What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Do not get me wrong here I love naruto always have loved it but lately I just don't get that feeling anymore.
I mean every thursday when I got home from work I used to look forward to seeing a brand new episode of naruto, but lately I sometimes don't even download the epsiode thursday, but friday, or even saturday or sunday. Do you know what I mean it is just not as good as it was before. Am I the only one who feeels that or are there more people who feel like that.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
it's probably just because of the long wait to just see the next episode...
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
The effects of the fillers......... Look forward to better things in the near future.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Nah, face the truth, you just don't love naruto the way you used to.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: jing
Nah, face the truth, you just don't love naruto the way you used to.
This is actually completely true for me. Last summer, when I started watching Naruto, I had only recently discovered anime. At that time, I thought Naruto was incredibly awesome and I watched many episodes in a row, and wasted quite a bit of bandwidth downloading it all. Now that I've seen quite a few other anime series, many of which are much more intelligent and thought-provoking than Naruto, I've come to regard Naruto as an entertaining, but not an exceptional anime. I still download it every week, but I'm not waiting on the edge of my seat anymore.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: jing
Nah, face the truth, you just don't love naruto the way you used to.
I agree with your comment.
The fillers have really gotten to me and have screwed up the anime really bad. It's been 8 or 9 weeks (Iost count) of bad episode after bad episode. I really hope naruto gets back on track as I'm really disliking it right now.
Bleach is turning out to be a great anime though so at least I get a good anime fix every week. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
I have also started watching Bleach and reading the manga . The Shit Naruto just dosn't make me happy. I have now rewatched Kenshin 3 times. to make up for the lost awesomeness.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: KitKat
Originally posted by: jing
Nah, face the truth, you just don't love naruto the way you used to.
This is actually completely true for me. Last summer, when I started watching Naruto, I had only recently discovered anime. At that time, I thought Naruto was incredibly awesome and I watched many episodes in a row, and wasted quite a bit of bandwidth downloading it all. Now that I've seen quite a few other anime series, many of which are much more intelligent and thought-provoking than Naruto, I've come to regard Naruto as an entertaining, but not an exceptional anime. I still download it every week, but I'm not waiting on the edge of my seat anymore.
Ditto. Not to mention that, as so many people, have said, Naruto is losing it's "ninja" quality. That is, the show doesn't have the same feel that you are watching a show about ninjas using tactings and intelligence to fight as it did earlier on. This is why a lot of people got into it - at least, that's what I've heard.
I think I started "loosing interest" around the middle of the Sasuke-chase arc. That's when things started too closely resembling the DBZ-power-struggle type fights.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
I have high hopes for the next arc. The manga is looking pretty good right now. It will probably rekindle my love for Naruto.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: Jaredster
I have high hopes for the next arc. The manga is looking pretty good right now. It will probably rekindle my love for Naruto.
Yeah that is the only thing keeping me going in Naruto as of late. The manga and how things are right now in the current storyline. The anime even with its fillers have had dull moments lately and it has been boring. Bleach has almost caught up with like 190 chapters already and so far no signs of letting up. To tell you the truth about a month after it was officially announced that Naruto was licensed was when I started to get bored with Naruto.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Nah, face the truth, you just don't love naruto the way you used to.
No, I say its the fillers too. Naruto was rocking my face off as recently as Naruto vs. Sasuke, and that was just one episode before these fillers started.
And you know what really gets me, I think we all are elitist because we know its fillers. I have a couple of friends I show Naruto to, and they don't know whats filler and whats not, and they like the current episodes just fine.
I wonder if its just us being predisposed to hating filler episodes.
I mean, sure, the stupid brothers suck, just a couple strong fatasses...
But really, is that somehow any worse than Choiji's character? I'm not really sure it is.
Something to think about.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
I'm practically trained to recognise fillers now. This kinda started when I was into One Piece and I found the Apis arc so fucking boring. I'm randomly browsing Arlong Park, and what do I find? It's filler.
When the Idate arc started, I was thinking "this is just shit". After a little bit of searching, indeed, I found out it is filler. Same goes for the Sasame arc, but I realised it faster because I'd previously read that the Country of Field filler had started, but I was only in the Sasuke chase arc when I read that.
So no, it's only filler I hate really.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Same goes for me. Naruto was the first fansub I watched. I discovered fansubbing anime because of Naruto. Before, Naruto was an addiction. I couldn't go by a week without downloading the weekly manga and anime, filler or no filler. But now I haven't watched any of the new fillers eps., the movie, and I've gone 2 weeks without reading the manga. Heck. I don't even feel like downloading the manga now. Yep. The feelings gone. Before I regarded Naruto as the best damn anime there is but since i've been seeing different fansubs and scanlations I just lost interest in it. Besides, I have a new addiction. One Piece. And its not leaving me anytime soon. I watched the damn 5 movies already, all the OVA's, and impatiently waiting for a fansub of the 6th. The show is just to kick ass. And this time I'm aware of different anime shows. Not the clueless one anime fansub like I was when I watched Naruto.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: KitKat
Originally posted by: jing
Nah, face the truth, you just don't love naruto the way you used to.
This is actually completely true for me. Last summer, when I started watching Naruto, I had only recently discovered anime. At that time, I thought Naruto was incredibly awesome and I watched many episodes in a row, and wasted quite a bit of bandwidth downloading it all. Now that I've seen quite a few other anime series, many of which are much more intelligent and thought-provoking than Naruto, I've come to regard Naruto as an entertaining, but not an exceptional anime. I still download it every week, but I'm not waiting on the edge of my seat anymore.
Well spoken, I pretty much feel the same. I think I enjoy the constant slander of the forms more than the actual show (I love you guys, even the assholes like Mut). But the show itself...well in the begining it seems thought provoking and well thought out...but now its rapidly turning more and more into another Superpower kids show with more suspense than the 12 episodes in a row of Dragonball grunting. Naruto has lost its glimmer, but its still pretty good...minus the bullshit we have to watch now.
I'm glad you have found some others to enjoy. Cause Naruto is hardly one of the "classics" and probably will never be one of the greats...especially if they keep writing shit like this.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
it's kind of how I felt about an old fav cartoon of mine, Gargoyles when it first aired weekday afternoons.
THe seasons were consistently awesome! Until the original storywriters abruptly finished their time and the remaining seasons were picked up by a less compelling animation team who called it the "Goliath Chronicles." Oh well, never the same again.
There's probably no chance anyone knows what I'm talkin' about though. damn
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Serialized anime always hits this trap because Japanese studios do it year round. You just can't do a chapter per episode, the timeframes don't fit, so eventually they have to write anime-only arcs, and inevitably the people doing the anime adaptation of a serialized manga can't write original material to save their fucking lives.
So, yeah, eventually they all turn to shit for a bit.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Personally, I think the series has become even more fantastic.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: Mut@chi
Personally, I think the series has become even more fantastic.
I wish Naruto was permanently cancelled.
So which is it, you said both.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
if u mean from the fillers, i think the fillers could've been done a lot better. i guess i think this way because i've been anticipating the anime to go back to the manga's plot for a while now...
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
ive started rewatching old eps over again just to get that weekly naruto feeling i used to have so long ago.
i remember how excited i was to get home from school and download the latest naruto ep every week. but now i dont even bump it to the top of my download list when its released.
they need to postpone naruto until theyre willing to get back to the manga story arc. these filler arcs are killing the show. that, or employ someone who can actually write anime well. god knows they must have enough money off this anime by now to do so
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
sucks.....nuff said
EDIT: P.S. Love the sig Psyke!!
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
My interest for Naruto is also very low currently. It's always been that way with this show, sometimes you just can't wait for the next episode, and sometimes you have a hard time bringing yourself to see it. As someone already said: it's the effect of fillers.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Naruto is definitely low on my anime priority list... the filler eps just ruin the story for me..
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
yes naruto anime is sucking badly lately, the fillers are the main reason it's like a 3 year old was allowed to write a story and they used that to make the fillers, i haven't even watched the last episode i think i'll start watching when they get back to the original story line it's what every sane naruto fan would do because these fillers are beyond crap i wouldn't even show these to lil kiddies who only watch pokemon because these fillers are even more stupid then all of pokemon, bayblade and yugiooh combined
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Wow, that's a bit melodramatic.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: r3n
ive started rewatching old eps over again just to get that weekly naruto feeling i used to have so long ago.
Funny enough, I did the exact same thing.
Also, it's seems pretty ironic that the filler only exists so that the anime doesn't lose its fanbase (I still think they should have dropped it for a couple of months), but because it's so bad, it's creating threads like this one. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
i must have rewatched the rock lee - gaara fight (ep 50ish) about 20 times since i first got it. and that hasnt stopped almost 2 years later
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
I agree with everyone !!!
I'm disliking Naruto because this filler realy sucks !!! I even stopped to visit the forum...
Misuki wanting to get acknolegde was the worst thing someone could think and write !!!
The Sasame arc wasn't so bad because I laught a lot when Jiraya summoned Gamakichi and Sakura got scared.
And I don't think the fillers is to keep the anime's fan... For me is the main reason to they stopp watching the anime.
At least I know a lot of people who stopped to watch and isn't only naruto.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
it alternates....every anime has their high and low points
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: Chibbas
... I even stopped to visit the forum...
You have 3 posts, I'm sure you had 2 prior to the one I'm quoting. My point is, you haven't made an impact on the forums for anyone to realize that you've stop visiting. So become a regular.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Well, looking at all the episodes of Naruto so far, it's an excellent show. But there's only one episode a week, and looking at fillers for like 2 months straight now has really dropped my interest. Though even after the fillers will be gone, there doesn't seem to be anything interesting going in the (real) story, before it's always kept me psyched up waiting for the next (real) episode. Will see if Naruto is ale to return that mood quickly enough when the next arc begins.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
The anime has gone downhill thats for sure. I'm actually one of the few who aren't impatient about AONE's slow subbing because I'm sure by the time they catch up the anime would be back on the storyline once again. As far as the show like VA and Art and so on. It's okay. I'm not that nitpickey about those things. I mean unless it is really that bad its obvious you won't see me complaining about the art of it.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
The filler sucks, as anyone with even a shread of taste can tell for themselves.
But I was also quite disappointed by the end of the last arc from the manga. The entire final showdown with Naruto and Sasuke was too broken up by flashbacks for me to really enjoy, and it ended in a Dragonball Z esque "My special energy attack vs. you special energy attack" clash that I found quite anti-climactic. The flashbacks themselves were good and showed alot about Sasuke, but I felt like they were sometimes repetitive and were clumped together too much. I'd have liked to see them played out over time or even earlier, when Sasuke makes the decision to leave Konoha.
oh well, I complain about everything...
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
yea i agree...
naruto is becoming the dbz of this generation. it seems to drag out things like past sequencs and dramatic thinking sequences way too long and always end battles in pretty much the same way. it's like a routine that has been going on for way too long..
i hope the anime starts getting a lot better..
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
yeh...i used to not be able to wait for the next episode every week, but starting from the "chasing sasuke" saga, the "Naruto" feeling started to gradually wear off...now i dunno really giv a flying f about atm for both the anime "and" manga
the really great naruto times was probaly the chunnin exam & and Sand/Sound's attempted invasion over Konoha and these 2 sagas was one right after the next...
...ahhhh....the good times.... =p
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
ive started rewatching old eps over again just to get that weekly naruto feeling i used to have so long ago.
Since you mentioned it, I started doing it too, and you know, although the quality of the fights has gotten better, with most of the "chasing sasuke" fights being the best in the series, I really think that the storytelling has never been higher since way back in the Zabuza arc. That story really does have an emotional impact that, while existing in later arcs, seems to get less and less with each new story.
At this point, I'm starting to think Kishimoto maybe should think about getting away from Naruto's character, that, or having some new badguys with some real depth to them.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
if memory serves me correctly (which sometimes it doesn't), filler is what killed the rurouni kenshin tv series before its time. But that's what happens. They produce the anime so quickly it catches up to the manga and they have to start putting filler in til the manga can build up a bit of a buffer again. Just ride it out. With all the build up, there's inevitably some great stuff to come.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Unless, like you just mentioned, the filler blows so much dick that the series gets cancelled and we don't get to see whatever good stuff might be coming.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Atm the quality is really really bad. I don't read the manga, but I know from ppl saying how awesome it is and just because I trust that it will be awesome, the next arc is hopefully gonna be amazing. Lots of ppl said they stopped after chouji in the last arc, but I think the whole sasuke chase was one of the best things in naruto. It was when the whole thing started to go serious, shows a sense of maturity in all the genin.. makes it seem like they're all growing up and starting to understand how serious missions really are. Then Sasuke vs Naruto, well 133 was just the best episode ever. So having filler directly after such an amazing episode... This is my theory into why everyone.. REALLY.. hates the filler atm. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if naruto hadn't gotten so interesting all of a sudden. When I think about it, the Orochimaru castle filler wasn't that bad. The animation was pretty good towards the later episodes. They could have done so much with the Butterfly girl thing, that was an interesting idea. however the stupid brothers and Mitzki, really is just the worst thing ever.
But when the next arc starts we can all just delete these filler and forget about them completely. It's a pity they added stuff that wasn't filler into them unlike the tea saga, because then you really could just delete them and no one would ever notice if you showed it to someone new.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: Bob1
however the stupid brothers and Mitzki, really is just the worst thing ever.
Exactly. They should just go back to Russia.
I stopped watching the filler after the first stupid brother episode. I now refuse to aknowledge they exist [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Unless, like you just mentioned, the filler blows so much dick that the series gets cancelled and we don't get to see whatever good stuff might be coming.
that is the risk. but i'm just trying to be optimistic because i know there is some more good to come from this series.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: xanbcoo
Originally posted by: Bob1
however the stupid brothers and Mitzki, really is just the worst thing ever.
Exactly. They should just go back to Russia.
I stopped watching the filler after the first stupid brother episode. I now refuse to aknowledge they exist [img][/img]
Everything outside of the manga doesn't exist to me.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
I used to look forward to Naruto too.....I've stopped downloading it 4 weeks ago.....after they started the stupid brothers filler arc.....ugh....get on with the new arc dammit...
Bleach on the other hand is just fricken incredible.....I've been glued to it ever since I got into it about the same time Naruto was disappointing...boy was I lucky..
Anyone know where to get Kenshin eps? all I have were the VCR rips of them
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
with more being released as time goes by
I used to get the 'shakes' watchin Naruto. I couldn't stand the wait. Though I don't like to admit it, I'm not very psyched about it at all anymore.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Just wondering, how have Naruto's ratings been over in Japan? Or do they even care about ratings when models/toys, video games etc. are more profitable? What the hell makes an anime a success to them anyway? I was wondering if anyone had some insight into all this. Seeing as how much we complain and diss the Narutared filler (and some even the end of the last snimated arc off the manga) I was wondering if the creators would get any similair feedback in Japan, or if they don't give a fuck?
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
"(and some even the end of the last snimated arc off the manga)"
Alot of people (inc. me) understand why having all the stuff at the end was good. However I do agree with the rest of your post. I couldn't understand it, if Japan actually like all the Stupid Brother crap they're putting us through.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
And is there any way we could even voice our discontent with the Japanese creators?
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
It's too bad they can't do like online comic strip writers do for quest strips. Have authors of other good series write a filler arc for them for example, rather than having the inkers 5th cousin or whoever the fuck writes fillers now.
I like to imagine what a Toriyama written filler would be like.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
I like to imagine what a Toriyama written filler would be like.
A shitty one, though not as bad as the current.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
A Toriyama filler would be so kick ass.
Even if it sucked it'd be cool to watch.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
I loved naruto, but now it seems so slow. I think we need 2 episodes per week, not 1. Kinda boring lately, i better read the manga, at least i dont get the same feeling.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
I loved naruto, but now it seems so slow. I think we need 2 episodes per week, not 1. Kinda boring lately, i better read the manga, at least i dont get the same feeling.
No, it seems slow because you have to wait a week for each episode. When I first started watching, there were about 80 episodes out already. It was much funner to watch and much more fast paced without the week long gap between them.
2 episodes a week? Not a chance.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Yeah right, double the shitty filler. Thats JUST what we need...
It we got the opportunity to double something, it would be manga per week, not anime. Then we'd never have filler anymore!
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
yeh, I watched all upto the sasuke chase arc all in one go, then had to start watching weekly. It seemed really slow paced, then when the arc was over I rewatched it all in a couple of days and it seemed really fast again.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
I loved naruto, but now it seems so slow. I think we need 2 episodes per week, not 1. Kinda boring lately, i better read the manga, at least i dont get the same feeling.
You forget that the reason for the crap filler is for the manga to get further ahead? Yea, 2 episodes a week would really speed that process up...
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
I watched up to episode 48 (Rock and Gaara's battle) before I had to start the weekly wait.
wow...s'been a while.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
the first episode i had to wait a week for was when gaara showed up to help rock against kimimaro, altho that fight was kickass! and until the Naruto vs Sasuke fight it was still really awsome it was a little off in the Naruvssasuke but now me and my friend watch naruto sigh-ing the whole way through, sometimes not even reading the subtitles, then when it ends, we go "its over..?" like the episdoe was 2 minutes long, because its so crappy it seems that short
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
First episode I had to wait a week for was the episode just after Neji vs. Naruto in the Chuunin finals.
Ahh, those were good times.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
sorry for the late reply but after reading all you're comments I came to the conclusion that its true...I don't love at as much as I did. too bad. but maybe it will come again.......hope so thanks for replying everyone
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Its a "Universal truth" that Naruto has hit the rock bottom but its the law of nature. Everything that goes up, comes down. I am just banking on its rebound. Considering its high fall the next "Rise" would be something to watch. We will all just have to wait and see.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
as long as it doesnt get cancelled durin this "low" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Originally posted by: r3n
as long as it doesnt get cancelled durin this "low" [img][/img]
I hope not, the best parts are still to come.[img]i/expressions/clock.gif[/img]
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Naruto get cancelled? I highly doubt even this low-point and crappy filler will get Naruto booted off the air.
But maybe it will reach a point where they'll consider taking a break (depriving us junkies of our weekly fix) to let the actual story develop and build up some new episodes and then come back in force (where the masses will ejaculate with OMFG!1!11 NarutosbackOMFG!)
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
I'll tell u why naruto isn't good these days ..
there are many things ..
we lost the real action like (( zabuza & haku ))
some characters are disappeared about 70 eps like hinata (( we like hinata and her crush on naruto [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] ))
some characters are wierd like Asuma & Kurenai (( we need to see their action ))
and many many things ..
I think naruto anime will surprise us with a fantastic eps next weeks
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
I don't really like animated shows but I started watching Naruto because my friend said it was good. When I first started watching Naruto I was surprised, I really liked it. It was exciting and funny but now its all gone. The show has become like a little kids show. It's stupit and some of the stuff doesn't make sense. If they made these episodes just for their manga to catch up, wouldn't it be easier not to make the episodes at all? It totally ruins Naruto's reputation. The only thing theses episode adds to the story that i know is that it shows how evil orochimaru is but anyone that watches naruto already knows, I mean c'mon He has Sasuke, He used to be in that evil gang, He killed the Hokage, the good guys and the bad guys hate him... In other words theses episodes are useless and Naruto has really lost its quality.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
yeah naruto got a kind of boring or maybe cause i like Sasuke better than Naruto and Sasuke is not on the show for awhile
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
naruto is starting to get boring...it was good when naruto has new jutsu and stuff but now he's reusing his moves way too much...its kinda like watching sailor moon fights lmao so repetitive....
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
The Filler Arcs are to blame for it, and somehow every naruto episode is slow.
What do U think of the quality of naruto lately
Lately, a little boring from Naruto. So, I decide to stop downloading it from Dattebayo and just waiting Aone to continue their work. I thinks it's nothing if I'm too rush for it.