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Someone will probably find a direct download somewhere...
why didn't she fight like that in the first episode? she beats an allankar but lost in the first episode?
That demolished my ass. Definately didnt see it coming.
Oh shit, did Rukia just turn the world upside down with her shikai or what the hell is going on?
Anyway, D-Roy got raped badly [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
that was pretty cool, but wat the hell did rukia do? i dont get it
direct download
for some reason I was under the impresion that there was no Shonen Jump this week but I guess it was just for Naruto
Bleach c201 - Wind & Snowbound
(Deiroy shakes Ichigo's hand and lets go)
Sado: (I would've died... Had Ichigo been a step slower, I really would've died...)
Ichigo: ...Sado, take cover.
Sado: Wa-wait! I can still--
Ichigo: Don't worry Sado, just leave it to us.
Sado: ...All right... I understand... (--I see...) I'll leave it up to you... Ichigo.
(Sado dashes off to find some cover and runs into Rukia, who is converging on Ichigo's position)
Rukia: Thank goodness you're safe!
(Sado and Rukia part ways as soon as they meet, each in different directions)
Sado: (Ichigo... you've already... done so much...)
Sado: (We just... can't help you out anymore-- Ichigo...!!)
(The panels return to Ichigo's situation)
Deiroy: ...Well, well, well... I would've had fun had I killed him sooner.
(Rukia arrives on the scene, and the both of them confront Deiroy)
Ichigo: Rukia...
Rukia: Well... I ran into Sado about halfway here... This the ******* that tried to off him?
Ichigo: What now? It's not like we're gonna pull back or anything right?
Rukia: ...Step back, Ichigo.
Ichigo: Ah!? I'm not gonna-- turn... tail...
(Rukia takes out some Soul Candy and swallows it)
Rukia: ...Leave this to me, you can go and pull out for now. I've been meaning to grind this bastard down with my power... even before this fight started.
Deiroy: So now the problem seems to be which of you I should drop first.
(Ichigo stands awed at the Shinigami form Rukia has not been in for so long)
Ichigo: Rukia, you... regained your... Shinigami powers?
Rukia: ...Cat got your tongue? Remember, the reason why I couldn't revive my powers was because of Urahara's work. With that now out of the picture, it was only a matter of time before I returned to my normal self.
Ichigo: Ru... ki...
Proxy Soul Rukia: Pyon!
Ichigo: Ahhh! Wha... what the hell is this thing!?
Proxy Soul Rukia: I'm here to help you withdrawj. Pyon!
Ichigo: Pyon?!
Rukia: In the Female Shinigami Association, "Chappy" here is the most popular version!
Rukia: It's the first Gikongan I bought with my own money and, as you can see, it can swap places with me whenever I need to change forms.
Ichigo: What gives!? So that thing can actually move into another's body for substitution?!
Proxy Soul Rukia: That's right! Pyon!
Ichigo: If you had that, then you sticking me with Kon wasn't such a bad idea!!!
Soul Proxy Rukia: That's cruel! Pyon!
Ichigo: Man, shut up, will ya!? You better put on a good show!! Idededede!!!
(Deiroy wastes no time in striking at Rukia)
Ichigo: Rukia!!!
(Rukia manages to block the attack, but is overpowered and thrown into the sky)
(Deiroy chases Rukia past a utility pole and the wooden structure is cut down)
(The Arrancar catches the falling obstruction and identifies himself)
Deiroy: The name's Deiroy, 16th of the Arrancar.
Rukia: I'm of the 13th Division--
Deiroy: Not gonna finish eh? Well, fine. All those involved that we've targeted are marked for elimination anyway, so what good will it do to know everything about you guys.
Rukia: Maybe when it comes to knowing ranks-- Though, I'm sure knowing the name of another sword wouldn't hurt.
"Whirl, Sodeno Shirayuki (White Snow + ??? Someone know the kanji "sodeno?")."
(Rukia releases her Zanpakutou.)
Deiroy: (Her Zanpakutou-- it's turned white...!)
Rukia: First Dance, White Month.
(The blade of Rukia's Zanpakutou disappears from Deiroy's sight for a moment, but reappears. A circle around the Arrancar's feet now seems to be freezing up his leg.)
Deiroy: Wha... What... in the hell is going on here!? You!
(Deiroy jumps away from the ground escaping the influence of Rukia's Shikai.)
Deiroy: Damn it!! You little freak Shinigami!!!
Deiroy: Let's see how you fare when I'm up here!! You won't be able to do much now with just a sword that freezes the land! Die, you little insect!!!
(Deiroy's right eye shines ominously.)
Rukia: --Now isn't that a shame?
(The land that froze beneath Deiroy's feet has risen sharply up into the sky as an icicle which and has now ensared the Arrancar.)
Rukia: Shirayuki is not simply the sword which makes the land freeze. Anything and everything within its circle of influence, be it heaven or earth, will fall under its icy grasp.
End of c201
Ending text:
With Rukia's icicle cracking, what happens next?
woahmygosh! Rukia kicks ass now! Makes you think why she didn't do this in the first chapters, lol. Then again, it was all a masterful plan by Aizen, nothing more than a play.
Who0o0o can't wait to see more action!!!
HOLY FUCKING SHIT Rukia's soul slayer is AWESOME
I can't believe she just trashed that allankar with no problems
Wow, that was a kick in the face. Rukia kicks ass. Thats one insane Shikai.
Makes me wonder what her position in the 13th division is now. it has to be at least vice or 3 from that show.
i wonder if shes achieved ban kai yet
Cool chapter. Rukia was actually great in this chapter, it was really unexpected.
Now awaits some more badassery from hopefully Urahara and Isshin.
Ichigo was the last one i thought would get help. He should be strong enough to be able to fight one allankar on his own and i didn't think they'd wait with the hollow problem.
that was pretty cool, too bad for chad though he's finally feeling the effects of being completely useless(Orihime is feeling the effects as well) so we might eventually get some develpment in their powers yet.
Rukias shikai is cool but it seems like a less powerful Hyourinmaru without the dragon effect but it's still cool none the less.
well back in the day if she didn't have that retarded power sucking gigai, she could've probably taken on Renji.
Yea she is definetly weaker than Hitsugaya since his Hyourinmaru is known as the strongest water/ice element zanpakutou.
Chad better get stronger, he's awesome. The first character i really liked in Bleach. Orihime is afraid of hurting people, unless she gets over that fear she won't be able to fight even a squirrel.
Orihime is the medic now. Her healing is what's extrodinary.
Yeah I always thought it was weird how Renji looked like he was so much stronger than Rukia, considering the fact that Rukia showed more talent in their flashbacks.. now I know thats not really the case lol
EDIT: In the last page I thought it looked like a senbonzakura lol
rukia's eyes look more like byakuya's now that she begain fighting.
also, i don't think her shikai turned everything upside down since everythings normal in all the next panels. it looks like it was just scanned upside down and not changed back to normal.
rukia cant be so strong...in the first episode she was cut so easily by such a weak hollow that ichigo could cut with the first attack when he became shinigami....
hmm well, i should have read the chapter first -_-
you guys seemed to forget that the thing aizen took out of her limited her spirit power, everytime she did a technique a shred of her spirit power was permantly lost, until aizen removed it, this was bad for the rest of the world, but rukia can fight much more easily. ....did anybody else thing it was great to use her faux body as a distraction??
[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img] rukia owns now xD but i dont think she has bankai.
yeah, that faux body plot device was great because look, 200 chapters later, kubo can still reveal something new and awesome about an old character! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] i heart bleach. this series rules =]Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
you guys seemed to forget that the thing aizen took out of her limited her spirit power, everytime she did a technique a shred of her spirit power was permantly lost, until aizen removed it, this was bad for the rest of the world, but rukia can fight much more easily. ....did anybody else thing it was great to use her faux body as a distraction??
I'm just happy that we have something with a female character that can actually fight. I'm sick of seing animes where all the female characters are worthless plot devices to be rescued and protected all the time.
Seriously, this series blows me away. So much that I acutally have to hold back from shouting out huge spoilers on the Anime threads ( i dont like spoiling .. just excited? yenno? .. gah it scuks haha).Quote:
Originally posted by: Honoko
yeah, that faux body plot device was great because look, 200 chapters later, kubo can still reveal something new and awesome about an old character! [img][/img] i heart bleach. this series rules =]Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
you guys seemed to forget that the thing aizen took out of her limited her spirit power, everytime she did a technique a shred of her spirit power was permantly lost, until aizen removed it, this was bad for the rest of the world, but rukia can fight much more easily. ....did anybody else thing it was great to use her faux body as a distraction??
I can't believe after i mentioned how I wished to see Rukia get stronger again in the last episode review, I go to this thread and it happens! OMG damnnnn dudeee.
This chapter caught me by surpirsed, and yes I'm impressed they can pull a 200 chapter gap that makes everyone go "Ohhh snapps:" Anyhow if she did have a bankai I would think it would be like a prison of ice or some super expansion of her first release (simmilar to Byayaka's bankai is a bigger badder version of his first relase).
All we need now is for her to bust out a higher level demon art spell simmilar to how Aizen did spell #96.
Hey ... Sakura is getting a bit stronger herslef too! I mean the 5th is training her haha. I hope she gets stronger ...Quote:
Originally posted by: EpyonNext
I'm just happy that we have something with a female character that can actually fight. I'm sick of seing animes where all the female characters are worthless plot devices to be rescued and protected all the time.
But I agree, women need to bee kicking some arse too.
Last note, I do hope that Chad gets stronger. Everyones getting stronger and I hope Chad does too (latino pride man!) something like maybe S-cry-ed remix or something.
her shikai is worthless, anyone who moves outside the circle wont be hit...
the next enemy and all beyond will never die to her shikai, because they will not stand still , or just jump up.
it was just a villain without any character to display the power of her shikai.(though its easily avoided)
..im sure she can control it to use it vs people that move a lot, it would be worthless otherwise..Quote:
Originally posted by: Masamune
her shikai is worthless, anyone who moves outside the circle wont be hit...
the next enemy and all beyond will never die to her shikai, because they will not stand still , or just jump up.
it was just a villain without any character to display the power of her shikai.(though its easily avoided)
http://www.bleachtv.com/ bleach tv has one out log in and dl. It is a good quality if you ask me. But it could be better.
Her Shikai can probably do more than that. The attack was called "First dance, white month" so she probably got some more dances, i would say about 4 or 5 in total.Quote:
Originally posted by: Masamune
her shikai is worthless, anyone who moves outside the circle wont be hit...
the next enemy and all beyond will never die to her shikai, because they will not stand still , or just jump up.
it was just a villain without any character to display the power of her shikai.(though its easily avoided)
what PSJ said~
alrite, rukia's soul slayer was cool and whatnot, but did the whole thing have to be at an expense of an allankaar. They have lost their coolness as a result of Rukia. Grimm Jaw or Uloquirra better redeem their fellow allankaar in my eyes
There are so many allankar so I'm glad that at least some of them get beaten quickly. It would be draggy otherwise.
lol, now the anime people are discussing whether or not Rukia will get strong again. I so feel like running in there and scream "RUKIA IS MEGA STRONG AND HER SHIKAI KILLED A UBERHOLLOW"
only one person is talking about it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img], and I think it'll be even funnier when they find out Aizen is alive and the cause of why Ichigo even became a shinigami any way
I just want to see their faces when Aizen reappears, kills Hanimori, and then Gin reveals himself as Aizen's subordinate.
I expect at least 2 or three Anime watchers to shit their pants.
lol at the moment theyre all looking forward to a showdown between the big bad guy (gin) and hitsuguya. reading the anime threads is funny
What is this facination with Hitsugaya? Since he appeared in Bleach 5 people have requested sigs with him in and that is probably just a small fraction of all the Hitsugaya fanboys out there.
i dont know, hes a little shit, i cant wait till aizen rips the shit through him. my fav captain is the man slut, currnetly fighting yamamoto
they fascination with hitsugaya is that he looks cool. But then the story reveals more about him little by little and you realize that he isnt all that great. I know, i have been there. Lol!
"kid geniuses" are always a lot of peoples favorite characters
also it seems everyone has forgotten about ishida for the moment, we still dont know how his situation will end up
i went on bleachtv.com and tried to download the old manga chapters but it can't dl, i could only dl the latest chapter, can someone tell me why?
mangatraders.com has the bleach manga.
Nice chapter, get to see Rukia kick some ass, nice shikai ability, there would have to be some other attacks that she knows.
Hah... BleachTV sucked... worst manga scanlation I've seen in a while... maybe ever....Quote:
Originally posted by: kyubisrage
http://www.bleachtv.com/ bleach tv has one out log in and dl. It is a good quality if you ask me. But it could be better.
im not complaining [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. also dont you read a manga right to left ?
sorry double post
Originally posted by: basey44
i dont know, hes a little shit, i cant wait till aizen rips the shit through him. my fav captain is the man slut, currnetly fighting yamamoto
are you saying that Shunsui is a man slut, he's the bomb diggidy bomb -_-
Calling Shunsui a man slut is insane and very very wrong.Quote:
Originally posted by: basey44
i dont know, hes a little shit, i cant wait till aizen rips the shit through him. my fav captain is the man slut, currnetly fighting yamamoto
Originally posted by: kyubisrage
im not complaining [img][/img]. also dont you read a manga right to left ?
then if you read the bleach tv one it kind of makes sense reading left to right on some pages. Im like have i been reading the manga wrong all the time by reading right to left [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Just read the manga today.
All I have to say is: Holy Shit, did not see that one coming. Aizen's damn good at deception.
This particular chapter surprised me as well. As already said: how the hell does Rukia kick ass like that, yet she got pwned so bad in the first episode?
Whatever. This is a kickass series.
It's good to see that Rukia is kicking some ass. She's much different than what she used to be.
The only thing I can guess about her being defeated easily by the hollow at the beginning was because of Ichigo. I would think that if she killed the hollow normally, the corpse would have crushed Ichigo since it was pretty much going after him. Because of that, she used herself as a shield (a poor one at that) to protect Ichigo.
lol i meant cos id bet he gets around, you saw the flashbacks he was always chasing all the chicks. anyways hes awesome in my books. also man slut doesnt mean he does men, it means hes a man and a slut, as slut is usually attributed to female.Quote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
Calling Shunsui a man slut is insane and very very wrong.Quote:
Originally posted by: basey44
i dont know, hes a little shit, i cant wait till aizen rips the shit through him. my fav captain is the man slut, currnetly fighting yamamoto
but enough of that, more talk about this chapter and how much rukia kicks ass
That Chappy soul thingy is quite freaky. Kon IS a godsend compared to that, hahaha.
Yeah, Chappy there is way to fucking perky.
yeah seriously. i'd rather have kon at least hes funny.
I haven't seen it poseted yet, so heres the scanlation from Bleach7 Bleach 201
"I'll trouble you only so much as to hear a single name tonite.....that of my blade"
:: orgasm ::
Frogking posted some interesting screenshots from ep 8: http://forums.gotwoot.net/mess...GE=7&enterthread=y
Looks a LOT like Yami & Ulquiorra.
Hrm, I agree with the first one but the second one looks a bit differnt, who knows who these are, but imagine the kick if they actually pulled them out from episode 8 and they end up being like super hallow hybrids (maybe the next step to the perfect hybrid? Or just pure hallow kings who are very powerful. (At this time they were talking to the fisher hallow so I think they are just stronger beings like him).Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Frogking posted some interesting screenshots from ep 8: http://forums.gotwoot.net/mess...GE=7&enterthread=y
Looks a LOT like Yami & Ulquiorra.
the second one looks more like inoue's brother in hollow formQuote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Frogking posted some interesting screenshots from ep 8: http://forums.gotwoot.net/mess...GE=7&enterthread=y
Looks a LOT like Yami & Ulquiorra.
Hmm I don't recall that she lost spirit power to the object that was left inside her. Then only case of limiting on her was the faux body as far as I remember. Could you atleast point to where your refering to in the manga chapter wise with that claim?Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
you guys seemed to forget that the thing aizen took out of her limited her spirit power, everytime she did a technique a shred of her spirit power was permantly lost, until aizen removed it, this was bad for the rest of the world, but rukia can fight much more easily. ....did anybody else thing it was great to use her faux body as a distraction??
That aside I was actually pretty disappointed in this chapter I just felt Rukia as a whole was shown as overpowered. She was NEVER anything special in the 13 squads she wasn't a vice captain or anything of that nature. Yet first attack with her released sould slayer and she kills a Uber hollow without any issue at all!?!?!? Not only that but unless the rules were changed isn't she suppose to be at 1/5th of her normal spirit power or so while on earth considering that was the requirement given to Renji when he showed up previously even though due to possible war time orders this might be totally irrelevant.
Overall i would have just prefered a much more gradual developement to her power rather then making her seem around Captain level and definatly atleast around that of a vice captain.
there were many instances during rukia's time w/ ichigo in the human world when she would try to perform a demon spell and be frustrated at why her spirit powers weren't returning. the moment when aizen explained that the thing inside rukia was absorbing all her powers before he took it out explained all the times when rukia was unable to help out ichigo at her fullest potential. so i don't mind that she can achieve shikai now. bankai would be a bit iffy for me but i'm totally fine w/ rukia having a shikai. and who said her circle had to be a small range only? i'm sure with enough spirit power or concentration, she could encompass a football field.
No that explination was due to the Faux body cloaking her presence by using her spirit power and causing it not to recover it had nothing to do with the object stored in her as far as I remember. Its quite possible I'm wrong but it was purely the Faux body while she was on earth with Ichigo.Quote:
Originally posted by: Honoko
there were many instances during rukia's time w/ ichigo in the human world when she would try to perform a demon spell and be frustrated at why her spirit powers weren't returning. the moment when aizen explained that the thing inside rukia was absorbing all her powers before he took it out explained all the times when rukia was unable to help out ichigo at her fullest potential. so i don't mind that she can achieve shikai now. bankai would be a bit iffy for me but i'm totally fine w/ rukia having a shikai. and who said her circle had to be a small range only? i'm sure with enough spirit power or concentration, she could encompass a football field.
ah, you are right: ch. 175 pg. 15.
but now i would think there's no reason for her to not transfer to a new body that would actually help her regain her shinigami powers before busting out her shikai in grand fashion =]
They have shown enough Shikai where its not a big deal she knows her soul slayers name. My personal issue is that she seems to have a much more powerful Shikai then several of the Vice captains we have seen upto this point. Her killing a Uber hallow in one shot when ones of that level of completeness were already stated to be a problem for captains it just seems very very off for me to see someone who was just a random squad member to pull main character or not. Given we could get backstory about how she's been training sense we left her in soul society but even having her just develope at that rate to me greatly cheapens the series.Quote:
Originally posted by: Honoko
ah, you are right: ch. 175 pg. 15.
but now i would think there's no reason for her to not transfer to a new body that would actually help her regain her shinigami powers before busting out her shikai in grand fashion =]
perhaps she has been given some special training from byakuya
It's okay Rukia knows her shikai, but shes just not good enough for bankai yet. The display of power was just that, a display of her power, if that particular allankar were powerful as some of you seem to think, he would be important enough to stay alive. It's not really right to judge the level of her attack when it just needed to be shown at that point in time.
yeah btw, i dont think the allankaar is out of it just yet. I mean come on, Aizen isnt an idiot too send super weakling allankaars who can be taken out that easily. If rukia can take em out then Renji and Hitsugaya shudn have problems dealing with them either. Maybe the Allankaar has something up his sleeve. Either that, or he is a reject Allankaar that sould be punished for being so weakQuote:
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
It's okay Rukia knows her shikai, but shes just not good enough for bankai yet. The display of power was just that, a display of her power, if that particular allankar were powerful as some of you seem to think, he would be important enough to stay alive. It's not really right to judge the level of her attack when it just needed to be shown at that point in time.
Rukia's Shikai just plain owns, I put it in a class with the other "your pretty well screwed if it happens to you" powers.
it's not always about who has more 'power' in fights.
Take Yumichika, he's probobly not as strong as Hisagi...8th squad Vice...I think thats his name, but he put him on the floor and came out unscathed. Rukia's Shikai has a power like that or Tousen's or Aizens, it doesn't really matter who you are or how much power you can spit out your ass, you would need extremely specific skills to beat them.
To beat Yumichika, maybe have way more power than he can suck, (which does require power from the ass...)
To beat Tousen, be Ken, or piss Tousen off so he becomes an idiot and doesn't cut your head off immediately
To beat Aizen........................join him, since you don't have too much choice in the matter.
In Rukia's case, maybe you can stay out of the circle, though i'm sure another dance throws the circle at you. But basically if your caught by surprise then you die, assuming you can't survive insta-freezing.
That said, IF Deroi needs to survive, then it's very possible that spirit power can melt ice.
Rukia's shikai is probably so strong because it's a one-time use type thing. It's only going to work on an opponent if they don't know what it is. Anyone who has seen it before will step/flash step out of the circle.
So it seems balanced enough.
hmm... maybe the allankar aren't all equally powerful. i think it'd make sense to have various allankars of different levels. and since it's a manga where everything always works out neatly (number of people involved to have 1 vs. 1 fights, etc), maybe this particular allankar was exactly one kind that rukia can handle. i don't think she could handle the likes of grimjaw or that ulliquora (sp?) guy.
ya...you have to understnd that she won not because of her shikai, or because she's uber powerful. but rather because things worked in her favor. Her shikai was ideally suited to defeat D-Roy, and his arrogance only helped with that. Had he known that the circle could freeze his ass in the air as well, and gotten out of it in time, im sure he would've defeated rukia (though admittedly not without a decent fight).
As for the guy still being alive, i really hope thats not the case. It would totally ruin rukia's moment of awsomeness. She displays this sexy shikai and totally owns the enemey, and all of a sudden, BAM. Hes back up wanting more.
Also, now that this guy is defeated, ichigo is free to go help the others, namely that guy obbessed with his looks. Rukia could take care of the allankar because her shikai was really useful in the situation, but we've seen the other guys shikai, and its just a multiblade sickle. Though if think he as some other power that he used against tousen's vice-captain. If i recall, they changed the scene just as he used it on the vice-captain.
if anyone still has that episode, post the screencaps of what he says plz.
yamachika's (i think?) shikai eats up his opponents spirit power and makes him kinda high and happy afterwards.
I have a feeling that Ichigo will not be helping anyone. He is going to get his ass totally raped by Grimjow, be saved by either Urahara, Yoruichi, or Isshin, and start slumping back into his depression that will allow his hollow side to come back out.
Yumichika, and I don't think that "high and happy" thing is related to the fact that he can steal enemy spirit power, but rather just plain happiness for the win he had back then [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Honoko
yamachika's (i think?) shikai eats up his opponents spirit power and makes him kinda high and happy afterwards.
For some reason that made me laugh. =PQuote:
Originally posted by: Yukimura
Rukia's Shikai just plain owns, I put it in a class with the other "your pretty well screwed if it happens to you" powers.
I agree with how many of you said that Deiroy's arrogance pretty much got him killed. Plus I believe he was one of the weaker of the group. He had a high number (hopefully higher the number = weaker the dude or maybe it just means the order they were created -_- which in case he could be new =P).
Edit: This leads me to believe that if Rukia could do Bankai it's going to be one of three things.
1. A HUGE arse circle instead of a small one.
2. MANY circles around a ridicuously large radius.
3. A creatrue/entity of ice who creates circles =p.
No F this, TRIANGLES! and he/she/it slows them down too!
the only reason i thought that way was because pretty boy wouldn't really explain to zaraki why he was so happy and i do believe zaraki comments on how he looks even better than usual. and honestly, it would make perfect sense with that guy's personality to have a zanpakuto that actually improves his image.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Yumichika, and I don't think that "high and happy" thing is related to the fact that he can steal enemy spirit power, but rather just plain happiness for the win he had back then [img][/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Honoko
yamachika's (i think?) shikai eats up his opponents spirit power and makes him kinda high and happy afterwards.
Ok guys even IF that was a low powered Allankaar the fact remains that it is still more powerful then a Menos Grande as those are the foot soldiers of the army. Given this fact do you really think Rukia would have crapped herself as well as it beinga HUGE deal in soul society that Ichigo gave a sword wound to one if Rukia who is not even a vice captain heck last I knew she didn't even have a seat designation among her squad and they have yet to give her one except she can't be any higher then 5th in the first place.
This chapter was a complete plot hole there is no reason that a Menos Grande which wouldn't be smart enough or quick enough to dodge that exact attack she used on D-roy which leads me to believe there is no reason Rukia couldn't have single handedly taken out a Menos if she was this powerful at the start of the show. She certainly could have trained but we haven't had a large time gap at all and if the only reason soul society is so weak is nobody seems to have ever trained on there own I also find that a moronic premise. Rukia is not as strong as a elite sweeper team trained specifically to take down a Menos Grand, she isn't a Captain or vice captain in her squad. Heck her squad has no vice captain and 3rd and 4th seat are spoken for. So if you really think that her ability being that strong without explination is exceptable I would love to hear why. Side note if D-roy instead of dying was randomly saved by Grimjaw then this will be made a acceptable chapter.
I really don't think he's dead.
DDBen, you can't call something a plot hole when the manga hasn't even had a chance to emplain how she was able to pull that off...
After they make an attempt to explain what happened, then you'll have the right to call something a plot hole because as it currently stands there is a perfectly good explanation for what just happened, you just don't know it yet... Why? Because this is the most recent chapter...
I think that the chances that Rukia is the 13th squad's vice is high. First of all, she was unseated when she entered the Gotei 13 at the time of her adoption by the Kuchiki clan. This was back when Renji, Kira, Hinamori & co. were also still in the Shinigami Academy. Those three are now vice captains, so I don't see any reason why Rukia wouldn't also be able to attain vice captainship since her spirit power was shown to be equal or greater than Renji's back when they were in Rukongai. Also, in the Kaien flashback, Rukia goes along with Ukitake & Kaien to find the hollow that offed Kaien's wife, who was the 3rd seat. It seems reasonable to me that the captain would bring along someone who had a capable amount of power (4th-7th seat, or something?) -- other than having Rukia along simply for the plot to work in the story.
That would leave the question of how Rukia was hurt by the hollow in episode one or why she was even patrolling in the human world if she was at a high level of power. While I find the latter a bit unexplainable other than the need for the events in episode one to occur to get the story rolling, I think her getting hurt can be because of getting distracted by Ichigo's enormous spirit pressure as well as the need to protect him.
Furthermore, Rukia is sent to the human world with this group consisting of relatively powerful officers. Renji gives positive comments on Rukia's abilities which indicates a decent level of respect.
About the allankars - Although Hitsugaya does say that an allankar would give a captain trouble, I think this only refers to the strongest level of allankars. When Ulquoirra and Yami come down during the first mission to kill Ichigo, it's shown that Ulpuoirra is considerably stronger than Yami. I think the relationship between Grimjow and these other allankar are similar -- Deiroy would be at about the same level as Yami.
Originally posted by: Kensee
For some reason that made me laugh. =PQuote:
Originally posted by: Yukimura
Rukia's Shikai just plain owns, I put it in a class with the other "your pretty well screwed if it happens to you" powers.
I agree with how many of you said that Deiroy's arrogance pretty much got him killed. Plus I believe he was one of the weaker of the group. He had a high number (hopefully higher the number = weaker the dude or maybe it just means the order they were created -_- which in case he could be new =P).
Edit: This leads me to believe that if Rukia could do Bankai it's going to be one of three things.
1. A HUGE arse circle instead of a small one.
2. MANY circles around a ridicuously large radius.
3. A creatrue/entity of ice who creates circles =p.
No F this, TRIANGLES! and he/she/it slows them down too!
Or it could be a sphere. that would make more sense. a giant sphere that freezes everyhting within it.
@DDBen: At the start of the show, rukia had no powers. When she made Ichigo into a shinigami, her powers were completely depleted, which is why her sword disappeared. she even says somethign along the lines of 'i must have given him more then i wanted to' when she see's ichigo's sword. Normally, her powers would have returned after some time, but due to urahara's special element, she as slowly becoming human. Thats why she couldn't do anyhting about the menos bac then. And everyone made a huge deal out of the fact that ichigo could hurt the menos only because it required atleast a vice-captain level to do such a thing.
I wanna point something about how hitsugaya mentioned those three ranks in Aizen's army. He said they were the three types of menos, not Allankar. Hmm, does that mean that there is a certain kind of Allankaar made from each kind of menos. Makes you wonder what a Gilian Allankaar looks.
Rukia in the first episode was at her full power up until she gave her powers to Ichigo. As we have seen in many of the captain and vice captain battles and to a lesser extent with those in the 11th the wounds she recieved should not have been able to hurt her to the extent of being unable to fight at all IF she was always this powerful.
I maintain the fact her sudden jump in power from a nothing to fighting above Renji and any other vice captain we have seen previously it abued. Reguardless of anything her powers were not depleted or drained at all until Ichigo took them and then her Giga kept them from replenishing. So unless we get some serious training flashbacks this is a plot hole. There is also a bit of a explination in the next chapter I won't go into but that does not change the fact what they have done in this chapter doesn't fit with ANYTHING else.
OK, but you have to remember, in most cases (current case excluded because of the obvious) CaptainsQuote:
Originally posted by: DDBen
Rukia in the first episode was at her full power up until she gave her powers to Ichigo. As we have seen in many of the captain and vice captain battles and to a lesser extent with those in the 11th the wounds she recieved should not have been able to hurt her to the extent of being unable to fight at all IF she was always this powerful.
and Vice-Captains and other powerful Shigami have thier power reduced when they go to earth. Just
because she was that weak on Earth doesn't mean she wasnt powerful in her own right in Soul Socity.
That is correct there power is roughtly 20% when on earth or atleast initially. That doesn't explain why she can take out something stronger then a Menos Grande in one hit after she went out of her way to tell ichigo to avoid one because it takes a special group of soul society exterminators to even have a chance at repelling one.Quote:
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
OK, but you have to remember, in most cases (current case excluded because of the obvious) Captains
and Vice-Captains and other powerful Shigami have thier power reduced when they go to earth. Just
because she was that weak on Earth doesn't mean she wasnt powerful in her own right in Soul Socity.
Well, the only thing I have to say is, LOOK OUT!! THERE'S A GIANT PLOTHOLE IN FRONT OF YOU!!!Quote:
Originally posted by: DDBen
That is correct there power is roughtly 20% when on earth or atleast initially. That doesn't explain why she can take out something stronger then a Menos Grande in one hit after she went out of her way to tell ichigo to avoid one because it takes a special group of soul society exterminators to even have a chance at repelling one.Quote:
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
OK, but you have to remember, in most cases (current case excluded because of the obvious) Captains
and Vice-Captains and other powerful Shigami have thier power reduced when they go to earth. Just
because she was that weak on Earth doesn't mean she wasnt powerful in her own right in Soul Socity.
EDIT: But thats the only one. They pretty much explain all of the other ones.