Best game within a franchise
This was spawned from the IRC topic where we mentioned the best Zelda game. What are the top games from major franchises?
Zelda: Majora's Mask/OoT (tie)
Metroid: Metroid Prime
Mario: Mario RPG/Super Mario 64
Tekken: Tekken 3
Final Fantasy: FFIX
I'll edit in more as I think of some.
Best game within a franchise
Best game within a franchise
I've never played FFIX so I don't know but, I think VII is a top franchise game too.
Best game within a franchise
hmm, i think Tekken 5 is the best out of the tekken series. it has the most characters, i think a real good story for some of the characters, mainly the mishima clan and nina and steve. it also has devil within which i think is a real good idea, you get to unlock devil jin and replay it to get some rare items. the items in the game are also a great idea, lots of replay value for 1 player mode. also they have added some new combos for a lot of the characters. plus, it has the arcade modes of tekken 1-3. angel in tekken 2 OWNS!
i like soul calibur 2 also, mainly for the same reasons as tekken 5, although namco stepped it up a notch for t5.
goldeneye, need i say more?
warcraft iii, man this is a great game. different, yet cool graphics, adding heroes brought a whole new dynamic into the game, especially online. perfect one player and multiplayer game.
and a game i had a lot of fun with, ultima online: rennaisance. imo, one of the best mmorpgs ever made.
Best game within a franchise
Dead or Alive: Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy IV
Mario: Mario 64
Metroid: Super Metroid (I never really cared for the Gamecube Metroid games)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (The GBA games are nice, too)
Best game within a franchise
soul blade/egde: soul calibur 1 ( i doubt 3 will beat it )
unreal : unreal tournament 2007 wil be the best ( unreal 1 counts, cause it also has the same mulitplayer aspect)
* Vs * franchise: marvel versus capcom 2 is still the best
DOA: Doa3 ( after ultimate i missed brad wong )
C&C: Red Alert 2/Generals ( ra2 gameplay/generals gfx)
Devil May Cry: DMC1 ( although dmc3 comes very close)
Metal Gear Solid: MGS1
Splinter Cell: SCCT
im sure im missing alot here
Best game within a franchise
Suikoden: Suikoden 2
Langrisser: Der Langrisser
Vandal Hearts: VH2
Best game within a franchise
Castlevania: Symphony of The Night
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy X
Metroid: Metroid Prime
Super Mario: Super Mario Bros. III
Zelda: Majora's Mask
Best game within a franchise
Dark Forces: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Zelda: A Link To The Past/Link's Awakening
Metroid: Super Metroid
Castlevania: SOTN
Soul Calibur: Soul Blade (I liked breaking weapons, the quest mode was great too)
Megaman: Megaman X1
Final Fantasy: FFVII/FFVI (Opinion changes every other day)
Metal Gear Solid: MGS3
Console Star Wars games: Super Empire Strikes Back
Best game within a franchise
Zelda: A Link To The Past ( will probably be replaced by Twilight Princess, however )
Castlevania: Aria Of Sorrow ( it's all about Soma Cruz for me )
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater
Final Fantasy: FF VI
Baldurs Gate: Baldurs Gate II / Throne Of Bhaal
Devil May Cry: Dante's Awakening
Seiken Densetsu: Seiken Densetsu 2 ( also known as Secret Of Mana in US/EU )
Tales: Tales Of Symphonia
Star Ocean: SO3
Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic
Best game within a franchise
Mario- Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Final Fantasy- Final Fantasy IX
Devil May Cry- Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Metal Gear Solid- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Zelda- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Star Wars- Star Wars: Republic Commando & Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Best game within a franchise
zelda: minish cap & MM
Mario: super mario 2 damn i loved this game
Final Fantasy: VI
C&C: RA2 yuri
donkey kong: 3
Best game within a franchise
StarFox!! WOOT!!
and the old Goldeneye was awsome, better than all the new FPS.
Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy: FFVII
Best game within a franchise
Final Fantasy: FFX / FFIX (Bahamut was beautiful in IX; I've never played VI)
VS Series: Marvel v. Capcom
Street Fighter: Super SF II / SF III: Third Strike
Devil May Cry: DMC1 (Based between 1 & 2. Haven't played 3)
Mario Bros.: Super Mario Bros. 3
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
Dragonball Z: Dragonball Z Legends
X-Men: X-Men Legends
Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 3
Best game within a franchise
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy Tactics. I know its not one with the numbers 1-12, but its the most fun I've had playing a FF game. Otherwise, FF6.
Megaman: Megaman 4
Megaman X: Megaman X3. That was the last time an X game was both challenging and non-crap ( X4-5 were too easy, X6 was crap. Haven't played X7-8).
Mario Bros: Super Mario World
Sonic The Hedgehog: Sonic and Knuckles
Ninja Gaiden: The X-box one. they're all superb, but the xbox one is just...omfg!
Best game within a franchise
Zelda: ocarania of time (never thought majora's mask stood up to it)
sonic: sonic cd
mario: sunshine!
fighting game: capcoms vs. snk 2
fps: ring over good people's heads 2 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Megaman: X
tekken: 5
sf: third strike
Best game within a franchise
^ Jacked.
FPS: Golden Eye / Angelic Cranial Adornment 2.
Megaman: Megaman 2 / X3.
Best game within a franchise
Best game within a franchise
Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy X
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
(Super) Mario: 64
Sonic: and Knuckles
Dead or Alive: 2 Ultimate
Street Fighter: Alpha 3
Dragonball(Z): Budokai 3
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater
Star Wars: Kinghts of the Old Republic (Battlefront 2 is shaping up to be a real contender)
Vs. Series: Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Megaman: Legends 2 (I personally enjoyed it, despite its flaws)
Tekken: 5
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
James Bond: Everything or Nothing
By the way guys there never was such a franchise as FPS unfortunately (that would be awesome if there was though) , so Holy Angelic Light Ornament 2 has to go under the Holy Angelic Light Ornament franchise category and Golden Eye under James Bond.
Best game within a franchise
james bond : everything or nothing ( AWESOME GAME!!! )
Best game within a franchise
Final Fantasy: VII
Mario: Mario 64
Street Fighter: SF2 Turbo
Sonic: Sonic The Hedgehog (1) on the megadrive (genesis)
Best game within a franchise
diablo ii was a good game too.
Best game within a franchise
Final Fantasy: FF7
Mario: Mario sunshine
Sonic the hedgehog: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Smash Brothers: Smash Brothers Melee
Warcraft: World of Warcraft
Zelda: Ocarina of time (but I have a feeling I might change it to the upcoming one)
Metroid: Metroid Prime
Best game within a franchise
For the Final Fantasy, I'd go with 6 (or 3 in US).
I dunno if Smash Brothers can qualify as a franchise. I mean, yeah, there are two games, but isn't that too small? Well, even so, I agree with Smash Bros Melee being the better.
Warcraft, well, I didn't really like WoW, so WCIII for me.
Zelda.... LttP (SNES)
Best game within a franchise
Zelda: Link to the Past (havent played and Cube ones ....)
Mario: Super Mario All Stars! --- but Super Mario RPG a close 2nd....
Final Fantasy- 7.... ohh but 6 and Tactics were super sweet too
Sonic- Sonic 3 + Sonic & Knuckles
Bond- Goldeneye, just for the sheer number of hours I played it.
Xeno- Xenogears, accept no cheap prequel knockoffs!
Tekken- TAG! Double the characters, double the strategy
Ogre- Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber
Best game within a franchise
hey was link to past for N64 or GCUBE?
Best game within a franchise
Link to the Past was SNES you newbie.
Best game within a franchise
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Soul Calibur 2
Sonic: Sonic The Hedgehog
Street Fighter 2
Resident Evil 2
Pro Evolution 4
Best game within a franchise
sonic adventure 2 was good. (i forgot that 1)
Best game within a franchise
Best game within a franchise
Hmm... Mut sends a oneliner in response...
Then Krbadass sends another oneline in response to Mut's oneliner saying don't spam.
Well then, let me say to both of you "Don't spam".
Hah, my post is now 4 lines long.
So is this also spam?
Oh, and I never played MSG 3 but was so dissapointed w/ MSG 2: Sons of Liberty that I have to go with the original MSG for PS1 as my fave of that series
Best game within a franchise
MGS 3 is soo much better than MGS 2 so if you are MGS fan its a must.