3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
I just finished watching the 3 gundam seed special editions.
For those who don't know, it's basically all of Gundam Seed summarized in 3 parts, each being 90 minutes.
Well what can I say? They sucked mostly, awful editing and mysterious choices of scenes to leave intact.
But occasionally there were some new scenes and shots, and I'm going to save you all the trouble of downloading and watching the special editions by giving them you right now! Yeah! So with no further ado...
Reason 1: Flay's ass
Totally unnecessary addition, but for some reason it's there and we aren't complaining now are we?
Reason 2: Cagalli's sexual shower desire
Seriously, look at that posture. It's enough to make any fanboy drool.
And my dear lord, is that a nipple?
Fanservice is always nice, but this is even better. Especially considering that it looks so similar to the graduation shot of the Destiny crew. Yzak looks so young and innocent, and Dearka looks as self-confident as always. It might just be me, but I think that things like that are really cool. I mean they could easily have ignored including a shot like that, but they did anyway just because they know that we want to see it.
By the way, see Rusty in the background to the right? No wonder that guy got shot so quickly, you shouldn't be allowed to live with a haircut like that. It looks a bit like Auel's only... wrong.
On a whole other note, Miguel has the same haircut as I have right now. Interesting.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
They dont pack enough new scenes to warrent me to watch the whole series over again. If they added something significantly important I would consider it.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Well it's not like you watch the entire series again, it's 50 episodes converted into 270 minutes.
If each episode is 20 minutes, then you are only watching 13 and a half episodes, time-wise.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Rusty doesn't look that bad. A kinda generic anime haircut but nothing really wrong with it. Now the dude in green should be shot just for that haircut man that's awful, add to that how he actually looks. Damn what an ugly guy.
Terra how big was the SE file? Thinking about downloading it.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Hmm... I guess I have to watch it some day.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
I watched it and was pretty "Meh" about the whole thing.
Some cool shots and did well to remind me about stuff from Seed that I'd totally forgotten about. Some nice fan service too...
But I would never recommend this to anyone who has actually seen Seed unless you're like me and can't get enough Gundam, even if its repackaged old eps. Go outside or read a book instead. But for people watching Destiny who've never seen Seed, this is a good way to do it if you dont have the time to watch all of Seed (which is what you should do)
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Having seen GS is the only reason I haven't bothered to get this.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Hmm where to find it, a torrent for it?
Found something that should be it but i doesn't has the
scenes described.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
can you post 1 and 2?[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
have to agree, i didn't like the short versjon of the series...it's like...a long preview...
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
I know Ani-Kraze subbed it but took it offline, Terra would you by any chance know any other places in which hosts those torrents?
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Hmm... actually... if the dude second to the right is Rusty, then I have his haircut kinda. Not so orange, but close b/c I got it a little bleached. Um... so..... yeah. Terra. They're all so cute! :3
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Has the entire Special Edition (3 parts) by Ani-Kraze, roughly 4 gigs in size. DVD rip too.
Also, I recommend that you actually see regular Seed before this because the SE's pacing is hideous.
You'll be like "wtf just happened?" constantly if you don't know what really happens between their cuts.
That being said, you should DEFINITELY see the SEs even if you saw the TV series... don't see it as a substitute, see it as an addition. Because when you've seen the SEs and puzzle together the new scenes with the TV series, the whole thing becomes even better. If you get what I mean.
That's my 2 cents on them anyway.
Edit: Oh, I almost forgot. There is another reason to watch the special editions, being that you get to see a few scenes about Azrael's past... explaining why he became racist, more or less.
I don't think that was in the original series, but I might be wrong. Been a while since I saw it.
Here's a few more new scenes for those of you who can't bring yourselves to downloading the SEs (shame on you):
- In part 1, there is a scene with Rusty in the beginning (he's a bit like Nichol and asks the other ZAFT guys if what they are doing really is right)
- In part 1, Kira has a nightmare of getting killed by Yzak (if only it was real)
- In part 3, you can now see Rau's face when he loses his mask at the Mendel base (and he doesn't even look freaky... in fact, he's quite handsome. weird [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])
- In part 3, there's a new scene where Kira talks with Lacus about his parents (I think that scene is new anyhow because I really can't remember it!)
- In part 3, Mwu's helmet is removed (old news but yeah)
Also, there is a big change that is worthy of pointing out.
In the SE, Clotho isn't killed by Yzak. Instead, Dearka shoots him down immeditely after Athrun kills Orga. And it's really weird too because it's in the middle of the fight and all of a sudden Raider stops moving and Dearka shoots him. Damn, I'm so glad it wasn't like that in the TV series. Partly because it was Yzak's kill (!!!111) but also because it was mad cool to see Clotho go insane (more insane than usual anyhow).
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
(O_O) naked cagalli........................................... .......... *faints*
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
- In part 3, you can now see Rau's face when he loses his mask at the Mendel base (and he doesn't even look freaky... in fact, he's quite handsome. weird
Gundam golden rule of thumb: All masked villians are handsome.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
I think SE is worth seeing for anyone who really liked SEED or Destiny at all. Even if it is just a brief refresher, some of the new scenes are pretty cool. I just wish they added more stuff with Andy in the desert.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Unknown knowledge time: Did you know in GSD ep 36 when they give that little montage of Meryin looking at Athruns info(along with other things) you can see the pic that Terra posted of their graduation. just something I noticed.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
really? anyways, isn't Zips played on the dvd? that's another reason to watch it, IMO.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
I was hooked right at the part with Cagalli and Flay lol, and thats more than enough reason for me to watch it IMO.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Originally posted by: Digitalgirl
really? anyways, isn't Zips played on the dvd? that's another reason to watch it, IMO.
Zips plays when Kira owns all those bacows in beginning of the desert arc (where he switches OS settings halfway through the battle and impresses everybody)
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Can't find any of the described 3 scenes, looks like i have to watch it compleatly instead of
searching for it. Found a few of scenes later described. Rau without helmet, Kira discussing his parents
and Kira beeing "friendly" with Fllay.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Oh yeah, that's right, the sex scene is extended. You don't get to see anything particularly explicit though.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
the special edition comes out in the US on the 12th btw. they're calling it the gundam seed movie 1. i've been saving up my money to buy it =P
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
waah!! i can't find the shower scene with cagalli!!
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
It's when they get captured by Andy and Cagalli showers before switching to that dress Aisha gives her.
She took a shower in the TV series too, but back then we didn't get to see it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
ooooh. now i remember. in the tv series she just took a bath. (^_^)
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
It's when they get captured by Andy and Cagalli showers before switching to that dress Aisha gives her.
She took a shower in the TV series too, but back then we didn't get to see it.
Captured? They where more like invited for getting involved in that mess and so that cagalli could wash herself.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Well yes, but I was hoping the message would get across even using such a word... but I assume it came out a bit wrongful.
Eh, you get the point anyway. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Just an another quick question, did any fansub group finish the whole series?
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
umm just wondering but did anybody buy the US dvd version of the special edition(movie 1) and if so did it have the cagalli shower part?
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Originally posted by: t Mrx8st
Just an another quick question, did any fansub group finish the whole series?
If you mean the TV series, yes of course, but why get it by a fansub group when you can download the whole series in DVD quality & dual audio at www.boxtorrents.com ?
As for the Special Edition, Ani-Kraze did it (also available at boxtorrents).
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
I haven't watched hardly any of SEED, so it would be a nice addition to my collection. And save me from downloading every episode...which is a plus. :-D
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
I really don't recommend doing that. These movies should not be seen as substitutes, they should be seen as additions.
You won't enjoy Seed like it should be enjoyed if you do that.
Trust me on that one.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Thanks for sharing, I'll definitely watch it now! *drools*
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
I really don't recommend doing that. These movies should not be seen as substitutes, they should be seen as additions.
You won't enjoy Seed like it should be enjoyed if you do that.
Trust me on that one.
Terra has a real good point, the thing you get while watching the 3 part "recap" is a tuned down version of Seed with a few xtra scenes, so you should just download all of Seed plus the "recap" and also watch them in that order
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Hi, im downloading the boxtorrents version, i have found Kira being "friendly" with Fllay, and Cagalli's Shower, but i cant find Fllays ass. From the cap seeing at the beginning of this post im guessing that its part of the opening or eending, but the first and second part dont have opening, i havent watched the end of the second and the third. In which part is it, and if u could post the TIme.
EDIT: Oh, im watching the third part and around min 3, we see why Azrael hates coordinators.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Yep, we do. That scene with Azrael's past rules.
Anyway, Flay's ass is in the ending for part 2.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
What a luck, its the only part i dont have yet.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Its hillarious how many people want T&A. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] I just find it humorous.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Titties & Ass. Sorry for any minor profanity there.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Oh. You learn something new every day.
Minor profanity? Har har! Don't be so modest, grasshopper! Unleash your inner sex demons!
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Originally posted by: ArcZero
(O_O) naked cagalli........................................... .......... *faints*
"Reason 2: Cagalli's sexual shower desire
Seriously, look at that posture. It's enough to make any fanboy drool.
And my dear lord, is that a nipple?"
gaah 4gb download? *dies*
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Alright! I can swear with genital profanity as often as I like! PENISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
have anyone watch the gundamm seed special edition ?
how long is the sex scene between kira and flay ?
how long is the cagali shower scene ?
is there any other nude scene apart from those two? is it worthed downloading and watching
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
I've watched it. The Cagalli shower scene is really short, but the Flay sex scene thing is a little longer. It's switches between Kira fighting and and the sex scene [while Zips plays ^^]. I'll rewatch the dvd later.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Have to see! *starts downloading*
I really can't believe that someone is still seeding it! *thanks those heavenly people*
Nevermind dl speed is still 3 kb/s [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
ive got a 1,5 mbps internet, before downloading i wanna ask you guys, is there a lot of people who seed it ?
is the download speed still high ? in the cagali shower , how long exacctly is it ? and samethign goes to kira flay sex, how long is the scene? is there any sex scene ? or hentai scene?
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Originally posted by: Millenium-Boyz
ive got a 1,5 mbps internet, before downloading i wanna ask you guys, is there a lot of people who seed it ?
is the download speed still high ? in the cagali shower , how long exacctly is it ? and samethign goes to kira flay sex, how long is the scene? is there any sex scene ? or hentai scene?
...Why Dun u just get porn....
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Originally posted by: aznimperialx
Originally posted by: Millenium-Boyz
ive got a 1,5 mbps internet, before downloading i wanna ask you guys, is there a lot of people who seed it ?
is the download speed still high ? in the cagali shower , how long exacctly is it ? and samethign goes to kira flay sex, how long is the scene? is there any sex scene ? or hentai scene?
...Why Dun u just get porn....
its a bit of topic i thinkm in it does not answer my question
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Well if you really want to know i timed the shower scene too 8 seconds and the sex scene isn't that much longer and they don't show anything explicit in the sex scene. So if you only want to download it for these two reasons don't bother.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
lmfao u TIMED it.. u have NO LIFE but still i wanted to know.... i am soo perverted :'(
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Originally posted by: shadowstalker888
lmfao u TIMED it.. u have NO LIFE but still i wanted to know.... i am soo perverted :'(
At least he can spell correctly.
@aznimperialx: Because porn doesn't have Cagalli.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
I have no life? It took 1 min to check it and this what you get for beeing nice
to those that really want too see nude Cagalli and Fllay.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Cion, ignore that moron. On behalf of all the GW pervs, your efforts are appreciated.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Three reasons to watch it and how many reasons not to watch? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I wasted approx. 4.5 hours of my life watching them and i can say they aren't worth watching unless you reeeeally want to and have nothing better to do.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
the thing is worth watching..just found my copy after months collecting dust..
i mean, you get to know why azrael hates coordinators so much, you get to see raww's face, dearka finally gets a kill.
the added scenes are worth watching IMO.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
it's just funny how they made dearka steal yzak's kill, but oh well, he died the same way at least with buster's rifle and all.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
That kill was so fucked up. It came out of nowhere and Raider just stopped moving for no apparent reason.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
yeah, kuruto seemed sane, if i remember correctly he was a lunatic shooting everywhere..
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
cool nice pics i wanna watch it. also rusty was suppose to drive the aile strike but he got shot [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Originally posted by: 6Zabuza9
cool nice pics i wanna watch it. also rusty was suppose to drive the aile strike but he got shot [img][/img]
Maybe. There are two things, we don't know for sure that Rusty wouldn't have gotten Aegis, what happened is Athrun didn't have a working gun so once he hesitated and gave Ramius a chance to start shooting again Strike would have been difficult to take, so he went with the one that was easier. Also there is no question they were planning to steal Strike as well, but they were blowing up all the supply type things they found, so they may have destroyed the Striker packs rather then stealing them. That would have left Strike with only it's knives and vulcans, but at the time that wouldn't have been so bad since it had Phase Shift and the only MSs that could do anything to it were the other Gundams which had already been stolen, and the Astray prototypes which were not really used by "soldiers".
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
i'll be very thankful if someone kindly post some interesting screenshots from this movie [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
You know, now that I think about it, if ZAFT had managed to steal all 5 Gundams, it is possible that they would have never seen battle. ZAFT was in a strong position in the war, so they could have easily taken the Gundams back to PLANT and disassembled them for study.
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
which episode was cagali's scene in...O_O
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
who wants the scene where cagalli shower?? I can cut that part out ... so u guys save the trouble to download it....
here u go.....
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Sorry, i was too busy watching on repeat. THANKS!!!
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
gah....as if i'll watch...
*click on link*
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
Were can i get em me want em
3 reasons to watch Gundam Seed: Special Edition
YAY FOR CAGALLI!!! THANKS!!!! LOL, I am such a pervert.