Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
grab it here
I haven't seen it yet as i started to just download it.
edit: After watching RAW: begining is lame but I get to see neo without a mask but not his full face although i did saw his scares(where helmet glass should be). Destoyer is awesome as it got reflectors. Shinn got jerker then ever after he was free to fight Destroyer, It showed be his look he game Athrun.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
just another boring ep..
shinn got out, kira wanna go
all that's left over is to let kira shoot stellar down then either freedom is demaged during fighting destroy or cuz seed shinn vs no seed kira......then destiny and strike freedom will show up.....
or even just destiny will show up.......strike freedom is just a upgrade of freedom like RX-78-2 did in one year war
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Wow. Destroy Gundam is Amazing. The shield ,so far from what I have seen, can manage to block everything from beam, missles, and the entire mobile suit. I don't like all the gestures that Shinn was making. It seemed to me like he was being cocky but we won't know until the subbed version. Also with Kira's and Shinn's current gundams I don't think that they will be able to defeat destroy. I hope that Shinn gets the hell beat out of him so he can be brought down a couple of levels. I also agree that Kira's gundam will be damaged then upgraded but we will have to wait until the next episode.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
Wow. Destroy Gundam is Amazing. The shield ,so far from what I have seen, can manage to block everything from beam, missles, and the entire mobile suit. I don't like all the gestures that Shinn was making. It seemed to me like he was being cocky but we won't know until the subbed version. Also with Kira's and Shinn's current gundams I don't think that they will be able to defeat destroy. I hope that Shinn gets the hell beat out of him so he can be brought down a couple of levels. I also agree that Kira's gundam will be damaged then upgraded but we will have to wait until the next episode.
he IS being cocky.....
and i don't think power is just by the units, it's a factor...but i think main reason of a unit is powerful is still the pilot...not just the unit itself......
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
*** Possible spoiler if you haven't seen the episode ****
Well after 31 the is neo mwu question can pretty much be put to rest. Given this is still mearly the raw and there is no text but its pretty obvious Neo is in the beginning not wearing a mask at the very least.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
um...first...what's the point of waiting text....raw is enough...=.=b
and answer os mwu=neo is pretty obvieus since phase 2~3
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Wow, the Destroy Gundam is frickin insane. I wonder how the hell Kira or Shinn is gonna defeat it.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
For some reason, I just did not like this episode.
Destroy is the most ridiculous gundam ever. Pretty gay looking too.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Exactly how does this episode contribute any more "evidence" regarding Neo being Mwu?
We saw him without the mask, so what, we've seen that in opening 3 for 5 or so episodes now haven't we?
If anything, it shows how much Neo isn't Mwu.
Yeah, like Mwu would take advantage of a druggie female's feelings to make her jump into a oversized gundam which is meant to destroy half of the world...
And yes, Neo is more or less manipulating Stellar (sure, he seems to care about her, but just look at the way they talk to each other)
Ah well. People are hopeless when it comes to this issue anyway.
Destroy looks damn imbalanced. I wonder how they'll bring it down.
There's still so much they need to answer in the coming 19 episodes...
Also, I have this feeling Sting will die very soon.
@PTX: "um...first...what's the point of waiting text....raw is enough...=.=b"
Well I don't know... maybe we want to actually KNOW what they are SAYING?
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
@PTX: "um...first...what's the point of waiting text....raw is enough...=.=b"
Well I don't know... maybe we want to actually KNOW what they are SAYING?
isn't that why there are classes out there to let you learn japanese?O-O
and you don't even really have to actually go learn them, by watching japanese anime and dramas for over 8 years should let you know the basic of japanese......doesn't it?O-O
at least i don't really find it that hard to understand.....and subs are sometimes missing the original ideas....that's what i don't really like about subs....
back to topic.....honestly....psycho is just Big Zam combined with Psycho.......i don't get why are ppl thinking it's so amazing....completely not original design......
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
1, not all countries have japanese classes.
2, not everybody have time to take classes when they have ordinary school (or work) to go to.
3, not everybody have watched anime in 8 years (what kind of assumption is that to make?)
4, I don't even understand why I am telling you these extremely obvious things...
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
What's with Sting's sudden attitude? He seemed like the the sane one in the group and now so much hate for poor little Steller. Not her fault she's soooo much better then him. I hope Steller beats the crap out of Kira next ep.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
oh man distroy rules
i hope it gets distroyed coz thats going to be a BIG bang
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Aeon
What's with Sting's sudden attitude? He seemed like the the sane one in the group and now so much hate for poor little Steller. Not her fault she's soooo much better then him. I hope Steller beats the crap out of Kira next ep.
He probably has an injured pride since he's been around all that time unlike the other two (Auel died and Stellar was gone), so I guess he felt that he would do a better job controlling it. Also, I think it's just the director's way of revealing to us why Sting didn't get the gundam instead of Stellar (unless this scene took place, many people would probably ask "hey, why did stellar get it and not Sting?"... I know I would).
Also, it saddens me that Auel's death has gone so unnoticed...
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Aeon
What's with Sting's sudden attitude? He seemed like the the sane one in the group and now so much hate for poor little Steller. Not her fault she's soooo much better then him. I hope Steller beats the crap out of Kira next ep.
did anyone pay attention to earlier phases?
sting's memory about stellar was washed away...
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
1, not all countries have japanese classes.
2, not everybody have time to take classes when they have ordinary school (or work) to go to.
3, not everybody have watched anime in 8 years (what kind of assumption is that to make?)
4, I don't even understand why I am telling you these extremely obvious things...
actually....i do think it's pretty obvieus that you guys can learn real basic japanese under so much anime...i can't think why someone won't learn the most basic spoken language of a culture after watching so many shows....not like i am asking you to write or read...but listening and speaking should be no problem at all...
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Hey all, first time poster, recent fan to the Gundam franchise... anyway my thoughts...
Sorry Terra, but Auel's death didn't come soon enough for me. The little snot had it coming.
As for the episode; Shinn deserves to be pimpsmacked from here to next week. Someone should take him mid his smack talk, show him the destroyed cities, dead people, and what not and tell him that he had to be such a self-righteous prick about Stellar. It's his fault. No way around it. True, Stellar would have perished, but logistically, a lot more people would have been living if Shinn wasn't such a (insert your favorite four letter explative here). Which brings me to another issue I think I got with some of the themes of the series;
a lot of people in this series are hypocrites.
What bugged me a lot was the Archangel's interference between the Minerva and the Orb troops. I can understand Cagalli's desire to protect her troops, but I doubt the Minverva's crew would just let themselves be sunk just because of some brat politician didn't have the guts to actually speak for herself. When, if I heard right, this should not have happened after the ending of Seed.
Instead, what the Archangel COULD have done was announce their neutrality, speak with the crew of the Minerva and FINALLY figure out whom the real bad guys were; the war profitteers. (That's right, Dubya, I'm looking at you!)
But I digress;
now, thanks to baby Shinn, people are dying at an even greater rate with the Big Zam... er, Destroy and all that little punk gets is a slap on the wrist. They should have just tossed him into Levenworth and give Athrun his Gundam. I think I speak for the victims when I say; "Good one, Shinn!". *thumbs down*
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
"actually....i do think it's pretty obvieus that you guys can learn real basic japanese under so much anime...i can't think why someone won't learn the most basic spoken language of a culture after watching so many shows....not like i am asking you to write or read...but listening and speaking should be no problem at all..."
You are officially an idiot.
@twh: I didn't mean among you guys, I meant in the show. Nobody comments on his death... sure, Sting probably got his memory wiped but still :/
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
"actually....i do think it's pretty obvieus that you guys can learn real basic japanese under so much anime...i can't think why someone won't learn the most basic spoken language of a culture after watching so many shows....not like i am asking you to write or read...but listening and speaking should be no problem at all..."
You are officially an idiot.
@twh: I didn't mean among you guys, I meant in the show. Nobody comments on his death... sure, Sting probably got his memory wiped but still :/
well...that's how i learned my japanese....and obvieusly it's working...
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Terra said:
"@twh: I didn't mean among you guys, I meant in the show. Nobody comments on his death... sure, Sting probably got his memory wiped but still :/"
Ah, so that's what you meant. And you're right. Which shows just how evil Neo and Co are.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
First the most important possible comment, I WANT EPISODE THIRTY TWO NOW!!!!
Okay then, I honostly did not believe that Shinn could possibly get any worse. Obviously I was wrong. Really, Shinn's accomplishments haven't been all THAT great (only notable exception being the Lohingrin Gate). It is just wrong the way Shinn got out of that. I've always hated Shinn, but this is the first time I've seriously felt the urge to kill him myself. I had to fight back the urge to punch my monitor.
With Destroy, the key is combination. It is better then either Big Zam or Psycho on their own. Easily better then Big Zam with it's over heating problems. I'm sure with time that Zeon could have solved the problem, but it wasn't.
To try and take out Destroy, no one has tried attacking from behind yet (I know it is cowardly, but sometimes it is the only practical solution) though I would hope with all the work they put into Destroy they would think to add a shield to cover the back. I believe the best possibility is from underneath.
When Destroy fired it's primary cannons, Sting's reaction said a lot. You know when a drugged up and mind controlled to do as he is told thinks something is overkill, it really is.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
did anyone pay attention to earlier phases?
sting's memory about stellar was washed away...
I figured Neo gave him his memories of her back since he said he was better suited to pilot Destroy.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Aeon
did anyone pay attention to earlier phases?
sting's memory about stellar was washed away...
I figured Neo gave him his memories of her back since he said he was better suited to pilot Destroy.
It is more likely that he simply introduced Stellar as a new "recruit" or something like that.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
okay everybody first off shinn is a real prick whose about to have reality smack him real hard in the face when he finds out who the pilot of destroy is second kira is most likely to lose his fight with destroy with some heavy damage thats what i think. and as for learning japanese who care's if you can download the sub version
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: PTX-003C
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
"actually....i do think it's pretty obvieus that you guys can learn real basic japanese under so much anime...i can't think why someone won't learn the most basic spoken language of a culture after watching so many shows....not like i am asking you to write or read...but listening and speaking should be no problem at all..."
You are officially an idiot.
@twh: I didn't mean among you guys, I meant in the show. Nobody comments on his death... sure, Sting probably got his memory wiped but still :/
well...that's how i learned my japanese....and obvieusly it's working...
now how bout' you try learning english
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: PTX-003C
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
"actually....i do think it's pretty obvieus that you guys can learn real basic japanese under so much anime...i can't think why someone won't learn the most basic spoken language of a culture after watching so many shows....not like i am asking you to write or read...but listening and speaking should be no problem at all..."
You are officially an idiot.
@twh: I didn't mean among you guys, I meant in the show. Nobody comments on his death... sure, Sting probably got his memory wiped but still :/
well...that's how i learned my japanese....and obvieusly it's working...
If you're so good, then sub the anime then.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Exactly how does this episode contribute any more "evidence" regarding Neo being Mwu?
We saw him without the mask, so what, we've seen that in opening 3 for 5 or so episodes now haven't we?
If anything, it shows how much Neo isn't Mwu.
Yeah, like Mwu would take advantage of a druggie female's feelings to make her jump into a oversized gundam which is meant to destroy half of the world...
And yes, Neo is more or less manipulating Stellar (sure, he seems to care about her, but just look at the way they talk to each other)
Well lets look at a few things here Terra. First off Neo has the same face as Mwu and this is the first time we have been 100% able to identify him as the scared guy in the opening. Next we can now show that the facial scars match the scars Mwu would have had if he survived somehow and had helmet glass cut into his face.
Now as to any personality conflicts between Neo and Mwu. Basically note we already have a device capable of altering memories I see absolutely no reason that the same machine could not have removed certain events from Mwu's mind and altered others which would make him into the man he is now. Neo has already refered to not having a past as well as the meaning of the word Neo in the first place. I see no reason at this time to argue that Neo is not Mwu and I see absolutely no evidence he could be anyone else. Also please note Mwu was orignally a EA soldier so why wouldn't they be able to simply turn him back into a loyal soldier with the memory rewrite.
That entire matter aside. Destroy is absurd and we definatly see how Freedom will be getting damaged enough to need a replacement reguardless of the outcome. Also I would like to point at my feelings about Shinn's character and then direct you at this episode. Shinn has in no way grown releasing Stellar didn't make him a changed man all it did was make him more selfrightous then ever.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
PTX-003C, shut the fuck up.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: jing
Originally posted by: PTX-003C
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
"actually....i do think it's pretty obvieus that you guys can learn real basic japanese under so much anime...i can't think why someone won't learn the most basic spoken language of a culture after watching so many shows....not like i am asking you to write or read...but listening and speaking should be no problem at all..."
You are officially an idiot.
@twh: I didn't mean among you guys, I meant in the show. Nobody comments on his death... sure, Sting probably got his memory wiped but still :/
well...that's how i learned my japanese....and obvieusly it's working...
If you're so good, then sub the anime then.
don't really like the idea of subbing for other ppl...especially when i am not getting paid....
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Sigh, a lot of you are not being very mature about this talking of the various issuesis GSD. In the end, instead of rationally posting your opinions and respecting each other's point of view, you are trying to reduce the other party as less intelligent than yourself.
I'm no moderator but please, lets be grow up about our discussions. No point flaming the other just because the other is a Sinn Asuka fan, or thinks Neo is Mwu La Fraga, or thinks Cagalli is a wimp (that's me) or that Kira is a wimp. (That's my anti) Post your opinions but face it, despite all your arguments, its all going to be clear in the series sooner or later. So why bash your heads into the wall for something that hasn;t been shown yet?
Anyway, back to the series. I get the feeling that very soon, I'm going to feel sorry for Shinn. There's no doubt he's going to face Stellar soon. (having the only functional suit left on Minerva) And no doubt, he's going to feel all invincible because the CHAIRMAN just pardoned him from what should have been capital punishment. So he's feeling high and mighty, even sticking his nose up at Asuran. Then he goes fight Destroy.
Sigh, I can only anticipate the anguish in him when he somehow discovers Stellar is piloting the damn thing. Whether or not he manages to actually destroy Destroy (sounds weird, I know) and Stellar along with it, that's a big question mark. If Stellar does die, the poor guy will probably go insane. One moment you are the king of the world, next moment u discover u are indirectly responsible for setting the monster loose in the first place.
As the old saying foes, Twice the Pride, Double the fall.
One thing I pray doesn't happen. When Archangel tries to stop Destroy, the ORB Murasame pilots don't go out to support Freedom. Christ, they would be slaughtered.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: naruto22
One thing I pray doesn't happen. When Archangel tries to stop Destroy, the ORB Murasame pilots don't go out to support Freedom. Christ, they would be slaughtered.
They have a reason to be there: to die in the midst of battle and to induce more close up teary shots of the Archangel pilots fighting in anguish and to show the painful side of the war. In other words they're gonna die and Cagali's gonna cry......
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
>_<...stop Bashing Shinn >_<
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
It's hard not to bash him, I seriously believe it is the director's intention for us to hate him. I think what summed it up for me was Shinn telling Asuran that there is someone that understands him in headquarters. You're a damn pawn. Also when he was released he looks at Talia like "what the hell were you thinking putting me in there." Anyways 32 looks interesting, in the preview it looks like Kira is going seed mode, hes got the dead-eyes look.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: cybercoin
>_<...stop Bashing Shinn >_<
I give my solemn word that I will stop hating and bashing Shinn AS SOON AS Shinn stops deserving it.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Ok, ok.....Shinn is showing more signs of being an asshole, specially with the 'someone higher up respects me' remark....but that's Gilbert pawning him like he is everyone else. Thus, Shinn will be a victim soon enough.
Neo = Mwu? More probable....but who's to say it's Mwu who's in the latest opener?
@naruto22's quote: Someone watched Episode III. That was Dooku's best line (of so few).
@PTX: ummm, y'think fansubbers charge us??? ugh.....you so suck, y'know that? just...just leave
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
The problem is that shinn thinks to highly of himself and now thinks he even has friends in high places i think this character is becoming more twisted with each episode i wonder whats going to happen to him next maybe it might do him some good if stellar shoots him down and steps all over him
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
The problem is that shinn thinks to highly of himself and now thinks he even has friends in high places i think this character is becoming more twisted with each episode i wonder whats going to happen to him next maybe it might do him some good if stellar shoots him down and steps all over him
I realy hope thats going to happen
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Wow, I thought Neo would make at least SOME effort to keep his word, like maybe putting Stellar in a hospital or something and then bringing her back later on when he's desperate and has no other choice. But instead he immediately puts her back into the fight. Looks like he's just a lying bastard after all.
And I think Shin is being set up for a big fall. He's much too sure of himself right now. It could be that Stellar defeats him, but equally likely that he kills her and finds out how wrong he's been.
And I still think Destroy looks like a giant kitchen appliance.
Edit: Dilandil: You killed her, Shin. Shin: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!1!!!11
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Someone that has seen the whole series (I'm waiting for White_Base to finish their releases and just watch it all at once), did Kamille get this bad Zeta? We all know that the "SEED series" is a 21st century look at the original story. I remember someone saying that Kamille got better (as a character) later on in Zeta. I was wondering if it was earlier then this in the series or after?
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Why is it that Seed-Fansubs drag their ass anymore? j/w
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Um the SEED-FANSUBS version is out. What do you mean by dragging their asses? I just don't bother posting links much anymore. But here.
SEED-Fansubs Episode 31
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
When are they gonna have Athrun sex Lunamaria. They're always together.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
I thought the name "destroy" was a bit lame but actually having seen the stuff it does...well...it's describing, at the least.
Shinn is only a good character when he is in action.
About how he and rey got excused by the chairman...i predicted as much..
*Chairman gets request from minerva to apply a sentence*
*reads first line* Hmm..Uhh..WHAT?? My favourite pilots! The fuck they trying to do! Where'd I put the stamper with "Rejected"?
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Aramis
I thought the name "destroy" was a bit lame but actually having seen the stuff it does...well...it's describing, at the least.
Shinn is only a good character when he is in action.
About how he and rey got excused by the chairman...i predicted as much..
*Chairman gets request from minerva to apply a sentence*
*reads first line* Hmm..Uhh..WHAT?? My favourite pilots! The fuck they trying to do! Where'd I put the stamper with "Rejected"?
Not so much his favorite Pilot but Shinn's actions certainly would help out with Dullindale trying to kill everyone it gives the enemy back a key pilot and keeps both sides from getting any real advantage. I still believe the Chairman is using the Minerva as a place to store all the potential trouble makers so he can use them to press the enemy which either gets them killed or makes the enemy more desprate to kill them either one is good for the guy who wants everyone dead.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
just watched it. damn Destroy kicks ass. With it's size and all, I highly doubt that i'll be able to get into space, but then you nvr know.
Shinn's attitude towards Athrun at the end just made me fucking hate him even more. theres no need for him to be all smug about it and all, and it seems like Rey supported him too! Can't wait till next ep to see how Freedom deals with Destroy.
I'm starting to think that Dullindal is sort of in league with Djibril, since he did have the Destroy data. He probably wants all the trouble-makers, which are on Minerva, to just die. Why not kill Shinn and Rey first? Of course, to make himself look good and have them die in a "glorious" battle.. I dunno, those are just my thoughts though. Anyways, cool ep.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Just managed to watch episode 30 and 31~ Actually I think Shinn is correct with almost everything he said in both episodes, except his last remark against Athrun at the end wasn't called for at all. Destroy seems to have lots of 'Area of Effect' weapons, but has little in the way of countering a single elite mobile suit (such as Freedom or Impulse). I don't know how much trouble either of them would have if they became serious versus Destroy.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Well Destroy has beam guns all the way around the backpack thing, as well as beam guns in every finger. Also anywhere in front of it is just a deathtrap, with the primary guns, the 3 chest cannons, and I think it had a cannon in the mouth as well. Defensively it is set with it's positron reflector as well as shields on both arms that can be moved to anywhere around destroy.
A major key to the battle, take out Chaos and Neo's Windam first. Destroy is going to be a handful and haveing them there as a distraction will only make things worse.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Man, Sting is so going to die in the next episode.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
I saw the episode and man, Destroy is really packing O_O. I don't like how Shinn is acting like he's the big shot all of a sudden just because they let him live. Athrun may have been annoying when Minerva met with ORB a few episodes before but he's still got some principles, as Ramius pointed out with her chat with Kira. Next episode seems like its gonna be a good one. I wonder if Impulse meets its destruction in this episode? I'm really looking forward to seeing Shinn's Destiny Gundam, the energy wings are so cool!
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
i guess people's reaction after watching ep 31 would be to hate shinn even more. the way he sort of let out an evil grin at athrun (or probably a smirk?, like "ha! im almight..")
destroy is lame. doesnt even look like a robot. more like a giant turtle ha ha ha. it's a very slow mecha, it was just appropriate to have shields as defenses as fast moving mechas like freedom can easily go to its weakspot (provided they know where it is)
but then again, it is awfully huge. i hope it will be action this time going to ep 50. the way it's been going (take out the flashbacks from previous episodes and from gundam seed) it feels like the series is still in episode 15 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Slow? Nah, you never know. It just might suddenly drop its shell and bust out some kung fu. I don't see how Freedom will beat it. It's like a combination of all the defensive and offensive gear from every gundam. But seeing how this is a show, we know something magical will happen and something will hit the magic G spot.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Something about the way Shin acted inthat lasst episode makes it seem lke he's got a secret he's not telling anyone - that cocky statement about 'someing at headquarters understands me' was delivered to cooly to be anything but damn evil, plus that look... you know the one i'm talking about!
Side Note: I got annoyed when Destroy launched those mobile I-field emmitters; the stupid pilots decided to shoot at them (the only things they had NO hope of damaging), rather than the big gun shooting at them... Reall,y is ANYONE that stupid?
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Did you see how cynnical Shinn looks, with that cocky face of his... haha.. i think he's gonna hit hard when he finds out what he did. I think in the end, Shinn will pay dearly for his actions (eg. handing Stellar back) that includes sacrificing his life.
thats the worse Gundam (X1 Destroy) I've ever seen, its like its head is stuck in a heavily amoured and fully armed toilet seat with christmas lights dingling around it (e.g. Disco Ball).
I like to see Freedom and Impulse dance around Destroy.. haha
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
oh cmon just because it isnt small and nimble and has big frilly wings on its back doesnt mean it isnt cool. id take destroy anyday over like, i dunno, that silly wing gundam zero custom. besides, its a gundam that transforms into a byg zam, how cool is that!?
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
The main problem i see with Destroy, is that Mobile Suits were cutting edge, tide-turning technology because they were fast and manouverable, so they stood a better chance at surviving than mobile armours... why the EA didn't think to just build a bigger, more indestructable gun before is beyond me. So having a giant Gundam seems pointless, though you can only have SO many new systems to keep 'regular' sized Gundams seem more and more interesting.
Hell, why doesn't ZAFT just build another G.E.N.E.S.I.S. to do the job?
They can do that now, atleast I would, since the EA just busted out a huge MS that took out 3 innocent cities full of even more innocent people.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Kovash
The main problem i see with Destroy, is that Mobile Suits were cutting edge, tide-turning technology because they were fast and manouverable, so they stood a better chance at surviving than mobile armours... why the EA didn't think to just build a bigger, more indestructable gun before is beyond me. So having a giant Gundam seems pointless, though you can only have SO many new systems to keep 'regular' sized Gundams seem more and more interesting.
Hell, why doesn't ZAFT just build another G.E.N.E.S.I.S. to do the job?
They can do that now, atleast I would, since the EA just busted out a huge MS that took out 3 innocent cities full of even more innocent people.
Well if they are concerned about innocents then GENESIS wouldn't be viable. They could take out the EAF Moon Base again, but they couldn't blast targets on Earth without causeing major damage to the planet, thus hurting those same innocents.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
well what im getting at is that its just as untouchable as a small mobile suit, those i-field generator things (for lack of the correct term) pretty much make it untouchable in much the same way that, say, freedom is untouchable with its mobility. so basically i think its as good if not better than freedom itself ( [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]), the only difference being its not piloted by the "Ultimate Coordinator"
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
just thought I'd throw in some more detailed info on Destroy. Thanks to Seed Genesis.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Roko
just thought I'd throw in some more detailed info on Destroy. Thanks to
Seed Genesis.
Nice. Thanks!
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Like the other 3 Gundams (Abyss, etc), Destroy can also "transform" a little. Its head isn't always stuck in that toilet seat. I've seen pictures of it standing and the toilet seat is on its back. The toilet seat mode is probably the "destroy mode" while the other form is "regular combat mode"
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Yep its interesting nevertheless.
I still reckon that Dulindal and Jibril are on the same side though. Me goes thinking back to the dinner party and what was said there...Essentially though ep 31 was half the episode about Shinn's consequences, and the other was the chaos of the Destroy Gundam (Which reminded me of Freedoms obliteration earlier, when Kira beat up everybody but Shinn).
Unrelated though, i would like to see Freedom or Destroy face Gundam Wings Wing Zero or Epyon...
Anyway Ep 32 Should be Good...
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Few things to note here.
Destroy is more of a mobile armor than mobile suit. Its too gawd darn big with a shield generator that is the size of a football stadium. It would swat units like freedom like a fly and unless there are alot of kiras there arent going to be much of a sting and will make Kira and Shinn join up to take her down.
That baby was loaded. It commanded a respectable firepower to boot as well. Extended program has created a monster. She's got the perfect, although somewhat scary, mindset for warring. No emotion...except fear for your own life. Even if that thing misses she could take the side of a barn and everything else...no need for aiming. I wonder if that thing has backup batteries or run on nuclear energy...its only downside since EA has been banned from using such weapons but who is to say they wont. If not i suspect it will be pretty expensive to maintain on the battlefield but with that much power who cares if you gotta bring the cavalry just to retrieve when it could wipe out the other sides'.
Wonder how Archangel and Kira will take it down as we know Minerva is docked somewhere a bit far away from scandanavia (possibly still in the mediterranian sea) after getting its arse whupped and dealing with Athrun's shrunk pride while keeping in check Shinn's growing rebellious teen's attitude as Dulindal said he would have done away with him in under other circumstances but he's one of their best pilots atm and as such cannot afford to lose anymore after losing Heine.
Destroy reminds me of watching godzilla. On a side note i could have sworn it looked alot like one of zone of enders' bosses.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Well, either way, it is a mobile suit, not mobile armor. Although I do agree with you about it being more of a mobile armor. The fact that Destroy is a MS is said ***SPOILERS*** here, where Guardian_2000 posts what will happen in the next few eps.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: alukard
Destroy is more of a mobile armor than mobile suit.
It's acctually more of a Mobile Fortress, which explains why they call it's transformed mode it's "mobile fortress mode".
Wonder how Archangel and Kira will take it down as we know Minerva is docked somewhere a bit far away from scandanavia (possibly still in the mediterranian sea)
Acctually the fight against Destroy is supposed to take place in Berlin. That is ABOUT halfway between where the Archangel and Minerva are.
Dulindal said he would have done away with him in under other circumstances but he's one of their best pilots atm and as such cannot afford to lose anymore after losing Heine.
I don't remember Dullindal acctually saying that way. He just forgave him of all wrong "because of his excellent record to date" or some such nonsense.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: Curium
Originally posted by: alukard
Dulindal said he would have done away with him in under other circumstances but he's one of their best pilots atm and as such cannot afford to lose anymore after losing Heine.
I don't remember Dullindal acctually saying that way. He just forgave him of all wrong "because of his excellent record to date" or some such nonsense.
Actually both are incorrect Dullindal falsified the report to say that Stellar died in there care and was unable to be transfered. It was a coverup nobody actually pardoned Shinn they simply made what he did not happen.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Actually didnt he said she Escaped capture in the Seed Fansubs version...
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: LokeXero
Actually didnt he said she Escaped capture in the Seed Fansubs version...
I don't watch the Seed fansubs as I find them inferier to Haro^2 Tori^2 subs I could very well be misquoting it as I'm at work and unable to check the episode however we do both agree the report was falsified. It is quite possible they said she escaped on her own instead of her dying either way it wasn't a pardon for Shinn they simply made the incedent go away so it didn't happen. This is distinctly differn't from a pardon as all Dullindale didn't even allow it to go on Shinn's record so it could be removed.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
As for the episode; Shinn deserves to be pimpsmacked from here to next week. Someone should take him mid his smack talk, show him the destroyed cities, dead people, and what not and tell him that he had to be such a self-righteous prick about Stellar. It's his fault. No way around it. True, Stellar would have perished, but logistically, a lot more people would have been living if Shinn wasn't such a (insert your favorite four letter explative here). Which brings me to another issue I think I got with some of the themes of the series;
quoted for agreement. i also hope he learns that he killed the orb colonel that help him with his life too.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Originally posted by: DeathscytheVII
As for the episode; Shinn deserves to be pimpsmacked from here to next week. Someone should take him mid his smack talk, show him the destroyed cities, dead people, and what not and tell him that he had to be such a self-righteous prick about Stellar. It's his fault. No way around it. True, Stellar would have perished, but logistically, a lot more people would have been living if Shinn wasn't such a (insert your favorite four letter explative here). Which brings me to another issue I think I got with some of the themes of the series;
quoted for agreement. i also hope he learns that he killed the orb colonel that help him with his life too.
I don't think he will care to be honost. He seems like the type that would kill anyone with out hesitation with only the a little provocation.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
I wonder if the freedom would be destroyed, or at least damaged beyond repair. in the next episode. Hence Kira's Strike Freedom.
Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"
Yeh well with all you moving on to Ep 32 (which i need to get!) I'm sure nobody will read this post but...
Twh Welcome to the forum! Nice to see new faces. But don't talk smack about Auel or I'll see to it that your forum life here is a living hell!
I have never really liked mobile armors because I sometimes feel they are given godly crazy powers. And Destroy is no exception, but what the hell is up with those scrawny little chicken legs it has?!?! A thing of that mass couldn't possibly be supported by those little twiggy legs (like any MS could actually stand... but bear with me...)
Oh, and Rey made Shinn and Athrun shut the hell up during the jail scene. Way to go Rey!