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I saw this pic ages ago
i have seen it a long time ago
I fucking hate cops.
hmm.....thats a new one for me.....
quite amusing
Interesting, yet not funny.
Originally posted by: poopdeville
I fucking hate cops.
Let's get rid of cops and let anarchy loose, who needs order.
already saw it
I know someone who'll need cops when the fans will be fed up with Fillers
is it me or is the cop on the left fucking huge
yeah that cop is giant
cleary he wasn't a great ninja after all.
You've obviously never been hassled by a bored cop. Instead of doing their jobs, they hassle kids and illegally arrest homeless people for "camping." ( They are generally racist: police are eight times more likely to search a black person than a white man ( Here's a whole lot of evidence of racial profiling:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Originally posted by: poopdeville
I fucking hate cops.
Let's get rid of cops and let anarchy loose, who needs order.
Cops might be necessary (though I'm not committing myself to that), but I have plenty of reason to fucking hate them. The two aren't incompatible. In fact, I would hate them less if they just did their jobs instead of screwing people over. Your terse, superficial assessments might work to intimidate the immature, but it won't work on me.
Obviously this loser deserved it, and was not "hassled"Quote:
The report was this "Narutard" got busted for shoplifting in the Dealer's Room. But why, oh why, is he getting the extra emphasis from the SJPD in this anonymous digicam shot? According to accounts, this guy cast "Dipshit-no-Jutsu" and decided to come BACK to the SJCC (IIRC, the standard practice at cons is that if you try to jack merchandise from the dealer's room, that's a "Get Out Of Here & Don't Come Back" kind of offense as far as the convention is concerned) and thus committed the crime of "Criminal Trespass".
Yeah, base your whole opinion on the police force on a few websites as well as whatever faults a few of them have done.Quote:
Originally posted by: poopdeville
You've obviously never been hassled by a bored cop. Instead of doing their jobs, they hassle kids and illegally arrest homeless people for "camping." ( They are generally racist: police are eight times more likely to search a black person than a white man ( Here's a whole lot of evidence of racial profiling:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Originally posted by: poopdeville
I fucking hate cops.
Let's get rid of cops and let anarchy loose, who needs order.
Cops might be necessary (though I'm not committing myself to that), but I have plenty of reason to fucking hate them. The two aren't incompatible. In fact, I would hate them less if they just did their jobs instead of screwing people over. Your terse, superficial assessments might work to intimidate the immature, but it won't work on me.
Go sit down somewhere and shut up you little obnoxious brat.
You're obviously incapable of comprehending a rational argument. The web sites I presented were to support my claim that cops are assholes. In particular, there is a systematic tendency to hassle minorities for no good reason. It's not a "few of them," or else black people wouldn't be EIGHT times more likely to be searched than while people. You assume far too much if you think my opinion is based on those websites. It is supported by them. Do you understand the distinction, or are you still in middle school?
Your new attempt to intimidate is laughable, but among the most predictable posts I've read here -- beyond even "Sasuke would cream him" posts. What are you, 12?
Saying that cops are "generally racist", "cops are assholes" & "cops aren't doing their jobs" based on a few websites "as support" doesn't make it a rational argument, buddy. What you are doing is dismissing all the good work cops are doing, as well as indirectly claiming that you wouldn't mind if cops were removed altogether. Either you have a grudge against the police force (perhaps you got beat down personally?) as your way of thinking is obviously on the level of an infant, that, or -YOU- are the 12 year old. Or actually, make that the aforementioned infant.
Oh and to tell the truth, my post wasn't as much of an indimidation as it was a casual spit on a brainless newbie who is apparently proud of being a super pervert. Your comparison to the overall maturity of the posts here seem to be a lot more thought out. Which is admirable, considering that you are a moron. Hugs & kisses. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Hmmm he must've not been able to open his sharingan
So you claim that the statistics I presented are invalid? Because it obviously follows from the claim that black people are eight times as likely to be searched than white people that cops engage in racial profiling. This is straightforward knockdown racism. They are not doing their job (stopping and catching criminals, helping people) when they hassle an innocent person for no reason other than the fact that they're black.
If you don't claim they're invalid, then your claim that my reasoning is not rational is completely spurious. The "good work" police do is not relevant to the claim that police also do bad things. And they do these things a lot.
For every cop in existance who are more likely to search black people (it's hilarity in itself that they even came up with a number for it - eight) there are five who don't.
And yes, it is highly relevant because you wouldn't mind if the police force was removed altogether. I.e you are ignoring the "good work" police in favor of a few select bad things that some random statistics have shown you. Honestly, if you go somewhere else on the net, the "eight times" thing will be "five times" and so on. Statistics is never religion. Especially not when you only listen blindly to them and see nothing else. You are not a cop. You are just some random idiot, who for some reason would prefer the world to be under martial law instead of actually having an authority upon which society itself stands. Ask yourself this. If society is so bad WITH cops, how would it look without them?
You fail, math boy.
Quantify your claim that there are five cops who don't engage in racial profiling for each who does. Keep in mind that if 5/6ths of a police force are don't engage in racial profiling, then the remaining sixth is searching about fifty times more black people than the others, assuming the eight times figure from the study. This is totally implausible. The police systematically engage in racial profiling.
As you have said, statistics are not a religion. But when there is a large body of statistics indicating that racial profiling goes on (like this one), and that (depending on the community) black people are between 2 and 10 times more likely to be pulled over or searched, it is naive (indeed, stupid) to suppose that there are just a few bad apples doing the profiling. Indeed, even if black people were "only" five times more likely to be searched by a cop than a white person, your 1/6th of bad apples would be searching about 30 times as many black people as the rest. Totally implausible, unless 5/6th of the police force are just lazy bums.
And why on earth do you think I want the military to govern? (Hint: that's what martial law means)
What? You don't want the military either?
(hint: NO SHIT?)
You know what, I'm quite tired of you at this point, so let's go with your dream society then. No authority whatsoever! Let everybody run free and steal each others' food and stuff. It will be great, because you'll probably last about 5 minutes, and then the rest of us get to laugh at you for being so silly who wanted that to begin with [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Blah blah blah. None of this is remotely relevant to the claim that cops are assholes. Being dismissive won't make my claim false. I've presented evidence, and you have not undermined it. You have not presented contradicting evidence. You've just offered red herring after red herring. So the evidence stands, and you look like someone who can't argue his way out of a paper bag. In the end, this is fine with me. Bye! :-D
poopdeville and terra shut the fuck up......
LMAO!!!! i dunno why but tht was funny...........and anyway i think that guy didnt use but he is "Dipshit-no-jutsu"Quote:
Originally posted by: drcitan
Hmmm he must've not been able to open his sharingan
poopdeville, your problem is that you're just making a stupid generalization. For you to say you hate cops because they're all assholes is like me saying I hate black people for whatever reasons (I'm using this as an example, of course - this goes for any group and any race). You're just hating on a specific group of people based on a few select cases and experiences from "bad apples." But really, for every example you can give of cop "racism" or being an asshole, I can give you a case where an african american male has been genuinely guilty of a crime, or has been even more of an asshole. Does that justify me hating the whole race?? Go ahead and bitch about the police, sure, some of the ones you've encountered might have been jerks. Just don't accuse them of being racist, or targeting a specific group of people, because it makes you sound like a retarded hypocrite. Don't say all cops are assholes, because that is DEFINITELY not true. If you want to make any god arguement, don't stoop to generalizing.
I've also got to say: most of the black people (and white people, and whatever people) I know are NOT out there on a daily basis, either putting their own safety at risk, or trying to make the world a safer place. Police officers are.
Again, I'm not racist at all. Just using this as an example (seems to be a popular one).
In any case, it'd be funny if that kid was wearing sharingan contacts.
No, sorry. I'm hating on cops for systematic racial profiling. I've already presented a large study that shows that black people are eight times more likely to be searched than white people. The study was based on the police's own records. There is no mistake, and it's not a few isolated incidents. I won't say that any one particular cop is a racist (unless there's specific evidence to the fact), but the institution as a whole is racist.Quote:
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
poopdeville, your problem is that you're just making a stupid generalization. For you to say you hate cops because they're all assholes is like me saying I hate black people for whatever reasons (I'm using this as an example, of course - this goes for any group and any race). You're just hating on a specific group of people based on a few select cases and experiences from "bad apples."
But you should note that black people are the second largest minority in the US. Last I heard they comprised 17% of the population. Sure, you can find a black person who is genuinely guilty of a crime for each cop that is an asshole. This isn't saying much considering the very large difference in the sizes of the populations.Quote:
But really, for every example you can give of cop "racism" or being an asshole, I can give you a case where an african american male has been genuinely guilty of a crime, or has been even more of an asshole. Does that justify me hating the whole race??
Let me try to flesh my argument out more. Let's assume that the black population in the US is 17%, and that a study in a region shows that black people are five times more likely to be unfairly searched. Now, for ease in calculation, suppose that there were 100 "mistakes." -- 100 innocent people were unfairly searched. If things were fair, we would expect the probability of being unfairly searched p(B) = p(W), so that there would be 17 black people and 83 white people unfairly searched. This is an average -- small variations from this are insignificant. (So, for instance, if 15 black people and 85 white people were searched, we shouldn't be surprised.)
Good so far? We'll call the total US population "USP." Now, the probability p(B) of a black person being searched unfairly is 5 times greater p(W). So we have the equation: .17 * p(B) * USP + .83 * p(W) * USP = 100. Substituting, it becomes USP (.17 * 5 * p(W) + .83 * p(W)) = 100. We can solve this easily: p(W) = 100/(1.68 * USP). In the end, we would expect p(W) * USP white people to have been unfairly searched, so we end up concluding that about 49 white people were unfairly searched. This means that 51 (more than half) black people were unfairly searched, three times what you would expect. This shows tremendous institutional bias.
This doesn't mean that every cop unfairly searches black people maliciously. What it does mean is that police departments either allow some cops to do it on a massive scale, or more likely, that most cops do it fairly regularly. If you'd like, I can do an analysis to show that the first scenario is very implausible.
I've already made it very clear that the police, as an institution is racist. I would not accuse a particular cop of racism without clear evidence, specifically because he may be one of the nice ones. But keep in mind that people choose to be cops, and they're aware of the enormous discrepancy I've outlined. And even the nice ones choose to look the other way. This isn't "active" racism, but in the end, they let the real racists off the hook.Quote:
Go ahead and bitch about the police, sure, some of the ones you've encountered might have been jerks. Just don't accuse them of being racist, or targeting a specific group of people, because it makes you sound like a retarded hypocrite. Don't say all cops are assholes, because that is DEFINITELY not true. If you want to make any god arguement, don't stoop to generalizing.
This is true. The police perform a valuable service for their communities. But it's tarnished by the misery they pointlessly cause every day while abusing their priviledge and authority.Quote:
I've also got to say: most of the black people (and white people, and whatever people) I know are NOT out there on a daily basis, either putting their own safety at risk, or trying to make the world a safer place. Police officers are.
I certainly wouldn't accuse you of being racist. Nobody in this conversation has demonstrated anything of the sort.Quote:
Again, I'm not racist at all. Just using this as an example (seems to be a popular one).
Yes it would! Or better yet, if he drew a cursed seal all over his face with a sharpie. :-)Quote:
In any case, it'd be funny if that kid was wearing sharingan contacts.
i love how this thread is going.
Hint: The american police force isn't the only one. In Sweden, for example, there exists no such racial profiling within the force.
Then again I assume this doesn't matter because I don't have random statistics put together by even more random people to back my rational argument up.
Or perhaps you are talking about the US exclusively? In that case, yeah, I'm sure removing the american police force will do wonders for the already extremely low crime rate [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]
terra, how can there be racial profiling in sweden when everyone is of the pasty white variety? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
poopdeville discovered the secret: People learn to make generalizations through stereotypes. Good work. If you're subconsciouly taught that blacks are more likely guilty of suspicious activity than whites, then you'll follow this assumption. If your people fly a plane into our buildings, then we'll be more wary of giving you a plane ticket. People judge all the time, its what they do. When you go for a job interview, when you meet some new friends, when you see a girl walk down the street. It's pretty much unavoidable based on the way society raises us.
If you want to blame someone for racial profiling, blame people like Dave Chappelle
If we stop watching Dave Chappelle, the terrorists win [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
lol at the sharpie cursed seal.
I don't even know who Chappelle is. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I'm sure he was talking about the terrible racial profiling against transsexuals and guys who worship Yzak. Good work on eliminating this horrible travesty of injustice from your nation's police force, Terra.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
terra, how can there be racial profiling in sweden when everyone is of the pasty white variety? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
On a more serious note though, the point that regional differences must be taken into account is a valid one. Often, statistics that take into account a large area such as a country are averaged over the different regions, so one state might have an extremely high rate, but in another it might be virtually nonexistent. The statistics don't usually tell you this.
Exactly. The goal that should be pursued on a greater scale is of course to make it so differences disappear altogether.
This, however, is not something that can be attained overnight. Or by removing the police force *cough cough* for that matter.
And yeah, it's tough being a Yzak loving transexual in Sweden these days. How I yearn for personal liberation! (or something)
Arn't Swedes just a race all by themselves [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]
Since we're not allowed to make generalizations, only 99% of US cops are sorry sacks of shit.
went from talking about a guy dressing up as sasuke getting arrested, to racial sterotypes by cops.
lol thats funny never seen that pic before
poopdeville is sounding like Y in the earlier days. Your study is based on very general statistics, ones that don't quite account for people's behavior. Yes, it is a fact that police are more likely to be searched than white people.
Why though? This should have been in your study as well. Why are they more likely to be searched? Let's look at demographs. I can tell you, without any generalization, that a majority of black people live in parts of the city where crime is highest. A lot of black people didn't quite have the greatest childhood. Look at The Bronx. Look at LA. Where is crime the highest? When those crime areas comprise of mostly black people, how likely is it that the shoplifter yesterday is the odd white guy standing on that street corner?
I'm not saying police are right for the things they do. When you work in a specilized field like law enforcement, generalizations begin to take place in your mind. I agree that cops are not the holy defenders of peace that everyone wants them to be, but they do their job whether we like it or not. Our society put the institution there and you're complaining about human nature getting in the way.
That picture is priceless.
On the matter of cops, i agree with BoC. The world would probably be one hell of a bad place if there were no police force, personally i'm thankful that there are police officers that keeps a certain order. Then again i don't commit crime. Police officers harrasing people aren't a big problem where i live.
you are criticizing every single police out there based 1 single case and a news article? No matter how u do ur math, ur opinions based on just those are gonna be biased. Look at the news article for example, "Black people are now eight times more likely to be stopped and searched by the police than white people, new Home Office figures show". Does that even give you enough information to actually look at the statistics and see if there's anything wrong with it? How did they find that number? what kind of questions did they ask? How big is the sample size? How did they interpret their findings? We have no knowledge about where the statistics came from. So how can you base ur reasoning on it? Would you think that news are gonna talk about how good a job police were doing each day? No because it would be pointless and boring! You see all those plane crashes on the news. Does that mean your chances of dying on a plane crash is very high? Hell no, you prabably more likely to die in a car accident. Why does the news talk about each and every plane crash but not every single car accident out there? Because people don't really care about the small things! You can do ur math all you want but as long as ur sources came from just the news and 1 single case, your generalization is going to be biased.Quote:
Originally posted by: poopdeville
You've obviously never been hassled by a bored cop. Instead of doing their jobs, they hassle kids and illegally arrest homeless people for "camping." ( They are generally racist: police are eight times more likely to search a black person than a white man ( Here's a whole lot of evidence of racial profiling:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Originally posted by: poopdeville
I fucking hate cops.
Let's get rid of cops and let anarchy loose, who needs order.
Cops might be necessary (though I'm not committing myself to that), but I have plenty of reason to fucking hate them. The two aren't incompatible. In fact, I would hate them less if they just did their jobs instead of screwing people over. Your terse, superficial assessments might work to intimidate the immature, but it won't work on me.
I wanted to make this exact point earlier, but forgot.Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
I'm not saying police are right for the things they do. When you work in a specilized field like law enforcement, generalizations begin to take place in your mind. I agree that cops are not the holy defenders of peace that everyone wants them to be, but they do their job whether we like it or not. Our society put the institution there and you're complaining about human nature getting in the way.
Thanks for bringing it up.
As I have already explained, the cases I have cited are not the basis of my opinion, but support it. There is plenty of academic literature on the topic of racial profiling in American police forces. The third link you quote has about 40 academic studies. With respect to the BBC article, the study they cite was compiled from the police's own records.
Terra has finally made a good point (after I made it first): for this sort of study to be valid, it has to draw from a small region (in order to get meaningful statistical quantities -- there's no point in finding that a mean if it is swamped by the standard deviation). (Now Terra's contribution[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] In turn, one must not extrapolate to larger regions. The studies I have linked to cover the largest cities in the country. In total, one can conclude that in any of the 40 largest cities in the country, one can expect to find that black people are between 2 and 10 times more likely to be wrongly hassled by a cop. Keep in mind that most people in the US live in a major city. There are probably outliers in rural areas, but they still don't detract from the claim that most cops are assholes.
Terra: Dave Chappelle is a very funny black American comedian. You've probably seen him in some American movies even if you don't recognize the name.
Dave Chapelle is not a good comedian, just thought i'd share that. He is second rate. Jim Carrey and Ben Stiller, now those are good comedians. Chris Rock is good to.
umm the links above does not work lol
LOL, Sasuke owned by the Baka brothers and Tsunade (not to say the cops are dumb just big). Oh, and if you don't do anything wrong then there is no reason to worry about being arrested. You DESERVE to be arrested or whatever the punishment is if you do something wrong. Oh, and I don't know about Chris Rock being that good of a comedian, he usually starts off great, but doesn't really know too well where to end a joke and carries them on too long. Stiller is good though I unfortunately have never heard Carrey. Dave Chappelle is not that bad either he can be funny at times and not at others.Quote:
Originally posted by: zait
yeah that cop is giant
WELL COPS ARE STUPID, unless its a family friend[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] but anyway not to be "something" but guys shut the fuck up and talk bout the pic or start ur own fucking thread
back on subject the fat cop is gay he has a little extra hip movement if u notice
thats cuz a black person is eight times more likely to be selling weed then a white manQuote:
Originally posted by: poopdeville
police are eight times more likely to search a black person than a white man
omg racism alert.Quote:
Originally posted by: Assassin
thats cuz a black person is eight times more likely to be selling weed then a white manQuote:
Originally posted by: poopdeville
police are eight times more likely to search a black person than a white man
Wow, this topic turned into a battleground quite quickly...
My two cents, from someone whose had a lot of interactions with police is this: Not all cops are bad, but there are the quintessential "bully graduated high school, couldn't live without his street authority and decides to become a cop to bully more people" ala Harold & Kumar go to White Castle. Those are the guys who usually end up being local police in their hometowns, because they feel they should still have some "turf authority" in their old haunts.
Then there's the whole issue with racial profiling. I don't like that all my friends (and girls especially) can get out of speeding tickets and don't draw attention out on the street, but because i have a dark complexion I get slammed with every minor violation they can think of and get zero slack.
And for Assassin, how many white people do you know that've sold weed? How many black people? Speak from expirience, rather than just trusting the puffed up stats. Like I said, minorities get less slack. What do you think the ratio of caught with weed to prosecuted for the crime to convicted for the crime white people have when compared to minorities? Lets not even bring in the who can afford better lawyers and what kind of stuff cops are on the watch for in 'whiter' neighborhoods as compared to ethnic hoods.
This thread has gotten way out of hand. Either return to the topic now or it will get closed. This goes out to all participants.
GotWoot Moderator
.................................................. ....LoL ok ok but anyway I figured out why that kids a loser.....he did'nt even have the sharingan
Let's move the cops discussion to this thread to make any more arguments on the matter.
and this is a new pic for me, the guys on that forum said it was tradition or something.
First off...let me point out that Cops aren't assholes, PEOPLE ARE ASSHOLES. Cops just happen to be people and are thus bound by the same laws. Let's not get started with the whole racial thing. Statistically you are right, cops are more likely to question an minority, Negroid or Latino over a Caucasian. Why is this? Partially cause they are racist, there ARE racist cops yes. But lets look at another statistic. Percentage-wise which racial groups commit the most crimes? DO you see where I'm going with this. Its just a fact. There are exceptions to ever rule though, I'm by no means say ing that Caucasians are any better people, just that by the numbers don't do as much. Do the cops handle it right? Usually not. Should you hate cops...usually not as well. Cops are very useful, personally I've needed their services twice sending my Schizophrenic Drunk Mother to Jail for attacking my Dad and me. Now, we stay in close contact and I make frequent visits home to check on her. The fact is they are needed. There are just as many good cops as there are bad ones, if not more. But as the media is so frequently quick to do, they will always point out the "pigs" and stereotypes far more often than ones just doing their jobs.Quote:
Originally posted by: poopdeville
So you claim that the statistics I presented are invalid? Because it obviously follows from the claim that black people are eight times as likely to be searched than white people that cops engage in racial profiling. This is straightforward knockdown racism. They are not doing their job (stopping and catching criminals, helping people) when they hassle an innocent person for no reason other than the fact that they're black.
If you don't claim they're invalid, then your claim that my reasoning is not rational is completely spurious. The "good work" police do is not relevant to the claim that police also do bad things. And they do these things a lot.
Grow Up.
Had you looked up a few posts, you would've noticed that people are trying to stop talking about asshole cops in this thread. If you want a response to your post, I suggest putting it up here
GotWoot Moderator
LMFAO wow this pic is hella funny, a sasuke cosplayer trying to shoplift then when he gets caught he changed clothes and goes back in LOL what an idiot and it's hella funny too that after he got arrested he was worried about his cosplay clothes LOL
he was still in sasuke clothes though? WTF?
probaly he got arrested cause he was using chidori lols