Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
The one with TV-rip standing next to it. Don't worry, it's not the short version, it's the full one.. from a TV show or something I guess. The quality is still awesome though.
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Damn right, this song is amazing. Get it now! Listen to Terra for once. Not that you don't follow him like slaves normally... Anyway do it now to i know you got it in you!
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Hit the downloading, slaves!
I've had the song on repeat for an hour now.
And it's still orgasmic.
As I said, it sure makes up for Wings of Gayfagshitomfglol.
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Its obvious they commisioned the wrong people to do the intro. They meant to get these guys.
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Hit the downloading, slaves!
I've had the song on repeat for an hour now.
And it's still orgasmic.
As I said, it sure makes up for Wings of Gayfagshitomfglol.
Yes Master!
Starts downloading.
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
hitting download....hmmm...nothing hapends....
Pounding DL......stil nothing hapends.....
maybe i should stop hitting my screen...and try to click the DL link.....
YEY !!
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
thanks man!
been looking for this song for a while now
ps. the new op rocks as well
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Thanks for the link Terra.
Just changed my desktop wallpaper to the one of the Meteor found on the site.... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Omg, Should I worship you now or later?
Screw it... All Hail Terracosmo.
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Woohoo, this song is TOO good. Now I must wait for TM Revolution's new song.
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Lovely indeed. And yes, it does make up for the horrors Wings of Words put me through. So soft.
Thanks for the linkage.
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
See saw's songs rule them all. In GS and now in GSD. SWEET.
*Prostrates at Terra's feet for providing such a wonderful link*
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
See-Saw, most of the time, make amazing songs.
Great choice for the fourth ending.
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Terra,thank thy holiness for such bliss,thou shall hath mua eternal praise*ahem
This song rules all EDs of GSD,now Milord Terra,do u hath the link to doenload TM Revolution's new song(it juz matches so much with SF's scenes!)
I'm gonna listen to this song many many times
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
thanx tera 8). and i agree that this song is pretty damn good.
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
thx for this terra, this song is good
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
when i download it the box closes automatically and it opens my music player but the song doesn't appear nor will it play and it wasn't found on my comp
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Hit the downloading, slaves!
I've had the song on repeat for an hour now.
And it's still orgasmic.
As I said, it sure makes up for Wings of Gayfagshitomfglol.
*gasps, bottom lip involuntarily bounces up & down, runs to corner of room in tears* TERRA NO BAKA!!
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
I was trying to use the link but the server tells that the bandwidth quota has been reached. Anyone has another link that works with the same quality?
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
yeah..im having same issues =\
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Hey does anyone know where to download this albums
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
This song kicks ass. Thanks for the link Terra.
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
sorry Terra, already got Nipponsei's version of it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
with a second song, instrumentals of both songs, and scans of the cover [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Gundam Seed Destiny Ed4 Download!
Originally posted by: Azn_ATran
Hey does anyone know where to download this albums
If you mean the single, Click. Credit goes to Nipponsei btw.