figured terra would love that one
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figured terra would love that one
whahaha i like the 2nd link
damn its funny
where did you get those???
Haha how cute. I don't get why Stellar says "sorry sorry" in the last panel tho... and I don't get the first one either.
Long time no see btw Albino
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha too funny the first one is the awesome as i get to laugh some at yzak [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I don't get any of them.
Japanese humor sucks.
Both of em are funny.
*huggles Stellar*
STELLAR!!!! Cute... ^_^
lol the "abyss" 1 cracked me up
just the fact that you don't get the humor...doesn't mean it sucks...Quote:
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Japanese humor sucks.
i will show few comics too
ROFL these remind me of SD(super deformed NOT superior defender)
I think this is probably one of the funniest flashes of GSD I've ever seen(seeing how they're all on here) watch them all
ps: make sure you watch the one on the right on the second row from the bottom(will have dulandil)
OMG! Chibi Shani made my day. Those comics look hilarious, translate them someone... damnit!
The one with Heine & Miguel singing was amazingly cute too.
lol talia's super hair was really funny
I always thought that hair was magic! Shit, all that wax she must put in...
These manga strips reminds me of the ones found in the back of the Gundam Wing mangas. I forgot who the artist was, but back then he used to draw a lot of 4 frame manga strips with characters from Gundam W and G. There were also cart racing tournaments between all the main characters in vehicles shaped like their Gundams, which was really funny.
they are not singing....^^bQuote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
OMG! Chibi Shani made my day. Those comics look hilarious, translate them someone... damnit!
The one with Heine & Miguel singing was amazingly cute too.
OMG, that one with Dulindal kicks ass!!! Shuiichi Ikeda 4 life! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Heh i like the one where Kira gets all the chicks Lacus, cagalli(ew), Lunamaria and even Meer
The flash movies are great! More Dearka stuff! Heh he was my favorite charcter in seed too bad he doesn't really have a role in destiny =(.
Funny flashes from what I understand of them anyway.
I love how Diakka says "sankyu". Kinda his trademark when I think of it...
Second that.Quote:
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Japanese humor sucks.
Thanks for the Gundam shorts. very funny. I like the one about what was actually on Fllay's disk, and the evil Kira one too. This isn't actually that funny, but to keep the thread alive....
funny cuz it's true
heres something I found very amusing(you might like this Terra)
heres something else I found:
oh and two flashes with alot of stuff from Macross, Evangelian and Gundam(and probably someother stuff too):
were did you find that Z.A.F.T. Times its hilarius
I loved the E.A trio dead or on vacation part...
The ZAFT times made my day. Before I saw it, this day was officially the worst day ever. But the dead E.A. trio and comrade Shinn saved it.
Zaft Times: *thumbs up* Funny!
First link after Zaft Times: *two thumbs down with a frown* 'A snotty little brat kicking you in the crotch' not funny!
Super Robot Wars Flash Movies: *Two thumbs up* Extremely funny!
I present K.O.S(image heavy) :
and just b/c:
haha lolol i saw that 1 before, but without the translation, thx alot, its very funny, hahaha i really thought he lost his "little brother"
LOL, I love the part where everyone is Congratulations!
Edit: And, In just 30 episodes we've had 3 recaps! 3!
haha, nice! thanks knives!
found another one this I guess revolves around the real reason why Athrun decided to "Abandon Ship" (it even has a FMA reference(which is always good))
lol the eva reference in the first one was priceless
That's so great, all of it
lmfao wow that's hilarious!!!!! i also liked the flash movie where dearka took all of justice's parts lol!!
Searched around for stuff on GSD and found this:
GS skins for sims, yaoi doujinshi(all with Yzak) and more.
Starting to believe Terra found his match. She seems somewhat
obessed over Yzak ^^
The Sims picture were quite funny.
.................boy x boy
Yea, thats just wrong, Yzak isn't gay.
Social misfit female + No contact with reality + Anime + Good looking drawing + Drawing that is somehow related to good looking drawing = Gay porn & essays
I FUCKING HATE YAOI FANGIRLS. And I hate that goddamn moron for destroying an otherwise excellent Yzak fansite with her dreams about two best friends having sex just because she feels like it. Whore.
They can take their YzaDea (LEARN TO FUCKING TYPE FULL NAMES, BITCHES!) and shove far up their eternal virgin asses. ARIFUA=)I¤")¤(!)!489898240980982410982410924082492 "%"
What? It pisses me off.
Anyway, it's a pretty good site for images and stuff but stay clear of her hormone actions.
*gets blown of his chair by the sudden outburst of anger that rushes out of the monitor*Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
ARIFUA=)I¤")¤(!)!489898240980982410982410924082492 "%"
You know Terra, you're really very Yzak-like [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
heres more:
And just b/c Dead Luna after he Zaku exploded
that 1 was great, except for the dead luna thing[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img], didnt like that 1 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
one thing does bother me though about that luna scene, after it exploded, rey looked to the left and yelled lunamaria, but wasnt luna on his right?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
@telemari: That's what they say, yes [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
lol funny comic... but damn, that dead Luna pic looks painful. Mut's gonna go super saiyan on your ass Knives
that was one of the subconcious reasons why I posted that, plus I dont like Luna and I want her to die
For your sake, I hope that was a personal wish and not an actual spoiler...
its something(more of a personal wish b/c I want everyone on the Minerva to die) , dont know if its a spoiler or not, but I was basing it off of the last main characters main love interest(Flay)
Ah okay. Good.
Is there any character you actually LIKE in Destiny btw? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
hmmm who do I actually like in GSD????
Oh I know, I like the crew of the ArchAngel and tied up Neo, and I guess Meryin is okay now. Other than that everyone else is stupid
You need to get a life and stop obsessing over me, you loser.
Haha good parody, especially the part were Shinn goes Domon and says all the stuff he says before using his Shinning Finger Sword....
Not really sure what this one is about, but it has to do with Athrun loving Cagalli:
It's about Shinn's obsession with his dead little sister, obviously.
Oh, I see now; Shinn's Crazy
Anyway I was waiting for someone to post b/c me posting this would be considered "double posting" (well it is actually).
A Day in Athruns Life:
(Also part of the story) Kiras Evil Plan:
There are no words for how great that is. I just love those short screenshot stories.
Keep them coming!
lol, I especially like the OS malfunctioning
wow, that was so awesome! even I33t level.
OWN3D!!! *laughs a storm*
Oh yeah!
Keep em coming XD
Knives, they are all absolutely hilarious, please keep em coming
it was hilarious until Athrun got owned but still funni
those story's are great please keep them comming Knives122
Kira rulez
Yeah all this are really cracking me up....... keep them coming!
they keep picking on athrun lol
heres another one, and btw these aren't mine(as they say in this parody), but anyway if you read the last one then you'll know what this one is talking about:
Shinns Retarded Attack(thats what I call it):
jesus christ that's hilarious, I love the edits
That was awesome, keep em coming i love them.
wahahah yunaxlacus, hahahaha
Knives122 those comics are absolutely amazing keep them comming.
Wow, someone made these awfully fast. Where are you getting them from? Ty for posting though, this last one was hilarious.
I dont know if any of you were aware of this but people hated the new opening song so much that they decided to put different songs with the animation(I did this myself) (ps: some of these you'll have to dl if they dont work)
so I'll post them: (this is the one I made)(its a little choppy in one part, but who cares) (downloadable version: (you have to dl this one too) (dl this one as well) btw I think this is the best one
May as well add mine to the list as well. Sorry for the choppy audio, a touchpad mouse isn't the best to edit music with.
It's a downloadable, but it's a direct link, so I don't know how many people will be able to load it at a time. If you can't get in right away, please be patient and try later.
that thought about athrun thinking he might have been dead crossed my mind a little while after i watched the ep...and wow, alot of people hated the opening
I find it really funny how practically the whole internet is doing alternate versions of the new opening.
Seriously, there can't be anyone who likes that piece of shit song.
That Kira style opening was hilarious. "Don't worry Athrun, the song has been changed"
the Kira style is the best
Kira: and your harem shot is stil in there
thats is just genius
hey..that song is good has class, the kind of thing you'd like to hear before an episode of destruction and chaos that is bound to happen from now till the end of the series..
i wonder if fukuda is getting any heat for that piece of shit opening i know he most be getting crazy emails from fans like bitch what the fuck were you thinking
why do you guys hate it so much?
i like the new opening
animation sucks though
Damn i want more parodies they are all good ^^
Kira op: He he
Wild striker op: did sound a bit werid
heres another one entitled: Like Father like song, Like master, like student:
Where do you find this awesome shit anyway?
haha "no kill policy" haha, that one was good too, though i think the 1 before was better. steller's true final words were funny though.
Keep'em coming
this is so funny
Please keep em coming
heres something I found, someone like GSD and Naruto too much:
Both Athrun and Gaara are voiced by the same person (Akira Ishida)
Haha that was awesome!! Is there more of those screenshot stories coming?
that was the only one there was(the only one I could find)
Haha that's great... they should do one with Kira as Yashamaru (Gaara's uncle) as well. They also have the same voice actor (Hoshi Souchirou).
Heh if were talking about mixing char with same VA.
How about Yzak and Sagara Sosuke?
nonono, Terra would love Ysak as the lead singer of Bad Luck (Shuichi Shindo from "Gravitation")
yep, same VA.
Make it a combo of Yzak and Touji from Evangelion and I'll be happy. Also I think a Kira / chaos (Xenosaga) hybrid would work better.
lols sabaku no zala
Yzak x Van Fanel x Domon Kasshu. Now that would be a combo. Same person voicing all of them.
Ishada from Bleach X Sasuke from Naruto....I think they have teh same voice actor aswell
Tomokazu Seki-sama (yes he gets a -sama because he is as close to Yzak as a real life person gets) indeed does a lot of roles, and ironically they are often my favorite characters in their respective shows (Ashton in Star Ocean EX is another example).
He also plays Rentarou from Futakoi Alternative, who is one LUCKY bastard, if you've seen the show you know what I mean.
The "Cat" from Fruit Basket is the same VA for Yzak too.
Not sure of his name Kyo? His anger resembles Yzak a bit.
Shouted Kuso(or how it is now spelled) at some occasions even.
I used to frequent the gamefaqs boards and long time ago most of the guys in the gundam board made this G-pub fanfic site,, i think its gone now though,, but here's a link to a topic with members' own fanfics
a good read ^^
i'm not sure if u can access the page w/o logging in,, but should work
Ha ha clearly one of the best!