their sexy right?
JPS36X Gigalauncher DR1 multiplex x 1
MA-X848HD beam saber x 1
MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generator x 2
MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS x 2
G14X3IZ "Screaming Nimbus"
Printable View
their sexy right?
JPS36X Gigalauncher DR1 multiplex x 1
MA-X848HD beam saber x 1
MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generator x 2
MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS x 2
G14X3IZ "Screaming Nimbus"
Is that the red cloud thing they used? I have been wondering exactly what it was. A weapon? A shield? A reflector? I really can't tell.Quote:
Originally posted by: aznroyale
G14X3IZ "Screaming Nimbus"
Personally i tihnk the regualr rick dom looks cooler than the DOm trooper in GSD. It adds all that bulky stuff on and the way the Head the Red part, sretched out horizontally is kinda werid. i find ugly
I find this just plain and simple. then u start adding the guns and bazooka it looks cooler and more badass IMO
They look the same to me except the GSD one has more detail too it.
This Mobile Suit deserves to have an MG treatment! Sooo Cool!
The DOM Trooper is a fantastical example of why non Gundams dont suck.
I want one, they are in fact double sexy, and they are my favorite suits to come out of Destiny thus far.
Imagine a dozen squads of them advancing on a single front. Nothing could stand against it.
Clyne faction forever!
Yea,they rape!And to think these "grunt" commander-type mobile suits were rejected by ZAFT in favour of ZAKUs and
Really? Well, that was a big mistake on Zaft's part. As cool as they are now, I have a feeling those 3 Doms won't survive to the end of the show...
Only lame thing about them is abbreviation. Who thinks up those anyway? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
Dauntless Obliterator Magnificient... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]
What do they smoke? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Obliterator Magnificient for the win!
I love them
Edit: But they are probably gonna die
Of course they're going to die, they're the new astray trio.
how can..something so bulky like that be so quick and mobile?
how are they powered?
anyhoots, they're hot. super hot. why did stupid zaft abandoned them anyway?
Dauntless Obliterator Magnificent..kinda lame by itself
but if
Dauntless Obliterator Magnificent Troopers..kinda cool
Guess i can post the link here too as i did in the ep disc..
All info you possibly need:
Trio=100% Death
See,that link says ZAFT abandoned them,and DOMS are fast in hovering moves,they cant fly like the other MSs,so i guess their forte in Earth is ground combat.Wait till the series reaches space,then the true worth of the DOMs will be proven,they'll rock!
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Obliterator Magnificient for the win!
I love them
Edit: But they are probably gonna die
how do u know???
tell me, me, me, me !!
My guess that DOMs will use different pack to allow to be good at space. I think DOMs are as powerful as Destiny with all thier weaponry.
Trios always die, it's an unwritten Gundam rule!Quote:
Originally posted by: Phoebus
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Obliterator Magnificient for the win!
I love them
Edit: But they are probably gonna die
how do u know???
tell me, me, me, me !!
bwahaha. skating mobile suits.
LOL it did look like it was skating and they where hanging on to each other that was funnyQuote:
Originally posted by: telemari
bwahaha. skating mobile suits.
shouting out "JET STREAM ATTACK" ! caused their badass level to go from 9 to 4.5 for me
Yeah, kinda lame. Only super robot shows shout their attack move [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]
Ruroni KenshinQuote:
Originally posted by: Illrenmazou
Yeah, kinda lame. Only super robot shows shout their attack move [img][/img]
It might be lame but it owned a squad of ZAKUS lead by a GOUF and in the end thats what counts right?
Besides i thought it kinda looked cool, we wont be hearing much from those pilots anyways or getting to know them that well if they go along with killing them as tradition dictates. As a result i dont mind them hearing them shout out the name of their attack. After all, it might eventually be all that they get to say
well a lot of shows have people shouting attacks, but i'd never think a normal gundam series would do that (SD,G-fighter dont count) I think old tri-stars said like "get ready for our jet-stream attack" or something like that but never like long pause.... *RAWR* JET STREAM ATTACK
It was kinda weak too,, i really hate these beam shields they got now,, they shoulda showed it more detail,, they just had them in a very short scene skating and on the way stuff blew up
old tri-stars had mad team work, like during jet stream,, first one attacks a little bit, then 2nd some more and 3rd finishes, all 3 dodging along the way
i did like one part when one of the doms jumped up on top of a mobil suit and shot it down
What I mean is on the Mecha genre
To celebrate the fact that Hilda is a pirate and will probably die within the next few episodes, I will now be the first person on the forums to use her as avatar.
Yay, yet another will-die-soon-and-is-in-the-show-for-no-reason-yet-Terra-likes-the-person character to add to the list!
I hate to say it Terra, but these guys are infinately cooler than Heine.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
To celebrate the fact that Hilda is a pirate and will probably die within the next few episodes, I will now be the first person on the forums to use her as avatar.
Yay, yet another will-die-soon-and-is-in-the-show-for-no-reason-yet-Terra-likes-the-person character to add to the list!
You said it yourself, Obliterator Magnificent for the win.
The best thing with the DOM troopers is that they actually look like soldiers, that's something a lot of the characters in Seed really don't [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I wouldn't say they beat Heine, but Hilda probably has a nicer ass.
I totally agree...Quote:
Originally posted by: MrTicTac
shouting out "JET STREAM ATTACK" ! caused their badass level to go from 9 to 4.5 for me
the DOMS are cool. i was looking forward to their appearance until they showed me their child-like formation. i was on the verge of tears when i see their "JET STREAM ATTACK" . its really hilarious.
I will admit its nice to see a updated detailed version of the old DOM. It does piss me off that they are on the Lacus faction side though.... why doesn't anybody ever go to the dark side anymore? And that means they'll die instead of Kira or Athrun or Lacus or Cagalli.... Which pisses me off too.
But they do prove that non-Gundams can still kick ass (granted that they're on the good guys' side, otherwise they'd be faceless cannon fodder)
The Dom Troopers Kick ASS, it was a shame Minerva didnt spotted them. They would have said "WTF!". First Archangel. then Sfreedom and to end it the Doms
The Dom troopers rule. They got one pirate, one deskjob guy with the name Reinhardt which is the coolest german name in existence and the last guy named Mars. Of course they are badass. Reinhardt takes the cake though, he is awesome i mean his name is Reinhardt. Say that once it sounds so cool R-E-I-N-H-A-R-D-T.
They will probably die though and i think the DOMs are only good if the pilots are ace pilots if your average grunt soldier pilots them i imagine they will suck. Probably easier to have ZAKUs and GOUFs as the main force, probably cheaper to produce to.
Did anyone notice how calm they were throughout the episode? They took out a hell-of-alot of mobile suits, and the biggest reation i saw was, "So, were going to use that attack?"
(Them shouting "JET STREAM ATTACK!" doesn't count because that was just gay)
Yea real pilots can control their emotions. Either that or they just didn't care enough to show emotions, i'd go for reason nr. 2 which makes them even cooler.
i just rewatched the dom troopers for the hell of it. and for sum reason it was even more halarious. i mean they are just like trashing everying and jumping over shit with huge guns. its sorta like a gang of skakeboarders with bats and chains just trashing little kids in a playground. the music just adds to the flavor.
So how long do u guys think this Trio will survive?
2 Episodes?
3 Episodes?
How long =P ? My guess is that they will ATLEAST sruvive about 3 eps..
They will die in the last episode or so, just like the Astray girls did.
The Astray girls were kind of annoying. And on top of that, they seemed to just get in the way. The Dom guys don't seem like that at all, but yeah, they'll die in the last episode.
I didn't care about the astray girls at all, they felt just like generic soldiers.
The DOM troopers are at least established as somewhat good pilots.
i believe the DOM pilots to be alot more established
if what i read in that wikipedia link that's in this thread can be seen as the truth, then the DOM pilots are Yachin Due survivors/veterans
that should more then vouch for their skill right? (seeing as how Heine was one too and he got in FAITH (partly) because of it, or am i fishing now?)
You are right about Heine.
However I didn't know that they were Jachin Due survivors. That was interesting. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
the link i was referring to is on the first page of this thread i believe (if you haven't already found it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img])
Well then guys, 3 eps to go (since 47 is a recap) and we've seen the DOM troopers 2 times. Talk about massive development.
Even funnier: they are in the opening, Yzak/Dearka aren't. Amazing.
I want more of Reinhardt, that man is awesome.
I find it interesting that there's more love for Characters with less screentime. I.e Heine for four eps, DOM troopers for like 2 minutes, than there is for the 'main' characters of this series.....
Anyways, these guys rock, i don't mind them shouting "jet stream attack!", although it does look corny, but you can't argue with the cool results [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
I bet Fukuda is hitting his head against the wall thinking wat the hell is wrong with these kids liking the insignificant characters so much.Quote:
Originally posted by: DeathscytheVII
I find it interesting that there's more love for Characters with less screentime. I.e Heine for four eps, DOM troopers for like 2 minutes, than there is for the 'main' characters of this series.....
Anyways, these guys rock, i don't mind them shouting "jet stream attack!", although it does look corny, but you can't argue with the cool results [img][/img]
Meh, us fans have been bashing our heads wondering what the hell he's doing to the plot of GSD. It's only fair [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: DeathscytheVII
I find it interesting that there's more love for Characters with less screentime. I.e Heine for four eps, DOM troopers for like 2 minutes, than there is for the 'main' characters of this series.....
Anyways, these guys rock, i don't mind them shouting "jet stream attack!", although it does look corny, but you can't argue with the cool results
I bet Fukuda is hitting his head against the wall thinking wat the hell is wrong with these kids liking the insignificant characters so much.
LOL, i have been hitting my head against the wall, this series was great until episode 35+ (yet 38 was cool).. I don't know what will happen in these 3 last episodes...Quote:
Originally posted by: DeathscytheVII
I bet Fukuda is hitting his head against the wall thinking wat the hell is wrong with these kids liking the insignificant characters so much.
Meh, us fans have been bashing our heads wondering what the hell he's doing to the plot of GSD. It's only fair [img][/img]
Who cares that they are minor... they are obviously a lot more interesting than the mains, so that's what matters. Also, it might be because everything the major characters do are so fucking predictable.Quote:
Originally posted by: DeathscytheVII
I find it interesting that there's more love for Characters with less screentime. I.e Heine for four eps, DOM troopers for like 2 minutes, than there is for the 'main' characters of this series.....
I wont argue that alot of the main characters are extremely predictable, to the point of its boring (rather than dramatic) to watch much anticipated events unfold.
I disagree about everyone liking minor characters more than major ones BECAUSE they're less predictable. I think we'd soon find these characters, if there was an attempt to develop them further, fall into the general anime cliches, have quite static personalities and are predictable. The only reason the DOM Troopers are coolish are because they pilot the fucking hot as hell DOM Trooper and because we know almost nothing about them.
And I'm not very interested in them at all. In fact I'm pissed they're even around, because it was so obvious that they're there primarily to stop ORB from getting destroyed by ZAFT. 3 suits doing all that damage is BS anyhow, but introducing new characters to do it really pisses me off.
I've said before and I'll say it again, people just don't notice me. There's a high possibility that 49 will be another recap, as much as we all hate it. I'm doing this so we can all prepare...
And that has something to do with DOM Troopers? Post your theories in the right topic Here so you won't be ignored!Quote:
Originally posted by: Loc
I've said before and I'll say it again, people just don't notice me. There's a high possibility that 49 will be another recap, as much as we all hate it. I'm doing this so we can all prepare...
All right, back to topic:
I also really liked the DOMs when they first kicked out. They were quite "badasses" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img] . Also Hilda in the ZAFT red coat looked good *thumbs up*. It's going to be big suprise if they manage to stay alive until the end of the series, but I really hope for it! And oh yes, they are going to kick so much ass in space [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
U Kidding? It looks more like a toy. Its supposed to be a War Machine.Quote:
Originally posted by: aznimperialx
Personally i tihnk the regualr rick dom looks cooler than the DOm trooper in GSD. It adds all that bulky stuff on and the way the Head the Red part, sretched out horizontally is kinda werid. i find ugly
I find this just plain and simple. then u start adding the guns and bazooka it looks cooler and more badass IMO
yeah Dom are buff up
Something new from MAHQ.
cool. white looks cooler then purple [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] and everyone who predicted that the doms would die, the y predicted wrong [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
yeah, pretty shocked that they didn't die and pissed, because i owe someone 5 bucks now..Quote:
Originally posted by: 6Zabuza9
cool. white looks cooler then purple [img][/img] and everyone who predicted that the doms would die, the y predicted wrong [img][/img]
hahaha you lost $5
don't make fun, it sucks enough as it is..i demand dom trooper blood, damn it!
NO the Dom Trooper are the shit lols can you give me $5 too? e-mail me it lols
NO Dom Troopers are the shit. can you gove me $5 also.??? e-mail me it
youlost$ lols
ayia!!! sorry for the double post!
how about i give it to you in person?*cracks knuckles*
edit:you pick it up!
alright.*bringing a triad*
leave it in front of the garbage can inside a suit case
*after i got my $5*
you got beat up and your mom doesnt recognize you lols
just kidding
i think it's the other way around, your mom won't recognize you..never know. just playing.
for some reason this week and last week, i donwloading a lot of anime -_-
a lot of anime? what's there to download nowadays?
old anime [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
At last im the 1st person to have a dom trooper signature what you think
Too bad they wont have there own spin off ors omething kinda like astray. There appearance where very brief but im glad they survived destiny. too bad heiny didnt make it he wasnt cool enough and iguess had too uch screen time
Terra has nothing on me .....
Great but the size limit for gotwoot is 400x80
the sig is too big, no larger than 400x80
PS dont double post
WTF? we all posted at 9:40PM...
I did not double post gosh... my mistake I will resize itQuote:
Originally posted by: aznroyale
the sig is too big, no larger than 400x80
PS dont double post
Doesnt look as glorious at 400x 80 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] I can barely make out my name
it was better before now its squished [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]