The Seth McFarlane Thread
Let's use this thread to discuss these two shows, as they are both absolutely fucking brilliant.
Well, a new season has begun for both shows as of sunday - FG enters it's 5th season, and AD it's 2nd. I managed to get ahold of the first episode of the new AD season yesterday (at piratebay) and it's awesome. So go get it.
Discuss everything about the show(s) here.
links to the newest episodes:
Family Guy S05 E01
American Dad S02 E01
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Good idea Terra. Seth is a genius. I'll post when I've seen the eps.
Both had a short season. Hope they'll make over 20 eps this time
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Family guy has been getting really stupid lately. I didn't even finish watching S05E01 because it was so bad.
I like American Dad better since it has fresh material.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
wtf? you gotta be kidding, this shit is awesome. REAGAN SMASH!
Also, everything Adam West says is funny.
I don't understand why people keep saying that FG was better before. With me there's always something I laugh at in each episode, sometimes less and sometimes more, no matter what season it is.
But yeah, I also find AD to be very fresh - Stan is so hilarious.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Maybe cause they're americans... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] I think family guy is really funny now, it's just stupid humor. American dad is great too.
American dad and family guy is almost done. I'll watch it later, after training
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Guess I'm the only person that doesn't like American Dad, the alien annoys me and the rest of the family don't seem that funny. Only saving quality is the goldfish.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
I'm the opposite, I don't care for the goldfish, but I love how AD totally fucks with everything that's "typically american", and with a heartless main character who works for the FBI it can only be gold
The Seth McFarlane Thread
i dont like american dad
basically...every joke resorts to some exaggerrated FBI stunt
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
i dont like american dad
basically...every joke resorts to some exaggerrated FBI stunt
It's still funny.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
the only funny one was the season premier last sunday where Patrick Stewart acted like everything was staged so he wouldnt get beat up anymore then he already did.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
family guy is awsome [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
The Seth McFarlane Thread
both hows are totally awsome. was it me or for a sec did haley sound like meg? (the whiny sound whenever meg's complaining that she has no life) anyone know if they're the same voice actors?
The Seth McFarlane Thread
i....i like robot chicken
The Seth McFarlane Thread
robot chicken is so funny
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
both hows are totally awsome. was it me or for a sec did haley sound like meg? (the whiny sound whenever meg's complaining that she has no life) anyone know if they're the same voice actors?
Meg's voice actor = Mila Kunis (damn hot chick btw)
Haley's voice actor = Rachel McFarlane (Seth's daughter/wife/whatever?)
Also, to all the people who don't find AD funny, you don't have a sense of humor so you might as well go die or something (har har)
The Seth McFarlane Thread
daaamn, they sounded exactly alike for a brief second. they're both hilarious.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
both hows are totally awsome. was it me or for a sec did haley sound like meg? (the whiny sound whenever meg's complaining that she has no life) anyone know if they're the same voice actors?
Meg's voice actor = Mila Kunis (damn hot chick btw)
Haley's voice actor = Rachel McFarlane (Seth's daughter/wife/whatever?)
Also, to all the people who don't find AD funny, you don't have a sense of humor so you might as well go die or something (har har)
Rachael is Seth's sister.
Mila Kunis, if anyone doesn't know is "Jackie" from That 70s Show. I've watched Family Guy from ep.1 and I can quote it better than the bible. The biggest difference from the older stuff is that censors don't stop as much shit on FOX anymore and he's free to push the envelope even further.
As for American Dad...it has its good moments, but I think some of the characters are worse. I fucking hate Roger, he reminds of of a neutered house pet if they could talk (like when the do the flash of Brian if he were neutered saying how much he loves chocolate). Too much political humor but I totally love the fact that Patrick Stewart is the head of the CIA!!! His character even looks like him!
Also thinking of the relative date...I'm so very very glad that Seth missed his flight 4 years ago...Well at least one was spared from that shit.
I also agree that Robot Chicken is brilliant as well....it must be something with the name Seth. Like if that's your name you're a total artistic genius or something. I know a Seth and he's artistic, musical, and a master of web and computer design. I guess I'm naming my first kid Seth.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
has anybody seen Kicked in the Nuts ?
it was created by the brothers Henry, writers for family guy and i think one is the voice of Cleavland. the kicked in the nuts guy also made a cameo on family last season.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
family guy seems to follow this pattern more and more lately:
<Hey remeber that one time when...>
<Flash back to some wacky event>
<Return to storyline>
The Seth McFarlane Thread
"More lately"? It's always been like that. It's the FG trademark. And it's funny.
@Chia: I watched both videos, man, that was one brilliant show [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
The Seth McFarlane Thread
yeah but.....it never used to be so obviously like that the first 2 seasons.....
The Seth McFarlane Thread
I LOVE the flashbacks! The references are often classic and occasionaly cryptic! I love selective humor
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
"More lately"? It's always been like that. It's the FG trademark. And it's funny.
they are doing it more and more now. They are also sort of forcing a lot of them too, to the point where they make little/no sense and arn't funny.
Ex. "This is better than the time I got to ride the washing machine." -not really funny
"This is worse than the time I played marco-polo with helen keller." - just stewie swinging around
And the series has resorted to pulling in old characters, like the fighting chicken, greased up deaf guy, and other people. It's like they arn't coming up with anything new.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Well, I haven't really noticed that they are doing those more now than they did before. And I've always thought some of them are less funny. So yeah... I don't think there's a decay taking place.
Also, what's wrong with reoccuring characters? I happen to be a fan of that, makes the FG universe look bigger too.
Edit: YEAH! 6000 POSTS!
I passed Assertn [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Also, what's wrong with reoccuring characters? I happen to be a fan of that, makes the FG universe look bigger too.
They should make more
EDIT: 400 posts [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]. Look out terra.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Yeah, I agree that they should. Or at least have more of the characters be reoccuring. Like Mort Goldman, he started out by making a few cameos, but now he's almost a part of Peter's gang.
*dodges from Jared's incoming 400 post assault*
The Seth McFarlane Thread
I love the family Guy, and hate American Dad, Its just not funny. nuf said.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Yeah, I agree that they should. Or at least have more of the characters be reoccuring. Like Mort Goldman, he started out by making a few cameos, but now he's almost a part of Peter's gang.
*dodges from Jared's incoming 400 post assault*
they should have a loretta comeback.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
I hate Loretta. She's in the background for the entire series then just turns out to be a bitch.
They should bring back Cleveland Jr, at least that kid is funny (albeit rather irritating). Where was he during the Cleveland/Loretta ordeal anyway?
The Seth McFarlane Thread
I never liked Clevland Jr. He was way way too annoying.
Also, the Greased up Deaf guy is turning out to be one of my favorite characters! I wish they had more of him, Mort and of course Clevland.
I agree that alot of the random flashbacks are getting forced and sometimes aren't all that humorous. I don't know if they're running out of ideas or are just getting sloppy with the delivery. Feels like they could do it better then always having a character say "Remember the last time when..."
The Seth McFarlane Thread
I like that black weather forecaster guy.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
family guy is the best, american dad is pretty much boring to me
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Tonights episode was really kickass:
"A pig that won't eat Jews?"
"Oh you just got jacked up bitch!"
"I'll be in the basement."
Nice mocks on the Gilmore Girls, Alive! and Alfred Hitchcock too!
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Can't wait for tomorrow, hopefully there will be a torrent up for us non-americans by then.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
The funny part was that Lois was about to "Take Brian around the world"(if you get my drift) and he stupidly breaks up with her a day before it happens
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Family Guy S05 E02
American Dad S02 E02
American Dad was so-so. Not my favorite episode so far, but it was decent.
Family Guy was freakin' ON FIRE! One of the best episodes so far, definitely. They finally decided to bring back some more old characters (they should do that more often). I mean seriously, golden scenes with that small guy who always says "wanna fight about it?", Death, the old pedophile guy, and so on. Oh and the black weather guy. LOL @ hurricane rupaul. Oh and of course Adam West, his scenes are always the best. Man I love that guy.
But what really had me was that "I have never" game they did on the boat. That was fun because me and mates do that a lot too, and Quagmire had done all of those things lol.
But yeah, awesome episode.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
The Seth McFarlane Thread
once again the family guy episode was terrible.
I laughed a few times at american dad.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
AD was pretty funny, I liked the parody on the Star Wars kid.
FG was good too. Some of the flashbacks were too long, but the cliffhanger was interesting. Will Meg die? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
"You are just using this place to run away from your problems!"
"What are you talking about, Meg is right here"
LOL the Meg jokes are so good. Also when everybody hung up the phone when she answered.
Nice to see Peter get a new job at last, too.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Family guy has retained it's quality. For me nothing will ever outdo the first few minutes of first episode once it returned back on the air. When Peter listed every single show fox had cancelled since family guy was on the air.
But common american dad just plain sucks. Maybe it will illicit a chuckle from me but the premise is far to narrow to actually be used for a wide array of comedic material. All AD really is is a large number of discarded republican jokes glued together to create a new series. Most of the time the show just tries way to hard to be funny and the jokes fall flat. That's just my opinion anyway but family guy is still good, AD just dosen't have a reason to exist other then for Seth Macfarlene to carry out his vendetta against the republicans.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
you guys know they got the Stewie Griffin the untold story Dvd coming out...wondering u any of u guys got a link for it?
The Seth McFarlane Thread
just get it off of any generic torrent site. I've already watched it, it was pretty good. It's like 3 episodes put together.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
FG was good too. Some of the flashbacks were too long, but the cliffhanger was interesting. Will Meg die?
If only......
This episode was pretty good. The part with the cow was pretty funny and disturbing at the same time.
The freshman hunt was awsome though. Adem West is awsome. "I'll teach you it's not ok to be a freshmen."
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Adam West rocked in this last episode!!!!!
"NO MORE MISTER NICE GUY!" Whack that fool with your paddle Mayor!
American Dad was just so-so.... that show can really miss horribly... that goddamn fish has got to go! They've got two house-bound characters now and I can't see them developing that much because it's always going to be the same old hat "How can the alien get outside and pretend to be social?" "How can the fish make a funny from just his fishbowl?" They should kill both those charactes off and replace them with a new pet or an illegal alien or ANYTHING!
I mean the Alien is like a socially-shunned Brian from Family Guy, only he's got this metrosexual rag about him and his 'witty' humor is more out of date than a 1900 can of tuna.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
American Dad S02 E04
No Family Guy this week. American Dad was decent as always, but Stan's father was great.
So far the second season has nothing on the first.
Damnit, no new episodes of either show until november 6th due to baseball. FUCK YOU BASEBALL AND SPORTS IN GENERAL FOR ALWAYS STEALING VALUABLE TV SLOTS. Goddamnit piece of shit idiotica.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
American Dad is goddamned funny. My entire family watches it (the only thing I have in common with my cousins), and yeah, perhaps we find it funny because we're tired of american patriotism, but its still fun as hell.
Family guy was cut in my country though, I don't know why. I guess I'll dowload these all as soon as I free some space in my hard drive.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Where are you from then? Hrhr, last Family Guy was really hilarious. Too bad we have to wait, but atleast we can watch South Park.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
She's from Mexico.
Man can't wait for more Family Guy. This show has become fulltime crack for me, I keep watching old episodes frequently.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
I'm from a place that's not Sweden, which brings much tragedy to this world.
And they are starting to show Family Guy once more! Wednesdays at 24:30 pm. Fucking censors. I'll try to tape it or something, its greatness is too great.
But seriously, what's so wrong or so mature about it that they want to run it at those hours?? American Dad has dirtier jokes and is an harsher critic and yet its on sundays at 9:00 pm. So really, what's so terrible about Family Guy?
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Well honey, it's probably just for the sake of no-sake-what-so-ever. As usual. :S
Wee only a week left now for more stuff. The new episodes are looking great.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Family Guy has raised to the same status as The Simpsons for me. This hiatus during october was killing, I'm so glad new episodes are on the way. American Dad has still to prove it self, but the second season is much better than the first imo.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Fox is the most retarded network ever. The two greatest shows ot ever grace their presence, Family Guy and Futurama, they opted to cancel. Frikkin dumbasses.
At least they semi-redeemed themselves by bringing Family Guy back, and I'm extremely grateful for new episodes (NEED FAMILY GUY TO LIVE), but why would they have cancelled it in the first place?
And I still want more Futurama. Roberto is the greatest character ever.
Damn Fox.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Fox are idiots. It was great when Family Guy came back on air and Peter cited all the canceled shows that had aired between then and when FG was originally canceled. TAKE THAT FOX!! I guess they canceled it mostly because of it's "offensive" nature, americans can't take a joke and all that. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
The Seth McFarlane Thread
family guy rocks!! and american dad rocks too!! my sunday from 8:00-10:00 is pretty much fox shows (if i have that time)
8:00 simpsons
8:30 war at home
9:00 Family guy
10:00: american dad
i forget, which was the last new ep they showed on fox of american dad, was the the 1 where stan accidently teaches himself to jerk off?
(bullock's song is amazing! "i love....little girls they make me feel so good!"
The Seth McFarlane Thread
The new season of family guy has gone too 11(if you don't get the refrence then your dumb). It's too frigen bizzare and silly. American dad is more like what Family Guy was like back in the day.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Finally the series is back on air... links:
Family Guy S05 E04
American Dad S02 E05
Edit: Best Family Guy episode EVAR (well maybe not, but it was damn good)
The Seth McFarlane Thread
The new Family Guy was truly one of the best, but I did not much enjoy the latest American Dad episode. Hope the continuation will be better.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
acctually i think the american dad was great, of course so was the family guy one. "YOU'LL HAVE TO CATCH ME!" "ow...ow...ow...ow....okay you caught me"
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Best Family Guy episode EVAR (well maybe not, but it was damn good)
No, it was the best. Nothing but truth was in this episode.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
The American Dad episode was pretty funny too. I laughed at several instances, better than the last few episodes have been. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
The American Dad episode was pretty funny too. I laughed at several instances, better than the last few episodes have been. [img][/img]
I have the opposite oppinion, I feel like the previous american dad episodes in season 2 have been much better.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Best Quote from the newest episode:
FCC: Two Shakes. Thats it. Move along.
Adam West: Oh. Why thank you Tinkle Fairy.
Also, new episode tonight.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Tonight's Family Guy was A grade, IMO = )
Joe's wheelchair lift, College-Tool Stewie, Snoopy homage, retarded British teeth, Ouch I hurt my knee, Chris falling through the floor
I was laughing my ass off. Delicious!
Only watched like 7 minutes of American Dad, didn't really grab my attention.
In slightly unrelated, Adam West guest-starred tonight in The Boondocks, based off the comic, as the Lawyer for R. Kelly. He was golden.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Family Guy S05 E05
American Dad S02 E06
Edit: Pretty nice episodes, didn't laugh out loud much, but they were fun to watch.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Oh shit, that Family Guy episode was one of the best ever, there were alot of referenses to older episodes wich was really fun. The American Dad was sort of good I guess, but it really wasn't that funny.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
ah that was great
Stewie: you know the exams in three hours
Brian: oh crap all we've done is work out
Stewie: we should study
Brian: right.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Apparently the new FG/AD episodes aired extra early. I want to download them but they aren't out online yet, bleh.
Tonight's FG looks brilliant since it has Herbert (pedophile oldie) in a consistent role, I always laugh at that disgusting guy lol.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
? i dont even know who herbert is...wait is that the guy who likes touching chris? and how many shows of parodied "annie get your gun" on fox already? the war at home had an episode called "dave get your gun" and AD now has "stan get your gun" hmm....
The Seth McFarlane Thread
LMAO!! This episode was great. Herbert was hilarious. But I think that the best part of tonights episode,
and I hope everyone agrees, was:
The Seth McFarlane Thread
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Thanks for sparing me the trouble [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Edit: LOL @ this week's American Dad. Roger is such an asshole. I laughed so hard when the bullet guy screamed "NEVER" and jumped out the window.
"I'm unrapable, not stupid!"
Edit2: DOUBLE LOL with extra cheese @ Family Guy, best episode in a long time. I'd quote it, but everything was so damn hilarious this time.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
LMAO!! This episode was great. Herbert was hilarious. But I think that the best part of tonights episode,
and I hope everyone agrees, was:
I wanted to be the first to say that [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
cursed internet
The Seth McFarlane Thread
you could edit his post to delete it and then pretend he never said it...
The Seth McFarlane Thread
I HATE how the LOL torrents are in the burnable format (with 16 files in a seperate directory). Why can't they just make it an avi file? So irritating.
EDIT: And I HATE how all the torrents I've looked at so far are how I described, then I make posts like this without checking the torrents in the thread first.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
the "LOL" torrents i download are AVI file...
The Seth McFarlane Thread
LMAO, the latest eps in both series were the funniest in ages. Soooo many times during this week's AD I lol-ed in real life.
"Pen-gun: mightier than the sword. Sword-gun: mightier than the Pen-gun."
The Seth McFarlane Thread
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Last week's American Dad episode.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
yeh i had to revisit that episode.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Oh fucking wow! Tonight's all-new FAmily Guy was fucking A+ quality. I laughed my balls off! Seriously wicked funny.
"Well then I guess there's nothing left to do except finish this sentence uninterupte---
Obesity is considered a sin? Sloth certainly is...
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Just watched the new episode. Great eisode. However, I now feel compelled to buy a cup and ball. I dont
even have to worry about losing the ball because its connected to the cup by a string. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
The Seth McFarlane Thread
The Seth McFarlane Thread
It's totally sounded like that when I was around lots of fat people haha.
Btw this is like the absolute worst American Dad episode I've ever seen.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
And as usual, I have to wait one day extra >_<
The Seth McFarlane Thread
The fat guy ep made me happy I was skinny. I wasn't even paying attention to American Dad.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Seth LOVES the "One of these days Alice, POW.....right in the kisser" line......
I'd have to say there have been at least 4 or 5 episodes from all of seth's series involving that.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Thanks el_boss [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Seth LOVES the "One of these days Alice, POW.....right in the kisser" line......
I'd have to say there have been at least 4 or 5 episodes from all of seth's series involving that.
Isn't it "Bang... zoom... straight too the moon"? Maybe that's just in that Futurama episode though. Either way I always find that the way they use it is funny.
@Terra: No problem
The Seth McFarlane Thread
"Mister president are you up there?"
"Go away!"
"There's a disaster in New Orleans"
"I'm reading Superfudge!"
"You have to come down and deal with it!"
"Don't make me do stuff"
Outstanding FG episode. I liked the AD one too actually. Lots of laughs this week.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
FG was great, AD was ok. The scenes with the fat guys and when Peter kept repeating "right in the kisser" were fuckin' hilarious .
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Nothing can beat the pickle in FG, AND YOU ALL KNOW IT!!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
The Seth McFarlane Thread
I thought the funniest part was definitly at the end with Stewie:
"Did anybody else notice that there is a half-dead fat guy eating a dead fat guy up there? No one? I guess we're just turning our heads the other way for that one..."
Also, did anybody get the reference when Brian threw the rock at Peter and said "That was for rolling up the window in the General Lee"? If you didn't (and I'm hoping someone else did), he is refering to an episode from the third season where the Griffins are relocated to the South because they take part of Witness Protection Program due to Chris's interaction with a convict. Peter fixes up his car to look like the General Lee from the Dukes of Hazzard and tells Brian to get in (by jumping through the window). He attempts to and ends up smacking against the window and just lays there for like a minute. I thought it was hilarious that they would put such a hidden reference for the die hard Family Guy fans out there.
Anyway, it was a good episode and I'm looking forward to more high quality comedy.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: stos289
Also, did anybody get the reference when Brian threw the rock at Peter and said "That was for rolling up the window in the General Lee"?
They've been doing that alot lately. In the disneyworld ep Peter did the shhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh bit which is always funny. And the ep when Brian went back to college Stewie started talking about Brian's novel again but Brian smacked him this time.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: el_boss
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Seth LOVES the "One of these days Alice, POW.....right in the kisser" line......
I'd have to say there have been at least 4 or 5 episodes from all of seth's series involving that.
Isn't it "Bang... zoom... straight too the moon"? Maybe that's just in that Futurama episode though. Either way I always find that the way they use it is funny.
@Terra: No problem
Yeah, that was futurama...I was thinking of that scene too.
That's one of my favorite moments in that series. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
The Seth McFarlane Thread
Originally posted by: el_boss
Originally posted by: stos289
Also, did anybody get the reference when Brian threw the rock at Peter and said "That was for rolling up the window in the General Lee"?
They've been doing that alot lately. In the disneyworld ep Peter did the shhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh bit which is always funny. And the ep when Brian went back to college Stewie started talking about Brian's novel again but Brian smacked him this time.
And when they played the A-Team and Peter jumped out of the car, he sat down, grabbed his knee and said "Owwwww" in the same way he did in some earlier episode. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
The Seth McFarlane Thread
stewie's always talking about brian's novel, and his voice gets all high its hilarious. and also, i believe the chicken who fights with peter was in more than 1 episode.
The Seth McFarlane Thread
that fight took like 5mins. into the esp. It was funny at first...then it just got tiring. I only saw the chicken in that one esp
The Seth McFarlane Thread
which ep are you talking about? i knwo he was in clevend loretta quagmire...but im pretty sure he was in one before that...terra? help?
The Seth McFarlane Thread
It is the Y2K episode (Da Boom), where Peter goes to the store to buy some stuff and a man in a chicken suit tries to give him a coupon for some chicken product. Then Peter says:
"Look pal, I don't take coupons from giant chickens. Not after last time"
Peter: "Oh yeah, and that nice chicken outside gave me this coupon"
Cashier: "I'm sorry, this is expired."
Peter: "You son-of-a..!"
Then the long fight begins.
Also, to the guys who mentioned the other references to previous episodes, I think the newest one was just the most suprising. Don't get me wrong, the chicken coming out of nowhere and the classic "Peter holding his ankle" bit were suprising to see again, but this one just takes the cake. It was just so random and unexpected, that it was hilarious.