Now with a few added bonus tracks which further demonstrates why Chemistry is the worst group ever.
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Now with a few added bonus tracks which further demonstrates why Chemistry is the worst group ever.
you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this song -_-
thank you terra and your wonderful contricraption(b/c the song is gay)
lol the remix is even worse than the original [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Amazingly, that's true.
Wow. To be able to make a remix of such a worthless song even worse than the original is one amazing feat.
Man... the director must have been on some kinda chemical...
My guess is that the budget for GSD is running low and to get some money they decided that the op
should go the highest bidder. Chemistry in knowing that they suck, bought the right so they could have their
moment in fame.
...but I like Chemistry...
T.M. Revolution is wayyyyyyyyyyy better than Chemistry.
IMO about Wing of Words, it isnt THAT bad of a song, just that it didnt suit GSD, if it was put in a different Anime that suited it, then it wouldnt be so bad.
The song sucks regardless of where you put it. I have tried to listen to it a few times but it doesn't work.
the song is starting to grow into me.
i think its a fresh approach
why can't you people be more open minded
i've been listening to gundam seed and destiny songs, i just feel i want to hear them on the show and on the show only
but wings of words, and river of course, i don't mind listening to in my ipod.
So what if it's a "fresh approach". It's only fresh because it sounds different.Quote:
Originally posted by: john_doe_107
i think its a fresh approach
why can't you people be more open minded
And it has nothing do with how open minded you are - it's a really worthless song.
"A fresh approach" does nothing if the song sucks. This song shouldn't be affiliated with SEED, it's that simple. Being Open minded is what we are when we try to listen to it a few times to see if the songs grows. You can't call us narrow minded just because we don't like this awful song.
Well....regardless of all of your opinions, I still like the song...
..oh ya PSJ, you are indeed being narrow-minded; why? Instead of simply saying you dislike the song you go flaunting around that its the "worst song ever" "sucks", etc. etc. Just say you dislike it and keep your worthless negative opinions to yourself.
What you call being narrow minded is my opinion. Narrow minded would be if i listened to the song once and then said "ah this song is the worst ever, no one will top this in terms of sucky-ness" which i didn't.
I have tried the song several times, i checked it with the animation to see if it worked but it didn't, not for me anyway.
Its funny how negative opinions never are accepted while positive opinions are. I don't think Terra made this topic to discuss how good the song is, from what i can see both negative and positive opinions are accepted in this topic so don't go whining just because i don't have the same opinion as you do.
Its funny each time you watch the newest GSD ep. Watching the lillte recap from last ep + some addtional scene perhaps. And when the song kicks i always feel disgusted. Anyone else that go mute and
play a diffrent song?
I throw myself over the comp and fast forward during the OP. I have tried to watch it a couple of times but it's impossible to sit through that song.
Yeah, I fast-forward too. I really can't stand this song at all. It's so ungundamish, damnit!
the best word to describe this song in a nutshell.
i know... the other intros had the cool beat and the techno action. this one is like quote ungundamish unquote [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Everybody just shut up and accept the fact that this song sucks ass.
well, the production crew just want to create a song that contrast with the warfare, the violence of the show. the song has a saddening effect and grows on people after listening to it after a few times. at first i was shocked like everyone else. found it weird and all. the song is more suited for an ending song, whatever the case, this approach is fresh and served as a rap up for the whole series of gundam seeD+ destiny.
(upbeat songs have always been around for all the time to hype up the series, a slow song might just do the job to end everything)
True, but it would have been better if the slow song in question didn't sound like asian Backstreet Boys on smoke crack and cucumbers up their asses.
lol guess japanese male vocalist all sound like that. e.g. ken hirai... haha, have to make to with limited resources.. ^^
Other than WoW (WoS), a 192 kbps version of Vestige has been unleashed on Gendou's Anime MP3s!
Thanks for the heads up man! I love it!
from aeug.blogspot:
Wings Of Words #2
Oricon's daily singles ranking has Chemistry's "Wings Of Words" entering the charts at #2.
It's official, the entire japanese race has hearing disorders.
I liked the Opening song, and the ending. But the Opening Song, DOES NOT goes with GSD. Audio = Good, Audio + Video = BAD!!!!. The former one was way better.