If you could choose just one anime to watch........
If you could choose to watch just one anime and it went forever with new stories and all, but never ended, what would you watch and why.
Personally i would choose One Peice, becasue it's very entertaining. It has both action and comedy and they sail the ocean so there would be endless places they could go for new stories.
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Ummm...I think Bleach cause I'm a big comedy and action fan too. But I can actually see Bleach having an ending. I dunno...but so far this anime is pretty good.
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Bleach, I am really into it right now. I have seen enough Naruto to be ok with stopping the story line. Same with Prince of tennis and Inital D.
If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Originally posted by: Foomanchew24
Personally i would choose One Peice, becasue it's very entertaining. It has both action and comedy and they sail the ocean so there would be endless places they could go for new stories.
until they run out of ocean to sail, then theyd be screwed cos they use boats which wont go on the land [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
gundam seed/destiny no doubt.
If you could choose just one anime to watch........
psj, gundams wit new story??????????? that's a lil impossible.
If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Hmm, in my case that would become a bitchfight between Initial D and Full Metal Panic (yay! new eps otw!)
Can't decide which one it would be
If you could choose just one anime to watch........
If you could choose just one anime to watch........
lol you could just watch neon genesis over and over again, who knows eventually u might understand it all
If you could choose just one anime to watch........
If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Originally posted by: jing
psj, gundams wit new story??????????? that's a lil impossible.
yea i know but ill just set that aside for this one.
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Either FMA, Gantz or One Piece. All three of those have potential to last a long time. Oh, can't forget Getbackers, that definitely should have lasted longer.
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
don't try to be nonconformists......
you all know you would really pick Naruto
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
hhhhmmmmmmm nope sorry but I wouldnt pick Naruto
for me I guess it'll be Cowboy Bebop, but I would make it alot longer(around the same eps as FMA)
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
I would Pick Hikaru no go...
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Well if there was much of the Itachi and other badguys like him that showed up i might chose Naruto, or else it's a deadlock between Bleach and One Piece (One Piece wins if it's no filler like the current arc, or else i see Bleach draw the longer straw)
If you could choose just one anime to watch........
blood massacres, backstabs , mr black swordie , tits . what more could you want..
( or perhaps FMA)
If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Azumanga Daioh
Kare Kano
School Rumble
Berserk for action, Azumanga for comedy, Kare Kano for deepness, School rumble for more comedy, and bleach for cool stuff like shinigami.
heck, at least i didn't put in Naruto
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
probably berserk if it was the full same length as the manga. that would be superb. but otherwise, just naruto, like everyone else here would. lets be honest, bleach is poo in comparison
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Beck,Bleach, Naruto or Hellsing. my top favorite anime's So any one of those I could watch forever.
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Can't pick only one...too many. Either Naruto, Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, or Get Backers.
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Great concept, great characters, much to work with.
They just need to kill off the main char and then they are all set (make Neji the new lead).
And revive Kimimaro. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Fullmetal Alchemist. Or at least until they find a way to get Ed back.
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Madlax, with the story fully on her and Remelda.
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Aww... your all DBZ fans in denial, admit it.
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Hellsing would kick ass, BTW I hear there will be a full story to it when the manga writer gets it all done (he stopped the anime because he didn't want to be relied upon for more story constantly but will allow more anime when he is done)
Or perhaps Samurai X (NOT Raruni, or how ever you spell it, crap) if it was endless stuff.
EDIT: Sorry, Samurai X - Trust style, that movie is way better than the TV anime using it's namesake. One I detest, the other I adore.
I would also probably opt for Naruto but its a hard decision to make if you were only allowed one. heh
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Add GTO to my list. That show basically was about random adventures, and there's room for plenty more random adventures.
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Originally posted by: Jessper
Or perhaps Samurai X (NOT Raruni, or how ever you spell it, crap) if it was endless stuff.
They're the same series.
Also, why isn't this in Gen. Anime?
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Actually, any series thats centered around an established plot will suck as the # of episodes approach infinity....
Alot of people who criticize naruto these days would probably have put it at the same level as any of their other favorite series if it ended after the zabuza/haku arc (which was almost the typical 1 season worth of anime that alot of shorter series end at). Conversely, if someone was to say that they could watch cowboy bebop forever, they probably wouldnt be saying that after cowboy bebop episode 307.
Therefore, the best animes to watch forever are episodes where plot is nonexistent.....
such as Jungle Wa Itsumo Hale nochi Guu [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Originally posted by: Deblas
Fullmetal Alchemist. Or at least until they find a way to get Ed back.
im with you id like them to continue till they get ed back and wrath becomes human and glutony kills lots of ppl
or maybe a prequel about the elric brothers dad creating the first stone and the destruction of that buried city
If you could choose just one anime to watch........
I suppose that is true Assertn, however anime with out a plot usualy bug me so I guess its lose lose for me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
I'm sorry Y, I meant Samurai X - Trust, I loved that movie but I can't stand the anime. The anime is a totaly different kind of show that I belive tarishes the name. But that's just my opinion.
If you could choose just one anime to watch........
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Actually, any series thats centered around an established plot will suck as the # of episodes approach infinity....
Alot of people who criticize naruto these days would probably have put it at the same level as any of their other favorite series if it ended after the zabuza/haku arc (which was almost the typical 1 season worth of anime that alot of shorter series end at). Conversely, if someone was to say that they could watch cowboy bebop forever, they probably wouldnt be saying that after cowboy bebop episode 307.
i cant pick a naruto arc i dont like (apart from that island race, but that wasnt 26 episodes thank god), and some of them (ie chuunin exam) id rate along side classics like berserk, scrapped princess, last exile, etc.
as far as sagas go, naruto is damn good, and i think itll easily keep me entertained for another couple of hundred episodes (going from whats in the manga)
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
Just joking. calm down. probably rurouni kenshin
RE: If you could choose just one anime to watch........
GTO, Bleach, Certain Gundam series (i.e. 8th MS Team, Destiny), OP, Samurai Champloo and maybe Kyo Kara Mao.