Yes, finally over, and not a bad ending. Despite my bad Japanese, I was still able to enjoy it and get the general idea. You guys are in for one big back....litteraly.
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Yes, finally over, and not a bad ending. Despite my bad Japanese, I was still able to enjoy it and get the general idea. You guys are in for one big back....litteraly.
Don't post telling us about the ep if you can't even provide a link to the raw.
Freakin Sweet!!!
i watched the first 2 second and i could already tell it was rushed. Now Lacus went SEED and nobody knows when exactly.
EDIT1: Athruns backpack is so COOL!!!!!!!!
5 Min. left.
Rey is going to kill Dullindal SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!
EDIT1:FORGET IT, i think im wrong. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
OVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT4: Wasnt as bad as i thought it would, yet the ENDING was so plain, I WANT AN OVA otherwise im going to hate this show all my life.
HAHAHA, this is funny, this has a big twist at the end....
I hope you guys are prepared for the horrible sound of Rey and Shinn's crying.
Kira is a Newtype and Lacus is a Newtype. That explains alot. Rey and Shinn went down like a couple of bitches. They didn't even manage to land in a good damaging hit. Luna must have been out of her mind. Trying to take on Athrun. She didn't even last a minute. I have never seen such rape before. Did anybody but me also notice that Kira'a freedom pulls out the litte cool light effct? I hear an OVA coming, how bout you guys. That episode happened way too fast. I thought Mwu was gonna get caught in the Genesis beam. It would have been funny if he did.
I hate this kind of ending, we dont know what happens with meyring, athrun and cagalli, kira and Lacus', etc. IT JUST ENDS, the Sun might aswell explode and kill mankind [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img].
EDIT1 OVA? WHERE? WHEN? WHO? Is fukuda involved in IT? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]
PS: I think im not going to school [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
how great last eps
I want the moon to explode and take the Earth with it. That way no one has to deal with Kira and Lacus's Newtype children going power crazy.Quote:
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
I hate this kind of ending, we dont know what happens with meyring, athrun and cagalli, kira and Lacus', etc. IT JUST ENDS, the Sun might aswell explode and kill mankind [img][/img].
BTW: It wasnt a surprise to me but Shinn went Psycho again [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img], and almost kills Lunamaria, stil Lunamaria stays with Shinn [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img] WTF is wrong with that girl.
SO true that about Shinn and Rey being raped, Lunamaria didnt even notice Athrun destroyed her arm and leg on purpose. Minerva really took a beating.
Luna likes em crazy.
Minerva got raped by Athrun. And it was STILL a jet pack on the back of Justice!!! I thought he was gonna transform, but no my hopes gone. Kira sucks without his Dragoon's. Athrun is the ultimate pilot when it comes to closerange battle.
BTW, when Athrun cut off Shinn's arms why the fuck did Shinn think he could kick him and do anything with out arms? Shinn's Shining finger is worth shit if it can't even withstand a beam saber. Accually it's been worth Shit this entire series.
Goddamnit, THANK YOU! I had hoped for that twist since the beginning of the show.
I hope there is at least one more surprise waiting for me once I get the episode.
@FelixZeroAlastor: Because he is crazy and has a God-Complex, he thinks he has Kira's Skills.
Athrun did rock. Shinn was in SEED-Mode and couldnt take Athrun.
@Terra, I would wait till the subbed version is out, i doubt she is Reys mother, WASNT HE A FUCKING CLONE?.
I think Rey called her mother because he never had one, Talya was comforting him after he shoot Dullindal thats why it all happened.
Still completely pathtic. He caught the sabers with his hands and they broke. Cheap gundam.
Edit 1: Go to 11:11. You'll see what I mean.
It wasnt the MS' fault, he thought he could do the same thing Kira did, but he never even thought HOW TO, he thought Freedom did it to me so IT must work against Justice. Dead wrong. Kira used the shield to stop Destiny's Sword.Quote:
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
Still completely pathtic. He caught the sabers with his hands and they broke. Cheap gundam.
Shinn was using the cannons to do catch em. Haah. Shinn should've brought some extra swords and boomerangs.
That stupid kid (Shinn) always gets his armament destroyed, he could had brought twice the armament he can normally carry and yet run out of weapons [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].Quote:
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
Shinn was using the cannons to do catch em. Haah. Shinn should've brought some extra swords and boomerangs.
So much for the "Almighty" (LMAO) Shinn Asuka (I nicknamed it "THE PUPPET").
I was at least exspecting Rey and Shinn to at least remove an arm or leg off of Kira and Athrun. Kira also cut and destroyed Messaiah pretty quickly.
Indeed, ZAFT forces sucked big time.Quote:
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
I was at least exspecting Rey and Shinn to at least remove an arm or leg off of Kira and Athrun. Kira also cut and destroyed Messaiah pretty quickly.
PS: I have been thinking and i strongly believe BANDAI reduced GSD's BUDGET , that would explain all the reused scenes and the crappy conclusion (last two minutes of Phase 50), and why they ripped off Kira's scene where he says goodbye to Fllay in GS Phase 50.
I'd cut the budget too if the show was sucking this bad. They even played the opening. They aren't supposed to do that on the last ep.Quote:
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
Indeed, ZAFT forces sucked big time.Quote:
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
I was at least exspecting Rey and Shinn to at least remove an arm or leg off of Kira and Athrun. Kira also cut and destroyed Messaiah pretty quickly.
PS: I have been thinking and i strongly believe BANDAI reduced GSD's BUDGET , thet would explain all the reused scenes and the crappy conclusion (last two minutes of Phase 50), and why they ripped off Kira's scene where he says goodbye to Fllay in GS Phase 50.
True, i didnt even notice that. One Good OVA can change a little my opinion.
I won't watch the OAV if Fukuda does it. It'll probably result in another already needed season.
I will have to, i hate not knowing all the story, thats why i hate this kind of ending, and OVA would help clear some things out.
ya never know, they just might pull off another endless waltz..
shin got owned bwhahahahahaaa
Originally posted by: aznroyale
shin got owned bwhahahahahaaa
I agree *manical evil laughter*
So none of the key pilots died? This is a war drama?
That had to be the most entertaining episode in the series, but the ending should've been extended.
People were complaining about predictable. If people expected someone to die, and they didn't, why are they disapointed? this isn't a personal comment just a thought in general that your statement brought to mind.Quote:
Originally posted by: xat
So none of the key pilots died? This is a war drama?
I can't wait for the release of the amazing bgm.
It was just perfect.
I wonder where are now all the Shinn lovers, they must be hiding behind their beds [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]. Seriously, Shinn and Rey were like grunt pilots in this Final Phase [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] (Double smiley face).
Well much like most of the series, this was a let down. I love the characters they have in the seed series, but Fukuda has completely fucked it up. Oh well, not like my opinion is going to change anything in Japan.
Couple of notes:
1. That PS2 GS game actually looks worthwhile (but I've fallen for that before)
2. I wonder if they lost track of the episode count or just couldn't come up with anything, because yet again an ending was packed into literrally 10 minutes of footage.
3. When the hell was Lacus able to go Seed mode? Not like anything brought it on, and then it just went away.
In regards to predictability, I was hoping that there might be some unexpected deaths involved. I find it interesting because those kinds of deaths, at least among key characters, tend to generate drama in and out of the show (fan debates and such--like when some thought Kira died). The lack of in this case seems to ruin the fan interpreted (maybe even officially classified?) premise the original GS set before it.Quote:
Originally posted by: MeroTZ
People were complaining about predictable. If people expected someone to die, and they didn't, why are they disapointed? this isn't a personal comment just a thought in general that your statement brought to mind.Quote:
Originally posted by: xat
So none of the key pilots died? This is a war drama?
So this means Rey or Shinn didn't die? WTF is up with this shit Rey was supposed to be a villian and he can't even die. REY AND SHINN DIE AND REPENT!!!!!!
The Dom Troopers did'nt die either, so much for the "unwritten rule".
well, Destiny may have had the upperhand over SF by a small margin inside the atmosphere, but in space SF owns everybody with his DRAGOON's, 2 guns, and SF's true HiMAT-mode, go Kira [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
And IJ also kicked some serious ass in this episode, seems it is a good thing to have beam sabers sticking out everywhere when going close range [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Even though the ending is a bit to open, this episode did repair some of the damage from the last 20 crappy episodes...
Rey did died alongside Talya and Dullindal when messiah collapsed.
PS: We dont know when Lacus went SEED, but taking into consideration the fact that she apparently went to normal after Messiah was directly attacked I think she went SEED when the final battle started in Phase 49.5 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].
I would have been much more satisfied if Shinn and Rey had accually done something to Kira and Athrun.
its kinda funny how athrun didnt even use seed... and he pwned so hard. we only got a taste of his seed mode against shin in that one episode (43?). i wonder what athrun would be like if he actually even needed to stay more than 3 seconds in seed. it seems that kira needs his seed to take on shin, but athrun doesnt even need it remotely...
This is why Athrun is better. Now if he got really serious then I think he could become a God pilot over Kira in this series. Kira is always serious in Seed. Athrun only gets three seconds a kicks more ass than Kira did in the entire series.Quote:
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
its kinda funny how athrun didnt even use seed... and he pwned so hard. we only got a taste of his seed mode against shin in that one episode (43?). i wonder what athrun would be like if he actually even needed to stay more than 3 seconds in seed. it seems that kira needs his seed to take on shin, but athrun doesnt even need it remotely...
Shinn is all angered and uncontrollable (He was gonna blast Luna, wth.), while Athrun is controlled and meticulous about movement.
At least Shinn has found somewhat of an inner peace after the huge loss.
This series was left so wide open at the end another season is possible. If they do do another they better get someone other than Fukuda.
I sort of stopped watching at 45 -- have they given light to Talia/Dullindal's past already?
Felix, you've been here for over five months and look at how big your sig is. God, you're stupid.Quote:
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
This series was left so wide open at the end another season is possible. If they do do another they better get someone other than Fukuda.
Ugh. Fine. You don't have to be so mean man. I just forgot going through 5 different forums.
gosh so predictable iw as right to beginw ith and you all said i was wrong i new shin would go pyscho on luna maria and that was indeed the head of impulse and not freedom. 2nd i knew rey was the son of glaydys and dullindal. recall some where in 20 somethign epsiode i think after heine died . Rey ran to the chairman and hugged him. @nd the chiarman hair is long and the cpatian here blonde , rey hair is blonde a and long. i didnt watch it yet im dling it right now .
i know i know i got typos i choose to spel because it annoys people like you ^ ^
Shinn's battle with Asuran was ridiculous, so ridiculous that it was actually commical.
-Shinn - hmm maybe if I block beam sabers with my hand....oh, and for an added bonus, I'll use my palm cannons too, that should work.
-Shinn - oh, oh, nope, didn't work, crap, now both my arms and my wings are broken.
Eh, might as well kick him in the shin.
-Legs cut off
Oh, oh, whoops, I forgot he had beam sabers on his legs too.
That's amazing quality. The video is crystal clear. Why aren't any fansubs distributed with this level of quality, and how was this raw recorded?Quote:
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
Yeah, im starting the download:
Phase 50 (RAW Version High Quality) (500MB)
Because 500MB for a 20-25 minute clip is insane.
Care to elaborate?Quote:
Originally posted by: zn|¹
Because 500MB for a 20-25 minute clip is insane.
On another note:
What makes the filesize large in this case?
That is crazy. Is it an HD version or something.Quote:
Originally posted by: zn|¹
Because 500MB for a 20-25 minute clip is insane.
Xero-Suxs is Out (230MB)
EDIT1: After being waiting several hours to watch Phase 50 i finally got it and watched it thrice, i was sleepy the last 5 hours so i didnt notice, anyway it doesnt matter if i was sleepy or not, but check the opening when Kira and Athrun appear with their MS in the background. Kira is shown as a second liutenient and Athrun as a Colonel.
GSD Phase 49 (Phase's 50 is the same) - Opening - Kira Yamato (2nd Lt)
GSD Phase 49 - Opening - Athrun Zala (Colonel)
How is that crazy?Quote:
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
That is crazy. Is it an HD version or something.Quote:
Originally posted by: zn|¹
Because 500MB for a 20-25 minute clip is insane.
Anyone with a dsl connection and little bit of patience can get a nice high quality episode.
True. It isn't crazy.Quote:
Originally posted by: RoninChaos
How is that crazy?Quote:
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
That is crazy. Is it an HD version or something.Quote:
Originally posted by: zn|¹
Because 500MB for a 20-25 minute clip is insane.
Anyone with a dsl connection and little bit of patience can get a nice high quality episode.
Edit. SF turned into freedom during the fight.
That HD version will be used by a lot of fansubbers [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]. I Havent downloaded it so i dont know, could someone with that version post a screencap without compression?.
PS: @FelixZeroAlastor, You Had A Sig, but it was just tooo big [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].
EDIT1:WTH, when did SF became Freedom? EDIT2: No, its definetely Strike Freedom.
Fuckuda just hitted a NEW LOW making that mistake.
The crazy part is keeping the episodes, if you got every episode of the series in that quality you would have a 25GB of GSD on your computer and that is an insane amount of space for 50 episodes of a show.Quote:
Originally posted by: RoninChaos
How is that crazy?Quote:
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
That is crazy. Is it an HD version or something.Quote:
Originally posted by: zn|¹
Because 500MB for a 20-25 minute clip is insane.
Anyone with a dsl connection and little bit of patience can get a nice high quality episode.
Wow this episode was stupid. The two super weapons were destroyed in like 10 seconds, lunamaria lasted longer in her fight. Also, Dullindal looked more shocked when Lacus appeared in Orb then when he got shot in the chest. I also found it very fitting that during the ending credits, instead of showing maybe a montage of what happened to everyone after this battle, they just reused clips from across the series.
In the end credits, were Shinn Hugs Lunamaria,is that in a epeisode? Cause that'd explain somethings as to why she still saved the Pycho Freak Shinn Mode.... thingy...
i'm thinking that the distinct lack of closure at the end of the final episode (Shinn & Luna on the moon, everyone floating in space, etc) is a pretty good indication that we can be expecting a 3rd SEED series, or perhaps a movie sort of thing (ala Endless Waltz)
the action was entertaining, but i get the feeling the episode will be a lot better once i can watch it with a good sub... seems to be a decent amount of information dispensed during the fights between Kira/Rey, Athrun/Shinn, and during the final confrontation...
and really, weren't we just discussing last week that as much as the viewers outside of Japan may not like Destiny (myself not included, i'm a fan still), the viewers in Japan were completely and thoroughly in love with the series? taking that into consideration, there's going to be some sort of continuation... at the very least, a five minute thing like they did as a follow-up for SEED...
oh, and Terra, remember a few weeks back, you said you'd given up hope for a good plot twist ending? i guess we just got a christmas miracle... i knew there was a reason i hung on and crossed my fingers. wasn't great, but it was a twist.
FIFTY episodes of high quality uncompressed video at 25GB is not large a amount of space when considering the quantity of the episodes.Quote:
The crazy part is keeping the episodes, if you got every episode of the series in that quality you would have a 25GB of GSD on your computer and that is an insane amount of space for 50 episodes of a show.
Hard Drives aren't meant to be used for long term storage. Use DVDs or any high quliaty media for archiving.
25GB on standard 4.7GB DVD's would translate to about 6 discs.
25GB on double layer 8.5 DVD's would only equal 3 discs.
I know that many people have varying hard drive space, but for those who have the space to spare and are downloading the Gundam Seed Destiny, I highly reccommened getting the high quality version. At least then you have the uncompressed RAW video and compress it yourself based on your needs.
Or U could wait till 2006 and burn them on Blu-Ray (25GB single layer) Disc or HD DVDs (15GB Single Layer).
Wikipedia - Blu-Ray Disc
Wikipedia - HD DVD
BTW. That about SF turning into Freedom in Phase 50, forget it, i just watched the images again and its definetely SF but the gold part in the chest was sarkened by shadows.
No, I think its Freedom. doesn't SF use a beam shield?
wow, the ending sucked. it didn't even feel like an ending. Everything just kinda....ended. The story sucked, the fighting sucked. wtf, freedom, justice, and atsuki didn't even get scratched. hell, the dom troppers didn't even get shot. all the sudden rey's talia's son, and talia's wiling to die w/ dullinal? it makes no sense at all. I am very very disappointed in the series. damn, Fuck Fukuda.
AGREED. OVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Quote:
Originally posted by: addict4speed
wow, the ending sucked. it didn't even feel like an ending. Everything just kinda....ended. The story sucked, the fighting sucked. wtf, freedom, justice, and atsuki didn't even get scratched. hell, the dom troppers didn't even get shot. all the sudden rey's talia's son, and talia's wiling to die w/ dullinal? it makes no sense at all. I am very very disappointed in the series. damn, Fuck Fukuda.
I think it pretty much tears it that Fukuda doesn't know how to hold his story together. If he's smart, he'll resign and take a short respite to see where he went wrong... at worst, he should be fired and never be allowed to work in that business again.
Fuck Kira Fuck his friend and Fuck his damn greenpeace girlfriend grrrr the only reason Shin got his ass handed to him is because the writer caved in to all the Kira and Athrun fanboys
It's incredible they managed to use like 8 minutes or so of reused scenes even on the final episode. Also, this end is worst than Gundam Wing. I hope Fukuda never direct a Gundam frenchise ever again.
The end with all those Gundams floating in a single image just showed me this was a show made to sell toys, not to really create a war drama, or something like that.
shin got his ass handed cuz hes a crappy piolt... u cant compare him to athrun which had an adittional 50 epiosde expirence from the much better series of Gundam Seed. also u are dissing fanboys when u are a shin fanboy urself.Quote:
Originally posted by: JerV
Fuck Kira Fuck his friend and Fuck his damn greenpeace girlfriend grrrr the only reason Shin got his ass handed to him is because the writer caved in to all the Kira and Athrun fanboys
Shinn only can beat grunt pilots, always saying "Why wont he go down?", He has an EGO so big that he thinks his enemies should lose just because he is fighting them.
PLUS he likes to fight 2 on 1, not like Athrun and Kira that always figth 1 on 50 or 1 on 1 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]. He even attacks ships and MS that arent attacking him.
my friend made a parody of shin getting ass raped, ill post a link of it soon! can someone give me a good site i can put the video on where ppl can dl it?
Thanks, but sorry the only one i know is called fileshare and i have no idea if its good, i have just downloaded some videos.
Can't you all wait until the translation to pass judgements or at least clue us in on what's happening? I think It did provide closure to the story btw or at least seem so. The ending of GSD is in the credits of GS. And the guys that started the war ended it themselves. At least it closes the chapter. Dullindal's goal is met. He & Kira agreed on something or maybe Fukuda is just afraid of killing him off. I dont understand what Rey was saying but i did think he did the right thing. Not to be Destined Plan... No one predicted the outcome of GSD. Didn't expect Shinn to do that at the end. He holds his reputation well. Heh.
Yeah, and that is so surprising, considering the Kira/Athrun orgasming in the show.Quote:
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
I wonder where are now all the Shinn lovers, they must be hiding behind their beds [img][/img]. Seriously, Shinn and Rey were like grunt pilots in this Final Phase [img][/img] [img][/img] (Double smiley face).
They are "hiding" because unlike the Kira fanboys (apparently), they already knew that Shinn would get owned.
There is nothing to add to the sentiment.
never watched phase 50 yet..
so , shinn got owned?
Fuck u fukuda.
The best way to end this ending would be the ending of shadowskill ig guys remeber that anime. if you dont I highly reccomend it.
anyways the series ended the way it began. Shinn crying and well shinn crying. Although i hate shinn with extreme prejudice i did not enjoy him getting powned it wasnt brutal enough. (btw destiny is really crappy gundam and ATHRUN IS IS THE MAN OMG good to see him back serious and focused). things i enjyed about this mwu san owing the way he use to kinda like in gundam seed. Although would have liked to see him fight way Rey.
Although im am kira fan and yes that he is the supreme cordinnator he had no opposition that wasnt a fight although rey is not not skilled ( the reason why the chairman gave athrun the choice to pilot legend rginally since he elite rey is only half baked). But still not a scratch yes some scenes were reused . In the athrun fight with shinnn they reused stuff from gsd ep43.
something else im suprised about is that dom troopers lived but come no screen time ... whats te point of introducing cool charcters that were not devloped .. COME ON MAN honeslty this was too eazy ... if you compare seed 50 with this it was a brutal fight freedom was ripped although given kira has improved but come on wth.
The price of kleenix $1.25 seeing shinn cry... PRICELESS........
thats my thoughs and all i would not want a a 3rd one. I think it sbest to relese maybe two ova and cover the rest in manga. I hooneslty wish i never watched GSD it was a waste of my time and evvery ne elses. sure it was cool mechs a few nice fight seens few charcters good but besides thats it. SEED was like milk and well fukuda made GSD worse than 2% milk ya that bad and throw in some glue with it.
THE only thing I ejoyed about GSD was well athrun only for the last 7 episodes the dom troppers and heine thats is all .........
I guess tis fare well to all i ill try and stick arund i would say it was good while lasted but lets all jsut sit down and watch seed and enjoy the good old days ................
Xero ep 50 Dunno if it was already posted.
@ terra, its not the fact that he got owned, its the fact that he got owned so badly and was a complete dumbass when fighting
1. protects luna, then wants to kill luna 2 mins later.
2. looses his sword, continues to fight...
3. looses both his boomerags, continues to fight...
4. looses both arms and wings, continues to fight....
5. tries to kick athurn....
thats why all the shin ppl are hiding. shin friggin got freddied....
Rofl I never thought of it like that. Shinn seriously got owned. But shinn is a lover not a fighter [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
@ terra, its not the fact that he got owned, its the fact that he got owned so badly and was a complete dumbass when fighting
1. protects luna, then wants to kill luna 2 mins later.
2. loses his sword, continues to fight...
3. loses both his boomerags, continues to fight...
4. loses both arms and wings, continues to fight....
5. tries to kick athurn....
thats why all the shin ppl are hiding. shin friggin got freddied....
lol @ kyubisrage for quoting a Michael Jackson song (which is good btw). Unless the "lover not a fighter" part was a coincidence.
Well drunkenmaster, those things arent' really surprising. Any real man would fight til the end. SHINN IS ADMIRABLE AND ALL KIRA FANBOYS SUCK AND ONLY LIKE HIM CUZ HE WINS AND NOBODY LIKES A GLOATER SO STFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
(ps: strike freedom blows)
i agree ^
I agree too... SFreedom is shit. Infinite Justice all the way!!!
aw man dullindal didnt shoot kira oh well [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
arthrun pwned shinn like nothing *is reminded about the "OFFICIAL RANKINGS" stating that Shinn is superior to arthrun in skills* dahahah fukuda fooking sux
rey owns, he owned jibril and dullindal, too bad he had to go and die... and i'm still clueless as to why kira went into messiah...
shinn was some main character [/sarcasm]... i really want that gsd: endless waltz now.. that could possibly save gsd... seriously, what was the point of the whole series if zaft just got owned like nothing by the goodie too-shoes faction at the end. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]
oh well... did i mention fukuda fooking sux?
Yep, that's definately original Freedom. Considering the fact that it's holding a shield in its right(left) whatever, hand, instead of a beam rifle. Methinks it's a reused scene from Freedoms fight with Destroy...Quote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
No, I think its Freedom. doesn't SF use a beam shield?
This ending SUCKED ASS. One ofthe biggest copout endings ever. Two thumbs Down for a show that started out pretty good.
Go Kira!
i hate kira.... i was the main kira hater on the kira hating thread whenit existed........... and a real man would know when to stop when he goes too far. athrun was just too good for him... doing that is just plain stupid, i dont think its manly at all... also, athrun was the one that took down shin, not kira, i dont know where u got the idea i was a kira fanboy...Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
lol @ kyubisrage for quoting a Michael Jackson song (which is good btw). Unless the "lover not a fighter" part was a coincidence.
Well drunkenmaster, those things arent' really surprising. Any real man would fight til the end. SHINN IS ADMIRABLE AND ALL KIRA FANBOYS SUCK AND ONLY LIKE HIM CUZ HE WINS AND NOBODY LIKES A GLOATER SO STFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
(ps: strike freedom blows)
Ps strike freedom does suck, go justice!
Desperation combined with jealousy is a foul stench...Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
lol @ kyubisrage for quoting a Michael Jackson song (which is good btw). Unless the "lover not a fighter" part was a coincidence.
Well drunkenmaster, those things arent' really surprising. Any real man would fight til the end. SHINN IS ADMIRABLE AND ALL KIRA FANBOYS SUCK AND ONLY LIKE HIM CUZ HE WINS AND NOBODY LIKES A GLOATER SO STFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
(ps: strike freedom blows)
Wow Akatsuki in this episode kicked ass. They should have changed the final picture of the opening song for phase 50 from athrun, kira, shinn to athrun, kira, mwu. That would be fitting. =)
As what have been said a lot of times in this thread, shinn in this episode totally SUCKED. BTW athrun went seed when he shielded luna from shinn's attack.
I heard that there was going to be a 40 minute ep on the final DVD that is released for Destiny in Japan. Hopefully this is true and it will wrap up the ending.
@Terra, Shinn might fight till the end, but he fights till the end like an idiot, HOW COULD HE EVER THOUGHT HE COULD STOPI ATHRUN'S BEAM SABER WITH DESTINY'S BARE-HANDS?, That is just plain stupid, not admirable. HE just attacks and never stops a second to think.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
lol @ kyubisrage for quoting a Michael Jackson song (which is good btw). Unless the "lover not a fighter" part was a coincidence.
Well drunkenmaster, those things arent' really surprising. Any real man would fight til the end. SHINN IS ADMIRABLE AND ALL KIRA FANBOYS SUCK AND ONLY LIKE HIM CUZ HE WINS AND NOBODY LIKES A GLOATER SO STFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
(ps: strike freedom blows)
I agree that Fukada made Shinn out to be a dumbass in the end, but at Shinn's defense with Destiny's bare hands... I believe it's not as dumb a move as you think... Shinn was in the middle of doing his Destiny palm thingy whatever and Arthrun came in and bashed him out of the way and immediately countered with his beam sabers... I think it was crazy Shinn even reacted with trying to block that counter with Destiny's hands because I don't think theres any other option he had. Destiny's hands emit beams from them, so I'd think it's not that dumb of a move. Don't tell me he could've dodged that attack, because there's no way there would've been enough time. If you think there was enough time to dodge that attack, tell me why Arthrun didn't dodge Kira's "Savior" attack, and why Kira didn't dodge Shinn's attack. Well, there's also the fakt that Arthrun is teh uber. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
@Terra, Shinn might fight till the end, but he fights till the end like an idiot, HOW COULD HE EVER THOUGHT HE COULD STOPI ATHRUN'S BEAM SABER WITH DESTINY'S BARE-HANDS?, That is just plain stupid, not admirable. HE just attacks and never stops a second to think.
Oh well, why the hell do I even care? Shinn was a very poorly developed character. It's a shame, he had a lot of potential to be something in this series, but "fukuda" fooking sux.
eDiT:Where I'm from, everyone says that in defense to being called a pussy, and most people who say that don't even know where it came from (I know I didn't [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]) Heh.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
lol @ kyubisrage for quoting a Michael Jackson song (which is good btw). Unless the "lover not a fighter" part was a coincidence.
My god, the good guys won without any tragic losses, without any ridiculous plot twists that throw them into more and more desperate situations at the last second, which they overcome with a Deus-Ex-Machina?
thats actually original
Seriously, everything you read/watch/listen to these days is filled to the brim with tragedy and generally dark themes. Its nice to finally see the good guys come through with a non-pyric victory for once.
Of course, just as Dullindal said, the world is immediately going to fall into chaos. He had most of it conquered, and now most of the world lost its leader.
And Kira said he was ready to fight, so that it doesn't fall all the way into darkness.
God, what a premise for a follow up.
All you naysayers who were hoping the good guys would lose half their friends to eke out a victory, go watch Evangelion for your fill of depression and pointless death.
A happy ending to this series is orginal and suits me fine.
PS: Strike Freedom owns, admit it. But not as much as Justice, or the new King, Akatsuki.
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
its kinda funny how athrun didnt even use seed... and he pwned so hard. we only got a taste of his seed mode against shin in that one episode (43?). i wonder what athrun would be like if he actually even needed to stay more than 3 seconds in seed. it seems that kira needs his seed to take on shin, but athrun doesnt even need it remotely...
Asuran clearly went seed when he blocked shinn's palm cannon and then dismantled Destiny.
yeah i didnt mean it that way sorry, im just saying he fights evenly with shin without seed and the only times we ever see him in seed is for like 3 seconds, unlike kiras extended usage. @ MetroTZ, meh freedom is OK, but justice is like 5000000 times better [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. probably the most funny part was when shin came in to save luna and he was like: are u alright?!!!. its so funny, shes so happy and hes like all aggroant with his annoying voice, 2 mins later hes crashing down. just the thought makes me laugh.Quote:
Originally posted by: RoninChaos
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
its kinda funny how athrun didnt even use seed... and he pwned so hard. we only got a taste of his seed mode against shin in that one episode (43?). i wonder what athrun would be like if he actually even needed to stay more than 3 seconds in seed. it seems that kira needs his seed to take on shin, but athrun doesnt even need it remotely...
Asuran clearly went seed when he blocked shinn's palm cannon and then dismantled Destiny.
Sorry for not posting earlier, I know many of you have been dying to read what I will type....and here it goes **drum roll**
THIS EPISODE.....................................SUCKED !!!!! I really thought everything was rushed. I even felt rushed watching it. I wanted to run around and feel like I was keeping pace with the action (or lack thereof). I really am disappointed with the finale. The series overall had it's great moments, but the ending really left a sour taste in my mouth. Sigh, oh well, it could have been worse. I'm glad Kira didn't shoot because he would have missed anyway. Although, Rey shooting the Chairman was a bit out of character. Rey was no clone of Rau, Rau wouldn't have changed his course of action in any way whatsoever. And him being Talia's son???? WTF [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img] Oh, and if anyone is wondering what happened after Kira and company came back to earth.....well they didn't make it. For some reaosn, as they were entering the atmosphere, their respective suits and ships disintegrated while returning in the atmosphere. The protection wore off, and sun's ultraviolet rays all played a vital role in the death of everyone that was attempting to come back to space. In a sad but serious tone, Cagalli had this to say: They will all come back, they always do! This in turn sent a chilling response down the audience's spines.
where can i put files on a website and link it so everyone can download it? (like movies, music etc)