Originally posted by: Curium
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Originally posted by: PSJ
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
So give me an updated Strike with Sword Pack and a platoon of druggies and I'll whoop all your sorry asses back up into the stars were you belong!
The druggies belong to Blue Cosmos!!!!
I know... but can I maybe borrow them for a campaign or too?
Well Azrael did give Rondo (the pilot of the Astray Gold Frame, and one of the Orb leaders) a Sword Calamity, a few other Gundams plus Coordinator/Extended clones to pilot them. It would not be out of character for Blue Cosmos to lend them to a "friend".
Originally posted by: PSJ
Yea i'll lend you some but the Auel clones i'm keeping for myself. You can get all the Stellars, i don't want those anyway.
I kind of agree a little with Blue Cosmos on the issue of genetic manipulaton. I mean think how the naturals felt when they worked their asses of to get lets say a job and a coordinator gets the job instead because he had been designed to learn more or when a coordinator is taking a naturals place in some kind of sports, the natural worked his ass off to get where he is but the coordinator is just like "no sweat" because he is designed with a better body. It's just unfair and a stupid idea from the start to improve mankind through genetics.
If the Blue Cosmos didn't exist and drove the coordinators into space, the naturals would be working all tough and unwanted jobs. They would be like slaves because they can't compare to the coordinators. Sure there would be a couple of rare talanted naturals but how much space do you think these few would get? Sure the world would look all great and simple when the naturals are gone but that will take a while if they ever would disappear. With people like Dullindal getting to lead the coordinators they would probably have enslaved naturals and used them for their own benefit just like the Blue Cosmos uses the druggies.
You know, that sounds an awful lot like the general basis in X-Men too, where mutants could take jobs because their powers were adventageous to the position (except that they anti-mutant movement is MUCH larger then Blue Cosmos so it can't).