57 by D-B
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57 by D-B
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME EPISODE....man Bleach is hella better than that Naruto bs fillers and what not. I liked how in this episode they had a flashback of Yoruichi and Soi Fon.....dude....Yoruichi is just one sexy chica handsdown lol can't wait for next weeks episode Ichigo's Bankai??? hmm =D
I'm glad i stayed up extra late to d/l this... very nice. I like how soi fon and yoruichi managed to wrap up their fight while at the same time explain their past. at least it didnt drag on for 4 more eps. also, I thought that the two vice captains with the sake was good comic releif in this episode. overall, a great ep and im looking forward (who isnt?) to the ichigo/byakuya showdown and how those two captains fare against yama-jii.
Yes, Definatly Baldy is having the best fight. Fight a round, get hammered, fight another round, get more hammered.
And of course some almost-lez action for total episode victory.
When I first saw that they were showing Baldy and vice's fight, I was hella excited. Haha damn but its pretty random, its great to see how they can have a great time, have a few drinks, then tear each other apart again =D.
Ichigo's fight is finally picking up!!! He hella blew Bayaka's shikai away! His attack trasnlates to fangs that strike at heaven? or something like that.
Yo's fight wass pretty nice as well, all I remember saying when she threw her fist and stoped it front of Son's face was "PWNEd!"
^^ all in all, making me want the next week episode to come sooner!
Bankai ... Bankai ...
Sake, Spear & Sword
Kudou, Soi & Youruichi
Viva la vida loca !
Holy Flaming Shit Batman, that was incredible.
Seeing all this animated is ridiculously awesome, and this ep might be the most ridiculous to date.
The Yourichi Fight = Redefined PWNAGE,
Poor Soi Fong...but at least now she realizes that Yoruichi rules and she's always going to be her obedient servant
Sake Fight = Great Transition
I think even funnier than Yumichika's super happy fight. I really like how they're using the vice fights to break up the bigger battles.
Getsuga Tenshou = SWEEEEEET
The aim really needs some work...And I love how Ichigo just keeps calling Byakuya out.
Preview: is it just me or is Ichigo going Super Sayian next episode?
a) surrounded by energyi
b) creates a crater with said energy
c) missing the top of his outfit
d) really pissed off (Facial Expression)
Super A class Episode, I hope this high can last all the way until the next ep!
I wonder how much will be left of Byakuya when Ichigo is finished with him... If you believe Ichigo's words, not enough to fill one of Mayuri's test tubes...
I have to say the conclusion (?) to Yoruichi and Soi Fong's fight was far better than what I expected (was afraid of, I suppose). The history lesson was a great one, as well. Their story was simpler than I anticipated, but on the other hand, when I think about it more carefully, it fits Soi Fong really well, and explains her character almost completely. And I can't praise enough how they have drawn the energies in the fight, for example when Yoruichi stopped Soi Fong's early attack in this ep, and how the random excess energy briefly circles around their hands. Damn, that was just a great detail.
Soi Fong is a complete lesbian. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Great episode. Next episode will also be a good one, and within the next 2 episodes, Ichigo's Bankai.
That is how you end a fight. Man, Yorouichi is hawt.
Spiky and hairpin guy is funny. Who can be the most arrogant. hahaha Damn, someone is due for one mean bitch slap. How is that ledge holding up anyways. It should have been destroyed a long time ago.
All in all, this series kicks major (and sometimes very hawt) ass.
This episode was a real dissapointment. The worst episode in a very long time. There were no real fighting and the flashback sucked, Ichigo's bankai or whatever it was sucked ass as well. The best part of the episode was the scene with bald-guy and sunglasses-man. They have put of Ichigo's and Byakuya's fight for so long that I'm not even looking forward to it anymore.
you must be fucking joking.
Are you serious? I thought this episode was awesome. I liked the flashback as well. Oh well.. That's just me..(and everyone else in the thread except you [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] ) Edit: Not anymore though.. Can't really understand it, but oh well..Quote:
Originally posted by: el_boss
This episode was a real dissapointment. The worst episode in a very long time. There were no real fighting and the flashback sucked, Ichigo's bankai or whatever it was sucked ass as well. The best part of the episode was the scene with bald-guy and sunglasses-man. They have put of Ichigo's and Byakuya's fight for so long that I'm not even looking forward to it anymore.
No, I'm not joking, I just really didn't like this episode.Quote:
Originally posted by: eat_toast
you must be fucking joking.
Does anybody feel that the quality of the fight have sort of degraded? Also the story of Soi Fon and Yoruichi was a little too simple, although it fits her personality as Kraco mentioned.
I guess its the lull before the storm. Sometimes I've always wondered what the hell is Zangetsu's special ability in the Shi Kai form. Yes, we've seen the giant energy blast before but we've even seen Ichigo use it against a Grand Menos when he stil didn't know Zangetsu's name. Only now we've confirmed exactly how the bloody attack works other than "its Ichigo's Hero Giant Attack."
But the best part of the episode was definitely the interaction between Vice Captain Iba and THIRD SEAT Ikkaku. I'm astounded that everybody so far thinks Ikkaku is a Vice Captain!!! Hello? Remember a certain pink haired girl who likes to eat Ikkaku's head?
Ichigo vs Byakuya, again a little disappointing. But at least they show that Ichigo can counter Zenbonsakura with just his normal Zangetsu. I was afraid he has to bring out his Ban Kai just to defeat Byakuya's initial release. That would make Byakuya just plain overpowered.
Renji was a valiant idiot. The fellow completely disregarded the fact that he needed a Bankai to fight Byakuya's Shikai, and also forgetting about Ban Kai.
At least this fight establish that both Initial Releases can fight each other.
So now we have a good stage and showdown of the two Bankais. although I already know what ichigo's bankai is like, I'm still dying to see it go against Byakuya. i think Byakuya has another version of the Bankai where instead of getting more Sakura petals to slice and dice, we get a few hundred swords instead. good Luck Ichigo.
But seriously, the most disappointing part of the episode was.........
THEY GAVE YOURUICHI AN UNDERGARMENT!!!!!!!!! WWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! NO CLEAVAGE!!!!!!1111[img]i/expressions/brokenheart.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/wine.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
This episode was plain bad, all the fights that Bleach set up have been busts. Bucket head ran away. Pretty boy fight was over without showing us his swords real ability. Ikkaku fight is just a plain joke and the two captains vs the old guy took 2eps just for them all to go shikai and prob never be heard of again. I predict that by Yachiru saying that she'll take out all the strong guys means that when Ishida and the gang reach a certain point, bodies will be everywhere without showing how she did it. I also predict next ep will end with Ichigo saying the words ban kai and to be continued showing up on the screen.
Man i think Yourichi was actually even hotter before.... lol yea soi fon=lesi...
yeah isnt great too bad they put undergardments under both of their clouseQuote:
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
Soi Fong is a complete lesbian. [img][/img]
I have been waiting for this episode for a long time I wanna see how they are going to animate Byakuyas bankai
didnt he use his bankai in the prevouis ep when he was fighting renji ?!?!Quote:
Originally posted by: nests
I have been waiting for this episode for a long time I wanna see how they are going to animate Byakuyas bankai
Yeah but he uses it diffrently with Ichigo
Yeah, you shouldn't be disclosing that infomation here...
Sorry Im just kind of exited hoping it would be as animated as when Ichimaru fought Toushirou
See, I told you guys that Soi Fong was a lesbian. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Well, great episode. Everybody has already covered my feelings on it, what's with the sake comedy and so on.
I have to say that I didn't like Yoru VS Soi so much until the very end of it. When Soi breaks down, starts crying and asks "Yoruichi-sama" why she didn't take her along... that's when you feel sympathy for Soi and completely understand why she has grown to be like she is. A complete turning point, which few series are as capable of nowadays as Bleach is. Awesome.
yoruichi vs soifon to me was totally boring in the manga since i could skip straight ahead to ichigo vs byakuya (downloaded them all at once), but i think they pulled it off well here. very good voice acting from soifon at the end of the fight.
you know you're good when ur opponent falls to the ground and starts crying [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Hi all, Long time reader first time poster here [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
dude I haven't watched this episode yet (mainly due the face that i'm stuck at school alot) but it seems to me you're just one of those people that like to watch nothing but action. Honest to god, if you want that then go watch *here it comes* DBZ cause they're filled with it. Sheesh, calm down, the fights will come so enjoy the story [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: el_boss
This episode was a real dissapointment. The worst episode in a very long time. There were no real fighting and the flashback sucked, Ichigo's bankai or whatever it was sucked ass as well. The best part of the episode was the scene with bald-guy and sunglasses-man. They have put of Ichigo's and Byakuya's fight for so long that I'm not even looking forward to it anymore.
BTW, terra, I love your sakon comics[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I rarely try to play the role of a minimod, but I gotta say that was a very bad first post.Quote:
Originally posted by: Eternity Asunder
dude I haven't watched this episode yet (mainly due the face that i'm stuck at school alot) but it seems to me you're just one of those people that like to watch nothing but action. Honest to god, if you want that then go watch *here it comes* DBZ cause they're filled with it. Sheesh, calm down, the fights will come so enjoy the story
It's not written in any book of rules that everybody should like every single episode of a series or everybody should like all the aspects of a series, or that everybody should like all the same things in general. You can still enjoy a series even if there are episodes every now and then that aren't satisfying or as good as you hoped. It's no reason to abandon a series and go to dig the dump called DBZ. This forum is great precisely because people can post honest opinions without fanboys crying aloud at the tiniest bit of criticism.
@Eternity: Welcome to the forums, and thanks. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Sure everyone's entitled to their opinion...
But you can't like anything if you're so bored you can't stand to wait like 3 episodes for Ichigo/Byakuya. That's not really a long time..
I also like how he's bitching about someone elses opinion of the episode when he himself hasn't even watched it yet.
As a first post I give that a D-
And don't be hatin' on DBZ. It's not its fault it's 20 years old.
Originally posted by: Assassin
you know you're good when ur opponent falls to the ground and starts crying [img][/img]
Ahahahahahaha true 'dat....reverted the bi@tch Soi Fong into a crying, little baby girl.
Now know this, I'm not trying to offend anyone[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img] sorry if i did...DON'T HATE ME [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
and yes i do know that was a pretty crappy first post [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] but what can you say to a guy that has only written on two forums in his 19 years of life (this and.....i can't really remember [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])
If not else, you'll just have to get used to that people around here prioritize seeing Ichigo's fucking bankai over exactly everything else in this show. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
eternity nobody should hate you, you expressed a normal opinion and were right, darthender eternity might've not seen the episode but at least he wasnt a bitch and knows the difference between liking bleach and just liking people with big swords hit each other (or darthender what you know of as gay porn)
terra, that reminded me, you should make more sakon!
and finally...this episode was a good one, yoruichi owning soifon was excellent, and the best part is, ichigo shutting byakuya up. expecting the next episode to be awsome.
Mmm, big swords, that's hot.
that eps was awesome, byakuya's face when icigo vaporized his attack was hillaious.
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
See, I told you guys that Soi Fong was a lesbian. [img][/img]
Well, great episode. Everybody has already covered my feelings on it, what's with the sake comedy and so on.
I have to say that I didn't like Yoru VS Soi so much until the very end of it. When Soi breaks down, starts crying and asks "Yoruichi-sama" why she didn't take her along... that's when you feel sympathy for Soi and completely understand why she has grown to be like she is. A complete turning point, which few series are as capable of nowadays as Bleach is. Awesome.
Wow, almost directly clashing opinions here on the Soi Fon/Yoroichi fight! I suppose I'm right in the middle... I thought it lacked action (and DB's description of the attacks felt incomplete... i'd like to have seen a more thorough description of what constitues Yoroichi's counter...) But when Soi Fon just broke down and cried I really felt it for her. The poor girl... I like her so much more now, because we can tell she probably would've been just like Yoroichi (but less hot) if Yoro had stuck around with her/brought Soi Fon with her.Quote:
Originally posted by: mage
yoruichi vs soifon to me was totally boring in the manga since i could skip straight ahead to ichigo vs byakuya (downloaded them all at once), but i think they pulled it off well here. very good voice acting from soifon at the end of the fight.
And, is Ichigo's Reiatsu bullet really called "GATSUUUUUUUUGA Something?" Holy shit, we need to get him and Kiba against one another and see how can yell it the loudest! That cannot be his Ban-kai release... right? (don't answer that! No spoiling! Just speculating aloud...) It's got to be something cooler than that. It really reminded me Yusuke Yoromeshi's (YYH) Spirit Gun..... Projectile energy bullets... where have I seen those dominate a show before? ...
Not all the episodes can be the best, but I liked them giving Soi Fon a backstory and the comic relief with Ikkaku and SunGlasses was pretty funny. Hopefully the fight between Ichigo and Byakuya will kick ass next episode!
How can you even speculate that that was his ban-kai? Ban-kai's don't occur as flukes... and we all know he has done this before, he simply said that he just realized the power of his soul slayer and how to use it, call it the power of his shikai if anything...
If it was his bankai he would say BAN-KAI!!! How many times does this need to be said.
The difference? Oh, yes, this?Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
...and knows the difference between liking bleach and just liking people with big swords hit each other...
Yeah baby. Recliiiiiiiine.
I donno man, I think Chaoskiddo's got some issues. I mean, I see two guys sword fighting and I see an awsome fight taking place. CK sees two guys sword fighting and apparently sees guy on guy sex. *shrug*
I wasn't counting Bleach time, have you not noticed that a month has passed since they started their fight. I can't believe just because I didn't like this episode, I'm getting shit from all over the place. And I don't get why everyone is so in love with Bleach now that they don't even see any flaws anymore. I just don't like the way they have build up the Ichigo fight, the idea is basically that Ichigo has gotten insanely strong and will beat Byakuya. It had pontential to be really awesome, but in my opinion they pissed that oppurtunity away. Bleach has become a *here it comes* anime as you call it, and that's what I don't like.Quote:
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
Sure everyone's entitled to their opinion...
But you can't like anything if you're so bored you can't stand to wait like 3 episodes for Ichigo/Byakuya. That's not really a long time..
And also why is everybody always picking on the Dragonball series as if it was the worst piece of shit ever made, I'm sure there are plenty of animes out there that are much worse. And face it without Dragonball, Bleach wouldn't even had excisted. We all know that all the "action" manga/anime writers masturbated to Dragonball when they were younger.
I liked this episode. Pretty good. Not the most action packed, but the conclusion to Yoroichi and Sui Fong's fight was good what with the energy attacks (big thanks to Knives for spoiling [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]) and Sui's breakdown at the very end. Very good. Short haired Yoroichi and young Sui Fong [img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img] I love good flashbacks.
I also think it's really cool that they finally explained that Ichigo releasing that energy blast is his Shikai's ability. Everyone else has had some special power along with the release up 'til now and I was wondering if Ichigo's Shikai did. It's a pretty basic power, but it's damn cool, and apparently really powerful. Nice.
I don't see what people are complaining about this episode for.
Because it wasn't perfect. Duh.
There's certainly a lot of shit getting flung over this episode...I would like to add my 2 cents and just say that overall I thought the episode was a good balance of back story, character development and action. I agree that Soi Fong's back story makes her a better character than before; I can understand more of her motivation as both a Captain and as Yoroichi 's former subordinate. At first I thought the scene between Ikkaku and Tetsuzaemon was needless, but after they started talking about how and why vice captians are picked (specialists vs generalists) it give more credence to how a 3rd seat can take on a vice captain. Not to mention I liked the little jab by Ikkaku about how Iba only was a vice captain for is mother...haha! Lastly, we got to see a little more Ichigo vs Byakuya duel...nuff said. I am still wondering about Yachiru, Gin/Hitsugaya , and of course the battle between Yama/Ukitake/Kyouraku. Can't wait 'till next week! Only 6 more days to go...Quote:
Originally posted by: el_boss
[... I'm getting shit from all over the place.
eh soi fong shouldve kicked yourichi's booty
this ep was awsome!!
you said itQuote:
Originally posted by: dark maginn
this ep was awsome!!
Every anime has high and low points and also flaws but good things to balance out (well in the good ones). As a younger kid, hell I couldn't get enough of DBZ, and for Gundam Wing, etc etc (not bashing any of them, but you gotta admit as a young kid those series rocked =D).
That being said, not everyones gonna like the same thing you do. I liked the episode just because of the background story, character development (who really saw Son crying at the end of this battle .. she got pwned and went down .. woo), and also that background. Heck they even threw in that side fight which imho should be how all fights are faught ... battle all out, rest and drink sake, when you run out get mad and fight again! The world would be a better place if this happend ... haha
Bleach has its slow points but I like tha anime overall, always throwing a few twists in here and there that you dont even suspect. Not to mention the character history and development is really cool (learning about Yo and urahara for example .. I thouhgt he was important but never thought he was a captain until they revieled it).
Anyhow, Bleach is a bit slow at the momment but it balances out with other stuff and in the end, its just a sit back, grab a drink and relax good time =D.
Eh......the problem I have with these episodes is that I'm too anxious to see ichigo's bankai to be interested in all the other stuff that's going on. No matter how good an episode may be, until I see ichigo's bankai, every episode leading up to it will just leave me dissappointed.
I'm just gonna use this opportunity to remind you people of one big annoyance here in GotWoot:
So please, stop bringing up freaking DBZ in every discussion... be creative, and use something else to bring up your opinions...Quote:
DBZ references
Fucking stop it, you morons! I'm sick and tired of hearing about how many similarities you found on each episode. Nobody cares...
DBZ isn't even good enough to be sorted as an anime
This is not a thread for discussing Dragonball. The title clearly states "Bleach 57". I'm curious though, is anime a title an animated show gets after it is granted by some jury somewhere? I was under the impression that anime was what you called animated shows from japan, guess I was wrong. So the latest episode of Bleach wasn't an anime? That must be why it sucked. Thanks for clearing that up.Quote:
Originally posted by: Inazuma
DBZ isn't even good enough to be sorted as an anime
C'mon guys. Stop flaming Bleach because of one lousy episode. All in all, out of 57 episodes so far, this is definitely not the worst.
Episode 50, now that was a disaster. They gave us Kon and that silly Don Kanonji. It wasn't even that funny, especially since two episodes of Bwahahaha is more than we can stand.
Anyway guys, don't grate our dear Tite Kubo just because of one or even a few lousy episodes. Most likely the studios are dragging the story a bit longer to get people to watch longer.
At the risk of getting flamed, the worst anime i ever watched was Gundam Seed Destiny. Now that was a waste of time, all 50 episodes of it, not just one, or two, or three, or four or even 10 episodes and 7 recap episodes. It was the whole bloody series.
(Note: I love Gundam Seed. A masterpiece)
Why am I bringing up GSD? Put it this way. In the past few episodes, we've all complained that we're itching to see Ichigo's Ban Kai but instead have been given a lot of backstory of other characters. The most interesting ones in the last few episodes is of course Yoruichi and Soi Fon. We also get a bit of Ukitake, Shunsui and even General Yamamoto. At least we're given even more additional backstory from which the story can be further developed and the fan fiction writers get a wealth of material to base their fiction off.
GSD, do you know for a series with 50 episodes, there are no less than 5 recap episodes? 5/50 that's 10% of the series my dear fellows. And do you know when the recaps happened? In Episode 41 and Episode 46. My dear fellows, it wasn't giving any new material. They're just replaying the same old scenes again and again from the past 40 episodes, hell, even from the previous series from which it was based, Gundam Seed.
Now that, is bloody bull shit and a waste of time.
Remember folks, at least we're given new stories and revelations the past few episodes, NOT USELESS RECAPS to educate new viewers of the show.
Anyway, THEY GAVE YORUICHI AN UNDERGARMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] that's what ticked me off in this episode. Sorry, the hormornal male has taken over my fingers and making his feelings heard.
I think it's really sad that some of you guys let your anxiety of seeing Ichigo's bankai cloud the fact that there are other, lots more interesting, things going on.
A series isn't all about it's damn main character...
I personally can't understand how some people found this episode bad, but if their motivation simply is "I want to see Ichigo's bankai", then I just find it laughable.
10 New people now have downloaded the Magna just to see Yoruchi without undergarments. =PQuote:
Originally posted by: naruto22
Anyway, THEY GAVE YORUICHI AN UNDERGARMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [img][/img] [img][/img] that's what ticked me off in this episode. Sorry, the hormornal male has taken over my fingers and making his feelings heard.
DBZ being brought up in a list of animes is not referencing it by the way its stated here. I'm under the impression that it almost like saying "OMG when Ichigo is charging up it looks like hes going Super Sayian!!!" or something of that nature. Don't think Listing it with OThER animes is really considering bad because obviously A LOT of people has seen at least one episode and can relate. You could always use another anime, less or more heard about and some people might get it, but a lot might not just because they arent familliar with the anime itself. I think thats why poeple refernce DBZ, not saying they should but its like a common ground people use. It's allright as long as they dont start overdoing it and comparing every single attack or speech to something that happend in an epsidoe =P.Quote:
Originally posted by: Budweineken
I'm just gonna use this opportunity to remind you people of one big annoyance here in GotWoot:
So please, stop bringing up freaking DBZ in every discussion... be creative, and use something else to bring up your opinions...Quote:
DBZ references
Fucking stop it, you morons! I'm sick and tired of hearing about how many similarities you found on each episode. Nobody cares...
Plus if i'm not mistaken, it hasn't been mentioned in a while (other than the last few posts) so people are pretty good about the rule in general.
I couldn't agree more...Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
I think it's really sad that some of you guys let your anxiety of seeing Ichigo's bankai cloud the fact that there are other, lots more interesting, things going on.
A series isn't all about it's damn main character...
What I'm interested in as far as Ichigo's Ban-kai is how he finally managed to learn it... I was sorta hoping they'd do an episode with him and Zangetsu right before the time limit... but they just cut to the execution and him flying in to save the day. While I am curious as to see the Ban-kai, I think it's more interesting to learn HOW he acquired it.
And, speaking of interesting plot elements: Where is Hitsugaya and Ichimaru Gin? What happened to the plot to harness the Soukyoko (sp?) power to coup Soul Society? Who the fuck killed Aizen and why? Where is Shiba Kukaku and her Valley of the Gods? <-- now those are things I'm really looking forward to seeing (as well as the end of the Yamamoto VS 4 Swords and what Byakuya's reasoning is all about)
he aquired it by completing the training just in the nick of time....no mystery there. And if they hadn't cut in to the execution scene then it wouldn't be as dramatic when ichigo pulls out his bankai against byakuya.
I agree. Everyone complaining about seeing Ichigo's bankai is just bending to Kubo Tite's will. Though I do think it would have been cool to see how he learned it without actually seeing the bankai's form, and then later actually see it when he will pull it out on Byakuya (for dramatic effect).
After learning that Masaya Onosaka played the hollow in that episode, it became much more appealing to me.Quote:
Episode 50, now that was a disaster. They gave us Kon and that silly Don Kanonji. It wasn't even that funny
Tell that to the Naruto people.Quote:
A series isn't all about it's damn main character...
I don't see why one should be creative when Bleach is about 90% exactly like DBZ. It makes for such easy parallels.Quote:
So please, stop bringing up freaking DBZ in every discussion... be creative, and use something else to bring up your opinions...
P.S. Since Bud Decided to be so selective of parts of the other guys post that he cut him off mid sentence, what it actually says is.
Man, I wonder when Veget...I mean...Sasuk...er, Ishida is gonna fight again.Quote:
DBZ references
Fucking stop it, you morons! I'm sick and tired of hearing about how many similarities you found on each episode. Nobody cares and everyone knows that Toriyama is Kishimoto's idol.
I can do what I want
Yes you can. Odd statement from someone telling people they shouldn't be allowed to mention DBZ.
Did you notice this rule?
And Bud is trying to remind people about this one, which you also quotedQuote:
Blatantly going off-topic
If you desperately want to talk about something else, start a new thread. Don't ruin a thread for people that actually want to stay on topic and discuss it.
Emphisis on Nobody caresQuote:
DBZ references
Fucking stop it, you morons! I'm sick and tired of hearing about how many similarities you found on each episode. Nobody cares and everyone knows that Toriyama is Kishimoto's idol.
Just get back on topic, and on that note:
Well, the complaining will stop soon. If the previews have any truth, the next episode or the next-next episode will have it.Quote:
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Everyone complaining about seeing Ichigo's bankai is just bending to Kubo Tite's will.
That's all well and good except it should be pointed out that:
is NOT an actual Forum rule, even though a couple of you seem to be trying to pass it off as such. The link that that is from is not the Forum rules page.Quote:
DBZ references
Fucking stop it, you morons! I'm sick and tired of hearing about how many similarities you found on each episode. Nobody cares and everyone knows that Toriyama is Kishimoto's idol.
But you're right, its off topic at this point. Though comparing something that happens in a current episode to something else is NOT off topic, since you are still discussing the episode.
Still that was posted by one of the admins here, so it's pretty much somewhat of a rule...
GETTING BACK ON TOPIC: Where do yall think Ganju, Chad, and Ishida are right now?
Seems strange that they're nowhere to be found, seeing as they'd be able to ID Ichigo's Reiatsu the easiest and locate him quickly... I mean, he is emitting shit-tons of energy up on that plateau fighting with Byakuya... can't be that hard to find the man...
I was sorta hoping we'd see Chad get another chance to fight (his was not a fight vs. Captain Shuunsui, it was a one-sided asswhooping)... but who is really left for those guys to battle against?
More importantly, WHERE IS ICHIMARU GIN!?!?!?! I thought they were going to capture the power of the Soukyou Execution Device... but it looked like nothing was going down and then Ichigo and Ukitake destroyed the thing.... So does that mean the plan Aizen heard about wasn't the real one...? Or...
Well, we all know Ichimaru is the snake, the deceiver, the manipulator, and the complete bastard of the series. Thus given anything with his fingerprints on it, it would be dangerous to take any part of it as a definite truth. I.e. how do we know ANYTHING in that letter had merit? The whole letter could be a perfect forgery, and Gin could have the real copy (I'm pretty sure Aizen was writing it before she fell asleep) somewhere else--in one piece or many.
That said, I really want to see another Ichimaru/Hitsugaya showdown!
As I've said before, I hate when villains simply give out their plans to their enemies for no reason like idiots. I want really devious villains that don't let you know what's going on until it's too late. I still think Gin might be trying to take over soul society, but right now he might just by lying low and waiting as his more powerful enemies destroy each other. Or he could be waiting until after the 1st division captain has fought two of his best students so he is weakened and then try to take him out... I'm not sure what he's up to, which speaks well fo the story in general.
Soi Fong's backstory was ok, but I was hoping that she would be a little tougher. I didn't like how she ended up crying at the end. The comedic releif was nice, as always, and their really wasn't enough of Ichigo's scene to comment much. I think the multiple fights ARE getting a little sticky to deal with. I wish they would have another hour special, resolve them all, and then go back to a less fragmented story line. Not that that would happen, but I can wish.
ichimaru is probably planning a devious plan because he didnt get to steal the sokykyu (sp) thing
Meh...not my fault.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
I think it's really sad that some of you guys let your anxiety of seeing Ichigo's bankai cloud the fact that there are other, lots more interesting, things going on.
A series isn't all about it's damn main character...
I personally can't understand how some people found this episode bad, but if their motivation simply is "I want to see Ichigo's bankai", then I just find it laughable.
If it hadn't been hyped up so much over the past 2 months or w/e...then I mightve been able to sit back and enjoy the show
Actually we do not know if Ichimaru really is a bad guy. What we know we have pieced together with very little actual information. Mayby he has to do some bad stuff for a greater good. Also there is a possibilitie that he is being coerced in to doing everything or he might be possesed or mayby it's a clone, the possibilities are endless. I mean, a guy with such a lovely smile couldn't possibly be evil.
as much as i want to spoil.. you guys should wait, because it will be interesting things than ichigo's bankai.. im not even excited seeing it, i want to see how the story and the mystery solve in anime [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
If you love 'devious villains' that dont reveal thier plans, then the end of this arc will blow your mind.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mae
As I've said before, I hate when villains simply give out their plans to their enemies for no reason like idiots. I want really devious villains that don't let you know what's going on until it's too late. I still think Gin might be trying to take over soul society, but right now he might just by lying low and waiting as his more powerful enemies destroy each other. Or he could be waiting until after the 1st division captain has fought two of his best students so he is weakened and then try to take him out... I'm not sure what he's up to, which speaks well fo the story in general.
Well we only know that from the letter Aizen wrote before he was killed. And in the letter it said that hitsuguya was the one behind it all, so it was obviously a fake. Which led us to believe that Gin was the mastermind, and had switched the letter when he killed Aizen.Quote:
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
More importantly, WHERE IS ICHIMARU GIN!?!?!?! I thought they were going to capture the power of the Soukyou Execution Device... but it looked like nothing was going down and then Ichigo and Ukitake destroyed the thing.... So does that mean the plan Aizen heard about wasn't the real one...? Or...
But obviously the stuff about the soukyou thing was wrong....makes sense since it was all in the letter then gin delivered himself. So now we have a big fucking cliffhanger....no one knows where gin is, or what his real plans are.. We'll have to wait till this arc ends to see what happens
Ganju, Chad and Inoue frankly are in no position to fight, especially Ishida who has like ZERO powers after his fight with Kurotsuchi. Chad and Ganju are still injured and Inoue still hasn't the heart to kill anyone, Hollow, Shnigami or Human.
Ichimaru taichou, lets just say I think there's more to this conspiracy then he lets on.
By the way, does anyone know if Ichigo ever released his shikai?
Coz usually when they do shikai, they have to say something first like for ex "Scatter, Senbonzakura..."
Where the fuck have you been the past...37 episodes??Quote:
Originally posted by: yapchagi
By the way, does anyone know if Ichigo ever released his shikai?
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Where the fuck have you been the past...37 episodes??Quote:
Originally posted by: yapchagi
By the way, does anyone know if Ichigo ever released his shikai?
hahahahahahahahaha exactly!
it would be too obvious if gin was the villian in all this....
he has to be guilty of SOMETHING.....because his image has been built up too much as a deviant for him not to be.....
but I don't think he killed aizen, and I don't think he's the one who arranged rukia's execution
well rukia's execution was due to the fact that she gave shinigami powers to a human. It was the fact that her execution date kept being moved up that was a little odd. And ya, Gin coulnd't possibly be doing it by himeself. He doesn't have the power, physical or political to influence such decisions. There has to be someone we haven't encountered yet pulling the strings.
......perhaps someone from the noble families?
Originally posted by: FrogKing
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Where the fuck have you been the past...37 episodes??Quote:
Originally posted by: yapchagi
By the way, does anyone know if Ichigo ever released his shikai?
hahahahahahahahaha exactly!
Well ... Just to answer your question, Ichigo's soulslayer is ALWAYS in it's shikai form. I think that was mentioned a long time ago, but I'd go and look back on some episodes. Ya probbaly just misread/missed it all entierly.
Ichigo released his Shikai when he fought Urahara, Yoruichi then explained later that Zangetsu once released was a full time Shikai.
Some shit in this thread is getting WAY to close to spoiler territory.
Stfu manga people.
Yeah. But it's hard to predict, because our image is just based on how much screen time has been given to him (and the other characters he was being evil towards). If he had been given significantly less time on screen, he would be more mysterious, and a more likely character to be the one pulling all the strings, perhaps. But since we are talking about anime, devious plot twists are a good bet, like you said.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
it would be too obvious if gin was the villian in all this....
he has to be guilty of SOMETHING.....because his image has been built up too much as a deviant for him not to be.....
but I don't think he killed aizen, and I don't think he's the one who arranged rukia's execution
Nothing is being spoiled, stop being paranoidQuote:
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Some shit in this thread is getting WAY to close to spoiler territory.
Stfu manga people.
I cant wait for Ichigo bankai but i still enjoyed this ep very much. The short and sweet flashback of soi fong and yourichi and the comedy with the baldy and the vice cap. The ending with Ichigo showing Bakuya that he isnt as week as before.
I would give this ep A++much better than ep 56.
To Yapchagi, I'll be nice.
Zangetsu is ALWAYS IN SHIKAI now. The original form is thought to be lost forever, first because Byakuya broke it in two. Then Urahara chopped what's left of it right down to the hilt.
So from then on, Zangetsu is always in release form.
hmm thanks naruto22 do u just ignore kensee and shuurai's posts?
as for the theory of a noble family being involved, that makes perfect sense to me because very few people would have the political power to push rukia's excution up so much, and it seems byakuya is extremely eagar to kill rukia as we say he said he'd kill her with his own hands...i say the kukichi family is involved.
I think he did =( ::feels sad:: Umm, yeah I didn't get the reason why the execution was being pushed up soo much (I mean I can understand once, but that date was pushed up like 5 times). How many different royal familes do we know of so far?Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
hmm thanks naruto22 do u just ignore kensee and shuurai's posts?
as for the theory of a noble family being involved, that makes perfect sense to me because very few people would have the political power to push rukia's excution up so much, and it seems byakuya is extremely eagar to kill rukia as we say he said he'd kill her with his own hands...i say the kukichi family is involved.
Haha I notice some of the stuff thats hinting at future events (and for once I'm not hinting anything o.O) but MOSTLY people are just making others think about stuff ahead of time.Quote:
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Some shit in this thread is getting WAY to close to spoiler territory.
Stfu manga people.
Edit: No need to be Rude (pun intended, sorry I just had to do that ^^) haha.
I too would like to see Hits and Gin go at it again, maybe an all out fight this time with Gin doing Bankai (though I can't say his bankai would be intersting ... I figured he'd be like that lutenient (omg I'm so horrible with names) and his bankai will just be a beast/longer extention of his shikai) ... like a really really long sword that extends an un godly amount.
OMg there it is O.o!!!!!!!!!!!!! =P.Quote:
Anyhow getting back on topic ... the previews of next episode shows Ichigo with cuts and blood all over his body, I'm gonna assume bayaka is getting serious (seeing how his glove and hand got cut up).
whoa.. crazy sword that guy has!!
Three, as far as I can tell. Kuchiki (Byakuya's), Shihouin (Yoroichi's), and Shiba (Kukaku, Kaien, and Ganju's).Quote:
How many different royal familes do we know of so far?
If we're talking about political families pushing towards something malevolent, in continuously advancing Rukia's execution up .. all I can think of is, "Why?"
If a family within a high position of power wanted her killed so badly, they could have done it themselves or with one of their grunts and simply covered it up. So, while I agree that people of power are involved, it's much bigger than killing Rukia. Byakuya and Renji could have done that when they apprehended her, and passed it off as self-defense. "She fought back, Yamamoto-sama. We had to use force to bring her down."
What I'm lost on, is why did Ukitake and Kyouraku (love this guy ..) feel it was so important to seal that executioner's halberd?
@ Strider: I felt that Ukitake and Kyouraku didn't really know that about the supposed plot to steal the halbred's power (the plot Aizen wrote down, supposedly, to Hinamori in that letter) but were just trying to stop the execution because they felt something was amiss, or that the execution was not justified. From what I saw from them they were just morally opposed to it, and quite strongly too....
I don't think Hitsugaya or anyone informed them about the plot... but we still have to wait and see...
I completely forgot about Aizen's letter to Hinamori.
Although, I believe the only ones who know about it are Hitsugaya, Matsumoto and the people who were around when she was screaming about it.
And, speaking of them .. where the hell are they during all of this? Considering how Gin was fucking with Rukia along the walkway, I would have expected him to be the first person there, smiling in her face at the time of her death.
I think Gin predicted Rukia is going to be saved, or at least there is going to be an attempt to save her, and that would invariably result in fighting amongst the captains. Thus, Gin is most likely somewhere else either simply monitoring the situation, preparing for his own part, or further plotting and manipulating yet more people to join the fray.Quote:
Originally posted by: Strider
And, speaking of them .. where the hell are they during all of this? Considering how Gin was fucking with Rukia along the walkway, I would have expected him to be the first person there, smiling in her face at the time of her death.
Gin staying away from the action is troubling who knows what the bastard is doing right now.
Originally posted by: Strider
If we're talking about political families pushing towards something malevolent, in continuously advancing Rukia's execution up .. all I can think of is, "Why?"
If a family within a high position of power wanted her killed so badly, they could have done it themselves or with one of their grunts and simply covered it up. So, while I agree that people of power are involved, it's much bigger than killing Rukia. Byakuya and Renji could have done that when they apprehended her, and passed it off as self-defense. "She fought back, Yamamoto-sama. We had to use force to bring her down."
What I'm lost on, is why did Ukitake and Kyouraku (love this guy ..) feel it was so important to seal that executioner's halberd?
Well im sure they're not out to kill her for simple revenge, or because she broke some rule. Its most likely the first step in a bigger plan, a plan which is yet to be revealed.
He's playing world of warcraft [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] That's why he hasn't seen the light of day in some time.Quote:
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Gin staying away from the action is troubling who knows what the bastard is doing right now.
Speaking of the Hit/Gin fight, is Gin's Lt. still alive? I remember he got caught up in Hitsugaya's Ice Dragon attack. But I couldn't tell if he survived it.