Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Alright, I decided to make a thread for this, instead of using the countdown one, so you kiddies can discuss and whatnot. Normally I wouldn't support a thread that reference events that haven't yet happened, but since the fillers have been so insanely boring and pro-naruto morale has reached an all time low, I felt I should provide a way to spark some more interest.
That being said, any discussions should be just speculation based on the images. Manga readers should refrain from contributing. And I'll be posting images one at a time so you guys can check them out and discuss and what not. Nobody else should be revealing pictures of characters that I haven't shown yet, and definitely nothing that reveals elements of the upcoming storyline, new character abilities, etc.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Exelent Idea as a manga reader it will be intersting to see what people think [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] I guess thats about all I can say here.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
...i don't like the idea of putting manga stuff in the Naruto series section (that's what the friggin Open Discussion and Manga sections are for...) if people are that bored with the filler, they'll go seek out the manga materials on their own... I wonder what woulda happened if I had created a topic like this one...
That being said, naturally I clicked on the link. Not as much change as i'd imagined...
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Wow, you know things are bad when you have to do this to for a morale boost. Then again between the dub and filler it's getting really really hard to love naruto anymore. God I feel as if my favorite characters are being gang raped by both the USA and Japan. It's getting harder and harder to look back as fondly as I used to sigh. DAMN YOU FILLERS! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!! I think that you gotwoot mods should do another no rules wensday so we can get our frustrations out. That was so much fun to just do stupid meaningless posts. Please make it regular occurance it'll make the wait less painful.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
The problem with the open discussion is that there's no protection for anime only viewers there, so they stray away from it. At least this way people can discuss without worrying about catching anything unexpected. And if they don't want to see anything, they can just refrain from clicking the link [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I like this idea, what the characters look like without any story spoilers. And there's suitable warning for the spoilers.
Naruto looks stupidly exactly the same. A different bright orange jacket. At least it's got some black in it. Thats a step forward I guess.
Looks like he's still a genin to since has no vest.
I can't believe even his hair is the same.It hasn't even grown.
Has his headband always hung loose in the back like that? If not, that's a cool change I guess.
Looks like he still has that thing on his shoulder that I don't know what is it now and I still don't know what it is.
Overall, I say its a mild improvement. But he seriously needs a different hairstyle.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Jiraiya is gonna train Naruto for 2 or 3 years (I dont remember in wich ep Jiraiya told Naruto this. it was after the Naruto vs Sasuke fight), right? So, how old is Naruto in that picture?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Wow, Darth's post is almost exactly what I wrote when I saw Naruto's new looks the first time.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: DeathScytheHCv2
Jiraiya is gonna train Naruto for 2 or 3 years ...
So... The sleeves and shoulders are black so that peeping without being noticed is a bit easier. But he still had to stay faitful to the old style and retain some orange.
Though this is not the correct thread, but I can't help but wonder what Kakashi is going to do... He lost all his group: Naruto is getting his training from the old pervert, Sakura from the old granny, and Sasuke hit the road. Could that be called a failure as a teacher..?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: DeathScytheHCv2
Jiraiya is gonna train Naruto for 2 or 3 years (I dont remember in wich ep Jiraiya told Naruto this. it was after the Naruto vs Sasuke fight), right? So, how old is Naruto in that picture?
16 or 17
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I like his outfit.....the black on his shoulders gives him a little more badass definition
Also, I've always been quite partial to orange [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
It's gotta be the worst color ever for a ninja though. Not that Naruto comprehends stealth anyway. But still.
So, how old is Naruto in that picture?
Well, he's 11 at the start of the show I thought. Then the show runs for a year. Then a three year skip. So I say its 14 is my guess.
Wow, Darth's post is almost exactly what I wrote when I saw Naruto's new looks the first time.
I eat your dreams while you sleep.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Naruto was 12 at the start of the show. After the 2.5 year gap, all the Rookie-nine are 15 (except Team Gai, who are all a year older).
Since this is the ONLY part of the manga I had read ahead (the first chapter after the gap), I've already seen Naruto's new look, and I really like it. I didn't expect him to look too different, and I really like all the black that's been added. He also just looks older, which is kinda cool.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
He had to be between 13 1/2 and 14 before the 3 year timejump.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Yeah, right now in the anime all the kids are about 13, while neji, lee, and tenten are about 14
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Ok I'm confused Can i post links to these pics or can i post them here?.... I like just posting the images but i can do links if i have too
In Till then a link
I like this pic of the new outfit better
How the new charactors should have looked like (Sukura/Naruto)
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
From the second pic it looks like Naruto has become the 4th Hokage while Sakura has become the 5th. Cool pics though.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I was just posting links....but i suppose it doesnt matter as long as it follows the rules i set on the first post.
interesting, haven't seen any post-timejump naruto fanart yet
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
support the rules NOW GUYS, as much as i respect assertn as one of the none shitty posters on these boards, a topic that contains possible spoilers should be deleted, one that alludes to possibles spilers shoudl be reomved and one that ENCOURAGES people to post spoilers is a loas of bollocks!! delete this now or move it to the open forum!!!
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Watch it, I beat up kids in middle school who were such sticklers for the rules.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Why are you in this topic at all?
This thread is utterly pointless in the Naruto Open Discussion thread, because open discussion is free reign to spoilers of any form. What we have here is spoiler free speculation on upcoming content. Should we have a 4th forum for topics like these?
There's LITERALLY nothing else worth discussing in the Naruto anime forum, so why not cut a little slack? Besides, I've got things under control
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I don't quite get this one. Is this what they'll look like or is it just fan art? Or is it something way later when they actually become chuunins?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
i believe thats just fanart...seems like a parody as well, but maybe thats just me.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Naruto looks cool but too much like the 4th
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
yeah, nice look but he kinda looks like a "serious" character in there.. LOL
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Quite possibly the only pic ever in which Naruto looks cool. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I was thinking of adding a new character every other day....what do you guys think?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
You have quite the ass fetish man.
It is quite supple though [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Haha, i was wondering if someone would comment on that. I can't help that those are the best colored/non-colored pictures that kishimoto and the fan-colorers have to offer [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Hmm... Sakura doesn't look all that different. Perhaps it's because, true to anime traditions, girls often look anyway more mature than boys.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Sakura's ass rules. Her only redeeming factor.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: Kraco
Hmm... Sakura doesn't look all that different. Perhaps it's because, true to anime traditions, girls often look anyway more mature than boys.
She has real shorts now, compared to the black tights before.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
She has real shorts now, compared to the black tights before.
Indeed. Now that you mentioned it, I paid more attention. She looks more professional than before. Though I have been generally keeping a certain distance to all manga spoilers, I think I have heard she will actually do something after the time jump. Perhaps the new outfit reflects that accordingly.
I just wish Konoha ninjas would learn to kill during the time jump...
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: Kraco
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
She has real shorts now, compared to the black tights before.
Indeed. Now that you mentioned it, I paid more attention. She looks more professional than before. Though I have been generally keeping a certain distance to all manga spoilers, I think I have heard she will actually do something after the time jump. Perhaps the new outfit reflects that accordingly.
I just wish Konoha ninjas would learn to kill during the time jump...
She's still pretty ugly IMO... something about her face, it just makes my boner wilt...
I want to see what Ino looks like after the jump. That's my kind of woman!
Sakura will probably do alot after the jump, because she'll probably be a pretty decent medic/healer by then. I can see her saving someone's life with those skills (she'll still be totally worthless in combat tho...) and that sort of makes me mad because I want to see some characters killed off, just for the shock value.
I'm actually starting to enjoy this topic, so I'm sorry for the negative tone I voiced earlier.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Yes to answer the before questions that was Fan art as well as the following for the outfits after the time jump
And for something different
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
2 3 and 'something different' don't work.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: Deadfire
ZOMG!!!11 A sword...now I've seen everything.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Originally posted by: Deadfire
ZOMG!!!11 A sword...now I've seen everything.
There is alot out there in fanart/fiction you need to see. I've seen Sakura/Kakashi love storys and art...I kid you not there is a fair bit of it out there
Anyways I can't post some of the ones I've found because of the spoiler content they have so sorry for those crapy images (not really crapy as these artist took alot of time to drawn these)
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Originally posted by: Deadfire
ZOMG!!!11 A sword...now I've seen everything.
Yeah. A katana suits Kakashi very well. In general, there haven't been too much sword fight in Naruto. The picture was also otherwise nice, because it almost could have been from the anime, what comes to the style, thus making it a kind of truthful picture of how things will be after the time jump. Although it looks like Naruto and Sakura had only changed their clothes, but hadn't aged at all.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
There is alot out there in fanart/fiction you need to see.
Or I could not since is all fucking stupid.
I agree with Assertn that this thread had to be here. It's supposed to be impressions from people who haven't read the manga. Well, I, like I imagine most people who haven't read the manga, don't even go into the other two Naruto forums, so I'd never see this. If anything, he should just change "possible minor spoilers" to "manga spoilers" in the title. But everything was explained before I clicked the very first links, so I knew exactly what I was having spoiled for me when I started doing this.
As for Sakura
I think that it's great she has a big zero on her back. It's good of her to advertise her value like that!
The only thing that's different is the shorts, but those aren't even shorts. It's like a skirt cut up into strips that are held together by straps. She still wears those black spandex things underneath that she wears now.
Are those seriously the best pics? Man, Kishimoto must be drawing like shit since the jump.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Are those seriously the best pics? Man, Kishimoto must be drawing like shit since the jump.
There the best pics for showing and not spoiling too much but I tell you there are better ones specially of Sakura but it will be too much of a spoiler
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I kinda like the post time jump sakura. Is it just me, or did they finally give her a chest? I coulda sworn she was flat as all hell before. Its not much of one, but at least she doesn't look like a little boy with pink hair anymore. Oh, and Naruto is finally taller than Sakura, huh? At least it looks like he taller, so he had to have aged.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Sakura's hair has a more frayed look now, and she wears boots too. Also, it's hard to tell but naruto's alot taller too.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I coulda sworn she was flat as all hell before.
She was also 12 as all hell before. Give her a break.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
That doesn't seem to matter much in most anime. I mean, look at how Hinata was in that bug hunt arc. Anyway, my point is from what I've seen of the other characters she is the most undeveloped of the bunch. Christ, she even said in like episode 3 she was below average in those categories besides her forehead. Just comparing her to other females her age in the anime.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Wait, you people keep mentioning this "time jump". When does this time jump occur? Isn't there supposed to be another arc or two after the fillers? or do we time jump right after the fillers end and those arcs are all post-time jump?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
In the manga, time jumped instantly after that scene where Naruto agrees to train under Jiraiya at the hospital etc.
But the anime takes that chance to add a bunch of fillers, of which we are currently viewing the result.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
There's also that short chapter before jump which was shown at the beginning of the Baka Bros. arc (where is shows shikamaru seeing off the sound nins, Lee training w/Gai, etc etc). Of course they left out the part just before he actually leaves to train w/Jiraiya. I thought that was a cool scene and I hope they include it later on.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
They must likely will, probably at the very end of the filler arc. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
if they do no one will notice because the filler would have caused everyone eyes to melt by then
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
So how far is the jump? 3 years?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: Deadfire
Yes to answer the before questions that was Fan art as well as the following for the outfits after the time jump
And for something different
nice! lol
they are well made
sakura breast is rather big on the last pic, no?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Don't give details that the anime viewers don't already know.
GotWoot Moderator
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: BioAlien
sakura breast is rather big on the last pic, no?
I'll give her 2 cm at best.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Spoiler removed.
GotWoot Moderator
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Spoiler removed.
GotWoot Moderator
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Spoiler removed.
GotWoot Moderator
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Let's keep the **** out of this discussion
Spoiler removed.
GotWoot Moderator
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Of course they left out the part just before he actually leaves to train w/Jiraiya. I thought that was a cool scene and I hope they include it later on.
hmm, i sorta remember there being something at the end of that, but what it was exactly escapes me. you mind Pm'ing me the details (or the manga page).
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Manga readers should refrain from contributing.
I know who here is and isn't a manga reader....Careful with the details.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by:
Don't give details that the anime viewers don't already know.
GotWoot Moderator
anime viewers already know what was said, anyway. it's been brought up a billion times. i would have answered his question in the same way whether i was a manga reader or not.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Yes but anyone who enters this topic knows that these details will be revealed, but the whole point of having this thread here and not in open discussion is so OTHER unexpected manga elements don't pop up in conversation.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Hey AssertnFailure you should post a picture of Naruto and Sakura next to one of the Jounins to give people a clue of how much they have actually growned
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I say we move on to the next character.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
i think you are going to run out of characters before the fillers end. if you're going to take it this far, just read the manga.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Yes, because pictures of characters in new outfits is so on the same level as knowing the entire storyline and everything thats going to happen.
I hate you SO much.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: nests
Hey AssertnFailure you should post a picture of Naruto and Sakura next to one of the Jounins to give people a clue of how much they have actually growned
They're pretty much up to kakashi's neck. Like here without the low angle.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Hadn't seen Neji yet. He looks awesome.
The end.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
this is confusing..are spoilers allowed in this thread or no?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
When in doubt, just follow my lead.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Neji, older and wiser, too cool.
Ahhh it makes me loathe these puzzolosso fillers even more...
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img] Wow neji right of the bat didnt someone else show up before him
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Do we know if these colorized pictures are actually the right colors?
Yeah, Neji looks like he's trying to look TOO cool. He's like trying to make up for all the dark broodieness that Sasuke's leaving cost them.
I can honestly say though that he looks alot better without those...I don't know what the hell they were, that he was wearing on his head before. It's like he was wearing one of those aviator hats, only without the goggles.
He's gi looking thing is definatly way above his jacket/shorts combo from before.
Overall, I say its a substantial improvement in spite of the emo vibe.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
They're pretty much up to kakashi's neck. Like
here without the low angle.
At first I thought Sakura was pregnant, then I realised it was an empty speech bubble...
Anyway, post time jump Neji looks a lot more like a killer than Sasuke ever did. Of course, not knowing what Sasuke will look like after the time jump, it's impossible to say...
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I also notice from that pic that Kakashi is exactly the same. But then, I guess he's a grown up and has probably settled on a look for himself.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Neji definitly looks cooler with the robes. I like that he got rid of that hat thingy DarthEnder was talking about as well. Sakura pregnant; that made me laugh! I forget, how old is Kakashi when the series starts?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Kakashi's age seems to be told to be 26 here and there over the net. I think that's pretty little considering that he should be a veteran of those long ago wars, which raged before Naruto's generation. Or at least it looks to me like people around Naruto's age didn't see anymore too many full scale wars. But perhaps they lasted until Naruto was something closer to 10 years old. But all in all, I don't remember anything indicating the ninja wars would have been so recent history. Quite the contrary, Tsunade was young when the real wars were waged. And that was 30 years ago.
So, Kakashi was just a kid when he lost his friends in those battles.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Time for me to do my thing
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: nests
Wow neji right of the bat didnt someone else show up before him
Well I'm not going to just show them in the order they appear....that would imply some sort of storyline structure, wouldnt it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I'm not sure if someone got a hold of a colored reference or not for neji....i've seen some consistency in the color scheme for him, but if you want to go with exactly how it looked in the manga, deadfire's last example would be the most reliable.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Those colorized Neji pics are just guesses, there is no way for us to know what his clothes will look like until we actually see him in the anime.
Also, when I saw "post-filler" Neji the first time, my Neji fandom leapt a couple of miles. Suffice to say, I love the design.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Yeah and we will get new Fillers about " Naruto and Chuunins Go get some new gear" arc.
New Neji Sakura and Naruto looks way better. Hope we'll get thoses outfits with no delay
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: Kraco
At first I thought Sakura was pregnant, then I realised it was an empty speech bubble...
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Always knew that Sakura was a teenage slut and Sasuke was a deadbeat dad. That's gotta be the real reason he left. That, and Sakura wouldn't shut up or stop crying .
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Heh heh. A great edit, mr3vi1m0nk3y!
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
LOL... That comic is hilarious
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Nice!!!....that so could be passed off as the real thing. On Neji though he looks more more mature now and more fitting to his charactor. The robes were a nice thing but him fighting with them doesn't seem do-a-ble. I wonder who is the next charactor?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
My favorite ones are the ones where Inane releases joke chapters about Narutofan stealing their scanslations
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
So...what? She's, like...taller now?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
gloves and a long-sleeve shirt
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Well, Tenten still looks cute, but based on this it looks like she won't change into any real babe. I wonder how she intends to conquer Neji, who is, on the other hand, turning into a real badass. Although who knows, maybe Neji likes her best the way she is.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
With this outfit you get the feeling that Tenten is more concern with being a good ninja than looking sexy
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: nests
With this outfit you get the feeling that Tenten is more concern with being a good ninja than looking sexy
Damn! That should be a crime.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
nests sentiment has my concurrance.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I agree. Of all the current (anime-wise) female genin in konoha, she seems to be the least interested in guys. Except for the "he's cute" comment about Sasuke during the chuunin exam and the way she was staring at Lee while he was training that one time, she seems the least interested in boys. Then again, that could be because Ino, Sakura, and Hinata are obsessive about the boys they like. I take it that scroll is for summoning more weapons for Tenten, huh?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Moegi ain't too interested in boys.
And Neji totally reminds me of Haku
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Do we know if these colorized pictures are actually the right colors?
For the Naruto and Sakura pictures, yes, those are the right colors. Kishimoto included his own colored pages that Inane usually includes in the release with theirs. So far, however, its only been Naruto, Kakashi, and Sakura. As for Neji, the ones Assertn and Deadfire posted haven't really been confirmed yet. The artist that digitally colors it (mostly people from DeviantArt) usually color it to what they think makes the character look nicer.
EDIT: Whoops...I was on page 4 and I thought that was the last page, lol. Sorry about that.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: Rek
Moegi ain't too interested in boys.
Moegi isn't a genin at this point in the anime, I said currently, referring to before the time jump.
Edit: v Good point as well.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
moegi thought sasuke was cute the same time temari did