do u like the zaft coats or orb coats better?
i like the zaft coats better because it looks kooler and athrun looks better in that red zaft coat than in that blue orb coat
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do u like the zaft coats or orb coats better?
i like the zaft coats better because it looks kooler and athrun looks better in that red zaft coat than in that blue orb coat
ZAFT easily, red looks superior to those silly white ones.
I also agree about Athrun, he looks strange in the ORB coat.
ZAFT uniforms looks better overall.
zaft for sure.
orb one looks like you are going to school or something...
ZAFT uniforms look smarter and i have a complaint againt against ORB's oversized collars(not sure if its that but u know what im saying...)
The Zaft coats ar more stylish, and the Orb Cooats are, hmmmmm, just like any other uniform.
EDIT: Oh, I forgot: The question is about the coats, not in which ones Athrun looks better.
Lacus' ninja outfit that you see in the OP and ED > ZAFT and Orb uniforms XD
am I the only one that likes Orb coats?
i voted for orbs!
well for the coats alone, id have to say the red does beat the white/blue
i voted for orb's suit because:
kira looks better in those whites/blue
shinn WOULD look better in thos whites/blue
cagalli would NOT look better in zaft suits
and yes, lacus makes everything look pretty...pretty much EVERYTHING. id like to see her in a line.
hmm. ORB uniforms are more classic and look better on Maryu, Miri and so. but atrun is definitively better in red, because he is the red knight!
and lunamaria is worse. she looks like a hooker. she's only missing fishnet.
Kira looks better in the red ZAFT uniform he wore it when he and Lacus stole Freedom in SEED.
White would look better on me than i pick white
ZAFT uniforms without a doubt.
The Orb ones just look silly.
zaft for me. ^.^
zaft uniforms!
coz they let lunamaria use that really short skirt.
but i think athrun looks better in an orb uniform
I am goingto say Zaft cause u can tell who the elites are off the bat with orb u have to look closer and that is almost work.
Originally posted by: jing
zaft for sure.
orb one looks like you are going to school or something...
haha thats exactly what i think when i see the orb coats. zaft easily
i'm gonna wait a bit till i give my vote... until they show more scenes with female soldiers in orb wearing a uniform ^^
When we are talking zaft coats, why does everybody mention only the red ones, there's still the white one(commander's ed) and the green one. As green doesn't suit me, I'd go with the white Zaft uniform, I like white clothes.
And hey, I like that idea with the fishnets...can we get some for Luna, please? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I really like the Zaft ones better. Also the uniform underneath is better with ZAFT. Especcially with the girls, short skirt long booths, BRILLIANT!! Since Cagalli always wears trousers with her uniform and the the ones worn by Murrue and Milliria aren't that good as for example Lunamaria and Meyrin's little skirts.
ZAFT coats all the way. Athrun looked much cooler in that outfit than the one in ORB that we see in the intro. Same for Kira back in Seed.
Yzak, Athrun, and Dearka wore Zaft suit and even Kira too. Need I say more.
ZAFT definately. The boots are stylin.
you should're a policeman [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
or part of the village people..
no one included the ea uniforms... i was kind of impartial to those uniforms...
same goes for the pilot jumpsuits cept i didn't like the helmet at all but then again i didn't like any of the helmets.
The orb coats are goodguy coats.
They have my vote.
id have to say ZAFT through and through--- the ZAFT Reds or the special suits look better than any of the other ones.
Zaft looks more better
Believe it or not, I actually like the ORB suits better. I say that because it's more peaceful colors of white and blue, which symbolizes orb, contrasted to the angry red uniforms we normally see for ZAFT even if there are other colors. Also they look a little more regal. A few added decorations, and you get a head of state (braids on Cagalli's uniform). It really doesn't take that much, but it's cool nonetheless.
ZAFT coats get my vote, they are sexy, the Orb ones are boring imo.
zaft's red is awesome! never a better suit for MS pilots. looks gd for everyone ( except the archangel crew and cagalli)
even kira looked terrific in it too :
i would say zaft coats, because it just makes everyone look good. it's that simple, whether it's kira, yzak, dearka, nicol, athrun, rusty, or heine for that matter. zaft coats for the win!
zaft for me
ZAFT, red is cool.
Practical approach - white smears way too easily. In real life [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
stylin Red ZAFT coats...
Like both =P
Zaft coats, but what color? Red of course!
This is my color order for Zaft uniforms
Red(Elite pilots)>White(Captains)>Black(Vice-captains)>Green(grunts >.< )
Black is a cool color but since Arthur is wearing one it'll have to go to #3 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
ZAFT, if i could buy one i would!
Originally posted by: telemari
hmm. ORB uniforms are more classic and look better on Maryu, Miri and so. but atrun is definitively better in red, because he is the red knight!
and lunamaria is worse. she looks like a hooker. she's only missing fishnet.
so true i vote red
Actually, you can. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: isso
ZAFT, if i could buy one i would!
u can get one on ebay lol
I'll go with Orb on this one.