightmare Before Christmas
Spare me. Next 14 year old goth wannabe who says that this movie is "brilliant" (sounds more like "blillriant" though because wannabe goths can't speak - you see they have these fake teeth in their mouths all the time) will die a gruesome death by the hands of an exploding pumpkin. HOW'S THAT FOR HALLOWEEN?
3. Tim Burton
See 2. Granted, some of his movies are great but... SHUT UP ABOUT TIM BURTON!!
It's so goddamn overrated
Angelina Jolie. I personally don't find her hot.
It's so goddamn overrated
Playstation: Bah, all it is is marketing bundled with emo games.
It's so goddamn overrated
Franz Ferdinand. Goddamn twangy guitars make my dick soft.
It's so goddamn overrated
Asian girls - Honestly I don't see the attraction that most guys constantly blather on about. Some are cute, just like a lot of girls. So stop telling me asian women are so hot, male population. I don't care!
Edited: The same thing goes for blondes.
It's so goddamn overrated
Star Wars: I like the first three when I was a kid when I didn't understand waht good cinema was. But with the rerelease back in the late ninties and the new trilogy I found it lacking, good acting, a plot beyond the lets beat the bad guys, and incest.
It's so goddamn overrated
DAMN ANIME IS OVERRATED! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
Million Dollar Baby-- take away the star-studded cast and you have one seriously crappy storyline that isn't worth a single oscar. and speaking of which...
Academy Awards-- stupid old cronies who'd prefer to vote to make a political statement as opposed to actual artistic merit. not the mention the award show itself. i can't watch it anymore b/c it's now more about what the heck so-and-so is wearing instead of arguing over how good a movie actually is.
It's so goddamn overrated
Michael Moore and his movies.
It's so goddamn overrated
Male private parts are overrated.
It's so goddamn overrated
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Honoko
Million Dollar Baby-- take away the star-studded cast and you have one seriously crappy storyline that isn't worth a single oscar. and speaking of which...
Academy Awards-- stupid old cronies who'd prefer to vote to make a political statement as opposed to actual artistic merit. not the mention the award show itself. i can't watch it anymore b/c it's now more about what the heck so-and-so is wearing instead of arguing over how good a movie actually is.
thank you!!
It's so goddamn overrated
Jennifer Lopez
Ben Affleck
Halley Berry
The Halo games
Having a job
Reading books
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
State something which you find to be overrated and why. I'll start.
1. Jack Sparrow. SHUT UP ABOUT JACK SPARROW. He was funny and MADE the damn Pirates of the Caribbean, I KNOW. But seriously... SHUT UP ABOUT JACK SPARROW. I can't take it anymore. All these goddamn women running around screaming about him, he looks like a fucking bum, it's just because everything that Depp does is hailed by a myriad of lonely women ranging from the ages of 12 to 54.
Are pirates sexy? No, they wear the same clothes every day (i.e they stink) and look like crap, but when Depp is one... then yes!
Is eyeliner really really hot on men? Some women say yes, but most of them say no. The nay sayers say YES!! when they see Jhonny Sparrow.
List goes on.
What about the people from Onepiece?[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
2. Nightmare Before Christmas
Spare me. Next 14 year old goth wannabe who says that this movie is "brilliant" (sounds more like "blillriant" though because wannabe goths can't speak - you see they have these fake teeth in their mouths all the time) will die a gruesome death by the hands of an exploding pumpkin. HOW'S THAT FOR HALLOWEEN?
3. Tim Burton
See 2. Granted, some of his movies are great but... SHUT UP ABOUT TIM BURTON!!
Who the hell says the Nightmare Before Christmas was Brilliant? It was fun (for when i was like 4), but ive never heard anyone say it was brilliant.
As for me......
People are overrated. People suck. Luck at the world around us. Take a few seconds and actually do that. K. We're all blaming eachother for bad shit that others start because of us (not speaking about anyone specifically). Were not kind, loving cratures. We're not evil either. We're all dumb. Hell, not just the people causing trouble, but the people who think theyre gonna make the world a happy place w/ out wars and shit. That aint happening. People suck.
It's so goddamn overrated
Batman: Everyone always says "Oh he's the greatest superhero ever, he can beat the crap out of every superhero". Shut up. He's just some crybaby in a suit and if you just took a group of people with guns and cornered him he'd be dead.
And then when the new movie came out all the little fanboys and other people just started swooning over him, go get a life people [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
griping [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
Planning more than 3 days ahead is the most overrated thing ever. Seriously, when someone decides to become lets say a cop when they are 5 i can't help but to think "fucking idiot".
Star Trek.
Star Trek is probably the most overrated shit you can find.
Potatoe Chips
This shit really sucks, they don't even taste good. What are you eating them for?
The Music Industry
They pump out as much bullshit as they can and people blame downloading for the high prices and low sales. Get a grip.
Alot of other stupid shit
There are so much overrated things out there that it would take a life time to write them all down.
The word overrated however is very underrated in my opinion, i use it all the time.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Asian girls - Honestly I don't see the attraction that most guys constantly blather on about. Some are cute, just like a lot of girls. So stop telling me asian women are so hot, male population. I don't care!
Disagree. If anything, blondes are overrated.
Guiness is also overrated. Tastes like a bread stew almost.
It's so goddamn overrated
Some of my bound to be very unpopular opinions...
Final Fantasy VII
The movie was at least pretty. Too bad the game wasn't
... And then we have all the mindless Sephiroth fangirls, don't even get me started about them.
Oh look, yet another mediocre console FPS. Just get a decent computer so you can actually experience a real FPS for a change.
World of WarCraft
Decent. Not great nor revolutionary
Everything about Sora just sucks. The voice actor, the personality, the hairstyle, the clothes, the freakin' shoes! I could go on and on. Am I the only one who seriously thinks Riku should have been the lead? Sora just annoys the hell out of me.
Swedish version of American idol. This show represents everything I hate about the music industry.
It's so goddamn overrated
Wearing pants is overrated.
It's so goddamn overrated
the FF7 movie was overrating, the fucking plot sucked balls, yet many fagboys say the movie was good because of the grahpics
Bums are overrated,
They are fucking lazy, Don't give any of them money, they can get a job, they just rather beg...fucking hobos...
New SuperHero movies
thats all i can think for now
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Honoko
Million Dollar Baby-- take away the star-studded cast and you have one seriously crappy storyline that isn't worth a single oscar. and speaking of which...
Academy Awards-- stupid old cronies who'd prefer to vote to make a political statement as opposed to actual artistic merit. not the mention the award show itself. i can't watch it anymore b/c it's now more about what the heck so-and-so is wearing instead of arguing over how good a movie actually is.
Thank you, can't believe I forgot to mention my hatred towards the Academy. Eternal Sunshine deserved the 2004 Oscar. Hell, a bunch of movies that year deserved it much more than Million Dollar Baby. And this happens year after year after year, it's pathetic.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Nai
Some of my bound to be very unpopular opinions...
Final Fantasy VII
The movie was at least pretty. Too bad the game wasn't
... And then we have all the mindless
Sephiroth fangirls, don't even get me started about them.
Oh look, yet another mediocre console FPS. Just get a decent computer so you can actually experience a real FPS for a change.
World of WarCraft
Decent. Not great nor revolutionary
Everything about Sora just sucks. The voice actor, the personality, the hairstyle, the clothes, the freakin' shoes! I could go on and on. Am I the only one who seriously thinks Riku should have been the lead? Sora just annoys the hell out of me.
Swedish version of American idol. This show represents everything I hate about the music industry.
Wow definitly unpopular with me at least. I disagree with everything except Idol since I hate that in America as well.
Final Fantasy 7. What do you mean by pretty? Graphics? If so thats a shallow thing to base a game off of. I happen to like FF7 because of its story and characters. All of which are very memorable.
Halo. Halo is a lot of fun imho. I happen to think PC shooters are over rated. I hate them, the only one I like is Half Life. I still prefer Halo since I hate playing an FPS with a keyboard. But whatever this is something a console gamer and PC gamer will never agree on.
WoW. It is not the best game ever but it is definitly the best MMORPG I think.
Sora- Let me guess you hate Naruto and think Sasuke should be the main character in the Naruto Anime? I am assuming you are the kind of person that likes all the "cool" anti-heroes in games/shows. Still I do not see how you can see Sora as overrated if anything Riku is overrated I see way more people that like Riku than Sora.
It's so goddamn overrated
Bleach~~I'll never understand why so many people are so in love with this show, it's mediocre at best. The main plot is over done(must save the damsel in distress) and the main character is beyond over powered. I will admit it does have some cool characters but they are just built up for Ichigo to beat up on. I'm still waiting to see this anime produce one good fight. One more thing, it building up a lot of fights and then not delivering on them was the most asinine thing I've seen in anime.
Kingdom Hearts~~Let me start by saying that it was a good game, but after I played it once I never touched it again. It seemed like any other hack-n-slash game to me(yes I know it's an rpg). I agree with Nai that it would've been more interesting if Riku was the main character.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Aeon
Bleach~~I'll never understand why so many people are so in love with this show, it's mediocre at best. The main plot is over done(must save the damsel in distress) and the main character is beyond over powered. I will admit it does have some cool characters but they are just built up for Ichigo to beat up on. I'm still waiting to see this anime produce one good fight. One more thing, it building up a lot of fights and then not delivering on them was the most asinine thing I've seen in anime.
Are you friggin kidding me? Bleach is definatly one of the best animes out there. Theres like 5 bigillion suprises, like 50 badass characters (kenpachi, Zangetsu, Yamaji, etc.), a great story ( Save the midget!), a horny teddy bear, and ..................................
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Asian girls - Honestly I don't see the attraction that most guys constantly blather on about. Some are cute, just like a lot of girls. So stop telling me asian women are so hot, male population. I don't care!
Disagree. If anything, blondes are overrated.
I disagree with that. Blondes are great, Asian chicks however are overrated. I have yet to see one asian chick that is extremly hot, the ones i have seen that have been posted in hot babes threads and shit like that are decent looking at best. Sure there are alot of ugly blondes to but at least some blondes are hot, where do you find these "hot" asian chicks everybody talks about? Give me proof!!!
It's so goddamn overrated
it all depends on taste. some men might think obese ulgy fat chicks are hot
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: God#2
Originally posted by: Aeon
Bleach~~I'll never understand why so many people are so in love with this show, it's mediocre at best. The main plot is over done(must save the damsel in distress) and the main character is beyond over powered. I will admit it does have some cool characters but they are just built up for Ichigo to beat up on. I'm still waiting to see this anime produce one good fight. One more thing, it building up a lot of fights and then not delivering on them was the most asinine thing I've seen in anime.
Are you friggin kidding me? Bleach is definatly one of the best animes out there. Theres like 5 bigillion suprises, like 50 badass characters (kenpachi, Zangetsu, Yamaji, etc.), a great story ( Save the midget!), a horny teddy bear, and ..................................
You're basically perpetuating Aeon's claim about bleach being overrated by using a line like "Bleach is one of the best animes"
It's so goddamn overrated
It's amazing how people waste time to reply to people in this thread, since it's obviously a matter of taste. You might as well ask a wall to move.
Note also that "overrated" doesn't necessarily mean "bad".
It's so goddamn overrated
You know what grinds my gear people? CSI, jesus this show is overrated! It's somewhat enjoyable, but when it gets ultra realistic, it just sux! And what is this making CSI, Miami, New York...?
Another thing that grinds my gear is celebs. Just look at all the hot chicks, just struddling around in their little outfits? They make me want too hump them >.<
Just look here
And that people is what grinds my gear.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
It's amazing how people waste time to reply to people in this thread, since it's obviously a matter of taste. You might as well ask a wall to move.
Note also that "overrated" doesn't necessarily mean "bad".
^this post is overrated [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
50 Cent. Yes the rapper.
Holy crap, how many things does this guy have to do!? Fine, he has some good music, I'll give him that,
BUT THATS IT! I'm sick and tired of hearing, "Oh he's so hard" and, "He used to be a fucking pimp", and
worst of all, "Oh shit, he got shot son"
Fine he got shot. Wooptie-freaking-do. Join the club with the other 5 million people who got shot. That doesn't
mean your fucking God and need everything from lunchboxes to a Grand Theft Auto rip-off.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
50 Cent. Yes the rapper.
Holy crap, how many things does this guy have to do!? Fine, he has some good music, I'll give him that,
BUT THATS IT! I'm sick and tired of hearing, "Oh he's so hard" and, "He used to be a fucking pimp", and
worst of all, "Oh shit, he got shot son"
Fine he got shot. Wooptie-freaking-do. Join the club with the other 5 million people who got shot. That doesn't
mean your fucking God and need everything from lunchboxes to a Grand Theft Auto rip-off.
its a darn thing he didnt die.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
@Terra: I guess your right. But its still fun to talk about the Valley of the gods[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
Reality TV
It is not real. It is editted (perhaps scripted, in some sense) and the people are almost always the exception to normalness. The fact that people watch something with no plot (despite occasionally stumbling on cool or flashy premises for the show) about people they'll probably never meet mortifies me.
It's so goddamn overrated
laguana beach and OC are overrated and other stuff like that
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: PSJ
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Asian girls - Honestly I don't see the attraction that most guys constantly blather on about. Some are cute, just like a lot of girls. So stop telling me asian women are so hot, male population. I don't care!
Disagree. If anything, blondes are overrated.
I disagree with that. Blondes are great, Asian chicks however are overrated. I have yet to see one asian chick that is extremly hot, the ones i have seen that have been posted in hot babes threads and shit like that are decent looking at best. Sure there are alot of ugly blondes to but at least some blondes are hot, where do you find these "hot" asian chicks everybody talks about? Give me proof!!!
google? lol.
and terra to ur first post of the thread (dont wanna quote it which would make this post too long but) you seem to not like johnny depp loool. is it because he steals ur chicks?
It's so goddamn overrated
I don't think the point of this thread is to contest what other people think is overrated (again, overrated does not = bad). Just list something.
I think (and NO ONE will argue with me here...) Paris Hilton is overrated. It's a wonder to me why this stupid, lazy-eyed, lazy-assed, slutty blonde is famous. Stupid whore really pisses me off.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
Originally posted by: PSJ
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Asian girls - Honestly I don't see the attraction that most guys constantly blather on about. Some are cute, just like a lot of girls. So stop telling me asian women are so hot, male population. I don't care!
Disagree. If anything, blondes are overrated.
I disagree with that. Blondes are great, Asian chicks however are overrated. I have yet to see one asian chick that is extremly hot, the ones i have seen that have been posted in hot babes threads and shit like that are decent looking at best. Sure there are alot of ugly blondes to but at least some blondes are hot, where do you find these "hot" asian chicks everybody talks about? Give me proof!!!
google? lol.
and terra to ur first post of the thread (dont wanna quote it which would make this post too long but) you seem to not like johnny depp loool. is it because he steals ur chicks?
Johnny Depp is a good actor and I enjoy most of his roles, what I hate is when people worship the ground he steps on just because he happens to look good. He wouldn't be half as famous if he was 10 years older and out of shape. Fact.
And well, if a chick becomes so infatuated with a guy she's never gonna meet, then that girl is not worthy of my presence anyway. So technically, he can't steal any dames from me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
wow, i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks million dollar baby was hugely overrated. i watched it after it won the award so you can imagine the big "wtf" that was running through my head at the end of the movie =P and the "wtf" was in a bad way.
another thing that's overrated: college, in terms of education in the US, at least. 30 years ago a college degree could actually land you a job. today, we go party our asses off, and then come back home four years later broke and still unemployed. oh wait, is that applicable only to the class who graduated in '02 right after 9/11? or is it still true today? there was this weird rumor that the economy was getting better....
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Honoko
another thing that's overrated: college, in terms of education in the US, at least. 30 years ago a college degree could actually land you a job. today, we go party our asses off, and then come back home four years later broke and still unemployed. oh wait, is that applicable only to the class who graduated in '02 right after 9/11? or is it still true today? there was this weird rumor that the economy was getting better....
its the effort you put forward in college that'll decide whether or not the college education was worth the incredible price. That and some people are still quite impressed by "big name" schools. I go to an Ivy and people who hear that automatically think I'm smart or something along those lines. And I'm no fool, but I'm hardly a genius... smart is actually pushing it...
the competition is going up. other countries getting the skills needed to take the old jobs that College grads would get, older people staying in the workforce longer, filling the needed roles. And then, yeah you have 9/11 and the horrible economic breakdown afterwards... Things aren't horrible now, but still not to where they were before.
And who says they didn't party their asses off back in the 80s, 90s and so on? The alumni who come back to my house always have stories that blow my shit clear out of the water (or is that exaggeration?), not to mention the crazy drugg 60s and 70s...
Another thing that's overrated: Bottled water, especially that high priced Fiji water and all those. It fucking comes for free from the tap (if you're lucky enough to live in a good region) and there's water fountains in just about every facility you'll ever be in. You're wasting your money, if you ask me.
Also overrated: Corona. That beer actually doesn't taste that great. Anything you need to add an extra ingredient to cannot be considered that great of a product... Dos Equis is, well twice as good, as Corona, and so much cheaper. Honestly, people just drink Corona so people who see them are like "Ooh, that person has a Corona, how classy/up-scale!" (And their marketing guys are fucking incredible)
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Honoko
wow, i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks million dollar baby was hugely overrated. i watched it after it won the award so you can imagine the big "wtf" that was running through my head at the end of the movie =P and the "wtf" was in a bad way.
another thing that's overrated: college, in terms of education in the US, at least. 30 years ago a college degree could actually land you a job. today, we go party our asses off, and then come back home four years later broke and still unemployed. oh wait, is that applicable only to the class who graduated in '02 right after 9/11? or is it still true today? there was this weird rumor that the economy was getting better....
shit, i graduated from college just over a year ago and i still haven't gotten a real job in my desired field. it fucking sucks. i hate working "college jobs" and doing freelance crap.
It's so goddamn overrated
Hey, you guys have no right complaining about jobs when you haven't even bothered to contribute to this thread:
It's so goddamn overrated
Don't think you people can help me, cause I live in Norway. One of the reasons I haven't posted there.
It's so goddamn overrated
the most overrated thing to me is......... everything. everything sucks. another thing that is overrated is the internet. wer all doin tha same thing evryday (EX: lookin for porn, pictures, e mailing your little girl friends, ect.). yadaimean.
It's so goddamn overrated
people are overrated....honesty the world is made of more idiots than anything else.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: God#2
As for me......
People are overrated. People suck. Luck at the world around us. Take a few seconds and actually do that. K. We're all blaming eachother for bad shit that others start because of us (not speaking about anyone specifically). Were not kind, loving cratures. We're not evil either. We're all dumb. Hell, not just the people causing trouble, but the people who think theyre gonna make the world a happy place w/ out wars and shit. That aint happening. People suck.
thank you
birthdays are overrated, why? lets see, one year of your life has gone by....wow[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img].......and now you must celebrate i dont know why. i hate birthdays you usually have to buy presents, FUCKING BUY using your hard earned or lucky in finding money. Example: my mom got pissed cuz my dad came home at 8 pm on my birthday 4 days ago, my mom thinks i cried in my room when i was listenong to music and checking the forums. honestly, i could of cared less about my dad coming home at 8, my mom doesnt get that.
It's so goddamn overrated
^^^^^ I thnk domestic problems are overrated.
It's so goddamn overrated
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
I don't think the point of this thread is to contest what other people think is overrated (again, overrated does not = bad). Just list something.
I think (and NO ONE will argue with me here...) Paris Hilton is overrated. It's a wonder to me why this stupid, lazy-eyed, lazy-assed, slutty blonde is famous. Stupid whore really pisses me off.
ok thank you lol, paris hilton is so dam annoying lol, she not funny, nor do i even think shes attactive -.- lol ( not ugly, though not hot -.- lol )
neways i suppose waht i think is overrated is mc donalds french fries.. lol, i mean there good n all but there so skinny and compared to crispy spicy seasond wedge fries, filthy mc nastys fries suck -.- lol ( not to mention there extremely fattning -.- lol ) but there usally salty ( if not i just add some salt -.-... im a salt freak lol ) and there not bad so i enjoy them, but still There not the worlds best fries -.- lol
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Honoko
That would be true, if they weren't so tremendously useful
It's so goddamn overrated
Yeah, one can't live without Yet Another Sound Recording Device Thingy #2982429 aka iPod
It's so goddamn overrated
I don't expect you to comprehend the practicality without seeing with your own eyes how well it works when combined with itunes.
It was enough to make me consider buying a mac.......
It's so goddamn overrated
No, Ipods are so overrated. Theyre coming out with smaller and smaller versions like every 3 months. Nobodys even gonna be able to buy all the new Music recorders and shit like that. Besides, if you cant find something to do outside of your house without listening to music, well then [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]
Edit: @koasoner: What about anime? Don't you think its UNDERATED????
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
I don't expect you to comprehend the practicality without seeing with your own eyes how well it works when combined with itunes.
It was enough to make me consider buying a mac.......
You are aware that itunes works on PCs to right?
It's so goddamn overrated
It's not iPod that is overrated, it's that shitty program iTunes that is overrated... Couple more practical programs out there to accomplish what you need instead of that crappy program... Anapod Explorer to name one...
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
I don't expect you to comprehend the practicality without seeing with your own eyes how well it works when combined with itunes.
It was enough to make me consider buying a mac.......
what, the fact that the mac's OS platform is unix-based wasn't enticing enough for you to switch over? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
Drinking is overrated.
It looses it's glamor after you reach 21.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: God#2
Besides, if you cant find something to do outside of your house without listening to music, well then
I walk 15 minutes to work each way.
I walk 25 minutes to my friend's house each way.
I find uses for listening to music along the way.
You'd be surprised how many people in LA walk around with Ipods.
Yes I'm aware Itunes is for PC too, I have it. And the main reason i like Itunes is because it's the most efficient sorting tool i've ever seen. I just drop in folders and folders of cluttered mp3s scattered around my hard drive, and it sorts them all into one convenient location/sub-folder structure system. Even updates them on-the-fly as I edit their tags, and you can drag and drop album covers right off the web.
I just love how macs handle media in general. I'm also a big fan of the expose.
However, macs tend to choke super hard on flash swfs, which unfortunately is what I create for a living.
Edit: Oh yeah, also can be hooked up in your car or your office computer. It's nice to be able to bring 60 gigs of music to somewhere for 8 hours a day.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
And well, if a chick becomes so infatuated with a guy she's never gonna meet, then that girl is not worthy of my presence anyway. So technically, he can't steal any dames from me [img][/img]
....shut up!!!!!!!
And no I'm not infatuated with Johnny Depp!! Nor with any guy who might as well have been a porn star.
Harry fucking Potter.
Gods, so fine, the books are good and whatever, I've read them all, too, but...!! Can't you people realize Rowling is just following a formula?? Even the goddamn characters are formulaic!! Harry Potter might as well be called Gary Stu!! Jesus!! Even amongst my fellow Literature Major colleages you can't speak badly about Harry Potter or you get lynched.
Sometimes I wich someome threw a brick at Rowling.
The Gaia Online forums.
If you ever want to meet a complete idiot, or a moron assholes who believes Mussolini wanted to help the jews and the gypsies, or that the USA never invaded/too military action in Panama, search no longer: Gaia online is full of those.
Corpse Bride.
Man, I was looking forward to it. I *loved* Nightmare Before Christmas (and from way before the teenage gothic wannabes even found it) and I was really looking forward for Corpse Bride.
But it sucked. So badly, too.
But everyone else seems to have Burton's dick up their ass, "Wha---! Like, you haven't heard the lyrics, right? They're like, SO deep and cute!!" When you have morons singing the badly-written songs all day long you just wish for... I dunno, a piano falling on top of them.
It's so goddamn overrated
Ipods aren't overrated, just overmarketed. You'd think if you had the hottest portable entertainment gadget (this price tag south of the PSP...) you wouldn't have to put so much into marketing... Ipods are great (the new video Ipod is a fucking gizmo! with cords you can get good quality on almost any TV or computer and carry your favorite shows wherever you go!) and useful.
Drinking = overrated? Thats a matter of taste, although I also hear that after you reach 21 some of the fun goes out of it... Personally, I think Heavy Drinking is overrated, while sophisticated and moderate drinking is actually quite underrated.
New to the overrated list: Colognes (especially all those Axe, Tag etc shits) A decent shampoo, the right deodarant and a good bar of soap will still get the "ooh, you smell good" from the opposite sex, and that's really all you're going for. Also, people tend to overuse colognes and just smell too much like it, stinking up their rooms, hallways, everything! Plus, half of the 'different' colognes smell so much alike... it's really not making you special.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Ipods aren't overrated, just overmarketed. You'd think if you had the hottest portable entertainment gadget (this price tag south of the PSP...) you wouldn't have to put so much into marketing... Ipods are great (the new video Ipod is a fucking gizmo! with cords you can get good quality on almost any TV or computer and carry your favorite shows wherever you go!) and useful.
I'll agree with that.
Just a week or two ago, i made the discovery that skyscraper walls have become synonymous with ipod bilboards.
It's so goddamn overrated
WD, seems like you took that pretty personal, why is that? You like Depp that much?
More overrated stuff:
Okay this series is decent, nothing more. Why does half the population get an orgasm everytime the forest shakes or Jack runs over the beach?
Sure there are some decent shows that you laugh at, not with but the rest is just pure shit.
Dave Chapelle
The only thing he does is white vs. black humor and that's overused these days, it's not funny to joke about how poor black people are and how stupid white people are so fucking stop it!
At least most of it. Seriously it's just disgusting when some big dude with the biggest cock you've seen get's a blow job for 20 minutes and then assrapes the girl who gave it to him, and she looks like a whore at that. What's so hot about that? I can agree on that lesbian porn can be entertaining once in a while but all other kinds of porn i have ever seen sucks ass.
It's so goddamn overrated
Every fucking thing is overrated nowadays. We need this, we need that, oh that would be nice..... shut the fuck up. Just think a little. Ads, marketings eating our heads. I agree, Ipods are good stuff but it really pisses me off when new versions come out, smaller ones, have more stuff to them and have more capacity. Theyre just trying to make money from every possible shit they can think about. Making this and that look "cool" thinking we will fall for it, and we do. This fucking capitalist economy just pisses me off. We complain about everything, we have new stupid needs every day while the other half of the worlds just starving to death. Not that we could do anything about it, but the fucking government just steals from those poor countries. And dont think those promises of a better world will ever become true cause thats impossible. Marketing, marketing is fucking overrated, all those things that get into our heads like that rapper is cool, or I want to wear those clothes cause thats fashion, thats just a load of bullshit. Everyone falls for it, I do.
It's so goddamn overrated
Dave Chapelle
The only thing he does is white vs. black humor and that's overused these days, it's not funny to joke about how poor black people are and how stupid white people are so fucking stop it!
Agree with that. The same goes for the majority of black comedians, as well as some hispanic ones. I'd say Carlos Mencia was overrated too, but no one thinks he's funny anyway [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
About ipods, I don't think they're overrated, but it does bother me that everyone and their dog has one. It used to amaze me that every person I saw on the street or in class had one, but now I've gotten used to it. Even when I can't see the headphones I just assume the cord is hidden. Heh.
It's so goddamn overrated
I do think Ipods are overrated however i don't think mp3 players in general are overrated.
It's so goddamn overrated
I think saying everything is overrated is overrated
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: PSJ
WD, seems like you took that pretty personal, why is that? You like Depp that much?
Not because of Depp, no. Well, its pretty girlish to obsess with some unreachable guy, so maybe my girly side just wanted to defend that?
Yes, that was my shoujo "One Day My Dreams Will Come True!" side speaking.
I don't mind iPods. Perhaps because they aren't so over-marketed in my country, and hell, mine's been handy. Traffic in my city is unavoidable and unexpected - you never know when you'll be stuck an hour inside your car. A fecking-lots-of-music in a small green thing (I decorated mine with flowers!!!!) is useful enough.
More overrated stuff -
Brad Pitt.
Jesus he's overrated. I thank God Bitney Spears has almost dropped from the face of the earth.
Lesbian porn. What's so fucking grand about it? Sure, I might be lacking the equipment required to understand it, but really!
(what porn does that leave? erotic novels. And yaoi, because I'm a hypocrital bitch)
In my country, the USA is pretty overrated. People of all social classes talk of it as if it was paradise or something... I've been there a number of times and never seen paradise nor anything like that.
Ernesto "Che" Guevara.
Ok, so most Europeans and some americans probably don't know who this guy is but seriously, he's overrated. His ideals were good back in the 70's, when Fidel Castro was a hero.
My mother has a Fidel Castro poster from back when she was a rebel. Funny stuff.
But Che Guevara... you see his face in every fucking t-shirt made by hippies, he is quoted by morons who interrupt lessons at college to ask for money, by bad politics who want to blame EVERYTHING on past politics, etc, etc.
He was a good guy and his ideals were good and noble at some point, but thanks to his followers I've come to absolutely hate him.
And the PSP. Well, it's not nowadays but man was it overrated when it first came out!
It's so goddamn overrated
He is the guy that freed Mexico or something right? Mcdonalds in Sweden used his picture when they promoted a mexican type burger and some mexican dude got crazy and said that it was disrespectful to use such a great man in Mcdonalds promotion, Mcdonalds claimed that they just took a picutre of a maexican guy they found and didn't bother to check who he was.
It's so goddamn overrated
LMAO. Nice move by McDonalds.
Che Guevara is a good example of a person who has reached eternal idolism for no particular reason. Yes, he had "noble" ideals, but so did all the other rebels who died back during that time. Also, people tend to "forget" that he had a lot of bad things goin' on simultaneously... but hey, that's how mankind works. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
Nope, not Mexico, Cuba.
...did they really did that? If it was me in Sweden I would've laughed my ass off at how things change with the distance. That's it, if I ever visited a McDonals, I think there would be better things to do in Sweden that eat so-called-Mexican-hamburgers...
...offtopic, but the two of you will have to tell me what other silly things Swedes believe about Mexico, its just too funny.
And if you want to know what people in here believe about Sweden -
1. Cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. As in, very cold. How can you survive? Yes, we know you have clothes, but still!
3. Like, everyone's tall and beautiful right?
4. And people work 24/7.
It's so goddamn overrated
i dunno from terra i got the impression that swedes really love sex...but who doesnt?
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
And if you want to know what people in here believe about Sweden -
1. Cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. As in, very cold. How can you survive? Yes, we know you have clothes, but still!
3. Like, everyone's tall and beautiful right?
4. And people work 24/7.
Mexican stereotypes:
Talk really fast
Sleep all the time aka siesta
Everyone wears sombreros
Extremely religious
I think also everyone has an image of the typical mexican gangster (as seen in "bound by honor/blood in blood out" and such movies)
As for the swedish stereotypes:
1 & 2. Yes it's cold here in the winter, but we also have summer, spring and autumn. It also makes a big difference where in the country you live. Obviously in the north it's colder.
3. It's relative, maybe since I lived here all my life I take these things for granted. I'm a little below average regarding height so everyone seem tall to me.
4. People do work alot, at least that's what I hear.
You forgot the one that everyone are blonde and have blue eyes. And that everyone in sweden commit suicide.
It's so goddamn overrated
don't forget the "Swedish Sleep System"
Which is supposedly revolutionary. I guess terra DOES tend to look a bit too relaxed, anyway.
It's so goddamn overrated
Mexican stereotypes then -
1.- Not everyone, but I do. Most of my elders can't understand a word I say, but I'm fine with people my age.
2.- Not really... well, my brother takes 4-hour longs siestas, but that's because he's a lazy teen
3.- LOL not at all! Its weird to see people wearing hats and/or sombreros nowadays
4.- ....yes. Which I hate.
5.- The mexican gangster, called "narco", yeah, are like family and stuff, and very religious too. Cynical? Yes!
Also - no you swedes don't have summer! You have a slight less cold time, but no summer!
Just as we don't have winter. I mean, today we were at 22°C. We suffer when it's 7°C, and that's no winter... while our summers are, when cold, 26°C, when hot 33°C, and that's the city.
You know what's overrated?
Winter!! God, they picture everything so white and pretty but they don't picture your toes getting cold and your hair freezing because it was wet nor do they picture you falling into the snow and not being able to get out.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
You know what's overrated?
Winter!! God, they picture everything so white and pretty but they don't picture your toes getting cold and your hair freezing because it was wet nor do they picture you falling into the snow and not being able to get out.
winter isn't overrated if you're into skiing or snowboarding...
It's so goddamn overrated
The image of a "white christmas" is overrated though.
I'm surprised how much of an association snow has with xmas even in LA, where the coldest it's been so far during the day is in the 60 F
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Honoko
winter isn't overrated if you're into skiing or snowboarding...
Yeah. I go snowboarding every winter and never get tired of that beautiful white snow.
It's so goddamn overrated
Ben affleck... hate his guts..
It's so goddamn overrated
@Assertn: What the hell is Swedish Sleep System? Never heard of it.
@Winged Dancer: You got me there, no summer for us [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] Seriously though temperatures can get up to 33 here in sweden as well. Bwahawhahw weak inferior mortals, 7C is "warm" by swedish winter standards. Here it's concidered cold when it's around -5C. I like the feeling when it's so cold that your nosehair freezes when you breath in.
Another mexican stereotype: All the tap water is dirty and you get ill if you drink it.
It's so goddamn overrated
I wouldnt last one minute in sweden. Only good thing about the cold is the snow. YIPEEEEEEEEE!
Todays a SNOW DAY! YAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYA! Today we have like the first snow day in years.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Honoko
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
You know what's overrated?
Winter!! God, they picture everything so white and pretty but they don't picture your toes getting cold and your hair freezing because it was wet nor do they picture you falling into the snow and not being able to get out.
winter isn't overrated if you're into skiing or snowboarding...
That must be very true but if you live in a tropical country and yet Christmas in TV, even national, country-made TV is pictured with snow and... snow, you do tend to get tired =P
@el_boss - that thing about tap water might be true. Hotel's tap water is safe, for instance. my house's tap water is safe, but most of the time, yes, you'll suffer from lots of dhiarrea. In fact, your weak swedish stomach will die from our food!! or not.
Overrated -
I never understood what's so good about One Piece. I tried - read up to chapter 200 of the manga (pretended I liked it), watched the anime when I heard my favorite seiyuu has a role in it but I just couldn't get into it.
I don't like the artstyle at all, the women are horribly painted and the guy takes Super-Deformed to the next level, most character designs strike me as stupid.
And the plot seems like the most average shounen plot for me - I fight you, we become friends, we fight bad guys and get beaten at first before the power of friendship defeats evil.
It's so goddamn overrated
@Winged Dancer: One Piece has one of the deepest most emotional plots I have ever seen in an anime. I'm a real macho man (or not), but there were parts that almost made me cry (which I would never do for something fictional but almost). One Piece displays one of the widest specras of human emotions and brings up alot of "tough" subjects. I agree that the artwork is a little "childish" at first but it gets better as the show progresses (keep in mind that the show started in 1999). The only problem I have is that almost all the women look like eachother except Robin. And my stomach is made of iron, no food in the world can topple me... except extremely fat food which give some moderate troubles.
Almost all "classic" authors and their books are overrated.
Religion in general is overrated.
The Lord of the rings books and movies are overrated beyond belief. I mean the books suck ass, as do the movies now that they have lost their original luster.
It's so goddamn overrated
What is "the revolutionary swedish sleep system"? :S
For the record I'm not as sexed up as I might appear to be, it's more like an image thingy... but hey, not like anyone believes me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: el_boss
@Winged Dancer: One Piece has one of the deepest most emotional plots I have ever seen in an anime. I'm a real macho man (or not), but there were parts that almost made me cry (which I would never do for something fictional but almost). One Piece displays one of the widest specras of human emotions and brings up alot of "tough" subjects. I agree that the artwork is a little "childish" at first but it gets better as the show progresses (keep in mind that the show started in 1999). The only problem I have is that almost all the women look like eachother except Robin. And my stomach is made of iron, no food in the world can topple me... except extremely fat food which give some moderate troubles.
Almost all "classic" authors and their books are overrated.
Religion in general is overrated.
The Lord of the rings books and movies are overrated beyond belief. I mean the books suck ass, as do the movies now that they have lost their original luster.
everything he said.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: el_boss
One Piece displays one of the widest specras of human emotions and brings up alot of "tough" subjects.
The last few episodes in the Arlong Park episode... oh man, brought a tear in my eye.
What's overrated? Sex. SOOOO overrated.
edited for grammar and punctuation
It's so goddamn overrated
I still can't get into One Piece. Gave it a try (and a long try - 200 manga chapters should be enough) and got no reaction out of me. I simply can't. Whether it's because of the art style or the plot (which I've never found to be as deep as you all guys say) or whatever, I can't.
I mean, I'm a girl! I'm really sensitive, too! Cry with most books and things. Cried with Victorian Romance Emma, cried RIVERS with Gankutsuou, cried a lot with Basilisk, cried EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of Saikano, cried when I first read Lord of the Rings, cried with uh, Final Fantasy IX, with Little Women and Little Men too, and with that movie Finding Neverland - cried during ALL of the movie.
But the most I've gotten out of One Piece is rolling my eyes. Perhaps it's TOO macho for me! like, it only makes guys cry!
The Lord of the Rings - I absolutely love it. Read it when I was 12 (eight years ago) and loved it, re-read it two years ago and still loved it. Of course the style is old - not only was it written 50 years ago, it was written with that style in mind. It's the mother and basis of all modern epics, that much is a fact.
Guess it all comes down to one's own likings... someone in this thread said reading was overrated, I think that's just an excuse for not reading but then again I've always loved to read - ever since I was a little, little girl.
Vampires are fucking overrated.
Want the real deal on Vampires? Here it goes -
Vampires as we know them (Dracula-like, handsome sexy devils) were created in the Victorian Era as a representation of everything man wanted to be but couldn't. I mean Jesus, during the Victorian Era it was considered wrong to say "leg" in everyday conversations because of the sexual undertones!!
So instead they created the Vampire, an sexy mature man who seduces young, nubile virgins and sucks their blood - SURPRISE, that's a methaphore for popping their cherry!! In other words vampires are just frustrated grown men who want to have sex with teens.
Same goes for female vampires. Why do they only eat children blood?
Because it's a metaphore for a woman's biological fear of child-birth. Not only that, during the Victorian Era women were so repressed they tended to snap during child-birth and tried to kill their babies. Yes, the victorias were _that_ fucked up.
But thanks to Anne Rice and the morons who make the roleplaying game everyobody is like "ooooh i'm a vampyr, lol, its so cool, like, lestat and shit" and they just don't notice that being "gothic" means "being ultimately screwed up" or perhaps "wanting to kill one's mother because her spanking made you develop an anal conflict that makes you want to screw older women."
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
I still can't get into One Piece. Gave it a try (and a long try - 200 manga chapters should be enough) and got no reaction out of me. I simply can't. Whether it's because of the art style or the plot (which I've never found to be as deep as you all guys say) or whatever, I can't.
I mean, I'm a girl! I'm really sensitive, too! Cry with most books and things. Cried with Victorian Romance Emma, cried RIVERS with Gankutsuou, cried a lot with Basilisk, cried EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of Saikano, cried when I first read Lord of the Rings, cried with uh, Final Fantasy IX, with Little Women and Little Men too, and with that movie Finding Neverland - cried during ALL of the movie.
But the most I've gotten out of One Piece is rolling my eyes. Perhaps it's TOO macho for me! like, it only makes guys cry!
The Lord of the Rings - I absolutely love it. Read it when I was 12 (eight years ago) and loved it, re-read it two years ago and still loved it. Of course the style is old - not only was it written 50 years ago, it was written with that style in mind. It's the mother and basis of all modern epics, that much is a fact.
Guess it all comes down to one's own likings... someone in this thread said reading was overrated, I think that's just an excuse for not reading but then again I've always loved to read - ever since I was a little, little girl.
Vampires are fucking overrated.
Want the real deal on Vampires? Here it goes -
Vampires as we know them (Dracula-like, handsome sexy devils) were created in the Victorian Era as a representation of everything man wanted to be but couldn't. I mean Jesus, during the Victorian Era it was considered wrong to say "leg" in everyday conversations because of the sexual undertones!!
So instead they created the Vampire, an sexy mature man who seduces young, nubile virgins and sucks their blood - SURPRISE, that's a methaphore for popping their cherry!! In other words vampires are just frustrated grown men who want to have sex with teens.
Same goes for female vampires. Why do they only eat children blood?
Because it's a metaphore for a woman's biological fear of child-birth. Not only that, during the Victorian Era women were so repressed they tended to snap during child-birth and tried to kill their babies. Yes, the victorias were _that_ fucked up.
But thanks to Anne Rice and the morons who make the roleplaying game everyobody is like "ooooh i'm a vampyr, lol, its so cool, like, lestat and shit" and they just don't notice that being "gothic" means "being ultimately screwed up" or perhaps "wanting to kill one's mother because her spanking made you develop an anal conflict that makes you want to screw older women."
Originally posted by:Giboc[/b]
Hahaha, silly silly boy, there are no girls on the internet.
About the vampire thing, that just creeped me out.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]
not all vampires suck, Alucard from Hellsing was awsome. Just a reminder....
P.S. Wait, who doesn't want to be a sexy man who seduces teenagers?[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
She didn't say vampires sucked, she said they were overrated and I agree wholeheartedly. I've got 3 friends who's screennames have something to do with vampires. They're an obsession for gothic and emo kids who like the sexual masochism involved with vampires, and think that they are teh coolest thing ever because they're undead and dark and evil and etc.
It's so goddamn overrated
Goth is overrated. Not as it began, but as its become. I can't stand gothic people who feel so superior to everyone else. They're supposed to be so accepting and open-minded to everything, but I know so many that are unrelated to each other, yet share the common characteristic of being condescending pricks. I know one goth, just one, who is into it and displays everything that the group is supposed to stand for, and never once do you get the feeling that he feels he's better than you, even though in most cases he probably is.
Edit: Oh god...I've been hearing a lot about Dane Cook lately, and now a thread was created in his honor. So I went to his site and checked out some of the audio and the clips there. In 40 minutes on that site, the most he could muster out of me was a chuckle at the practical joke he pulled on his friend. This man is not funny, and given his popularity, highly overrated.
It's so goddamn overrated
Yeah, asian chicks are super overrated. I mean, my asshole is way tighter than them. I feel it everytime I take a shit. It hurts.
Anyway, Dane Cook is a bag of douche (ripped off a Dane Cook line right there). Like Uchiha Barles said, he is retardedly overrated. Most of his shit is over-the-top, ostentatiously ostentatious, and thus, ostentatiously annoying. And it's not like any of his shit goes over my head either. I get it, and it's still not funny.
It's so goddamn overrated
I'm talking about labels on people like "He's a goth" "oh look at him what a jock" etc. etc. Everybody labels people they don't know and labeling people is so goddamn overrated, you don't know the person so why bother trying to have an opinion about them?
Pro Wrestling, Nascar, Monstertrucks and every other passtime in that vein americans have.
I have failed to see the coolness of all these things, okay sure they are big and muscular so thin nerds can obsess about their manliness and sure they drive around in a circle for 1 million laps and crash once in a while and on top of that those other guys drives a big ass truck named after a superhero and tries to do retarded "tricks" with their big toy.
It's so goddamn overrated
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: God#2
not all vampires suck, Alucard from Hellsing was awsome. Just a reminder....
P.S. Wait, who doesn't want to be a sexy man who seduces teenagers?[img][/img]
Alucard from Hellsing was good because he's an actual Vampire. He doesn't need to be talking shitty gothing lines or to worry about the endless pain of un-living to be cool, and best of all - he's not OMG tortured because like I have to kill humans to survive!!!!1 =((((((
And the thing about old men seducing teens? Well, it'd be pretty freaky for the teen, if you ask me.
I like Vampires. But I also like gothic literature, which is much much much screwed up than most vampires-wannabes will ever understand. If only the people at Whitewolf attended to some gothic lit course perhaps they'd be able to create a better roleplay.
On labels - I tend to keep an open mind before labeling people... which is to say I do label them but only after I've gotten to know them or tried to at the very least. They are useful for gossiping, and since there are girls on the internet, we get together and gossip, so there.
It's so goddamn overrated
standardized tests are overrated. Not everyone is good at test taking.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
And the thing about old men seducing teens?
It's so goddamn overrated
LOL, I saw that film just yesterday. It makes me laugh so stupidly much.
BTW, the Ace Ventura films are overrated, or at least so by my cousins, who consider them to be the pinnacle of comedy.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
LOL, I saw that film just yesterday. It makes me laugh so stupidly much.
BTW, the Ace Ventura films are overrated, or at least so by my cousins, who consider them to be the pinnacle of comedy.
seriously the first Ace Ventura movie is close to the best comedy piece ever made. That movie is brilliant, the second one is nothing special but the first one is godly.
It's so goddamn overrated
OMG, Aceventura was the best comdey movie ever. Every time i see him come out of that Rhinosaraus and the kids are watching, i just cant help but burst out and laugh.
It's so goddamn overrated
WD's cousins and you guys would get along great then hhahaha... and i agree, i LOVED the first ace ventura....then jim carrey wanted to be taken seriously as an actor =P
It's so goddamn overrated
I like his serious attempts much better than most of his comedies. Perhaps liking Ace Ventura and One Piece are related...?