Manga: Priest
This is the second winner we have, so let's all start reading it...
As for downloads goes, I think you can only find it on bots over at #lurk @ irc.irchighway.net www.thelurker.net for packlist
I'm asking kAi to put it up for direct downloads, so hopefully he'll manage later on
Anyways, go read and discuss
There's a new poll to choose the next manga to read, so remember to visit this thread again and cast your vote:
Edit: Priest can now be downloaded here: http://www.mangatraders.com direct downloads
I have read 9 vols of this manga and i love it. Gritty awsome art which is perfect for a western.
Ivan Isaacs is the coolest i have seen in this genra.
Are you buying the manga or something? I've only seen 8 volumes up for download
Yeah im buying the books. I bought vol 6-9 this month.
I have to take it easy now buy max 1 vol per month since the books come out once every 3 months.
Just so you guys know the real story of the manhwa wont appear before vol 6,7.
I thought it was an avreage manhwa before i read vol 7-9 who was amazing storywise.
Which vol are you one?
Yeah, I'm on volume one... I should start reading this sometime this weekend
Im gonna read the first 5 vols since it was a while since i read them. Also so much has happened that i wanna keep the facts freash in my mind.
Man im gonna search and see if the manhwaga(sp?) has done other manhwa and hope the art is the same as in Priest.
Yeah this is a really cool manga or manwha, if you wanna get technical, but damn once the flashback kicks in the story is just amazing. I'll wait till everyone else is caught up to discuss anything further, but I give this two thumbs up. Awesome art, good story, badass characters, what's not to like?
Thats what i mean relevasius when the flashacks start and the story starts to show. Then the manhwa went from good to amazing.
Which vol are you on? 6,7,8?
Well, you can add volume 9 to the "to scan for Bud" list
Hehe sure im gonna scan it later.
cool, if you scan it at a good enough quality (check some of the BotI releases for resolutions), then I can try and put it in mangatraders.com if you want
Ok i will my sis is good at scaning,she scan in it in a qaulity.
I'm liking this thing so far...
lol at the federal marshall in volume one (chapter 2, page 3). He looks just like the corrupt sheriff in Trigun. Also in Shanghai Noon. Must be a popular character design...
Vol. 3......
What the heck... what's up with that time jump...
I hope I get to see more of Iva, Liz, and that other group (the priest, indian, sheriff, etc..)
Hehe the time jump makes the manga alot better.
I also like the Isaac and the people in his time most.
What do you guys think about the art style? Good or bad?
i just read the 1st volume and i think its good gonna read more
I think the art is ok... nothing that makes me go "Wow"... but at the other hand, it seems fitting with the manga...
Thats why i like the art so much cause it not the most beautiful art but its the most fitting art i have seen. Makes the manhwa look alot more western then it would have with typical" art
Alright, read up to volume 8
Shit, I need more now... shit have finally started rolling again...
Wasnt Isaac's flashback sweet? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Yeah, that was an incredible way to do the story. I'm just really anxious for the time to jump forward again, so we can see him in the Domas Porada with Tomazarela.
I wanna see first how he sealed him in again.
finally found some time to read it,,
just read the first two volumes
this is one twisted manga [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
although I'm still confused a bit about certain things like the disciples of the unholy sabbath and that guy that came out of the eleventh disciple
or who is the bigger bad guy [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
You'll understand it better later on...
But the rank is as follows:
Temozarela -----> 12 disciples
of those 12 disciples, Armand (i think that's his name) seems to be the highest ranked and the right hand man of Temozarela...
just finished all 8 volumes.... i wasn't so keen about the storyline at first but it's definitely an interesting twist to roman catholicism haha. plus things got so crazy after the 3rd volume that i just HAD to plow my way through the rest of them ;-) i wonder if a happy ending is possible for a character like ivan issacs. probably not.
I geuss a happy ending for him would be if he got his vencgance on Temozarela.
but even then, after he got his vengeance he's still stuck w/ belial, you know? it's not like he'll actually BE happy about that either. i guess he'd be happy if he died afterwards? finally find some peace or something syrupy like that. but i have a hard time imagining the mangaka resolving it in that fashion.
I think Lizzy seeing Gena's image in her dream will play a big part on how Ivan's ending will be... he might find some peace with her (maybe the feeling of finally being able to save someone he cares about for a change) or maybe she'll play a role in making him feel even more pain, driving him to the limits of his hate, maybe even making Belial finally gaining control over the body... but this is just temporary, since I'm sure we'll see more of Temozarela and Ivan kickass action in the present (the future arc)
Maybe Ivan will take care of some unfinished business with Gena using Lizzy as a proxy, hehehe. But on a serious note, it should be interesting when/if Lizzy turns. Forcing Ivan to kill Gena twice, he's gonna be mighty pissed.
Nah i dont think he will care when he is killing Lizzy since he isnt human anymore as he was when he killed Gina.
Since Ivan is stuck with belial i think the only happniness he can have is death,to finaly rest in peace after so many years of killing.
Actually he would care when he finds out that Lizzy has some connection with Gena...
He didn't care much when he first killed her because he was dillusional at that moment... Everything that was going on happened very fast...
But when he fought with the 11th disciple, he preffered to die than to kill Gena... so I think he would care very much this time around...
IF there is a connection beteween her and Gina. The dream about Gina might be a trap from Temozarela for Ivan when he finds Lizzie.
No, it's already clear that there is some connection between them... what that connection is, is yet to be seen, but there is certainly a connection there...
People don't have dreams about someone they haven't met in their whole life, especially a dead person, by accident... And it has been mentioned already 2 or 3 times that Lizzy has a physical resemblance to Gena.... again adding those two facts together makes it very clear that there is some sort of connection between them...
That it is a trap by Temozarela, that's very plausible, still it doesn't erase the fact that there is some sort of connection between them...
Temozarela played with Belial and Ivan through dreams. I dont know why but this dream seems like he set it up.
I really hope there isnt a blood realation beteween Gina and Lizzie it would make this great manwha a little predictble.
Man, anyone has seen Volume 9+ somewhere yet? I'm dying to read, but I haven't seen no one released it yet...
Priest Live-Action Movie (2006-01-25 08:49:09)
Andrew Douglas, director of Amityville Horror, is to direct a live-action adaptation of Min-Woo Hyung's Priest, a manhwa available in North America from Tokyopop. Production is scheduled to start this summer. Thanks to Murphix for this item. Source: Variety [ discuss (2 posts) ]
Its not priest look whats its about. "The story is a vampire Western that concerns a warrior priest who disobeys church law by teaming with a young sheriff and a priestess to track down a band of renegade vampires who have kidnapped his niece" source superherohype.com
I hope this movie never makes it out.
Maybe the reviewer doesn't know what the heck he's talking about... still it is being based on the manhwa...
Yeah but if they change it soo much then its not the manhwa we all like.
It woulndt be the first time hollywood changes and ruins things like this.
Superherohype isnt a bull site,they only link to news that are real.
I'm just saying, that since the movie hasn't even started begun to be done that there is a chance that the reviewer got mixed up on what Priest is about... Unless he has some insight to the script being used in the movie...
Yeah we cant know for sure before its out.
Im hating it already cause i know hollywood dont know how to make movies on things that are from other places.
Bah, who cares... I only want someone to freaking release volume 9+!!!
Heh im on vol 12 and i dont want to have vol 13,14 before vol 15 is out. Vol 15 has been delayed over a fricking year. F**** Tokyopop.
sjabbie finally released volume 9 of Priest, at the moment I've only been able to locate it on #lurk, so get it on IRC.
Someone who knows where to download the latest volumes of this serie?
That's a great site, but it only has up to volume 9! Do you know if there's a site with more volumes? :)
Great news for some people, volumes 10 and 11 have been uploaded @ mangatraders.com