Which EYEs would you want???
Which EYEs would you want??? sharingan or Byakugan
to me sharingan has cooler powers such as illusionary...and can get stronger(mangekyou)...copy techniques....and
much more.
byakugan does a lot too but isn't as cool...but kakashi said it is more powerful than sharigan...so i dont know
which one i would want..what do you guys think..?
Which EYEs would you want???
Sharingan is the best bloodline limit.. So I would have to go with them.. Pluse the dont make you look like you have cataracts and buldgey vains..
Which EYEs would you want???
This topic has been beaten to death.
Personally, I'd rather have the Byakugan. I am not, however, saying it is superior to the sharingan.
Which EYEs would you want???
Ninjutsu-Master, what is it with you and creating these X vs. Y threads?
There are some just like this that are not too old. Look at those - a lot of good points are made.
@Hikyuu, those bulgy veins are badass!
Which EYEs would you want???
Sharingan is infinitely more practical and valuable than Byakugan in the real world.
Oh, and Sharingan is what I would want.
Which EYEs would you want???
i suppose it comes down more to what you prefer: ninjutsu/ genjustu or taijutsu. the sharingan allows of a great deal of doujutsu type genjutsu, and can copy all nin and genjutsu. The byakugan doesnt allow techneques but having it is necessary for learning the leafs greatest taijutsu, jyuuken. It also has badass 359 degree vision and telescopic vision. i like the idea of being able to shut my opponent down with jyuuken, having eyes behind my back would make me even more badass. sure the sharingan has that future movement sight, but if a sharingan user without the mangekyou is double teamed then its all over for them (as chiyo explained in a recent manga chapter). the byakugan user can see every enemy in a 50+ meter radius (depending on skill) and the kaiten is a better defense the the future sight. .so over all i think that a byakugan user has the advantage in both single and multiple enemy encouters, although its given that they suck at long range fights. so i choose byakugan
Which EYEs would you want???
Are there any other types of eyes? besides sharingan - byakugan
Which EYEs would you want???
sharingan since its more useful in stuff such as tests. Oh, and I think it looks cooler also.
Which EYEs would you want???
bah i want both that way i you get the best of both of them which would be total pwnage, but if i had to choose i'd pick sharingan because a: it looks cooler b: mangekyou is teh pwnage c: you can copy anything, see everyone's move before they make it so you can seriously destroy someone without even a scratch, you can hypnotize them, you can use the mangekyou to mind rape them till they die you just have to look at them and they die how freakin awesome is that
Which EYEs would you want???
Which EYEs would you want???
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: RasenDori
i suppose it comes down more to what you prefer: ninjutsu/ genjustu or taijutsu. the sharingan allows of a great deal of doujutsu type genjutsu, and can copy all nin and genjutsu. The byakugan doesnt allow techneques but having it is necessary for learning the leafs greatest taijutsu, jyuuken. It also has badass 359 degree vision and telescopic vision. i like the idea of being able to shut my opponent down with jyuuken, having eyes behind my back would make me even more badass. sure the sharingan has that future movement sight, but if a sharingan user without the mangekyou is double teamed then its all over for them (as chiyo explained in a recent manga chapter). the byakugan user can see every enemy in a 50+ meter radius (depending on skill) and the kaiten is a better defense the the future sight. .so over all i think that a byakugan user has the advantage in both single and multiple enemy encouters, although its given that they suck at long range fights. so i choose byakugan
I dont think sharigan can copy all Ninjutsu's/ or Genjutsu, I doubt it can copy Rasengans or personalized Jutsu's unless your saying Sharigan can read the opponents Mind. Which Kakashi explained those are just rumors, to exagerate it. Sharigan seem to copy more of Jutsus with hand seals, where they can remember the movements.
I don't know about Sharigan's is the most powerful bloodline, but it was said that Hyuuga is the strongest family in Konoha.
Over all i would definitly go for Byakugan, i could always peep at girls, have a 50 feet radius sense. Naturally gifted Taijutsu, which is really good against Sharigan. No signs of using alot of Chakara...Byakugan is known to have more insight than Sharigan, meaning it can also c illusions and can also see's things moving slow motion. Sharigan cannot see the future but it can predict movements. But i think taijutsu's like druken taijutsu would be to hard for Sharigan to predict.
Sharigan, i guess is better at remembering things witnessed, and being able to go MS.
Byakugan can probably cheat on testes too with 50 feet radius.
and beside Jyuken and Kaiten is way cooler than Fire Jutsu sharigan have.
Which EYEs would you want???
Sharingan, cause it looks cooler.
Which EYEs would you want???
Byakugan can probably cheat on testes too with 50 feet radius.
Wow, I'm bored, I almost cracked up when I saw that Also, why would you want to peep in on girls, when you could have them hanging off your arms due to the hot Sharingan eyes Furthermore, where do you keep getting this information? Stop pulling stuff out of your ass, man; actually read the manga and watch the show.. If you are unsure of something, go back and reread/watch it so you dont seem really stupid.. >.> Oh and the Hyuuga clan is the most powerful because they have more then two surviving members??? Could that be why? Just maybe..
Which EYEs would you want???
I'd really like to know which was more powerful and respected before Itachi killed all the Uchiha's
EDIT: I still think it'd be cooler to be able to see near 360 degrees within 50 ft
Which EYEs would you want???
A lot of you guys are dumb. This is a thread asking which EYES you'd want; Sharingan or Byakugan, not would you rather be a Hyuuga or have Sharingan eyes. Stop assuming that Neji's taijutsu and his other non-byakugan techniques come with the eyes. Kaiten and whatnot just rely on Byakugan. When it comes to having JUST the eyes, Sharingan is far more superior than Byakugan considering Byakugan has no offensive attacks.
Which EYEs would you want???
I'd pick the Sharingan, be able to have alot more fun, and be much easier in life.
Which EYEs would you want???
Both are totally fucking awesome, and its a tough choice. I'd still want one of each.
Byakugan, see 360, no can stealth kill you unless it was at an insane velocity. You can see persons anatomy perfectly and their weakspots. You have incredible insight on what a person is thinking through their movements and actions. And you can see stuff that's much faster than other people can see.
Sharingan has some of the same properties, but instead of the anatomy, insight, and clairvoyance, it has the copy ability, the genjutsu, and the 2 bloodline moves.
Other than that they are pretty much the same.
Which EYEs would you want???
Give me Sharingan for my final answer. I would copy all of Usher's dance moves from his videos then murder him with my bare hands, eat some cinnamon toast crunch over his corspe and say "Now U see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch BITCH"(IN JAPANESE). Then I would get into a random argument with an old guy an copy everything he says kick him in the nads and walk away while doing cool Usher moves. After that I would take up all different types of martial arts perfect them and walk the streets naked. If anyone pisses me off I'd calmly walk up them doing Usher dance moves and beat the shit outta them.
Next I would quit my job moon walkin backwards giving the middle finger(both hands) to my manager and enter martial arts tournements across the globe to make a fortune and a name for myself. Finally I woudl set up a lemonade stand with a banner that says "I beatcha I can guess what ur gonna say for 100 bucks" Finally (again) I would get on the "Contender" beat the shit outta all my opponents then eat Spagetti wit Stalone and Sugar Ray wink at the screen then the curtains fall.
Which EYEs would you want???
Wow that was random... and Rhanfahl, if you have one of each eyes A: you might not be able to reap the benefits of the eys and B: you would look retarded adn no one is gonna care what ninja powers you claim to have when your in a psyche ward..
Which EYEs would you want???
Byakugan only because I don't like the color red, lol. Plus Neji is my 2nd fave character so meh. We ain't seen a lot of what the byakugan can do. For all we know, Neji could've unlocked another level to it since he is a genius. Perhaps is the best counter to any kind of sharingan techniques.
Which EYEs would you want???
drcitan's post is that of a true ninja's
Which EYEs would you want???
from what i see and my style i pick Sharingan hands down. it can be stealthy and quite or noisey as hell if using lighting edge. i know if i had Sharingan i go and copy fighting moves from many diffent fight styles and use it to my gain. hell mess with same old rich guy make him leave you all his money and just snap his mind like a potato chip lol. claim all rewards in a few weeks.
Which EYEs would you want???
The Sharingan is better than the Byakugan IMO. Neji uses Byakugan almost constantly which consumes Chakra(when Neji fought that spider-like guy, that guy saw that Neji was surrounded with Chakra, because that's how Neji could sense projectiles comming at him) and the Sharingan can be disabled. And if I am correctly, the Sharingan has more levels of skill(the number of dots) and the ultimate Sharingan is the Mangekyou Sharingan. The mangekyou can only be obtained under special circumstances, one is that the user must be a real Uchiha(so Kakashi can not get one for sure) and another one is that there must be made a great sacrafice, such as killing ones best friend (although Sasuke is still searching for a way to get that Mangekyou, without having to kill Naruto). It is true though that the sharingan-user not completely knows wich moves the opponent is going to make, only predict(eg. based on muscles contradict). When Sasuke got his level 3 sharingan while battling Naruto, he could predict Naruto's every move(and Naruto was moving fast) while when he was still on level 2, he could not.
Mangekyou Sharingan has also some nice Jutsu's like Tsukiyomi (which will frighten the opponent) and that can not simply be countered(not even Kakashi can but it only counts when your trapped), so only by not looking at it you can counter it.
The Byakugan has also a weak spot, a spot where the user can not sense if something is there or not(remember how that spider guy turned Neji penetrated with one of his arrows). Also although Neji could not figure out which of Naruto's clones(Kage Bunshin during the Genin examinations) was the real Naruto, Sasuke however could(while he was still at level 2 Sharingan), because he said it himself when Sasuke and Naruto fought the last time and Naruto used Kage Bunshin like always.
So I go for the Sharingan (*_*)v
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: Driekez
The Sharingan is better than the Byakugan IMO. Neji uses Byakugan almost constantly which consumes Chakra(when Neji fought that spider-like guy, that guy saw that Neji was surrounded with Chakra, because that's how Neji could sense projectiles comming at him) and the Sharingan can be disabled.
That wasn't what Neji was doing, that's what Kidoumaru thought he was doing. Neji could sense the projectiles and deflect them only because he was releasing chakra into that one spot (his blind spot). He knew Kidomaru had figured it out, so he released chakra into his blind spot to protect it. Kidomaru only assumed he was surrounding himself with chakra. At least, that's how I understand it to have happened. Am I wrong? The Byakugan can also be disabled, and Neji has near-perfect chakra control, so chakra consumption is not an issue in comparing the two.
Also, Sharingan has Amaterasu as well as Tsukiyomi.
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: Driekez
The Sharingan is better than the Byakugan IMO. Neji uses Byakugan almost constantly which consumes Chakra(when Neji fought that spider-like guy, that guy saw that Neji was surrounded with Chakra, because that's how Neji could sense projectiles comming at him) and the Sharingan can be disabled. And if I am correctly, the Sharingan has more levels of skill(the number of dots) and the ultimate Sharingan is the Mangekyou Sharingan. The mangekyou can only be obtained under special circumstances, one is that the user must be a real Uchiha(so Kakashi can not get one for sure) and another one is that there must be made a great sacrafice, such as killing ones best friend (although Sasuke is still searching for a way to get that Mangekyou, without having to kill Naruto). It is true though that the sharingan-user not completely knows wich moves the opponent is going to make, only predict(eg. based on muscles contradict). When Sasuke got his level 3 sharingan while battling Naruto, he could predict Naruto's every move(and Naruto was moving fast) while when he was still on level 2, he could not.
Mangekyou Sharingan has also some nice Jutsu's like Tsukiyomi (which will frighten the opponent) and that can not simply be countered(not even Kakashi can but it only counts when your trapped), so only by not looking at it you can counter it.
The Byakugan has also a weak spot, a spot where the user can not sense if something is there or not(remember how that spider guy turned Neji penetrated with one of his arrows). Also although Neji could not figure out which of Naruto's clones(Kage Bunshin during the Genin examinations) was the real Naruto, Sasuke however could(while he was still at level 2 Sharingan), because he said it himself when Sasuke and Naruto fought the last time and Naruto used Kage Bunshin like always.
So I go for the Sharingan (*_*)v
Ok........with all that being said what would U do with Sharingan in the real world??? Oh and welcome to Gotwoot yaaaaaaaaaaaa
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: xanbcoo
Originally posted by: Driekez
The Sharingan is better than the Byakugan IMO. Neji uses Byakugan almost constantly which consumes Chakra(when Neji fought that spider-like guy, that guy saw that Neji was surrounded with Chakra, because that's how Neji could sense projectiles comming at him) and the Sharingan can be disabled.
That wasn't what Neji was doing, that's what Kidoumaru
thought he was doing. Neji could sense the projectiles and deflect them only because he was releasing chakra into that one spot (his blind spot). He knew Kidomaru had figured it out, so he released chakra into his blind spot to protect it. Kidomaru only assumed he was surrounding himself with chakra. At least, that's how I understand it to have happened. Am I wrong? The Byakugan can also be disabled, and Neji has near-perfect chakra control, so chakra consumption is not an issue in comparing the two.
Also, Sharingan has Amaterasu as well as Tsukiyomi.
Hmmz, yeah, using chakra to deflect projectiles would make more sense(it was also a while ago when I saw that episode), so I guess you're right. And Byakugan can indeed be disabled(kinda forgot that that when the veins around the eyes are visible, the Byakugan is active).
The Tsukiyomo is the attack that mindrapes you (well said DeluxSkillz), but what is Amaterasu then?
Originally posted by: drcitan
Ok........with all that being said what would U do with Sharingan in the real world??? Oh and welcome to Gotwoot yaaaaaaaaaaaa
Hmmz, fighting on Martial Arts contets with the Sharingan could mean a huge advantage,,, but things as ninjutsu and genjutsu(w. chakra, advance bloodlines etc) don't exist in the real world[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img].. ow and thanx btw[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Which EYEs would you want???
Amaterasu is cool
too cool for you
Which EYEs would you want???
I rather have Byakugan, then learn Hiraishin no jutsu, Its a better combo, screw Amaterasu...all fire jutsus are copiable.....Hand Seal Chakara...and there...i dont even know why MS is involved with that jutsu...make no sense..its not a doujutsu...and not like Chidori that needs Sharigan to complete....I won't be supprise anyone can learn Amaterasu
Which EYEs would you want???
Amaterasu can only be used with Mangekyou
Am I wrong?
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: xanbcoo
Amaterasu can only be used with Mangekyou
Am I wrong?
No you are not.
From Wikipedia:
It has been hypothesized that the third jutsu is named after Susanoo, the Shinto god of the sea and of storms. In Japanese mythology, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo were siblings. As seen that Tsukuyomi is apparently a genjutsu, and Amaterasu seems to be a ninjutsu, it is likely that the "Susanoo" is a advanced bloodline taijutsu.
Which EYEs would you want???
I know I wasn't wrong, I just wanted Naruto-kira to figure out he was a moron by himself.
Amaterasu isn't copiable - as it uses no hand seals. and IS a dojutsu (that means it's used by the eyes, in case you didn't know). It's not useless and in no way does it not makes sense...
N-K: please think before you post
Which EYEs would you want???
Byakugan, then I'd head over to the Hyuugas and trick them that I'm a member of the clan. Then I'd assassinate Hinata and spit on her corpse a couple of times.
And then I'd... ehh... well. Whatever.
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: drcitan
Give me Sharingan for my final answer. I would copy all of Usher's dance moves from his videos then murder him with my bare hands, eat some cinnamon toast crunch over his corspe and say "Now U see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch BITCH"(IN JAPANESE). Then I would get into a random argument with an old guy an copy everything he says kick him in the nads and walk away while doing cool Usher moves. After that I would take up all different types of martial arts perfect them and walk the streets naked. If anyone pisses me off I'd calmly walk up them doing Usher dance moves and beat the shit outta them.
Next I would quit my job moon walkin backwards giving the middle finger(both hands) to my manager and enter martial arts tournements across the globe to make a fortune and a name for myself. Finally I woudl set up a lemonade stand with a banner that says "I beatcha I can guess what ur gonna say for 100 bucks" Finally (again) I would get on the "Contender" beat the shit outta all my opponents then eat Spagetti wit Stalone and Sugar Ray wink at the screen then the curtains fall.
You win!
Here's a cookie, take it and eat it proudly.
::hands drcitan a cookie::
Which EYEs would you want???
sharingan for me...cause it looks cool...besides..if i have 1 of those...i can copy during exams .. XD
Which EYEs would you want???
If i'm Jiraiya i know which i'd take. True that there are only a few members with Byakugan but thats their fault for putting curse seals on their branched members and have primogeniture. There's no cause for jealousy cause it means the first one sets the high marks so that the younger siblings can overreach that limit if the eldest isn't careful and competitive. Neji is proof of that which limits are set but that one can overcome those limits if they are really serious. Aside from that, the rare Byakugan users are just as many as Uchiha clan, but thats because of some Itachi and his connection to Uchiha clan's extinction. I'd take Byakugan beside i dont want to know what would happen with a Sharigan user when he gets hit by a bus (unlikely but possible due to their limited vision.) Even if 'Kaleidoscope' scares the heck out of the driver, the bus keeps on rolling. Unless Sharigan can see 360 degrees, Byakugan and Jyuuken is a better survival skill vs multiple enemies encounters.
Which EYEs would you want???
Want to have the sharingan
I think Hypnose and copying is better than just "seeing though everything"
Aktually, Sharingans look BETTER
and are BETTER for battles <<my opinion
Which EYEs would you want???
it is true thats Sharingans is more good looking and all.. but the Byakugan can see the Tenketsus, and when they are hit you can't use your chakra, so if someone with the Byakugan and someone with the Sharingans fight, the one with the Byakugan have more chance of winning, because if i remember well, the Sharingans need Chakra to work... so if he got hi's Tenketsus hit he won't be able to use his Sharingans, making him useless
but thats just my opinion lol
Which EYEs would you want???
Wat if hinata and sauke have a baby? I would want to have those eyes!
Which EYEs would you want???
... if they have a baby together... hum good question lol, maybe he will have normal eye as sharingan, and he can switch for byakugan lol, but thats just imposible... because sasuke is with oro now lol...
Which EYEs would you want???
I'd perfer the byakugan, in combat it is superior.
(a byakugan user fighting a sharingan user eliminates the sharingans hypnotic benefits, as the byakugan user can easily avoid eye contact since the byakugan gives 360 vision up to 50 meters, for Neji, who is only a Genin level byakugan user, and if the enemy is farther then 50 meters you dont need to study his exact moves well enough to require eye contact, and anything they attack you with is detected when it enters range)
But for you perverts, the byakugans peeping ability pales in comparison to the sharingans genjutsu mind control.
Which EYEs would you want???
either one would be better than the eyes I have now lol
Which EYEs would you want???
I'd like a Byakugan in my left socket then a sharingan on the right.
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: genesis234
I'd like a Byakugan in my left socket then a sharingan on the right.
You will get headaches all the time and eventually you will go blind.
Which EYEs would you want???
But since a byakugan users eyes are already glazed over looking like a blind guys! They cannot go blind!
And hell, if you can have sharingan/normal, why not sharingan/byakugan?
Totally relates to the discussion
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: Necromas
But since a byakugan users eyes are already glazed over looking like a blind guys! They cannot go blind!
And hell, if you can have sharingan/normal, why not sharingan/byakugan?
Have you seen Neiji when he uses byakugan and veins around his eyes pop out. I think if you have sharigan/byakugan eyes and if you used both of them by accident, your eyes may pop out of your skull because of too much usage.
Which EYEs would you want???
Seriously. Something would pop in your brain from attempting to catalogue and data mine everything that was occurring that was being taken in by the use of those two eyes. I'd see it something similiar to the Zero System of Gundam Wing.
I'd definitely prefer the White Eyes, over the Copy Wheel. They're intimidating, and occasionally scary, as hell. Remember when Neji was staring down Hinata? Sheesh. Although, who would want to walk around all day with veins bulging from the surface of your face?
So, for regular day events, when not aiming to scare small children shitless with the Byakugan, I'd like Tsunade's eyes. Everytime they show her eyes they remind me of a lion's eyes, with the color and everything. Granted lions have poor vision, it's a captivating color and look.
Which EYEs would you want???
I quite like Gara's eyes, especially when he was a kid. Tsunade eyes are very pretty as well as sharp one.
Which EYEs would you want???
Id say sharingan cause it looks better what other reason could i need.
Which EYEs would you want???
I would like to have a other eye than byakugan and sharingan...
I would like to have the BROWN EYE!!!! in japanese it's something like Browngan..
Its skills are superior to tha sharigan and byakugan.. If opened it would terrify its enemies and leave them crippled for life, and it would totally blow their brains out and would have a 480 vision.. =)
Superior Browngan, thats what i wish for..
Which EYEs would you want???
Browngan ....sounds like somthing you'd do on a toilet
Which EYEs would you want???
I need a Mangekyo Byakugan, or some evolved for of the byakugan
Which EYEs would you want???
I'd get White eyes than put them in my dogs eyes so he can have hella range to watch my neighbor hood as I sell drugs
Which EYEs would you want???
I know this has nottin to do with the topic but I didn't know where to put this but I hope kishimoto gives kyuubi's eyes some skills like, cancel out everything (seal, illutionary jutsu,......). that would be sick. if that ever happenes I would want that eye man. after all kyuubi is immortal. got to have something more then just unlimited amount of chakara.
Which EYEs would you want???
Still, Browngan is superior to al other eyes!
And teeth...
Browngan gives not only destruction, but love and joy!!!!
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: isso
Still, Browngan is superior to al other eyes!
And teeth...
Browngan gives not only destruction, but love and joy!!!!
yo did u make this up or is it that eye from basilisk.
Which EYEs would you want???
Browngan exist, even you have it.. You just don't know how to use it!!!
The Browngan is the brown eye!!!
If you master it you will never feel sad, everything will be pure joy! =)
Which EYEs would you want???
don't know about browngan but i have a bigan
Which EYEs would you want???
Which EYEs would you want???
I would like some x-ray vision eyes.
Which EYEs would you want???
Gamma-ray vision eyes. That shoot lasers!
Which EYEs would you want???
I am wondering which eye is more powerful???i thought byakugan was...
did kakashi admit byakugan is more powerful or it had more insight.....that's what my friend said...
what's insight?
Which EYEs would you want???
It's true that kakashi said that byakugan is more powerful then the sharingan.. But we have seen the proof yet.. It has to come in the future..
When considering what the mangekyou sharingan is capable of, I wonder if the byakugan is more superior.. but only time will tell..
Which EYEs would you want???
no........kakashi said in terms of insight, byakugan is superior
there's a reason the uchiha clan was considered the strongest clan.......
Which EYEs would you want???
They were considered the strongest?
Huyunga claims to be it now or did they claim it during the uchicha period???
And hell why do we care??
Anyway, those who got special eyes are lucky bastards!! lol!!
Which EYEs would you want???
hyuuga are known as a noble clan......i dont recall them actually saying they were the "strongest"....but any reference to them being so is because uchiha isnt around anymore
Which EYEs would you want???
I would want byakugan, but that is just because 360 degrees of vision would be cool.
Which EYEs would you want???
During the attack under the chunin exams, dont recall the exakt episode the head family father of Huyunga is surronded by sand ninjas and he says to them that they are foolish attacking him bcause the Huyunga is considered the strongest in Konoha... And then he defeats the sand ninjas..
Which EYEs would you want???
Perhaps the strongest now that uchia is gone...
Mangekyou Byakugan.. oh yeah..
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: Uberbaka
Perhaps the strongest now that uchia is gone...
Mangekyou Byakugan.. oh yeah..
Yes, probably so..
Yet they are a more noble clan then the uchicha...
Which EYEs would you want???
They've been around longer. That's why they have more nobility.
@ Jad': Gaara's eyes as a kid were scary since he was always so wide-eyed and confused. Reminded me of that kid from A.I. He was creepy. Then again, considering Gaara couldn't sleep, from the Shukaku's tormenting, that might explain why.
Which EYEs would you want???
Which EYEs would you want???
Hokage Gaara > Chibi Gaara
Aside from eyes using Doujutsu, don't most of the characters have the same eyes?
Tsunade, Gaara, Naruto and the Hyuuga are the only people I can think off hand that actually have different eyes than the rest. I'm sure there are most, but going over the image of most of the characters in my head, I believe they're all plain and similar.
Which EYEs would you want???
Sakura has green eyes, Ino has blue
Which EYEs would you want???
shino's eyes are different too, and guys the topic is "which eyes would you want" (referring to sharingan or byakudan) we dont need to hear your "isnta-porno vision" or your "destroy-everything-in-sight vision"
i'd go sharingan! i mean it seems like sharingan has a lot more perks to it.
1. copying jutsu/movements
2. hypnosis (in terms of genjutsu)
3. and of course, THEY'RE RED!
the byakudan has...
1. ability to see far
2. ability to see through things
3. ability to have popping eye vains.
Which EYEs would you want???
i think sharingan is way better then byakudan so i would want sharingan
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: dark maginn
i think sharingan is way better then byakudan so i would want sharingan
Do you want flake with that or just plain sharingan.
Which EYEs would you want???
I am not a greedy man.
I would take either.
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: Jadugar
Do you want flake with that or just plain sharingan.
I never did get this joke.
Which EYEs would you want???
And yet this resurrection brought it back into your mind where it will continue to haunt you.
As for the topic: Although I've been arguing for Sasuke in the other thread, I'd much rather have a Byakugan in real life.
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
And yet this resurrection brought it back into your mind where it will continue to haunt you.
As for the topic: Although I've been arguing for Sasuke in the other thread, I'd much rather have a Byakugan in real life.
@ Strider : It was very hard for me to type this one word.
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: Jadugar
@ Strider : It was very hard for me to type this one word.
So you say. However, we already know of your attachment to Neji and his Byakugan. And, you're well informed of it's sheer superiority.
We've been onto you long ago, pal.
Which EYEs would you want???
both are good but i dont know which one i would want
both are unique
whyc not i'll take both lols
Which EYEs would you want???
You'd have an aneurism.
A few of them.
Which EYEs would you want???
i wouldn't mind having rock lee's eyes..i mean..sharingon..that's what i meant..sharingon..
Which EYEs would you want???
I have changed my mind. I want Lee's eyes.
Which EYEs would you want???
not if i get it first, you copy cat bastard..
Which EYEs would you want???
Originally posted by: UltxDarkRedX1
not if i get it first, you copy cat bastard..
You are still keeping the old dady or getting the new one? I am available.
Thread Contribution : This thread is getting old and repititive. Also there is only byakugan/sharingan. I wil make a new one in couple of days if I did get some spare time.
Which EYEs would you want???
uhh i want sharingan =D. but yeah theres only 2 choices......
Which EYEs would you want???
Someone is bound to say the new Dojutsu from the fillers.
Which EYEs would you want???
The new Doujutsu from the fillers.