Originally posted by: kinggalaxia
argh, argh, argh.....I'm trying, I'm really honestly trying to enjoy this song. I can see mobile suit battles during the refrain...couples shown and confrontations in the opener......aggghh BLOODY HELL!!!!
This is it??? No, huh, huh, huh, huh, ohhhhhh! This may very well cripple my streak of "GSD is teh shit". I am semi-biased on openings and god dammit, this has to put me into a precarious position.
Couldn't this be like OP2 or 3? Hell, Pride or Bokutachi would just fine as the last opener *cries a waterfall*
I feel your pain, I really do, I am totally obsessed with good openings and this truly destroys part of why I love Seed/Destiny so damn much.